blob: 0662f726d3e93f586971dc293569e65c22b29095 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <array>
#include <optional>
#include "src/trace_processor/types/version_number.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
namespace ftrace_utils {
// Linux kernel scheduling events (sched_switch) contain a bitmask of the
// switched-out task's state (prev_state). Perfetto doesn't record the event
// format string during tracing, the trace contains only the raw bitmask as an
// integer. Certain kernel versions made backwards incompatible changes to the
// bitmask's raw representation, so this class guesses how to decode the flags
// based on the kernel's major+minor version as recorded in the trace. Note:
// this means we can be wrong if patch backports change the flags, or the
// kernel diverged from upstream. But this has worked well enough in practice
// so far.
// There are three specific kernel version intervals we handle:
// * [4.14, ...)
// * [4.8, 4.14)
// * (..., 4.8), where we assume the 4.4 bitmask
// (Therefore kernels before 4.2 most likely have incorrect preemption flag
// parsing.)
// For 4.14, we assume that the kernel has a backport of the bugfix
// ("sched/debug: Fix task
// state recording/printout"). In other words, traces collected on unpatched
// 4.14 kernels will have incorrect flags decoded.
class TaskState {
using TaskStateStr = std::array<char, 4>;
// We transcode the raw bitmasks into a set of these flags to make them
// kernel version agnostic.
// Warning: do NOT depend on the numeric values of these constants, and
// especially do NOT attempt to use these constants when operating on raw
// prev_state masks unless you're changing itself.
enum ParsedFlag : uint16_t {
kRunnable = 0x0000, // no flag (besides kPreempted) means "running"
kInterruptibleSleep = 0x0001,
kUninterruptibleSleep = 0x0002,
kStopped = 0x0004,
kTraced = 0x0008,
kExitDead = 0x0010,
kExitZombie = 0x0020,
// Starting from here, different kernels have different values:
kParked = 0x0040,
// No longer reported on 4.14+:
kTaskDead = 0x0080,
kWakeKill = 0x0100,
kWaking = 0x0200,
kNoLoad = 0x0400,
// Special states that don't map onto the scheduler's constants:
kIdle = 0x4000,
kPreempted = 0x8000, // exclusive as only running tasks can be preempted
// Sentinel value that is an invalid combination of flags:
kInvalid = 0xffff
static TaskState FromRawPrevState(
uint16_t raw_state,
std::optional<VersionNumber> kernel_version);
static TaskState FromSystrace(const char* state_str);
static TaskState FromParsedFlags(uint16_t parsed_state);
// TODO(rsavitski): consider moving the factory methods to an optional return
// type instead.
bool is_valid() const { return parsed_ != kInvalid; }
// Returns the textual representation of this state as a null-terminated
// array. |separator| specifies if a separator should be printed between the
// atoms (default: \0 meaning no separator).
TaskStateStr ToString(char separator = '\0') const;
// Converts the TaskState back to the raw format, to be used only when
// parsing systrace.
// NB: this makes a hard assumption on the 4.4 flag layout, since systrace
// files don't specify a kernel version, so when trace_processor later calls
// FromRawPrevState to construct sched.end_state column values, it'll default
// to the 4.4 layout.
// TODO(rsavitski): can we get rid of this entirely and avoid the
// str -> TaskState -> uint16_t -> str conversion chain?
uint16_t ToRawStateOnlyForSystraceConversions() const;
uint16_t ParsedForTesting() const { return parsed_; }
TaskState() = default;
explicit TaskState(uint16_t raw_state,
std::optional<VersionNumber> kernel_version);
explicit TaskState(const char* state_str);
bool is_runnable() const { return !(parsed_ & ~kPreempted); }
uint16_t parsed_ = 0;
} // namespace ftrace_utils
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto