blob: 6ed8cbcfae8ffc3c1ae306f6fae3d256f259db64 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
import "protos/perfetto/config/trace_config.proto";
package perfetto.protos;
// This is the schema for the config files in /test/stress_test/configs/*.cfg.
message StressTestConfig {
optional TraceConfig trace_config = 1;
// Shared Memory Buffer setup, passed as arguments to Tracing.Initialize().
optional uint32 shmem_size_kb = 2;
optional uint32 shmem_page_size_kb = 3;
// How many producer processes to spawn.
optional uint32 num_processes = 4;
// How many writer threads each producer process should spawn.
optional uint32 num_threads = 5;
// The producer will write events until one of the following is met:
// - trace_config.duration_ms is reached.
// - max_events is reached.
optional uint32 max_events = 6;
// If > 0 will write nested messages up to N levels deep. The size of each
// nested message depends on the payload_mean / sttdev arguments (below).
// This is to cover the patching logic.
optional uint32 nesting = 7;
// This submessage defines the timings of each writer worker thread.
message WriterTiming {
// The size of the payload written on each iteration.
optional double payload_mean = 1;
optional double payload_stddev = 2;
// The nominal event writing rate, expressed in events/sec.
// E.g. if payload_mean = 500 (bytes) and rate_mean = 1000 (Hz), each thread
// will write 500 KB / sec approximately (% stalling).
optional double rate_mean = 3;
optional double rate_stddev = 4;
// If non-zero each worker will slow down the writing of the payload:
// it writes half payload, sleep for payload_write_time_ms, then write the
// other half.
optional uint32 payload_write_time_ms = 5;
// The timings used by default.
optional WriterTiming steady_state_timings = 8;
// Optionally it is possible to cause a writer to enter "burst mode",
// simulating peaks of high-intensity writing. The way it works is the
// following: by default the writer writes events using the
// |steady_state_timings|. Then every |burst_period_ms| it will switch to the
// |burst_timings| for |burst_duration_ms|, and go back to the steady state
// after that (and then repeat).
optional uint32 burst_period_ms = 9;
optional uint32 burst_duration_ms = 10;
optional WriterTiming burst_timings = 11;