blob: 7bf0fadbddcdb52ea5c2f7bb2b4efe5506bccf7e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "src/trace_processor/db/column.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/db/typed_column_internal.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
// TypedColumn<T>
// Introduction:
// TypedColumn exists to allow efficient access to the data in a Column without
// having to go through dynamic type checking. There are two main reasons for
// this:
// 1. Performance: dynamic type checking is not free and so if this is used
// in a particularily hot codepath, the typechecking can be a significant
// overhead.
// 2. Ergonomics: having to convert back and forth from/to SqlValue causes
// signifcant clutter in parts of the code which can already be quite hard
// to follow (e.g. trackers like SequenceStackProfileTracker which perform
// cross checking of various ids).
// Implementation:
// TypedColumn is implemented as a memberless subclass of Column. This allows
// us to static cast from a Column* to a TypedColumn<T> where we know the
// type T. The methods of TypedColumn are type-specialized methods of Column
// which allow callers to pass real types instead of using SqlValue.
// There are two helper classes (tc_internal::TypeHandler and
// tc_internal::Serializer) where we specialize behaviour which needs to be
// different based on T. See their class documentation and below for details
// on their purpose.
template <typename T>
class TypedColumn : public Column {
using TH = tc_internal::TypeHandler<T>;
// The type of the data in this column.
using type = T;
// The non-optional type of the data in this column.
using non_optional_type = typename TH::non_optional_type;
// The type which should be passed to SqlValue functions.
using sql_value_type = typename TH::sql_value_type;
// The type of which is actually stored inside ColumnStorage. Can be different
// from T because we treat table ids to just be uint32_t inside the storage
// (handling ids would add an extra type to consider when filtering for no
// benefit.
using stored_type = typename TH::stored_type;
using Serializer = tc_internal::Serializer<non_optional_type>;
T operator[](uint32_t row) const { return GetAtIdx(overlay().Get(row)); }
// Special function only for string types to allow retrieving the string
// directly from the column.
template <bool is_string = TH::is_string>
typename std::enable_if<is_string, NullTermStringView>::type GetString(
uint32_t row) const {
return GetStringAtIdx(overlay().Get(row));
// Sets the data in the column at index |row|.
void Set(uint32_t row, non_optional_type v) {
SetAtIdx(overlay().Get(row), v);
// Inserts the value at the end of the column.
void Append(T v) { mutable_storage()->Append(Serializer::Serialize(v)); }
// Returns the row containing the given value in the Column.
std::optional<uint32_t> IndexOf(sql_value_type v) const {
return Column::IndexOf(ToSqlValue(v));
std::vector<T> ToVectorForTesting() const {
std::vector<T> result(overlay().size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < overlay().size(); ++i)
result[i] = (*this)[i];
return result;
// Helper functions to create constraints for the given value.
Constraint eq(sql_value_type v) const { return eq_value(ToSqlValue(v)); }
Constraint gt(sql_value_type v) const { return gt_value(ToSqlValue(v)); }
Constraint lt(sql_value_type v) const { return lt_value(ToSqlValue(v)); }
Constraint ne(sql_value_type v) const { return ne_value(ToSqlValue(v)); }
Constraint ge(sql_value_type v) const { return ge_value(ToSqlValue(v)); }
Constraint le(sql_value_type v) const { return le_value(ToSqlValue(v)); }
// Implements equality between two items of type |T|.
static constexpr bool Equals(T a, T b) { return TH::Equals(a, b); }
// Encodes the default flags for a column of the current type.
static constexpr uint32_t default_flags() {
return TH::is_optional ? Flag::kNoFlag : Flag::kNonNull;
// Converts the static type T into the dynamic SqlValue type of this column.
static SqlValue::Type SqlValueType() {
return Column::ToSqlValueType<stored_type>();
// Cast a Column to TypedColumn or crash if that is unsafe.
static TypedColumn<T>* FromColumn(Column* column) {
return FromColumnInternal<TypedColumn<T>>(column);
// Cast a Column to TypedColumn or crash if that is unsafe.
static const TypedColumn<T>* FromColumn(const Column* column) {
return FromColumnInternal<const TypedColumn<T>>(column);
// Public for use by macro tables.
void SetAtIdx(uint32_t idx, non_optional_type v) {
auto serialized = Serializer::Serialize(v);
mutable_storage()->Set(idx, serialized);
// Public for use by macro tables.
T GetAtIdx(uint32_t idx) const {
return Serializer::Deserialize(TH::Get(storage(), idx));
template <bool is_string = TH::is_string>
typename std::enable_if<is_string, NullTermStringView>::type GetStringAtIdx(
uint32_t idx) const {
return string_pool().Get(storage().Get(idx));
friend class Table;
template <typename Output, typename Input>
static Output* FromColumnInternal(Input* column) {
// While casting from a base to derived without constructing as a derived is
// technically UB, in practice, this is at the heart of protozero (see
// Message::BeginNestedMessage) so we use it here.
static_assert(sizeof(TypedColumn<T>) == sizeof(Column),
"TypedColumn cannot introduce extra state.");
if (column->template IsColumnType<stored_type>() &&
(column->IsNullable() == TH::is_optional) && !column->IsId()) {
return static_cast<Output*>(column);
} else {
PERFETTO_FATAL("Unsafe to convert Column TypedColumn (%s)",
const ColumnStorage<stored_type>& storage() const {
return Column::storage<stored_type>();
ColumnStorage<stored_type>* mutable_storage() {
return Column::mutable_storage<stored_type>();
// Represents a column containing ids.
template <typename Id>
class IdColumn : public Column {
// The type of the data in this column.
using type = Id;
// The underlying type used when comparing ids.
using stored_type = uint32_t;
Id operator[](uint32_t row) const { return Id(overlay().Get(row)); }
std::optional<uint32_t> IndexOf(Id id) const {
return overlay().RowOf(id.value);
// Public for use by macro tables.
Id GetAtIdx(uint32_t idx) const { return Id(idx); }
// Static cast a Column to IdColumn or crash if that is likely to be
// unsafe.
static const IdColumn<Id>* FromColumn(const Column* column) {
// While casting from a base to derived without constructing as a derived is
// technically UB, in practice, this is at the heart of protozero (see
// Message::BeginNestedMessage) so we use it here.
static_assert(sizeof(IdColumn<Id>) == sizeof(Column),
"TypedColumn cannot introduce extra state.");
if (column->IsId()) {
return static_cast<const IdColumn<Id>*>(column);
} else {
PERFETTO_FATAL("Unsafe to convert Column to IdColumn (%s)",
// Helper functions to create constraints for the given value.
Constraint eq(uint32_t v) const { return eq_value(SqlValue::Long(v)); }
Constraint gt(uint32_t v) const { return gt_value(SqlValue::Long(v)); }
Constraint lt(uint32_t v) const { return lt_value(SqlValue::Long(v)); }
Constraint ne(uint32_t v) const { return ne_value(SqlValue::Long(v)); }
Constraint ge(uint32_t v) const { return ge_value(SqlValue::Long(v)); }
Constraint le(uint32_t v) const { return le_value(SqlValue::Long(v)); }
friend class Table;
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto