blob: 0428a482ac41bb4df80cce8e32562e533a628172 [file] [log] [blame]
import m from 'mithril';
import {classNames} from '../classnames';
import {globals} from '../globals';
import {Button} from './button';
import {hasChildren} from './utils';
export enum TreeLayout {
// Classic heirachical tree layout with no columnar alignment.
// Example:
// foo: bar
// ├ baz: qux
// └ quux: corge
// grault: garply
Tree = 'tree',
// Heirachical tree layout but right values are horizontally aligned.
// Example:
// foo bar
// ├ baz qux
// └ quux corge
// grault garply
Grid = 'grid',
interface TreeAttrs {
// The style of layout.
// Defaults to grid.
layout?: TreeLayout;
// Space delimited class list applied to our tree element.
className?: string;
export class Tree implements m.ClassComponent<TreeAttrs> {
view({attrs, children}: m.Vnode<TreeAttrs>): m.Children {
const {
layout: style = TreeLayout.Grid,
className = '',
} = attrs;
if (style === TreeLayout.Grid) {
return m('.pf-ptree-grid', {class: className}, children);
} else if (style === TreeLayout.Tree) {
return m('.pf-ptree', {class: className}, children);
} else {
return null;
interface TreeNodeAttrs {
// Content to display on the left hand column.
// If omitted, this side will be blank.
left?: m.Child;
// Content to display on the right hand column.
// If omitted, this side will be left blank.
right?: m.Child;
// Whether this node is collapsed or not.
// If omitted, collapsed state 'uncontrolled' - i.e. controlled internally.
collapsed?: boolean;
// Called when the collapsed state is changed, mainly used in controlled mode.
onCollapseChanged?: (collapsed: boolean, attrs: TreeNodeAttrs) => void;
export class TreeNode implements m.ClassComponent<TreeNodeAttrs> {
private collapsed = false;
view(vnode: m.CVnode<TreeNodeAttrs>): m.Children {
return [
hasChildren(vnode) && this.renderChildren(vnode),
private renderLeft(vnode: m.CVnode<TreeNodeAttrs>) {
const {
attrs: {left},
} = vnode;
return m(
hasChildren(vnode) && this.renderCollapseButton(vnode),
private renderRight({attrs: {right}}: m.CVnode<TreeNodeAttrs>) {
return m('.pf-tree-right', right);
private renderChildren(vnode: m.CVnode<TreeNodeAttrs>) {
const {children} = vnode;
return m(
class: classNames(this.isCollapsed(vnode) && 'pf-pgrid-hidden'),
private renderCollapseButton(vnode: m.Vnode<TreeNodeAttrs>) {
const {attrs, attrs: {onCollapseChanged = () => {}}} = vnode;
return m(Button, {
icon: this.isCollapsed(vnode) ? 'chevron_right' : 'expand_more',
minimal: true,
compact: true,
onclick: () => {
this.collapsed = !this.isCollapsed(vnode);
onCollapseChanged(this.collapsed, attrs);
private isCollapsed({attrs}: m.Vnode<TreeNodeAttrs>): boolean {
// If collapsed is omitted, use our local collapsed state instead.
const {
collapsed = this.collapsed,
} = attrs;
return collapsed;