blob: 2aad34c443c6f2a0ed066eb2b3b0731580b0a62f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package perfetto.protos;
import "protos/perfetto/common/sys_stats_counters.proto";
// Various Linux system stat counters from /proc.
// The fields in this message can be reported at different rates and with
// different granularity. See sys_stats_config.proto.
message SysStats {
// Counters from /proc/meminfo. Values are in KB.
message MeminfoValue {
optional MeminfoCounters key = 1;
optional uint64 value = 2;
repeated MeminfoValue meminfo = 1;
// Counter from /proc/vmstat. Units are often pages, not KB.
message VmstatValue {
optional VmstatCounters key = 1;
optional uint64 value = 2;
repeated VmstatValue vmstat = 2;
// Times in each mode, since boot. Unit: nanoseconds.
message CpuTimes {
optional uint32 cpu_id = 1;
// Time spent in user mode.
optional uint64 user_ns = 2;
// Time spent in user mode (low prio).
optional uint64 user_ice_ns = 3;
// Time spent in system mode.
optional uint64 system_mode_ns = 4;
// Time spent in the idle task.
optional uint64 idle_ns = 5;
// Time spent waiting for I/O.
optional uint64 io_wait_ns = 6;
// Time spent servicing interrupts.
optional uint64 irq_ns = 7;
// Time spent servicing softirqs.
optional uint64 softirq_ns = 8;
// One entry per cpu.
repeated CpuTimes cpu_stat = 3;
// Num processes forked since boot.
// Populated only if FORK_COUNT in config.stat_counters.
optional uint64 num_forks = 4;
message InterruptCount {
optional int32 irq = 1;
optional uint64 count = 2;
// Number of interrupts, broken by IRQ number.
// Populated only if IRQ_COUNTS in config.stat_counters.
// Total num of irqs serviced since boot.
optional uint64 num_irq_total = 5;
repeated InterruptCount num_irq = 6;
// Number of softirqs, broken by softirq number.
// Populated only if SOFTIRQ_COUNTS in config.stat_counters.
// Total num of softirqs since boot.
optional uint64 num_softirq_total = 7;
// Per-softirq count.
repeated InterruptCount num_softirq = 8;
// The time at which we finish collecting this set of samples;
// the top-level packet timestamp is the time at which
// we begin collection.
optional uint64 collection_end_timestamp = 9;
// Frequencies for /sys/class/devfreq/ entries in kHz.
message DevfreqValue {
optional string key = 1;
optional uint64 value = 2;
// One entry per device.
repeated DevfreqValue devfreq = 10;
// Cpu current frequency from
// /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq in kHz.
// One entry per cpu. Report 0 for offline cpu
repeated uint32 cpufreq_khz = 11;
message BuddyInfo {
optional string node = 1;
optional string zone = 2;
repeated uint32 order_pages = 3;
// One entry per each node's zones.
repeated BuddyInfo buddy_info = 12;
// Counters from /proc/diskstats.
message DiskStat {
optional string device_name = 1;
optional uint64 read_sectors = 2;
optional uint64 read_time_ms = 3;
optional uint64 write_sectors = 4;
optional uint64 write_time_ms = 5;
optional uint64 discard_sectors = 6;
optional uint64 discard_time_ms = 7;
optional uint64 flush_count = 8;
optional uint64 flush_time_ms = 9;
// One entry per disk device.
repeated DiskStat disk_stat = 13;