blob: 99b4dffbd41dd5d53e4f8e7e0bfbbf3ecc6fcb43 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/platform_font_mac.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <set>
#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
#include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h"
#import "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/ports/SkTypeface_mac.h"
#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_render_params.h"
namespace gfx {
using Weight = Font::Weight;
extern "C" {
bool CTFontDescriptorIsSystemUIFont(CTFontDescriptorRef);
namespace {
// Returns the font style for |font|. Disregards Font::UNDERLINE, since NSFont
// does not support it as a trait.
int GetFontStyleFromNSFont(NSFont* font) {
int font_style = Font::NORMAL;
NSFontSymbolicTraits traits = [[font fontDescriptor] symbolicTraits];
if (traits & NSFontItalicTrait)
font_style |= Font::ITALIC;
return font_style;
// Returns the Font::Weight for |font|.
Weight GetFontWeightFromNSFont(NSFont* font) {
// Map CoreText weights in a manner similar to ct_weight_to_fontstyle() from
// SkFontHost_mac.cpp, but adjusted for the weights actually used by the
// system fonts. See PlatformFontMacTest.FontWeightAPIConsistency for details.
// macOS uses specific float values in its constants, but individual fonts can
// and do specify arbitrary values in the -1.0 to 1.0 range. Therefore, to
// accomodate that, and to avoid float comparison issues, use ranges.
constexpr struct {
// A range of CoreText weights.
CGFloat weight_lower;
CGFloat weight_upper;
Weight gfx_weight;
} weight_map[] = {
// NSFontWeight constants introduced in 10.11:
// NSFontWeightUltraLight: -0.80
// NSFontWeightThin: -0.60
// NSFontWeightLight: -0.40
// NSFontWeightRegular: 0.0
// NSFontWeightMedium: 0.23
// NSFontWeightSemibold: 0.30
// NSFontWeightBold: 0.40
// NSFontWeightHeavy: 0.56
// NSFontWeightBlack: 0.62
// Actual system font weights:
// 10.10:
// .HelveticaNeueDeskInterface-UltraLightP2: -0.80
// .HelveticaNeueDeskInterface-Thin: -0.50
// .HelveticaNeueDeskInterface-Light: -0.425
// .HelveticaNeueDeskInterface-Regular: 0.0
// .HelveticaNeueDeskInterface-MediumP4: 0.23
// .HelveticaNeueDeskInterface-Bold (if requested as semibold): 0.24
// .HelveticaNeueDeskInterface-Bold (if requested as bold): 0.4
// .HelveticaNeueDeskInterface-Heavy (if requested as heavy): 0.576
// .HelveticaNeueDeskInterface-Heavy (if requested as black): 0.662
// 10.11-:
// .AppleSystemUIFontUltraLight: -0.80
// .AppleSystemUIFontThin: -0.60
// .AppleSystemUIFontLight: -0.40
// .AppleSystemUIFont: 0.0
// .AppleSystemUIFontMedium: 0.23
// .AppleSystemUIFontDemi: 0.30
// .AppleSystemUIFontBold (10.11): 0.40
// .AppleSystemUIFontEmphasized (10.12-): 0.40
// .AppleSystemUIFontHeavy: 0.56
// .AppleSystemUIFontBlack: 0.62
{-1.0, -0.70, Weight::THIN}, // NSFontWeightUltraLight
{-0.70, -0.45, Weight::EXTRA_LIGHT}, // NSFontWeightThin
{-0.45, -0.10, Weight::LIGHT}, // NSFontWeightLight
{-0.10, 0.10, Weight::NORMAL}, // NSFontWeightRegular
{0.10, 0.27, Weight::MEDIUM}, // NSFontWeightMedium
{0.27, 0.35, Weight::SEMIBOLD}, // NSFontWeightSemibold
{0.35, 0.50, Weight::BOLD}, // NSFontWeightBold
{0.50, 0.60, Weight::EXTRA_BOLD}, // NSFontWeightHeavy
{0.60, 1.0, Weight::BLACK}, // NSFontWeightBlack
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFDictionaryRef> traits(
CFNumberRef cf_weight = base::mac::GetValueFromDictionary<CFNumberRef>(
traits, kCTFontWeightTrait);
// A missing weight attribute just means 0 -> NORMAL.
if (!cf_weight)
return Weight::NORMAL;
// The value of kCTFontWeightTrait empirically is a kCFNumberFloat64Type
// (double) on all tested versions of macOS. However, that doesn't really
// matter as only the first two decimal digits need to be tested. Do not check
// for the success of CFNumberGetValue() as it returns false for any loss of
// value and all that is needed here is two digits of accuracy.
