blob: e544dbbe31da6f54861b86f197162a3a06356601 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "src/trace_processor/prelude/table_functions/experimental_slice_layout.h"
#include <optional>
#include "perfetto/ext/base/string_splitter.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/string_utils.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/sqlite/sqlite_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
namespace tables {
ExperimentalSliceLayoutTable::~ExperimentalSliceLayoutTable() = default;
namespace {
struct GroupInfo {
GroupInfo(int64_t _start, int64_t _end, uint32_t _max_depth)
: start(_start), end(_end), layout_depth(0), max_depth(_max_depth) {}
int64_t start;
int64_t end;
uint32_t layout_depth;
uint32_t max_depth;
static constexpr uint32_t kFilterTrackIdsColumnIndex =
} // namespace
StringPool* string_pool,
const tables::SliceTable* table)
: string_pool_(string_pool),
empty_string_id_(string_pool_->InternString("")) {}
ExperimentalSliceLayout::~ExperimentalSliceLayout() = default;
Table::Schema ExperimentalSliceLayout::CreateSchema() {
return tables::ExperimentalSliceLayoutTable::ComputeStaticSchema();
std::string ExperimentalSliceLayout::TableName() {
return tables::ExperimentalSliceLayoutTable::Name();
uint32_t ExperimentalSliceLayout::EstimateRowCount() {
return slice_table_->row_count();
base::Status ExperimentalSliceLayout::ValidateConstraints(
const QueryConstraints& cs) {
for (const auto& c : cs.constraints()) {
if (c.column == kFilterTrackIdsColumnIndex && sqlite_utils::IsOpEq(c.op)) {
return base::OkStatus();
return base::ErrStatus(
"experimental_slice_layout must have filter_track_ids constraint");
base::Status ExperimentalSliceLayout::ComputeTable(
const std::vector<Constraint>& cs,
const std::vector<Order>&,
const BitVector&,
std::unique_ptr<Table>& table_return) {
std::set<TrackId> selected_tracks;
std::string filter_string = "";
for (const auto& c : cs) {
bool is_filter_track_ids = c.col_idx == kFilterTrackIdsColumnIndex;
bool is_equal = c.op == FilterOp::kEq;
bool is_string = c.value.type == SqlValue::kString;
if (is_filter_track_ids && is_equal && is_string) {
filter_string = c.value.AsString();
for (base::StringSplitter sp(filter_string, ','); sp.Next();) {
std::optional<uint32_t> maybe = base::CStringToUInt32(sp.cur_token());
if (maybe) {
StringPool::Id filter_id =
// Try and find the table in the cache.
auto cache_it = layout_table_cache_.find(filter_id);
if (cache_it != layout_table_cache_.end()) {
table_return.reset(new Table(cache_it->second->Copy()));
return base::OkStatus();
// Find all the slices for the tracks we want to filter and create a vector of
// row numbers out of them.
std::vector<tables::SliceTable::RowNumber> rows;
for (auto it = slice_table_->IterateRows(); it; ++it) {
if (selected_tracks.count(it.track_id())) {
// Compute the table and add it to the cache for future use.
std::unique_ptr<Table> layout_table =
ComputeLayoutTable(std::move(rows), filter_id);
auto res = layout_table_cache_.emplace(filter_id, std::move(layout_table));
table_return.reset(new Table(res.first->second->Copy()));
return base::OkStatus();
// Build up a table of slice id -> root slice id by observing each
// (id, opt_parent_id) pair in order.
tables::SliceTable::Id ExperimentalSliceLayout::InsertSlice(
std::map<tables::SliceTable::Id, tables::SliceTable::Id>& id_map,
tables::SliceTable::Id id,
std::optional<tables::SliceTable::Id> parent_id) {
if (parent_id) {
tables::SliceTable::Id root_id = id_map[parent_id.value()];
id_map[id] = root_id;
return root_id;
} else {
id_map[id] = id;
return id;
// The problem we're trying to solve is this: given a number of tracks each of
// which contain a number of 'stalactites' - depth 0 slices and all their
// children - layout the stalactites to minimize vertical depth without
// changing the horizontal (time) position. So given two tracks:
// Track A:
// aaaaaaaaa aaa
// aa
// a
// Track B:
// bbb bbb bbb
// b b b
// The result could be something like:
// aaaaaaaaa bbb aaa
// b aa
// bbb a
// b
// bbb
// b
// We do this by computing an additional column: layout_depth. layout_depth
// tells us the vertical position of each slice in each stalactite.
