blob: 1e0f25a261601a2be5d6369e2eca221c671387bd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/ext/base/circular_queue.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/utils.h"
#include "perfetto/trace_processor/basic_types.h"
#include "perfetto/trace_processor/trace_blob_view.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/importers/common/parser_types.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/importers/common/trace_parser.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/importers/fuchsia/fuchsia_record.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/importers/systrace/systrace_line.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/sorter/trace_token_buffer.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/types/trace_processor_context.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/util/bump_allocator.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
// This class takes care of sorting events parsed from the trace stream in
// arbitrary order and pushing them to the next pipeline stages (parsing) in
// order. In order to support streaming use-cases, sorting happens within a
// window.
// Events are held in the TraceSorter staging area (events_) until either:
// 1. We can determine that it's safe to extract events by observing
// TracingServiceEvent Flush and ReadBuffer events
// 2. The trace EOF is reached
// Incremental extraction
// Incremental extraction happens by using a combination of flush and read
// buffer events from the tracing service. Note that incremental extraction
// is only applicable for write_into_file traces; ring-buffer traces will
// be sorted fully in-memory implicitly because there is only a single read
// buffer call at the end.
// The algorithm for incremental extraction is explained in detail at
// go/trace-sorting-is-complicated.
// Sorting algorithm
// The sorting algorithm is designed around the assumption that:
// - Most events come from ftrace.
// - Ftrace events are sorted within each cpu most of the times.
// Due to this, this class is oprerates as a streaming merge-sort of N+1 queues
// (N = num cpus + 1 for non-ftrace events). Each queue in turn gets sorted (if
// necessary) before proceeding with the global merge-sort-extract.
// When an event is pushed through, it is just appended to the end of one of
// the N queues. While appending, we keep track of the fact that the queue
// is still ordered or just lost ordering. When an out-of-order event is
// detected on a queue we keep track of: (1) the offset within the queue where
// the chaos begun, (2) the timestamp that broke the ordering.
// When we decide to extract events from the queues into the next stages of
// the trace processor, we re-sort the events in the queue. Rather than
// re-sorting everything all the times, we use the above knowledge to restrict
// sorting to the (hopefully smaller) tail of the |events_| staging area.
// At any time, the first partition of |events_| [0 .. sort_start_idx_) is
// ordered, and the second partition [sort_start_idx_.. end] is not.
// We use a logarithmic bound search operation to figure out what is the index
// within the first partition where sorting should start, and sort all events
// from there to the end.
class TraceSorter {
enum class SortingMode {
TraceSorter(TraceProcessorContext* context,
std::unique_ptr<TraceParser> parser,
inline void PushTracePacket(int64_t timestamp,
RefPtr<PacketSequenceStateGeneration> state,
TraceBlobView tbv) {
TraceTokenBuffer::Id id =
token_buffer_.Append(TracePacketData{std::move(tbv), std::move(state)});
AppendNonFtraceEvent(timestamp, TimestampedEvent::Type::kTracePacket, id);
inline void PushJsonValue(int64_t timestamp, std::string json_value) {
TraceTokenBuffer::Id id =
AppendNonFtraceEvent(timestamp, TimestampedEvent::Type::kJsonValue, id);
inline void PushFuchsiaRecord(int64_t timestamp,
FuchsiaRecord fuchsia_record) {
TraceTokenBuffer::Id id = token_buffer_.Append(std::move(fuchsia_record));
AppendNonFtraceEvent(timestamp, TimestampedEvent::Type::kFuchsiaRecord, id);
inline void PushSystraceLine(SystraceLine systrace_line) {
TraceTokenBuffer::Id id = token_buffer_.Append(std::move(systrace_line));
TimestampedEvent::Type::kSystraceLine, id);
inline void PushTrackEventPacket(int64_t timestamp,
TrackEventData track_event) {
TraceTokenBuffer::Id id = token_buffer_.Append(std::move(track_event));
AppendNonFtraceEvent(timestamp, TimestampedEvent::Type::kTrackEvent, id);
inline void PushFtraceEvent(uint32_t cpu,
int64_t timestamp,
TraceBlobView tbv,
RefPtr<PacketSequenceStateGeneration> state) {
TraceTokenBuffer::Id id =
token_buffer_.Append(TracePacketData{std::move(tbv), std::move(state)});
auto* queue = GetQueue(cpu + 1);
queue->Append(timestamp, TimestampedEvent::Type::kFtraceEvent, id);
inline void PushInlineFtraceEvent(uint32_t cpu,
int64_t timestamp,
InlineSchedSwitch inline_sched_switch) {
// TODO(rsavitski): if a trace has a mix of normal & "compact" events
// (being pushed through this function), the ftrace batches will no longer
// be fully sorted by timestamp. In such situations, we will have to sort
// at the end of the batch. We can do better as both sub-sequences are
// sorted however. Consider adding extra queues, or pushing them in a
// merge-sort fashion
// // instead.
