blob: bf7ce9ff2e1a7c16531a4a81d4fabd7877340d3d [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
-- Create the base table (`android_jank_cuj`) containing all completed CUJs
-- found in the trace.
SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/jank/cujs.sql');
-- Creates tables that store constant parameters for each CUJ - e.g. parameter
-- that describes whether Choreographer callbacks run on a dedicated thread.
SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/jank/params.sql');
-- Create tables to store each CUJs main, render, HWC release,
-- and GPU completion threads.
-- Also stores the (not CUJ-specific) threads of SF: main, render engine,
-- and GPU completion threads.
SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/jank/relevant_threads.sql');
-- Create tables to store the main slices on each of the relevant threads
-- * `Choreographer#doFrame` on the main thread
-- * `DrawFrames on the render` thread
-- * `waiting for HWC release` on the HWC release thread
-- * `Waiting for GPU completion` on the GPU completion thread
-- * `commit` and `composite` on SF main thread.
-- * `REThreaded::drawLayers` on SF RenderEngine thread.
-- Also extracts vsync ids and GPU completion fence ids that allow us to match
-- slices to concrete vsync IDs.
-- Slices and vsyncs are matched between the app and SF processes by looking
-- at the actual frame timeline data.
-- We only store the slices that were produced for the vsyncs within the
-- CUJ markers.
SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/jank/relevant_slices.sql');
-- Computes the boundaries of specific frames and overall CUJ boundaries
-- on specific important threads since each thread will work on a frame at a
-- slightly different time.
-- We also compute the corrected CUJ ts boundaries. This is necessary because
-- the instrumentation logs begin/end CUJ markers *during* the first frame and
-- typically *right at the start* of the last CUJ frame. The ts boundaries in
-- `android_jank_cuj` table are based on these markers so do not actually
-- contain the whole CUJ, but instead overlap with all Choreographer#doFrame
-- slices that belong to a CUJ.
SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/jank/cujs_boundaries.sql');
-- With relevant slices and corrected boundaries we can now estimate the ts
-- boundaries of each frame within the CUJ.
-- We also match with the data from the actual timeline to check which frames
-- missed the deadline and whether this was due to the app or SF.
SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/jank/frames.sql');
-- Creates tables with slices from various relevant threads that are within
-- the CUJ boundaries. Used as data sources for further processing and
-- jank cause analysis of traces.
SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/jank/slices.sql');
-- Creates tables and functions to be used for manual investigations and
-- jank cause analysis of traces.
SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/jank/internal/query_base.sql');
SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/jank/query_functions.sql');
-- Creates a table that matches CUJ counters with the correct CUJs.
-- After the CUJ ends FrameTracker emits counters with the number of total
-- frames, missed frames, longest frame duration, etc.
-- The same numbers are also reported by FrameTracker to statsd.
SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/jank/internal/counters.sql');
-- Creates derived events to visualize a few of the created tables.
-- Used only for debugging so by default not used and not displayed in the UI.
-- See
-- for instructions on how to add these events to the UI.
SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/jank/internal/derived_events.sql');
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS android_jank_cuj_output;
CREATE VIEW android_jank_cuj_output AS
'cuj', (
SELECT RepeatedField(
'id', cuj_id,
'name', cuj_name,
'process', process_metadata,
'layer_name', layer_name,
'ts', COALESCE(boundary.ts, cuj.ts),
'dur', COALESCE(boundary.dur, cuj.dur),
'counter_metrics', (
SELECT AndroidJankCujMetric_Metrics(
'total_frames', total_frames,
'missed_frames', missed_frames,
'missed_app_frames', missed_app_frames,
'missed_sf_frames', missed_sf_frames,
'missed_frames_max_successive', missed_frames_max_successive,
'frame_dur_max', frame_dur_max)
FROM android_jank_cuj_counter_metrics cm
WHERE cm.cuj_id = cuj.cuj_id),
'trace_metrics', (
SELECT AndroidJankCujMetric_Metrics(
'total_frames', COUNT(*),
'missed_frames', SUM(app_missed OR sf_missed),
'missed_app_frames', SUM(app_missed),
'missed_sf_frames', SUM(sf_missed),
'frame_dur_max', MAX(f.dur),
'frame_dur_avg', CAST(AVG(f.dur) AS INTEGER),
'frame_dur_p50', CAST(PERCENTILE(f.dur, 50) AS INTEGER),
'frame_dur_p90', CAST(PERCENTILE(f.dur, 90) AS INTEGER),
'frame_dur_p95', CAST(PERCENTILE(f.dur, 95) AS INTEGER),
'frame_dur_p99', CAST(PERCENTILE(f.dur, 99) AS INTEGER),
'frame_dur_ms_p50', PERCENTILE(f.dur / 1e6, 50),
'frame_dur_ms_p90', PERCENTILE(f.dur / 1e6, 90),
'frame_dur_ms_p95', PERCENTILE(f.dur / 1e6, 95),
'frame_dur_ms_p99', PERCENTILE(f.dur / 1e6, 99))
FROM android_jank_cuj_frame f
WHERE f.cuj_id = cuj.cuj_id),
'timeline_metrics', (
SELECT AndroidJankCujMetric_Metrics(
'total_frames', COUNT(*),
'missed_frames', SUM(app_missed OR sf_missed),
'missed_app_frames', SUM(app_missed),
'missed_sf_frames', SUM(sf_missed),
'frame_dur_max', MAX(f.dur),
'frame_dur_avg', CAST(AVG(f.dur) AS INTEGER),
'frame_dur_p50', CAST(PERCENTILE(f.dur, 50) AS INTEGER),
'frame_dur_p90', CAST(PERCENTILE(f.dur, 90) AS INTEGER),
'frame_dur_p95', CAST(PERCENTILE(f.dur, 95) AS INTEGER),
'frame_dur_p99', CAST(PERCENTILE(f.dur, 99) AS INTEGER),
'frame_dur_ms_p50', PERCENTILE(f.dur / 1e6, 50),
'frame_dur_ms_p90', PERCENTILE(f.dur / 1e6, 90),
'frame_dur_ms_p95', PERCENTILE(f.dur / 1e6, 95),
'frame_dur_ms_p99', PERCENTILE(f.dur / 1e6, 99))
FROM android_jank_cuj_frame_timeline f
WHERE f.cuj_id = cuj.cuj_id),
'frame', (
SELECT RepeatedField(
'frame_number', f.frame_number,
'vsync', f.vsync,
'ts', f.ts,
'dur', f.dur,
'dur_expected', f.dur_expected,
'app_missed', f.app_missed,
'sf_missed', f.sf_missed))
FROM android_jank_cuj_frame f
WHERE f.cuj_id = cuj.cuj_id
ORDER BY frame_number ASC),
'sf_frame', (
SELECT RepeatedField(
'frame_number', f.frame_number,
'vsync', f.vsync,
'ts', f.ts,
'dur', f.dur,
'dur_expected', f.dur_expected,
'sf_missed', f.sf_missed))
FROM android_jank_cuj_sf_frame f
WHERE f.cuj_id = cuj.cuj_id
ORDER BY frame_number ASC)
FROM android_jank_cuj cuj
LEFT JOIN android_jank_cuj_boundary boundary USING (cuj_id)
LEFT JOIN android_jank_cuj_layer_name cuj_layer USING (cuj_id)
ORDER BY cuj.cuj_id ASC));