// The algorithm works in three passes:
// 1. For each stalactite find the 'bounding box' (start, end, & max depth)
// 2. Considering each stalactite bounding box in start ts order pick a
// layout_depth for the root slice of stalactite to avoid collisions with
// all previous stalactite's we've considered.
// 3. Go though each slice and give it a layout_depth by summing it's
// current depth and the root layout_depth of the stalactite it belongs to.
std::unique_ptr<Table> ExperimentalSliceLayout::ComputeLayoutTable(
std::vector<tables::SliceTable::RowNumber> rows,
StringPool::Id filter_id) {
std::map<tables::SliceTable::Id, GroupInfo> groups;
// Map of id -> root_id
std::map<tables::SliceTable::Id, tables::SliceTable::Id> id_map;
// Step 1:
// Find the bounding box (start ts, end ts, and max depth) for each group
// TODO(lalitm): Update this to use iterator (as this code will be slow after
// the event table is implemented)
for (tables::SliceTable::RowNumber i : rows) {
auto ref = i.ToRowReference(*slice_table_);
tables::SliceTable::Id id =;
uint32_t depth = ref.depth();
int64_t start = ref.ts();
int64_t dur = ref.dur();
int64_t end = dur == -1 ? std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() : start + dur;
InsertSlice(id_map, id, ref.parent_id());
std::map<tables::SliceTable::Id, GroupInfo>::iterator it;
bool inserted;
std::tie(it, inserted) = groups.emplace(
std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(id_map[id]),
std::forward_as_tuple(start, end, depth));
if (!inserted) {
it->second.max_depth = std::max(it->second.max_depth, depth);
it->second.end = std::max(it->second.end, end);
// Sort the groups by ts
std::vector<GroupInfo*> sorted_groups;
size_t idx = 0;
for (auto& group : groups) {
sorted_groups[idx++] = &group.second;
std::sort(std::begin(sorted_groups), std::end(sorted_groups),
[](const GroupInfo* group1, const GroupInfo* group2) {
return group1->start < group2->start;
// Step 2:
// Go though each group and choose a depth for the root slice.
// We keep track of those groups where the start time has passed but the
// end time has not in this vector:
std::vector<GroupInfo*> still_open;
for (GroupInfo* group : sorted_groups) {
int64_t start = group->start;
uint32_t max_depth = group->max_depth;
// Discard all 'closed' groups where that groups end_ts is < our start_ts:
auto it = still_open.begin();
while (it != still_open.end()) {
if ((*it)->end <= start) {
it = still_open.erase(it);
} else {
// Find a start layout depth for this group s.t. our start depth +
// our max depth will not intersect with the start depth + max depth for
// any of the open groups:
uint32_t layout_depth = 0;
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
done = true;
uint32_t start_depth = layout_depth;
uint32_t end_depth = layout_depth + max_depth;
for (const auto& open : still_open) {
uint32_t open_start_depth = open->layout_depth;
uint32_t open_end_depth = open->layout_depth + open->max_depth;
bool fully_above_open = end_depth < open_start_depth;
bool fully_below_open = open_end_depth < start_depth;
if (!fully_above_open && !fully_below_open) {
// This is extremely dumb, we can make a much better guess for what
// depth to try next but it is a little complicated to get right.
done = false;
// Add this group to the open groups & re
// Set our root layout depth:
group->layout_depth = layout_depth;
// Step 3: Add the two new columns layout_depth and filter_track_ids:
ColumnStorage<uint32_t> layout_depth_column;
ColumnStorage<StringPool::Id> filter_column;
for (tables::SliceTable::RowNumber i : rows) {
auto ref = i.ToRowReference(*slice_table_);
// Each slice depth is it's current slice depth + root slice depth of the
// group:
uint32_t group_depth =[]).layout_depth;
layout_depth_column.Append(ref.depth() + group_depth);
// We must set this to the value we got in the constraint to ensure our
// rows are not filtered out:
return tables::ExperimentalSliceLayoutTable::SelectAndExtendParent(
*slice_table_, std::move(rows), std::move(layout_depth_column),
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto