blob: 3971fd8e147eb748730948a878593d4a2d891ef2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// A single value. These are often retived from trace_processor so
// need to map to the related sqlite type:
// null = NULL, string = TEXT, number = INTEGER/REAL, boolean = INTEGER
export type Primitive = null|string|boolean|number;
export const NullType = null;
export const NumType = 0 as const;
export const StrType = 'str' as const;
export const IdType = 'id' as const;
export const BoolType = true as const;
// Values may be of any of the above types:
type KeyType =
typeof NumType|typeof StrType|typeof NullType|typeof IdType|typeof BoolType;
// KeySet is a specification for the key/value pairs on an Event.
// - Every event must have a string ID.
// - In addition Events may have 1 or more key/value pairs.
// The *specification* for the key/value pair has to be *precisely* one
// of the KeySet constants above. So:
// const thisTypeChecks: KeySet = { id: IdType, foo: StrType };
// const thisDoesNot: KeySet = { id: IdType, foo: "bar" };
// Since although are is a string it's not a KeySet.
export type KeySet = {
readonly id: typeof IdType,
readonly [key: string]: KeyType,
export interface EmptyKeySet extends KeySet {
readonly id: typeof IdType;
// A particular key/value pair on an Event matches the relevant entry
// on the KeySet if the KeyType and the value type 'match':
// IdType => string
// StrType => string
// BoolType => boolean
// NullType => null
// NumType => number
type IsExactly<P, Q> = P extends Q ? (Q extends P ? any : never) : never;
type IsId<T> = T extends IsExactly<T, typeof IdType>? string : never;
type IsStr<T> = T extends IsExactly<T, typeof StrType>? string : never;
type IsNum<T> = T extends IsExactly<T, typeof NumType>? number : never;
type IsBool<T> = T extends IsExactly<T, typeof BoolType>? boolean : never;
type IsNull<T> = T extends IsExactly<T, typeof NullType>? null : never;
type MapType<T> = IsId<T>|IsStr<T>|IsNum<T>|IsBool<T>|IsNull<T>;
type ConformingValue<T> = T extends MapType<T>? MapType<T>: void;
// A single trace Event.
// Events have:
// - A globally unique identifier `id`.
// - Zero or more key/value pairs.
// Note: Events do *not* have to have all possible keys/value pairs for
// the given id. It is expected that users will only materialise the
// key/value pairs relevant to the specific use case at hand.
export type UntypedEvent = {
readonly id: string,
readonly [key: string]: Primitive,
export type Event<K extends KeySet> = {
[Property in keyof K]: ConformingValue<K[Property]>;
type KeyUnion<P, Q> = P&Q;
// An EventSet is a:
// - ordered
// - immutable
// - subset
// of events in the trace.
export interface EventSet<P extends KeySet> {
// All possible keys for Events in this EventSet.
readonly keys: KeySet;
// Methods for refining the set.
// Note: these are all synchronous - we expect the cost (and hence
// any asynchronous queries) to be deferred to analysis time.
filter(...filters: Filter[]): EventSet<P>;
sort(...sorts: Sort[]): EventSet<P>;
union<Q extends KeySet>(other: EventSet<Q>): EventSet<KeyUnion<P, Q>>;
intersect<Q extends KeySet>(other: EventSet<Q>): EventSet<KeyUnion<P, Q>>;
// Methods for analysing the set.
// Note: these are all asynchronous - it's expected that these will
// often have to do queries.
count(): Promise<number>;
isEmpty(): Promise<boolean>;
materialise<T extends P>(keys: T, offset?: number, limit?: number):
export type UntypedEventSet = EventSet<KeySet>;
// An expression that operates on an Event and produces a Primitive as
// output. Expressions have to work both in JavaScript and in SQL.
// In SQL users can use buildQueryFragment to convert the expression
// into a snippet of SQL. For JavaScript they call execute(). In both
// cases you need to know which keys the expression uses, for this call
// `freeVariables`.
export interface Expr {
// Return a fragment of SQL that can be used to evaluate the
// expression. `binding` maps key names to column names in the
// resulting SQL. The caller must ensure that binding includes at
// least all the keys from `freeVariables`.
buildQueryFragment(binding: Map<string, string>): string;
// Run the expression on an Event. The caller must ensure that event
// has all the keys from `freeVariables` materialised.
execute(event: UntypedEvent): Primitive;
// Returns the set of keys used in this expression.
// For example in an expression representing `(foo + 4) * bar`
// freeVariables would return the set {'foo', 'bar'}.
freeVariables(): Set<string>;
// A filter is a (normally boolean) expression.
export type Filter = Expr;
// Sorting direction.
export enum Direction {
// A sort is an expression combined with a direction:
export interface Sort {
direction: Direction;
expression: Expr;
// An EventSet where the Event are accesible synchronously.
interface ConcreteEventSet<T extends KeySet> extends EventSet<T> {
readonly events: Event<T>[];
export type UntypedConcreteEventSet = ConcreteEventSet<KeySet>;