TraceTokenBuffer::Id id =
auto* queue = GetQueue(cpu + 1);
queue->Append(timestamp, TimestampedEvent::Type::kInlineSchedSwitch, id);
inline void PushInlineFtraceEvent(uint32_t cpu,
int64_t timestamp,
InlineSchedWaking inline_sched_waking) {
TraceTokenBuffer::Id id =
auto* queue = GetQueue(cpu + 1);
queue->Append(timestamp, TimestampedEvent::Type::kInlineSchedWaking, id);
void ExtractEventsForced() {
BumpAllocator::AllocId end_id = token_buffer_.PastTheEndAllocId();
for (const auto& queue : queues_) {
alloc_id_for_extraction_ = end_id;
flushes_since_extraction_ = 0;
void NotifyFlushEvent() { flushes_since_extraction_++; }
void NotifyReadBufferEvent() {
if (sorting_mode_ == SortingMode::kFullSort ||
flushes_since_extraction_ < 2) {
alloc_id_for_extraction_ = token_buffer_.PastTheEndAllocId();
flushes_since_extraction_ = 0;
int64_t max_timestamp() const { return append_max_ts_; }
struct TimestampedEvent {
enum class Type : uint8_t {
kMax = kSystraceLine,
// Number of bits required to store the max element in |Type|.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxTypeBits = 4;
static_assert(static_cast<uint8_t>(Type::kMax) <= (1 << kMaxTypeBits),
"Max type does not fit inside storage");
// The timestamp of this event.
int64_t ts;
// The fields inside BumpAllocator::AllocId of this tokenized object
// corresponding to this event.
uint64_t chunk_index : BumpAllocator::kChunkIndexAllocIdBits;
uint64_t chunk_offset : BumpAllocator::kChunkOffsetAllocIdBits;
// The type of this event. GCC7 does not like bit-field enums (see
// so use an uint64_t instead and cast to the enum type.
uint64_t event_type : kMaxTypeBits;
BumpAllocator::AllocId alloc_id() const {
return BumpAllocator::AllocId{chunk_index, chunk_offset};
// For std::lower_bound().
static inline bool Compare(const TimestampedEvent& x, int64_t ts) {
return x.ts < ts;
// For std::sort().
inline bool operator<(const TimestampedEvent& evt) const {
return std::tie(ts, chunk_index, chunk_offset) <
std::tie(evt.ts, evt.chunk_index, evt.chunk_offset);
static_assert(sizeof(TimestampedEvent) == 16,
"TimestampedEvent must be equal to 16 bytes");
"TimestampedEvent must be trivially copyable");
"TimestampedEvent must be trivially move assignable");
"TimestampedEvent must be trivially move constructible");
"TimestampedEvent must be trivially swappable");
struct Queue {
void Append(int64_t ts,
TimestampedEvent::Type type,
TraceTokenBuffer::Id id) {
TimestampedEvent event;
event.ts = ts;
event.chunk_index = id.alloc_id.chunk_index;
event.chunk_offset = id.alloc_id.chunk_offset;
event.event_type = static_cast<uint8_t>(type);
// Events are often seen in order.
if (PERFETTO_LIKELY(ts >= max_ts_)) {
max_ts_ = ts;
} else {
// The event is breaking ordering. The first time it happens, keep
// track of which index we are at. We know that everything before that
// is sorted (because events were pushed monotonically). Everything
// after that index, instead, will need a sorting pass before moving
// events to the next pipeline stage.
if (sort_start_idx_ == 0) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(events_.size() >= 2);
sort_start_idx_ = events_.size() - 1;
sort_min_ts_ = ts;
} else {
sort_min_ts_ = std::min(sort_min_ts_, ts);
min_ts_ = std::min(min_ts_, ts);
PERFETTO_DCHECK(min_ts_ <= max_ts_);
bool needs_sorting() const { return sort_start_idx_ != 0; }
void Sort();
base::CircularQueue<TimestampedEvent> events_;
int64_t min_ts_ = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
int64_t max_ts_ = 0;
size_t sort_start_idx_ = 0;
int64_t sort_min_ts_ = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
void SortAndExtractEventsUntilAllocId(BumpAllocator::AllocId alloc_id);
inline Queue* GetQueue(size_t index) {
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(index >= queues_.size()))
queues_.resize(index + 1);
return &queues_[index];
inline void AppendNonFtraceEvent(int64_t ts,
TimestampedEvent::Type event_type,
TraceTokenBuffer::Id id) {
Queue* queue = GetQueue(0);
queue->Append(ts, event_type, id);
inline void UpdateAppendMaxTs(Queue* queue) {
append_max_ts_ = std::max(append_max_ts_, queue->max_ts_);
void ParseTracePacket(const TimestampedEvent&);
void ParseFtracePacket(uint32_t cpu, const TimestampedEvent&);
void MaybeExtractEvent(size_t queue_idx, const TimestampedEvent&);
void ExtractAndDiscardTokenizedObject(const TimestampedEvent& event);
TraceTokenBuffer::Id GetTokenBufferId(const TimestampedEvent& event) {
return TraceTokenBuffer::Id{event.alloc_id()};
TraceProcessorContext* context_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<TraceParser> parser_;
// Whether we should ignore incremental extraction and just wait for
// forced extractionn at the end of the trace.
SortingMode sorting_mode_ = SortingMode::kDefault;
// Buffer for storing tokenized objects while the corresponding events are
// being sorted.
TraceTokenBuffer token_buffer_;
// The AllocId until which events should be extracted. Set based
// on the AllocId in |OnReadBuffer|.
BumpAllocator::AllocId alloc_id_for_extraction_ =
// The number of flushes which have happened since the last incremental
// extraction.
uint32_t flushes_since_extraction_ = 0;
// queues_[0] is the general (non-ftrace) queue.
// queues_[1] is the ftrace queue for CPU(0).
// queues_[x] is the ftrace queue for CPU(x - 1).
std::vector<Queue> queues_;
// max(e.ts for e appended to the sorter)
int64_t append_max_ts_ = 0;
// Used for performance tests. True when setting
bool bypass_next_stage_for_testing_ = false;
// max(e.ts for e pushed to next stage)
int64_t latest_pushed_event_ts_ = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min();
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto