blob: 582e6fbf1449c8bf367b37a51b2546da145acf13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import m from 'mithril';
import {classNames} from '../classnames';
import {Icon} from './icon';
import {Popup, PopupPosition} from './popup';
import {hasChildren} from './utils';
export interface MenuItemAttrs {
// Text to display on the menu button.
label: string;
// Optional left icon.
icon?: string;
// Optional right icon.
rightIcon?: string;
// Make the item appear greyed out block any interaction with it. No events
// will be fired.
// Defaults to false.
disabled?: boolean;
// Always show the button as if the "active" pseudo class were applied, which
// makes the button look permanently pressed.
// Useful for when the button represents some toggleable state, such as
// showing/hiding a popup menu.
// Defaults to false.
active?: boolean;
// If this menu item is a descendant of a popup, this setting means that
// clicking it will result in the popup being dismissed.
// Defaults to false when menuitem has children, true otherwise.
closePopupOnClick?: boolean;
// Remaining attributes forwarded to the underlying HTML element.
[htmlAttrs: string]: any;
// An interactive menu element with an icon.
// If this node has children, a nested popup menu will be rendered.
export class MenuItem implements m.ClassComponent<MenuItemAttrs> {
view(vnode: m.CVnode<MenuItemAttrs>): m.Children {
if (hasChildren(vnode)) {
return this.renderNested(vnode);
} else {
return this.renderSingle(vnode);
private renderNested({attrs, children}: m.CVnode<MenuItemAttrs>) {
const {rightIcon = 'chevron_right', closePopupOnClick = false,} =
return m(
popupPosition: PopupPosition.RightStart,
trigger: m(MenuItem, {
rightIcon: rightIcon ?? 'chevron_right',
showArrow: false,
private renderSingle({attrs}: m.CVnode<MenuItemAttrs>) {
const {
closePopupOnClick = true,
} = attrs;
const classes = classNames(
active && 'pf-active',
!disabled && closePopupOnClick && 'pf-close-parent-popup-on-click',
return m(
'' + (disabled ? '[disabled]' : ''),
{class: classes, ...htmlAttrs},
icon && m(Icon, {className: 'pf-left-icon', icon}),
rightIcon && m(Icon, {className: 'pf-right-icon', icon: rightIcon}),
// An element which shows a dividing line between menu items.
export class MenuDivider implements m.ClassComponent {
view() {
return m('.pf-menu-divider');
// A siple container for a menu.
// The menu contents are passed in as children, and are typically MenuItems or
// MenuDividers, but really they can be any Mithril component.
export class Menu implements m.ClassComponent {
view({children}: m.CVnode) {
return m('.pf-menu', children);
interface PopupMenu2Attrs {
// The trigger is mithril component which is used to toggle the popup when
// clicked, and provides the anchor on the page which the popup shall hover
// next to, and to which the popup's arrow shall point. The popup shall move
// around the page with this component, as if attached to it.
// This trigger can be any mithril component, but it is typically a Button,
// an Icon, or some other interactive component.
// Beware this element will have its `onclick`, `ref`, and `active` attributes
// overwritten.
trigger: m.Vnode<any, any>;
// Which side of the trigger to place to popup.
// Defaults to "bottom".
popupPosition?: PopupPosition;
// Whether we should show the little arrow pointing to the trigger.
// Defaults to true.
showArrow?: boolean;
// A combination of a Popup and a Menu component.
// The menu contents are passed in as children, and are typically MenuItems or
// MenuDividers, but really they can be any Mithril component.
export class PopupMenu2 implements m.ClassComponent<PopupMenu2Attrs> {
view({attrs, children}: m.CVnode<PopupMenu2Attrs>) {
const {trigger, popupPosition = PopupPosition.Bottom, ...popupAttrs} =
return m(
position: popupPosition,
closeOnContentClick: true,
m(Menu, children));