blob: b2c11c826394532ab2688cc70ec69c76402604e0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package perfetto.protos;
// Android HWUI graphics performance and graphics memory usage metrics.
message ProcessRenderInfo {
// Name of the package launched
optional string process_name = 1;
// CPU time spent on RenderThread in milliseconds.
optional int64 rt_cpu_time_ms = 2;
// Number of frames drawn on RenderThread, followed by max/min/avg CPU time to draw a frame
// in nanoseconds.
optional uint32 draw_frame_count = 3;
optional int64 draw_frame_max = 4;
optional int64 draw_frame_min = 5;
optional double draw_frame_avg = 6;
// Number of GPU commands flushes and max/min/avg time per flush in nanoseconds.
optional uint32 flush_count = 7;
optional int64 flush_max = 8;
optional int64 flush_min = 9;
optional double flush_avg = 10;
// Number of View tree preparation counts and max/min/avg time to traverse the tree in
// nanoseconds.
optional uint32 prepare_tree_count = 11;
optional int64 prepare_tree_max = 12;
optional int64 prepare_tree_min = 13;
optional double prepare_tree_avg = 14;
// Number of times the GPU rendered a frame and max/min/avg time for GPU to finish rendering in
// in nanoseconds.
optional uint32 gpu_completion_count = 15;
optional int64 gpu_completion_max = 16;
optional int64 gpu_completion_min = 17;
optional double gpu_completion_avg = 18;
// Number of times a frame was recorded/serialized in a display list on the UI thread with
// max/min/avg time in nanoseconds.
optional uint32 ui_record_count = 19;
optional int64 ui_record_max = 20;
optional int64 ui_record_min = 21;
optional double ui_record_avg = 22;
// number of unique shader programs that were used to render frames, followed by total and average
// times to prepare a shader in nanoseconds.
optional uint32 shader_compile_count = 23;
optional int64 shader_compile_time = 24;
optional double shader_compile_avg = 25;
// number of shader programs loaded from the disk cache, followed by total time and average time
// to prepare a shader in nanoseconds.
optional uint32 cache_hit_count = 26;
optional int64 cache_hit_time = 27;
optional double cache_hit_avg = 28;
// number of shader programs compiled/linked, followed by total time and average time to prepare
// a shader in nanoseconds.
optional uint32 cache_miss_count = 29;
optional int64 cache_miss_time = 30;
optional double cache_miss_avg = 31;
// max/min/avg CPU memory used for graphics by HWUI at the end of a frame.
optional int64 graphics_cpu_mem_max = 32;
optional int64 graphics_cpu_mem_min = 33;
optional double graphics_cpu_mem_avg = 34;
// max/min/avg GPU memory used by HWUI at the end of a frame excluding textures.
optional int64 graphics_gpu_mem_max = 35;
optional int64 graphics_gpu_mem_min = 36;
optional double graphics_gpu_mem_avg = 37;
// max/min/avg memory used for GPU textures by HWUI at the end of a frame.
optional int64 texture_mem_max = 38;
optional int64 texture_mem_min = 39;
optional double texture_mem_avg = 40;
// max/min/avg memory used by HWUI at the end of a frame. This is a sum of previous 3 categories.
optional int64 all_mem_max = 41;
optional int64 all_mem_min = 42;
optional double all_mem_avg = 43;
message AndroidHwuiMetric {
// HWUI metrics for processes that have a RenderThread.
repeated ProcessRenderInfo process_info = 1;