CGFloat weight;
CFNumberGetValue(cf_weight, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &weight);
for (const auto& item : weight_map) {
if (item.weight_lower <= weight && weight <= item.weight_upper)
return item.gfx_weight;
return Weight::INVALID;
// Converts a Font::Weight value to the corresponding NSFontWeight value.
NSFontWeight ToNSFontWeight(Weight weight) {
switch (weight) {
case Weight::THIN:
return NSFontWeightUltraLight;
case Weight::EXTRA_LIGHT:
return NSFontWeightThin;
case Weight::LIGHT:
return NSFontWeightLight;
case Weight::INVALID:
case Weight::NORMAL:
return NSFontWeightRegular;
case Weight::MEDIUM:
return NSFontWeightMedium;
case Weight::SEMIBOLD:
return NSFontWeightSemibold;
case Weight::BOLD:
return NSFontWeightBold;
case Weight::EXTRA_BOLD:
return NSFontWeightHeavy;
case Weight::BLACK:
return NSFontWeightBlack;
// Chromium uses the ISO-style, 9-value ladder of font weights (THIN-BLACK). The
// new font API in macOS also uses these weights, though they are constants
// defined in terms of CGFloat with values from -1.0 to 1.0.
// However, the old API used by the NSFontManager uses integer values on a
// "scale of 0 to 15". These values are used in:
// -[NSFontManager availableMembersOfFontFamily:]
// -[NSFontManager convertWeight:ofFont:]
// -[NSFontManager fontWithFamily:traits:weight:size:]
// -[NSFontManager weightOfFont:]
// Apple provides a chart of how the ISO values correspond:
// However, it's more complicated than that. A survey of fonts yields the
// correspondence in this function, but the outliers imply that the ISO-style
// weight is more along the lines of "weight role within the font family" vs
// this number which is more like "how weighty is this font compared to all
// other fonts".
// These numbers can't really be forced to line up; different fonts disagree on
// how to map them. This function mostly follows the documented chart as
// inspired by actual fonts, and should be good enough.
NSInteger ToNSFontManagerWeight(Weight weight) {
switch (weight) {
case Weight::THIN:
return 2;
case Weight::EXTRA_LIGHT:
return 3;
case Weight::LIGHT:
return 4;
case Weight::INVALID:
case Weight::NORMAL:
return 5;
case Weight::MEDIUM:
return 6;
case Weight::SEMIBOLD:
return 8;
case Weight::BOLD:
return 9;
case Weight::EXTRA_BOLD:
return 10;
case Weight::BLACK:
return 11;
std::string GetFamilyNameFromTypeface(sk_sp<SkTypeface> typeface) {
SkString family;
return family.c_str();
NSFont* SystemFontForConstructorOfType(PlatformFontMac::SystemFontType type) {
switch (type) {
case PlatformFontMac::SystemFontType::kGeneral:
return [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSize]];
case PlatformFontMac::SystemFontType::kMenu:
return [NSFont menuFontOfSize:0];
case PlatformFontMac::SystemFontType::kToolTip:
return [NSFont toolTipsFontOfSize:0];
SystemFontTypeFromUndocumentedCTFontRefInternals(CTFontRef font) {
// The macOS APIs can't reliably derive one font from another. That's why for
// non-system fonts PlatformFontMac::DeriveFont() uses the family name of the
// font to find look up new fonts from scratch, and why, for system fonts, it
// uses the system font APIs to generate new system fonts.
// Skia's font handling assumes that given a font object, new fonts can be
// derived from it. That's absolutely not true on the Mac. However, this needs
// to be fixed, and a rewrite of how Skia handles fonts is not on the table.
// Therefore this sad hack. If Skia provides an SkTypeface, dig into the
// undocumented bowels of CoreText and magically determine if the font is a
// system font. This allows PlatformFontMac to correctly derive variants of
// the provided font.
// TODO(avi, etienneb): Figure out this font stuff.
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CTFontDescriptorRef> descriptor(
if (CTFontDescriptorIsSystemUIFont(descriptor.get())) {
// Assume it's the standard system font. The fact that this much is known is
// enough.
return PlatformFontMac::SystemFontType::kGeneral;
} else {
return absl::nullopt;
const std::set<std::string>& SystemFontNames() {
static const base::NoDestructor<std::set<std::string>> names([] {
std::set<std::string> names;
[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSize]].familyName));
names.insert(base::SysNSStringToUTF8([NSFont menuFontOfSize:0].familyName));
base::SysNSStringToUTF8([NSFont toolTipsFontOfSize:0].familyName));
return names;
return *names;
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
} // namespace
// PlatformFontMac, public:
PlatformFontMac::PlatformFontMac(SystemFontType system_font_type)
: PlatformFontMac(SystemFontForConstructorOfType(system_font_type),
system_font_type) {}
PlatformFontMac::PlatformFontMac(NativeFont native_font)
: PlatformFontMac(native_font, absl::nullopt) {
DCHECK(native_font); // nil should not be passed to this constructor.
