blob: fa3a7b13b651dc8ae599bb5093570f54a01c26b9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package perfetto.protos;
import "protos/perfetto/metrics/android/process_metadata.proto";
message AndroidJankCujMetric {
repeated Cuj cuj = 1;
// Next id: 12
message Cuj {
// ID of the CUJ that is unique within the trace.
optional int32 id = 1;
// Name of the CUJ, extracted from the CUJ trace marker.
optional string name = 2;
// Details about the process (uid, version, etc)
optional AndroidProcessMetadata process = 3;
// ts of the CUJ trace marker slice.
optional int64 ts = 4;
// dur of the CUJ trace marker slice.
optional int64 dur = 5;
// Details about each of the frames within the CUJ.
repeated Frame frame = 6;
// Details about each of the SF frames within the CUJ.
repeated Frame sf_frame = 10;
// Metrics extracted from the counters output by FrameTracker
// Does not contain the frame_dur percentile information.
optional Metrics counter_metrics = 7;
// Metrics extracted from the frame timeline.
optional Metrics timeline_metrics = 8;
// Metrics extracted from the trace slices.
optional Metrics trace_metrics = 9;
// Layer name of the surface where the cuj is drawn.
optional string layer_name = 11;
// Next id: 8
message Frame {
// Index of the frame within the single user journey.
optional int64 frame_number = 1;
// VSYNC ID of the frame.
optional int64 vsync = 2;
optional int64 ts = 3;
optional int64 dur = 4;
optional int64 dur_expected = 7;
// Whether the app process missed the frame deadline.
// Only set for the App frames. Always left unset for SF frames.
optional bool app_missed = 5;
// Whether SF missed the frame deadline.
optional bool sf_missed = 6;
// Next id: 16
message Metrics {
// Overall number of frames within the CUJ.
optional int64 total_frames = 1;
// Number of missed frames.
optional int64 missed_frames = 2;
// Number of frames missed due to the app missing the deadline.
optional int64 missed_app_frames = 3;
// Number of frames missed due to SF.
optional int64 missed_sf_frames = 4;
// Number of successive frames missed.
// Not available in timeline_metrics and trace_metrics.
optional int64 missed_frames_max_successive = 5;
// Max frame duration in nanoseconds.
optional int64 frame_dur_max = 6;
// Average frame duration in nanoseconds.
// Not available in counter_metrics.
optional int64 frame_dur_avg = 7;
// Median frame duration in nanoseconds.
// Not available in counter_metrics.
optional int64 frame_dur_p50 = 8;
// P90 frame duration in nanoseconds.
// Not available in counter_metrics.
optional int64 frame_dur_p90 = 9;
// P95 frame duration in nanoseconds.
// Not available in counter_metrics.
optional int64 frame_dur_p95 = 10;
// P99 frame duration in nanoseconds.
// Not available in counter_metrics.
optional int64 frame_dur_p99 = 11;
// Median frame duration in milliseconds.
// Not available in counter_metrics.
optional double frame_dur_ms_p50 = 12;
// P90 frame duration in milliseconds.
// Not available in counter_metrics.
optional double frame_dur_ms_p90 = 13;
// P95 frame duration in milliseconds.
// Not available in counter_metrics.
optional double frame_dur_ms_p95 = 14;
// P99 frame duration in milliseconds.
// Not available in counter_metrics.
optional double frame_dur_ms_p99 = 15;