blob: ce94c77ad599ab50e9bdef9122c806a7cff9c574 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_util.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include "base/cxx17_backports.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "skia/ext/image_operations.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "ui/gfx/codec/jpeg_codec.h"
#include "ui/gfx/codec/webp_codec.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/resize_image_dimensions.h"
namespace {
// Returns whether column |x| of |bitmap| has any "visible pixels", where
// "visible" is defined as having an opactiy greater than an arbitrary small
// value.
bool ColumnHasVisiblePixels(const SkBitmap& bitmap, int x) {
const SkAlpha kMinimumVisibleOpacity = 12;
for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.height(); ++y) {
if (SkColorGetA(bitmap.getColor(x, y)) > kMinimumVisibleOpacity)
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
namespace gfx {
// The iOS implementations of the JPEG functions are in
#if !defined(OS_IOS)
Image ImageFrom1xJPEGEncodedData(const unsigned char* input,
size_t input_size) {
std::unique_ptr<SkBitmap> bitmap(gfx::JPEGCodec::Decode(input, input_size));
if (bitmap.get())
return Image::CreateFrom1xBitmap(*bitmap);
return Image();
Image ResizedImageForSearchByImage(const Image& image) {
return ResizedImageForSearchByImageSkiaRepresentation(image);
Image ResizedImageForMaxDimensions(const Image& image,
int max_width,
int max_height,
int max_area) {
return ResizedImageForMaxDimensionsSkiaRepresentation(image, max_width,
max_height, max_area);
// The MacOS implementation of this function is in
#if !defined(OS_MAC)
bool JPEG1xEncodedDataFromImage(const Image& image,
int quality,
std::vector<unsigned char>* dst) {
return JPEG1xEncodedDataFromSkiaRepresentation(image, quality, dst);
#endif // !defined(OS_MAC)
bool JPEG1xEncodedDataFromSkiaRepresentation(const Image& image,
int quality,
std::vector<unsigned char>* dst) {
const gfx::ImageSkiaRep& image_skia_rep =
if (image_skia_rep.scale() != 1.0f)
return false;
const SkBitmap& bitmap = image_skia_rep.GetBitmap();
if (!bitmap.readyToDraw())
return false;
return gfx::JPEGCodec::Encode(bitmap, quality, dst);
bool WebpEncodedDataFromImage(const Image& image,
int quality,
std::vector<unsigned char>* dst) {
const SkBitmap bitmap = image.AsBitmap();
return gfx::WebpCodec::Encode(bitmap, quality, dst);
Image ResizedImageForSearchByImageSkiaRepresentation(const Image& image) {
return ResizedImageForMaxDimensionsSkiaRepresentation(
image, kSearchByImageMaxImageWidth, kSearchByImageMaxImageHeight,
Image ResizedImageForMaxDimensionsSkiaRepresentation(const Image& image,
int max_width,
int max_height,
int max_area) {
const gfx::ImageSkiaRep& image_skia_rep =
if (image_skia_rep.scale() != 1.0f)
return image;
const SkBitmap& bitmap = image_skia_rep.GetBitmap();
if (bitmap.height() * bitmap.width() > max_area &&
(bitmap.width() > max_width || bitmap.height() > max_height)) {
double scale = std::min(static_cast<double>(max_width) / bitmap.width(),
static_cast<double>(max_height) / bitmap.height());
int width = base::clamp<int>(scale * bitmap.width(), 1, max_width);
int height = base::clamp<int>(scale * bitmap.height(), 1, max_height);
SkBitmap new_bitmap = skia::ImageOperations::Resize(
bitmap, skia::ImageOperations::RESIZE_GOOD, width, height);
return Image(ImageSkia(ImageSkiaRep(new_bitmap, 0.0f)));
return image;
#endif // !defined(OS_IOS)
void GetVisibleMargins(const ImageSkia& image, int* left, int* right) {
*left = 0;
*right = 0;
if (!image.HasRepresentation(1.f))
const SkBitmap& bitmap = image.GetRepresentation(1.f).GetBitmap();
if (bitmap.drawsNothing() || bitmap.isOpaque())
int x = 0;
for (; x < bitmap.width(); ++x) {
if (ColumnHasVisiblePixels(bitmap, x)) {
*left = x;
if (x == bitmap.width()) {
// Image is fully transparent. Divide the width in half, giving the leading
// region the extra pixel for odd widths.
*left = (bitmap.width() + 1) / 2;
*right = bitmap.width() - *left;
// Since we already know column *left is non-transparent, we can avoid
// rechecking that column; hence the '>' here.
for (x = bitmap.width() - 1; x > *left; --x) {
if (ColumnHasVisiblePixels(bitmap, x))
*right = bitmap.width() - 1 - x;
} // namespace gfx