blob: cb59626e6d609f82b3fdf7800fe40006163bd20a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
namespace gfx {
class AxisTransform2d;
class BoxF;
class PointF;
class RectF;
class SizeF;
// Tests should use this scoped setter, instead of calling
// SetDefaultFontDescription directly.
class ScopedDefaultFontDescription {
explicit ScopedDefaultFontDescription(const std::string& font_description) {
~ScopedDefaultFontDescription() {
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(::gfx::AssertAxisTransform2dFloatEqual, a, b)
::testing::AssertionResult AssertAxisTransform2dFloatEqual(
const char* lhs_expr,
const char* rhs_expr,
const AxisTransform2d& lhs,
const AxisTransform2d& rhs);
#define EXPECT_BOXF_EQ(a, b) \
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(::gfx::AssertBoxFloatEqual, a, b)
::testing::AssertionResult AssertBoxFloatEqual(const char* lhs_expr,
const char* rhs_expr,
const BoxF& lhs,
const BoxF& rhs);
#define EXPECT_POINTF_EQ(a, b) \
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(::gfx::AssertPointFloatEqual, a, b)
::testing::AssertionResult AssertPointFloatEqual(const char* lhs_expr,
const char* rhs_expr,
const PointF& lhs,
const PointF& rhs);
#define EXPECT_RECTF_EQ(a, b) \
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(::gfx::AssertRectFloatEqual, a, b)
::testing::AssertionResult AssertRectFloatEqual(const char* lhs_expr,
const char* rhs_expr,
const RectF& lhs,
const RectF& rhs);
#define EXPECT_SKCOLOR_EQ(a, b) \
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(::gfx::AssertSkColorsEqual, a, b)
::testing::AssertionResult AssertSkColorsEqual(const char* lhs_expr,
const char* rhs_expr,
SkColor lhs,
SkColor rhs);
#define EXPECT_SIZEF_EQ(a, b) \
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(::gfx::AssertSizeFFloatEqual, a, b)
::testing::AssertionResult AssertSizeFFloatEqual(const char* lhs_expr,
const char* rhs_expr,
const SizeF& lhs,
const SizeF& rhs);
} // namespace gfx