blob: 1e0b88768ddd2ce0722f5764cd5880993cf0a33e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package perfetto.protos;
// A profiling event corresponding to a single camera frame. This message
// collects important details and timestamps involved in producing a single
// camera frame.
// Next ID: 17
message AndroidCameraFrameEvent {
// Identifier for the CameraCaptureSession this frame originates from. See:
optional uint64 session_id = 1;
// Identifier for the camera sensor that is the source of this frame. This may
// be either a physical or logical camera (up to vendor interpretation).
optional uint32 camera_id = 2;
// The frame number identifying this frame on this camera.
optional int64 frame_number = 3;
// Identifier for the CaptureRequest. See:
// If multiple cameras are streaming simultaneously, the request_id may be
// used to identify which frames were captured in service of the same request.
optional int64 request_id = 4;
// The CLOCK_BOOTTIME timestamp at which the camera framework request is
// received by the camera HAL pipeline. Note that this request may wait for
// some time before processing actually begins. See also
// request_processing_started_ns.
optional int64 request_received_ns = 5;
// The CLOCK_BOOTTIME timestamp at which the framework request is accepted for
// processing by the camera HAL pipeline. This is the time at which the
// pipeline actually begins to work on the request.
optional int64 request_processing_started_ns = 6;
// The CLOCK_BOOTTIME timestamp at which the sensor begins its exposure.
optional int64 start_of_exposure_ns = 7;
// The CLOCK_BOOTTIME timestamp corresponding to the sensor start of frame
// event.
optional int64 start_of_frame_ns = 8;
// The CLOCK_BOOTTIME timestamp at which the camera HAL has sent all responses
// for the frame.
optional int64 responses_all_sent_ns = 9;
// The error status, if any, reported to the camera framework. Any status
// other than STATUS_OK indicates a dropped frame.
// Next Enum: 6
enum CaptureResultStatus {
// Early metadata was returned to the camera framework with an error.
// Final metadata was returned to the camera framework with an error.
// One or more buffers were returned to the camera framework with an error.
// The frame was dropped as a result of a flush operation.
optional CaptureResultStatus capture_result_status = 10;
// The number of sensor frames that were skipped between this frame and the
// previous frame. Under normal operation, this should be zero. Any number
// greater than zero indicates dropped sensor frames.
optional int32 skipped_sensor_frames = 11;
// The value of CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT. See:
optional int32 capture_intent = 12;
// The number of streams in the capture request.
optional int32 num_streams = 13;
// A profiling event corresponding to a single node processing within the camera
// pipeline. Intuitively this corresponds to a single stage of processing to
// produce a camera frame.
// Next ID: 6
message CameraNodeProcessingDetails {
optional int64 node_id = 1;
// The timestamp at which node processing begins to run.
optional int64 start_processing_ns = 2;
// The timestamp at which node processing finishes running.
optional int64 end_processing_ns = 3;
// The delay between inputs becoming ready and the node actually beginning to
// run.
optional int64 scheduling_latency_ns = 4;
repeated CameraNodeProcessingDetails node_processing_details = 14;
// These fields capture vendor-specific additions to this proto message. In
// practice `vendor_data` typically contains a serialized message of the
// vendor's design, and `vendor_data_version` is incremented each time there
// is a backwards incompatible change made to the message.
optional int32 vendor_data_version = 15;
optional bytes vendor_data = 16;
// A profiling event that may be emitted periodically (i.e., at a slower rate
// than `AndroidCameraFrameEvent`s) to record fixed and aggregated camera
// session-specific values.
message AndroidCameraSessionStats {
// Identifier for the CameraCaptureSession this frame originates from. See:
optional uint64 session_id = 1;
// Although vendor implementations may vary, camera pipeline processing is
// typically arranged into a directed graph-like structure. This message is
// used to record that graph.
message CameraGraph {
message CameraNode {
optional int64 node_id = 1;
// A list of inputs consumed by this node.
repeated int64 input_ids = 2;
// A list of outputs produced by this node.
repeated int64 output_ids = 3;
// These fields capture vendor-specific additions to this proto message. In
// practice `vendor_data` typically contains a serialized message of the
// vendor's design, and `vendor_data_version` is incremented each time there
// is a backwards incompatible change made to the message.
optional int32 vendor_data_version = 4;
optional bytes vendor_data = 5;
repeated CameraNode nodes = 1;
// An adjacency list describing connections between CameraNodes, mapping
// nodes and their outputs to other nodes that consume them as inputs.
message CameraEdge {
// The pair of IDs identifying the node and output connected by this edge.
optional int64 output_node_id = 1;
optional int64 output_id = 2;
// The pair of IDs identifying the node and input connected by this edge.
optional int64 input_node_id = 3;
optional int64 input_id = 4;
// These fields capture vendor-specific additions to this proto message. In
// practice `vendor_data` typically contains a serialized message of the
// vendor's design, and `vendor_data_version` is incremented each time there
// is a backwards incompatible change made to the message.
optional int32 vendor_data_version = 5;
optional bytes vendor_data = 6;
repeated CameraEdge edges = 2;
optional CameraGraph graph = 2;