blob: 108dccdd9a5d418d8ab12f27027de4dc51ef083e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/containers/bit_vector.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/containers/bit_vector_iterators.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/containers/row_map.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
// Contains indices which can be used to lookup data in one or more
// ColumnStorages.
// Implemented as a thin wrapper around RowMap so much of the documentation
// from RowMap also applies to this class.
class ColumnStorageOverlay {
// Input type.
using InputRow = uint32_t;
using OutputIndex = uint32_t;
// Allows efficient iteration over the rows of a ColumnStorageOverlay.
class Iterator {
Iterator(RowMap::Iterator it) : it_(std::move(it)) {}
Iterator(Iterator&&) noexcept = default;
Iterator& operator=(Iterator&&) = default;
// Forwards the iterator to the next row of the ColumnStorageOverlay.
void Next() { return it_.Next(); }
// Returns if the iterator is still valid.
operator bool() const { return it_; }
// Returns the index pointed to by this iterator.
OutputIndex index() const { return it_.index(); }
// Returns the row of the index the iterator points to.
InputRow row() const { return it_.row(); }
RowMap::Iterator it_;
// Creates an empty ColumnStorageOverlay.
// By default this will be implemented using a range.
ColumnStorageOverlay() : ColumnStorageOverlay(0) {}
// Creates a |ColumnStorageOverlay| containing all rows between 0 and |size|.
explicit ColumnStorageOverlay(uint32_t size)
: ColumnStorageOverlay(0, size) {}
// Creates a |ColumnStorageOverlay| containing all rows between |start| and
// |end|.
explicit ColumnStorageOverlay(uint32_t start, uint32_t end)
: ColumnStorageOverlay(RowMap(start, end)) {}
// Creates a |ColumnStorageOverlay| containing all rows corresponding to set
// bits in |bv|.
explicit ColumnStorageOverlay(BitVector bv)
: ColumnStorageOverlay(RowMap(std::move(bv))) {}
// Creates a |ColumnStorageOverlay| containing all rows in |rows|.
explicit ColumnStorageOverlay(std::vector<uint32_t> rows)
: ColumnStorageOverlay(RowMap(std::move(rows))) {}
ColumnStorageOverlay(const ColumnStorageOverlay&) noexcept = delete;
ColumnStorageOverlay& operator=(const ColumnStorageOverlay&) = delete;
ColumnStorageOverlay(ColumnStorageOverlay&&) noexcept = default;
ColumnStorageOverlay& operator=(ColumnStorageOverlay&&) = default;
// Creates a copy of the ColumnStorageOverlay.
// We have an explicit copy function because ColumnStorageOverlay can hold
// onto large chunks of memory and we want to be very explicit when making a
// copy to avoid accidental leaks and copies.
ColumnStorageOverlay Copy() const {
return ColumnStorageOverlay(row_map_.Copy());
// Returns the size of the ColumnStorageOverlay; that is the number of
// indices in the ColumnStorageOverlay.
uint32_t size() const { return row_map_.size(); }
// Returns whether this ColumnStorageOverlay is empty.
bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
// Returns the index at the given |row|.
OutputIndex Get(uint32_t row) const { return row_map_.Get(row); }
// Returns the first row of the given |index| in the ColumnStorageOverlay.
std::optional<InputRow> RowOf(OutputIndex index) const {
return row_map_.RowOf(index);
// Performs an ordered insert of the index into the current
// ColumnStorageOverlay (precondition: this ColumnStorageOverlay is ordered
// based on the indices it contains).
// See RowMap::Insert for more information on this function.
void Insert(OutputIndex index) { return row_map_.Insert(index); }
// Updates this ColumnStorageOverlay by 'picking' the indices given by
// |picker|.
// See RowMap::SelectRows for more information on this function.