PlatformFontMac::PlatformFontMac(const std::string& font_name, int font_size)
: PlatformFontMac(
NSFontWithSpec({font_name, font_size, Font::NORMAL, Weight::NORMAL}),
{font_name, font_size, Font::NORMAL, Weight::NORMAL}) {}
PlatformFontMac::PlatformFontMac(sk_sp<SkTypeface> typeface,
int font_size_pixels,
const absl::optional<FontRenderParams>& params)
: PlatformFontMac(
{GetFamilyNameFromTypeface(typeface), font_size_pixels,
(typeface->isItalic() ? Font::ITALIC : Font::NORMAL),
FontWeightFromInt(typeface->fontStyle().weight())}) {}
// PlatformFontMac, PlatformFont implementation:
Font PlatformFontMac::DeriveFont(int size_delta,
int style,
Weight weight) const {
// What doesn't work?
// For all fonts, -[NSFontManager convertWeight:ofFont:] will reliably
// misbehave, skipping over particular weights of fonts, refusing to go
// lighter than regular unless you go heavier first, and in earlier versions
// of the system would accidentally introduce italic fonts when changing
// weights from a non-italic instance.
// For system fonts, -[NSFontManager convertFont:to(Not)HaveTrait:], if used
// to change weight, will sometimes switch to a compatibility system font that
// does not have all the weights available.
// For system fonts, the most reliable call to use is +[NSFont
// systemFontOfSize:weight:]. This uses the new-style NSFontWeight which maps
// perfectly to the ISO weights that Chromium uses. For non-system fonts,
// -[NSFontManager fontWithFamily:traits:weight:size:] is the only reasonable
// way to query fonts with more granularity than bold/non-bold short of
// walking the font family and querying their kCTFontWeightTrait values. Font
// descriptors hold promise but querying using them often fails to find fonts
// that match; hopefully their matching abilities will improve in future
// versions of the macOS.
if (system_font_type_ == SystemFontType::kGeneral) {
NSFont* derived = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:font_spec_.size + size_delta
NSFontTraitMask italic_trait_mask =
(style & Font::ITALIC) ? NSItalicFontMask : NSUnitalicFontMask;
derived = [[NSFontManager sharedFontManager] convertFont:derived
return Font(new PlatformFontMac(
derived, SystemFontType::kGeneral,
{, font_spec_.size + size_delta, style, weight}));
} else if (system_font_type_ == SystemFontType::kMenu) {
NSFont* derived = [NSFont menuFontOfSize:font_spec_.size + size_delta];
return Font(new PlatformFontMac(
derived, SystemFontType::kMenu,
{, font_spec_.size + size_delta, style, weight}));
} else if (system_font_type_ == SystemFontType::kToolTip) {
NSFont* derived = [NSFont toolTipsFontOfSize:font_spec_.size + size_delta];
return Font(new PlatformFontMac(
derived, SystemFontType::kToolTip,
{, font_spec_.size + size_delta, style, weight}));
} else {
NSFont* derived = NSFontWithSpec(
{, font_spec_.size + size_delta, style, weight});
return Font(new PlatformFontMac(
derived, absl::nullopt,
{, font_spec_.size + size_delta, style, weight}));
int PlatformFontMac::GetHeight() {
return height_;
int PlatformFontMac::GetBaseline() {
return ascent_;
int PlatformFontMac::GetCapHeight() {
return cap_height_;
int PlatformFontMac::GetExpectedTextWidth(int length) {
if (!average_width_) {
// -[NSFont boundingRectForGlyph:] seems to always return the largest
// bounding rect that could be needed, which produces very wide expected
// widths for strings. Instead, compute the actual width of a string
// containing all the lowercase characters to find a reasonable guess at the
// average.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSAttributedString> attr_string(
[[NSAttributedString alloc]
attributes:@{NSFontAttributeName : native_font_.get()}]);
average_width_ = [attr_string size].width / [attr_string length];
DCHECK_NE(0, average_width_);
return ceil(length * average_width_);
int PlatformFontMac::GetStyle() const {
Weight PlatformFontMac::GetWeight() const {
return font_spec_.weight;
const std::string& PlatformFontMac::GetFontName() const {
std::string PlatformFontMac::GetActualFontName() const {
return base::SysNSStringToUTF8([native_font_ familyName]);
int PlatformFontMac::GetFontSize() const {
return font_spec_.size;
const FontRenderParams& PlatformFontMac::GetFontRenderParams() {
return render_params_;
NativeFont PlatformFontMac::GetNativeFont() const {
return [[native_font_.get() retain] autorelease];
