blob: 08e32f34a81b3af1a90064400fed50a70f53dc34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This script handles the caching of the UI resources, allowing it to work
// offline (as long as the UI site has been visited at least once).
// Design doc: http://go/perfetto-offline.
// When a new version of the UI is released (e.g. v1 -> v2), the following
// happens on the next visit:
// 1. The v1 (old) service worker is activated. At this point we don't know yet
// that v2 is released.
// 2. /index.html is requested. The SW intercepts the request and serves it from
// the network.
// 3a If the request fails (offline / server unreachable) or times out, the old
// v1 is served.
// 3b If the request succeeds, the browser receives the index.html for v2. That
// will try to fetch resources from /v2/frontend_bundle.ts.
// 4. When the SW sees the /v2/ request, will have a cache miss and will issue
// a network fetch(), returning the fresh /v2/ content.
// 4. The v2 site will call serviceWorker.register('service_worker.js?v=v2').
// This (i.e. the different querystring) will cause a re-installation of the
// service worker (even if the service_worker.js script itself is unchanged).
// 5. In the "install" step, the service_worker.js script will fetch the newer
// version (v2).
// Note: the v2 will be fetched twice, once upon the first request that
// causes causes a cache-miss, the second time while re-installing the SW.
// The latter though will hit a HTTP 304 (Not Changed) and will be served
// from the browser cache after the revalidation request.
// 6. The 'activate' handler is triggered. The old v1 cache is deleted at this
// point.
declare let self: ServiceWorkerGlobalScope;
export {};
const LOG_TAG = `ServiceWorker: `;
const CACHE_NAME = 'ui-perfetto-dev';
// If the fetch() for the / doesn't respond within 3s, return a cached version.
// This is to avoid that a user waits too much if on a flaky network.
const INDEX_TIMEOUT_MS = 3000;
// Use more relaxed timeouts when caching the subresources for the new version
// in the background.
const INSTALL_TIMEOUT_MS = 30000;
// The install() event is fired:
// 1. On the first visit, when there is no SW installed.
// 2. Every time the user opens the site and the version has been updated (they
// will get the newer version regardless, unless we hit INDEX_TIMEOUT_MS).
// The latter happens because:
// - / (index.html) is always served from the network (% timeout) and it pulls
// /v1.2-sha/frontend_bundle.js.
// - /v1.2-sha/frontend_bundle.js will register /service_worker.js?v=v1.2-sha.
// The service_worker.js script itself never changes, but the browser
// re-installs it because the version in the V? query-string argument changes.
// The reinstallation will cache the new files from the v.1.2-sha/manifest.json.
self.addEventListener('install', (event) => {
const doInstall = async () => {
if (await caches.has('BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER')) {
// Throw will prevent the installation.
throw new Error(LOG_TAG + 'skipping installation, bypass enabled');
// Delete old cache entries from the pre-feb-2021 service worker.
for (const key of await caches.keys()) {
if (key.startsWith('dist-')) {
await caches.delete(key);
// The UI should register this as service_worker.js?v=v1.2-sha. Extract the
// version number and pre-fetch all the contents for the version.
const match = /\bv=([\w.-]*)/.exec(;
if (!match) {
throw new Error(
'Failed to install. Was epecting a query string like ' +
`?v=v1.2-sha query string, got "${}" instead`);
await installAppVersionIntoCache(match[1]);
// skipWaiting() still waits for the install to be complete. Without this
// call, the new version would be activated only when all tabs are closed.
// Instead, we ask to activate it immediately. This is safe because the
// subresources are versioned (e.g. /v1.2-sha/frontend_bundle.js). Even if
// there is an old UI tab opened while we activate() a newer version, the
// activate() would just cause cache-misses, hence fetch from the network,
// for the old tab.
self.addEventListener('activate', (event) => { + 'activated');
const doActivate = async () => {
// This makes a difference only for the very first load, when no service
// worker is present. In all the other cases the skipWaiting() will hot-swap
// the active service worker anyways.
await self.clients.claim();
self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
// The early return here will cause the browser to fall back on standard
// network-based fetch.
if (!shouldHandleHttpRequest(event.request)) {
console.debug(LOG_TAG + `serving ${event.request.url} from network`);
function shouldHandleHttpRequest(req: Request): boolean {
// Suppress warning: 'only-if-cached' can be set only with 'same-origin' mode.
// This seems to be a chromium bug. An internal code search suggests this is a
// socially acceptable workaround.
if (req.cache === 'only-if-cached' && req.mode !== 'same-origin') {
return false;
const url = new URL(req.url);
if (url.pathname === '/live_reload') return false;
return req.method === 'GET' && url.origin === self.location.origin;
async function handleHttpRequest(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
if (!shouldHandleHttpRequest(req)) {
throw new Error(LOG_TAG + `${req.url} shouldn't have been handled`);
// We serve from the cache even if req.cache == 'no-cache'. It's a bit
// contra-intuitive but it's the most consistent option. If the user hits the
// reload button*, the browser requests the "/" index with a 'no-cache' fetch.
// However all the other resources (css, js, ...) are requested with a
// 'default' fetch (this is just how Chrome works, it's not us). If we bypass
// the service worker cache when we get a 'no-cache' request, we can end up in
// an inconsistent state where the index.html is more recent than the other
// resources, which is undesirable.
// * Only Ctrl+R. Ctrl+Shift+R will always bypass service-worker for all the
// requests (index.html and the rest) made in that tab.
const cacheOps = {cacheName: CACHE_NAME} as CacheQueryOptions;
const url = new URL(req.url);
if (url.pathname === '/') {
try {
console.debug(LOG_TAG + `Fetching live ${req.url}`);
// The await bleow is needed to fall through in case of an exception.
return await fetchWithTimeout(req, INDEX_TIMEOUT_MS);
} catch (err) {
console.warn(LOG_TAG + `Failed to fetch ${req.url}, using cache.`, err);
// Fall through the code below.
} else if (url.pathname === '/offline') {
// Escape hatch to force serving the offline version without attemping the
// network fetch.
const cachedRes = await caches.match(new Request('/'), cacheOps);
if (cachedRes) return cachedRes;
const cachedRes = await caches.match(req, cacheOps);
if (cachedRes) {
console.debug(LOG_TAG + `serving ${req.url} from cache`);
return cachedRes;
// In any other case, just propagate the fetch on the network, which is the
// safe behavior.
console.warn(LOG_TAG + `cache miss on ${req.url}, using live network`);
return fetch(req);
async function installAppVersionIntoCache(version: string) {
const manifestUrl = `${version}/manifest.json`;
try {
console.log(LOG_TAG + `Starting installation of ${manifestUrl}`);
await caches.delete(CACHE_NAME);
const resp = await fetchWithTimeout(manifestUrl, INSTALL_TIMEOUT_MS);
const manifest = await resp.json();
const manifestResources = manifest['resources'];
if (!manifestResources || !(manifestResources instanceof Object)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid manifest ${manifestUrl} : ${manifest}`);
const cache = await;
const urlsToCache: RequestInfo[] = [];
// We use cache:reload to make sure that the index is always current and we
// don't end up in some cycle where we keep re-caching the index coming from
// the service worker itself.
urlsToCache.push(new Request('/', {cache: 'reload', mode: 'same-origin'}));
for (const [resource, integrity] of Object.entries(manifestResources)) {
// We use cache: no-cache rather then reload here because the versioned
// sub-resources are expected to be immutable and should never be
// ambiguous. A revalidation request is enough.
const reqOpts: RequestInit = {
cache: 'no-cache',
mode: 'same-origin',
integrity: `${integrity}`,
urlsToCache.push(new Request(`${version}/${resource}`, reqOpts));
await cache.addAll(urlsToCache);
console.log(LOG_TAG + 'installation completed for ' + version);
} catch (err) {
console.error(LOG_TAG + `Installation failed for ${manifestUrl}`, err);
await caches.delete(CACHE_NAME);
throw err;
function fetchWithTimeout(req: Request|string, timeoutMs: number) {
const url = (req as {url?: string}).url || `${req}`;
return new Promise<Response>((resolve, reject) => {
const timerId = setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error(`Timed out while fetching ${url}`));
}, timeoutMs);
fetch(req).then((resp) => {
if (resp.ok) {
} else {
reject(new Error(
`Fetch failed for ${url}: ${resp.status} ${resp.statusText}`));
}, reject);