blob: c05839556adfa9218735462aa639bb8c39bf48f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package perfetto.protos;
// TODO(fmayer): Figure out naming thoroughout this file to get a
// nomenclature that works between Windows and Linux.
// The interning fields in this file can refer to 2 different intern tables,
// depending on the message they are used in. If the interned fields are present
// in ProfilePacket proto, then the intern tables included in the ProfilePacket
// should be used. If the intered fields are present in the
// StreamingProfilePacket proto, then the intern tables included in all of the
// previous InternedData message with same sequence ID should be used.
// TODO(fmayer): Move to the intern tables to a common location.
message InternedString {
optional uint64 iid = 1;
optional bytes str = 2;
// A symbol field that is emitted after the trace is written. These tables would
// be appended as the last packets in the trace that the profiler will use, so
// that the actual trace need not be rewritten to symbolize the profiles.
message ProfiledFrameSymbols {
// Use the frame id as the interning key for the symbols.
optional uint64 frame_iid = 1;
// These are repeated because when inlining happens, multiple functions'
// frames can be at a single address. Imagine function Foo calling the
// std::vector<int> constructor, which gets inlined at 0xf00. We then get
// both Foo and the std::vector<int> constructor when we symbolize the
// address.
// key to InternedString
repeated uint64 function_name_id = 2;
// key to InternedString
repeated uint64 file_name_id = 3;
repeated uint32 line_number = 4;
message Line {
optional string function_name = 1;
optional string source_file_name = 2;
optional uint32 line_number = 3;
// Symbols for a given address in a module.
message AddressSymbols {
optional uint64 address = 1;
// Source lines that correspond to this address.
// These are repeated because when inlining happens, multiple functions'
// frames can be at a single address. Imagine function Foo calling the
// std::vector<int> constructor, which gets inlined at 0xf00. We then get
// both Foo and the std::vector<int> constructor when we symbolize the
// address.
repeated Line lines = 2;
// Symbols for addresses seen in a module.
message ModuleSymbols {
// Fully qualified path to the mapping.
// E.g. /system/lib64/
optional string path = 1;
// on Linux (not hex encoded).
// uuid on MacOS.
// Module GUID on Windows.
optional string build_id = 2;
repeated AddressSymbols address_symbols = 3;
message Mapping {
// Interning key.
optional uint64 iid = 1;
// Interning key.
optional uint64 build_id = 2;
// The linker may create multiple memory mappings for the same shared
// library.
// This is so that the ELF header is mapped as read only, while the
// executable memory is mapped as executable only.
// The details of this depend on the linker, a possible mapping of an ELF
// file is this:
// +----------------------+
// ELF |xxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyy|
// +---------+------------+
// | |
// | read | executable
// v mapping v mapping
// +----------------------+
// Memory |xxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyy|
// +------------------+---+
// ^ ^ ^
// + + +
// start exact relpc
// offset offset 0x1800
// 0x0000 0x1000
// exact_offset is the offset into the library file of this mapping.
// start_offset is the offset into the library file of the first mapping
// for that library. For native libraries (.so files) this should be 0.
// This is not set on Android 10.
optional uint64 exact_offset = 8;
optional uint64 start_offset = 3;
optional uint64 start = 4;
optional uint64 end = 5;
optional uint64 load_bias = 6;
// E.g. ["system", "lib64", ""]
// id of string.
repeated uint64 path_string_ids = 7;
message Frame {
// Interning key
optional uint64 iid = 1;
// E.g. "fopen"
// id of string.
optional uint64 function_name_id = 2;
optional uint64 mapping_id = 3;
optional uint64 rel_pc = 4;
message Callstack {
optional uint64 iid = 1;
// Frames of this callstack. Bottom frame first.
repeated uint64 frame_ids = 2;