sk_sp<SkTypeface> PlatformFontMac::GetNativeSkTypeface() const {
return SkMakeTypefaceFromCTFont(base::mac::NSToCFCast(GetNativeFont()));
// static
Weight PlatformFontMac::GetFontWeightFromNSFontForTesting(NSFont* font) {
return GetFontWeightFromNSFont(font);
// PlatformFontMac, private:
NativeFont font,
absl::optional<SystemFontType> system_font_type)
: PlatformFontMac(
{base::SysNSStringToUTF8([font familyName]),
base::ClampRound([font pointSize]), GetFontStyleFromNSFont(font),
GetFontWeightFromNSFont(font)}) {}
NativeFont font,
absl::optional<SystemFontType> system_font_type,
FontSpec spec)
: native_font_([font retain]),
font_spec_(spec) {
DCHECK(system_font_type.has_value() ||
SystemFontNames().count( == 0)
<< "Do not pass a system font (" << << ") to PlatformFontMac; "
<< "use the SystemFontType constructor. Extend the SystemFontType enum "
<< "if necessary.";
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
PlatformFontMac::~PlatformFontMac() {
void PlatformFontMac::CalculateMetricsAndInitRenderParams() {
NSFont* font = native_font_.get();
ascent_ = ceil([font ascender]);
cap_height_ = ceil([font capHeight]);
// PlatformFontMac once used -[NSLayoutManager defaultLineHeightForFont:] to
// initialize |height_|. However, it has a silly rounding bug. Essentially, it
// gives round(ascent) + round(descent). E.g. Helvetica Neue at size 16 gives
// ascent=15.4634, descent=3.38208 -> 15 + 3 = 18. When the height should be
// at least 19. According to the OpenType specification, these values should
// simply be added, so do that. Note this uses the already-rounded |ascent_|
// to ensure GetBaseline() + descender fits within GetHeight() during layout.
height_ = ceil(ascent_ + std::abs([font descender]) + [font leading]);
FontRenderParamsQuery query;
query.pixel_size = font_spec_.size; =;
query.weight = font_spec_.weight;
render_params_ = gfx::GetFontRenderParams(query, nullptr);
NSFont* PlatformFontMac::NSFontWithSpec(FontSpec font_spec) const {
// One might think that a font descriptor with the NSFontWeightTrait/
// kCTFontWeightTrait trait could be used to look up a font with a specific
// weight. That doesn't work, though. You can ask a font for its weight, but
// you can't use weight to query for the font.
// The way that does work is to use the old-style integer weight API.
NSFontManager* font_manager = [NSFontManager sharedFontManager];
NSFontTraitMask traits = 0;
if ( & Font::ITALIC)
traits |= NSItalicFontMask;
// The Mac doesn't support underline as a font trait, so just drop it.
// (Underlines must be added as an attribute on an NSAttributedString.) Do not
// add NSBoldFontMask here; if it is added then the weight parameter below
// will be ignored.
NSFont* font =
[font_manager fontWithFamily:base::SysUTF8ToNSString(
if (font)
return font;
// Make one fallback attempt by looking up via font name rather than font
// family name. With this API, the available granularity of font weight is
// bold/not-bold, but that's what's available.
NSFontSymbolicTraits trait_bits = 0;
if (font_spec.weight >= Weight::BOLD)
trait_bits |= NSFontBoldTrait;
if ( & Font::ITALIC)
trait_bits |= NSFontItalicTrait;
NSDictionary* attrs = @{
NSFontNameAttribute : base::SysUTF8ToNSString(,
NSFontTraitsAttribute : @{NSFontSymbolicTrait : @(trait_bits)},
NSFontDescriptor* descriptor =
[NSFontDescriptor fontDescriptorWithFontAttributes:attrs];
font = [NSFont fontWithDescriptor:descriptor size:font_spec.size];
if (font)
return font;
// If that doesn't find a font, whip up a system font to stand in for the
// specified font.
font = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:font_spec.size
return [font_manager convertFont:font toHaveTrait:traits];
// PlatformFont, public:
// static
PlatformFont* PlatformFont::CreateDefault() {
return new PlatformFontMac(PlatformFontMac::SystemFontType::kGeneral);
// static
PlatformFont* PlatformFont::CreateFromNativeFont(NativeFont native_font) {
return new PlatformFontMac(native_font);
// static
PlatformFont* PlatformFont::CreateFromNameAndSize(const std::string& font_name,
int font_size) {
return new PlatformFontMac(font_name, font_size);
// static
PlatformFont* PlatformFont::CreateFromSkTypeface(
sk_sp<SkTypeface> typeface,
int font_size_pixels,
const absl::optional<FontRenderParams>& params) {
return new PlatformFontMac(typeface, font_size_pixels, params);
} // namespace gfx