ColumnStorageOverlay SelectRows(const RowMap& selector) const {
return ColumnStorageOverlay(row_map_.SelectRows(selector));
// Clears this ColumnStorageOverlay by resetting it to a newly constructed
// state.
void Clear() { *this = ColumnStorageOverlay(); }
// Filters the current ColumnStorageOverlay into the RowMap given by |out|
// based on the return value of |p(idx)|.
// Precondition: |out| should be sorted by the indices inside it (this is
// required to keep this method efficient). This is automatically true if the
// mode of |out| is Range or BitVector but needs to be enforced if the mode is
// IndexVector.
// Specifically, the setup for each of the variables is as follows:
// this: contains the indices passed to p to filter.
// out : contains indicies into |this| and will be filtered down to only
// contain indicies where p returns true.
// p : takes an index given by |this| and returns whether the index should
// be retained in |out|.
// Concretely, the algorithm being invoked looks like (but more efficient
// based on the mode of |this| and |out|):
// for (idx : out)
// this_idx = (*this)[idx]
// if (!p(this_idx))
// out->Remove(idx)
template <typename Predicate>
void FilterInto(RowMap* out, Predicate p) const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(size() >= out->size());
if (out->empty()) {
// If the output ColumnStorageOverlay is empty, we don't need to do
// anything.
if (out->size() == 1) {
// If the output ColumnStorageOverlay has a single entry, just lookup
// that entry and see if we should keep it.
if (!p(Get(out->Get(0))))
// TODO(lalitm): investigate whether we should have another fast path for
// cases where |out| has only a few entries so we can scan |out| instead of
// scanning |this|.
// Ideally, we'd always just scan |out| and keep the indices in |this| which
// meet |p|. However, if |this| is a BitVector, we end up needing expensive
// |IndexOfNthSet| calls (as we need to convert the row to an index before
// passing it to |p|).
switch (row_map_.mode_) {
case RowMap::Mode::kRange: {
auto ip = [this, p](uint32_t row) { return p(row_map_.GetRange(row)); };
case RowMap::Mode::kBitVector: {
FilterIntoScanSelfBv(out, p);
case RowMap::Mode::kIndexVector: {
auto ip = [this, p](uint32_t row) {
return p(row_map_.GetIndexVector(row));
template <typename Comparator = bool(uint32_t, uint32_t)>
void StableSort(std::vector<uint32_t>* out, Comparator c) const {
return row_map_.StableSort(out, c);
// Returns the iterator over the rows in this ColumnStorageOverlay.
Iterator IterateRows() const { return Iterator(row_map_.IterateRows()); }
explicit ColumnStorageOverlay(RowMap rm) : row_map_(std::move(rm)) {}
// Filters the current ColumnStorageOverlay into |out| by performing a full
// scan on |row_map.bit_vector_|. See |FilterInto| for a full breakdown of the
// semantics of this function.
template <typename Predicate>
void FilterIntoScanSelfBv(RowMap* out, Predicate p) const {
auto it = row_map_.bit_vector_.IterateSetBits();
switch (out->mode_) {
case RowMap::Mode::kRange: {
// TODO(lalitm): investigate whether we can reuse the data inside
// out->bit_vector_ at some point.
BitVector bv(out->end_index_, false);
for (auto out_it = bv.IterateAllBits(); it; it.Next(), out_it.Next()) {
uint32_t ordinal = it.ordinal();
if (ordinal < out->start_index_)
if (ordinal >= out->end_index_)
if (p(it.index())) {
*out = RowMap(std::move(bv));
case RowMap::Mode::kBitVector: {
auto out_it = out->bit_vector_.IterateAllBits();
for (; out_it; it.Next(), out_it.Next()) {
if (out_it.IsSet() && !p(it.index()))
case RowMap::Mode::kIndexVector: {
auto fn = [&p, &it](uint32_t i) {
while (it.ordinal() < i) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(it.ordinal() == i);
return !p(it.index());
auto iv_it = std::remove_if(out->index_vector_.begin(),
out->index_vector_.end(), fn);
out->index_vector_.erase(iv_it, out->index_vector_.end());
RowMap row_map_;
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto