blob: 3c6b123b7c4b74574790ab96ed5a8c5ea3365594 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "src/trace_processor/importers/ftrace/thread_state_tracker.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
ThreadStateTracker::ThreadStateTracker(TraceStorage* storage)
: storage_(storage),
runnable_string_id_(storage->InternString("R")) {}
ThreadStateTracker::~ThreadStateTracker() = default;
void ThreadStateTracker::PushSchedSwitchEvent(int64_t event_ts,
uint32_t cpu,
UniqueTid prev_utid,
StringId prev_state,
UniqueTid next_utid) {
// Code related to previous utid. If the thread wasn't running before we know
// we lost data and should close the slice accordingly.
bool data_loss_cond =
HasPreviousRowNumbersForUtid(prev_utid) &&
ClosePendingState(event_ts, prev_utid, data_loss_cond);
AddOpenState(event_ts, prev_utid, prev_state);
// Code related to next utid.
// Due to forced migration, it is possible for the same thread to be
// scheduled on different CPUs at the same time.
// We work around this problem by truncating the previous state to the start
// of this state and starting the next state normally. This is why we don't
// check whether previous state is running/runnable. See b/186509316 for
// details and an example on when this happens.
ClosePendingState(event_ts, next_utid, false);
AddOpenState(event_ts, next_utid, running_string_id_, cpu);
void ThreadStateTracker::PushWakingEvent(int64_t event_ts,
UniqueTid utid,
UniqueTid waker_utid) {
// Only open new runnable state if thread already had a sched switch event.
if (!HasPreviousRowNumbersForUtid(utid)) {
auto last_row_ref = RowNumToRef(prev_row_numbers_for_thread_[utid]->last_row);
// Occasionally, it is possible to get a waking event for a thread
// which is already in a runnable state. When this happens (or if the thread
// is running), we just ignore the waking event. See b/186509316 for details
// and an example on when this happens. Only blocked events can be waken up.
if (!IsBlocked(last_row_ref.state())) {
// Close the sleeping state and open runnable state.
ClosePendingState(event_ts, utid, false);
AddOpenState(event_ts, utid, runnable_string_id_, std::nullopt, waker_utid);
void ThreadStateTracker::PushNewTaskEvent(int64_t event_ts,
UniqueTid utid,
UniqueTid waker_utid) {
AddOpenState(event_ts, utid, runnable_string_id_, std::nullopt, waker_utid);
void ThreadStateTracker::PushBlockedReason(
UniqueTid utid,
std::optional<bool> io_wait,
std::optional<StringId> blocked_function) {
// Return if there is no state, as there is are no previous rows available.
if (!HasPreviousRowNumbersForUtid(utid))
// Return if no previous bocked row exists.
auto blocked_row_number =
if (!blocked_row_number.has_value())
auto row_reference = RowNumToRef(blocked_row_number.value());
if (io_wait.has_value()) {
if (blocked_function.has_value()) {
void ThreadStateTracker::AddOpenState(int64_t ts,
UniqueTid utid,
StringId state,
std::optional<uint32_t> cpu,
std::optional<UniqueTid> waker_utid) {
// Ignore utid 0 because it corresponds to the swapper thread which doesn't
// make sense to insert.
if (utid == 0)
// Insert row with unfinished state
tables::ThreadStateTable::Row row;
row.ts = ts;
row.cpu = cpu;
row.waker_utid = waker_utid;
row.dur = -1;
row.utid = utid;
row.state = state;
auto row_num = storage_->mutable_thread_state_table()->Insert(row).row_number;
if (utid >= prev_row_numbers_for_thread_.size()) {
prev_row_numbers_for_thread_.resize(utid + 1);
if (!prev_row_numbers_for_thread_[utid].has_value()) {
prev_row_numbers_for_thread_[utid] = RelatedRows{std::nullopt, row_num};
if (IsRunning(state)) {
prev_row_numbers_for_thread_[utid] = RelatedRows{std::nullopt, row_num};
} else if (IsBlocked(state)) {
prev_row_numbers_for_thread_[utid] = RelatedRows{row_num, row_num};
} else /* if (IsRunnable(state)) */ {
prev_row_numbers_for_thread_[utid]->last_row = row_num;
void ThreadStateTracker::ClosePendingState(int64_t end_ts,
UniqueTid utid,
bool data_loss) {
// Discard close if there is no open state to close.
if (!HasPreviousRowNumbersForUtid(utid))
auto row_ref = RowNumToRef(prev_row_numbers_for_thread_[utid]->last_row);
// Update the duration only for states without data loss.
if (!data_loss) {
row_ref.set_dur(end_ts - row_ref.ts());
bool ThreadStateTracker::IsRunning(StringId state) {
return state == running_string_id_;
bool ThreadStateTracker::IsRunnable(StringId state) {
return state == runnable_string_id_;
bool ThreadStateTracker::IsBlocked(StringId state) {
return !(IsRunnable(state) || IsRunning(state));
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto