blob: c71929d041b1b6d4ca155deb620bab6ee6ea748c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/font.h"
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_names_testing.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include "ui/gfx/system_fonts_win.h"
namespace gfx {
namespace {
class FontTest : public testing::Test {
FontTest() = default;
FontTest(const FontTest&) = delete;
FontTest& operator=(const FontTest&) = delete;
void SetUp() override {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// System fonts is keeping a cache of loaded system fonts. These fonts are
// scaled based on global callbacks configured on startup. The tests in this
// file are testing these callbacks and need to be sure we cleared the
// global state to avoid flaky tests.
TEST_F(FontTest, DefaultFont) {
Font cf;
EXPECT_EQ(cf.GetStyle(), Font::NORMAL);
EXPECT_EQ(cf.GetWeight(), Font::Weight::NORMAL);
// Ensures that font metrics are generated. Some fonts backends do not provide
// some metrics (e.g. DWrite do not produce average character width).
EXPECT_GT(cf.GetFontSize(), 0);
EXPECT_GT(cf.GetHeight(), 0);
EXPECT_GT(cf.GetBaseline(), 0);
EXPECT_GT(cf.GetCapHeight(), 0);
EXPECT_GT(cf.GetExpectedTextWidth(1), 0);
TEST_F(FontTest, LoadArial) {
Font cf(kTestFontName, 16);
#if defined(OS_APPLE)
EXPECT_EQ(cf.GetStyle(), Font::NORMAL);
EXPECT_EQ(cf.GetFontSize(), 16);
EXPECT_EQ(cf.GetFontName(), kTestFontName);
TEST_F(FontTest, LoadArialBold) {
Font cf(kTestFontName, 16);
Font bold(cf.Derive(0, Font::NORMAL, Font::Weight::BOLD));
#if defined(OS_APPLE)
EXPECT_EQ(bold.GetStyle(), Font::NORMAL);
EXPECT_EQ(bold.GetWeight(), Font::Weight::BOLD);
TEST_F(FontTest, Ascent) {
Font cf(kTestFontName, 16);
EXPECT_GT(cf.GetBaseline(), 2);
EXPECT_LE(cf.GetBaseline(), 22);
TEST_F(FontTest, Height) {
Font cf(kTestFontName, 16);
EXPECT_GE(cf.GetHeight(), 16);
// TODO(akalin): Figure out why height is so large on Linux.
EXPECT_LE(cf.GetHeight(), 26);
TEST_F(FontTest, CapHeight) {
Font cf(kTestFontName, 16);
EXPECT_GT(cf.GetCapHeight(), 0);
EXPECT_GT(cf.GetCapHeight(), cf.GetHeight() / 2);
EXPECT_LT(cf.GetCapHeight(), cf.GetBaseline());
TEST_F(FontTest, AvgWidths) {
Font cf(kTestFontName, 16);
EXPECT_EQ(cf.GetExpectedTextWidth(0), 0);
EXPECT_GT(cf.GetExpectedTextWidth(1), cf.GetExpectedTextWidth(0));
EXPECT_GT(cf.GetExpectedTextWidth(2), cf.GetExpectedTextWidth(1));
EXPECT_GT(cf.GetExpectedTextWidth(3), cf.GetExpectedTextWidth(2));
// Check that fonts used for testing are installed and enabled. On Mac
// fonts may be installed but still need enabling in Font
TEST_F(FontTest, GetActualFontName) {
Font arial(kTestFontName, 16);
<< "********\n"
<< "Your test environment seems to be missing Arial font, which is "
<< "needed for unittests. Check if Arial font is installed.\n"
<< "********";
Font symbol(kSymbolFontName, 16);
<< "********\n"
<< "Your test environment seems to be missing the " << kSymbolFontName
<< " font, which is "
<< "needed for unittests. Check if " << kSymbolFontName
<< " font is installed.\n"
<< "********";
const char* const invalid_font_name = "no_such_font_name";
Font fallback_font(invalid_font_name, 16);
TEST_F(FontTest, DeriveFont) {
Font cf(kTestFontName, 8);
const int kSizeDelta = 2;
Font cf_underlined =
cf.Derive(0, cf.GetStyle() | gfx::Font::UNDERLINE, cf.GetWeight());
Font cf_underlined_resized = cf_underlined.Derive(
kSizeDelta, cf_underlined.GetStyle(), cf_underlined.GetWeight());
EXPECT_EQ(cf.GetStyle() | gfx::Font::UNDERLINE,
EXPECT_EQ(cf.GetFontSize() + kSizeDelta, cf_underlined_resized.GetFontSize());
EXPECT_EQ(cf.GetWeight(), cf_underlined_resized.GetWeight());
#if defined(OS_WIN)
TEST_F(FontTest, DeriveResizesIfSizeTooSmall) {
Font cf(kTestFontName, 8);
gfx::win::SetGetMinimumFontSizeCallback([] { return 5; });
Font derived_font = cf.Derive(-4, cf.GetStyle(), cf.GetWeight());
EXPECT_EQ(5, derived_font.GetFontSize());
TEST_F(FontTest, DeriveKeepsOriginalSizeIfHeightOk) {
Font cf(kTestFontName, 8);
gfx::win::SetGetMinimumFontSizeCallback([] { return 5; });
Font derived_font = cf.Derive(-2, cf.GetStyle(), cf.GetWeight());
EXPECT_EQ(6, derived_font.GetFontSize());
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
TEST_F(FontTest, WeightConversion) {
struct WeightMatchExpectation {
int weight;
Font::Weight enum_value;
} expectations[] = {
{-10, Font::Weight::INVALID}, {-1, Font::Weight::INVALID},
{0, Font::Weight::THIN}, {1, Font::Weight::THIN},
{100, Font::Weight::THIN}, {350, Font::Weight::NORMAL},
{400, Font::Weight::NORMAL}, {899, Font::Weight::BLACK},
{900, Font::Weight::BLACK}, {901, Font::Weight::INVALID}};
for (const auto& expectation : expectations) {
EXPECT_EQ(FontWeightFromInt(expectation.weight), expectation.enum_value);
} // namespace
} // namespace gfx