blob: fd2009357b60aff19b86b7801cc6623951cfd9a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef UI_GFX_X_FUTURE_H_
#define UI_GFX_X_FUTURE_H_
#include "ui/gfx/x/connection.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/xproto_types.h"
namespace x11 {
// An Future wraps an asynchronous response from the X11 server. The
// response may be waited-for with Sync(), or asynchronously handled by
// installing a response handler using OnResponse().
template <typename Reply>
class Future {
using Callback = base::OnceCallback<void(Response<Reply> response)>;
Future() = default;
explicit Future(std::unique_ptr<Connection::FutureImpl> impl)
: impl_(std::move(impl)) {}
// Blocks until we receive the response from the server. Returns the response.
Response<Reply> Sync() {
if (!impl_)
return {nullptr, nullptr};
Connection::RawReply raw_reply;
std::unique_ptr<Error> error;
impl_->Sync(&raw_reply, &error);
std::unique_ptr<Reply> reply;
if (raw_reply) {
auto buf = ReadBuffer(raw_reply);
reply = detail::ReadReply<Reply>(&buf);
return {std::move(reply), std::move(error)};
// Block until this request is handled by the server. Unlike Sync(), this
// method doesn't return the response. Rather, it calls the response
// handler installed for this request out-of-order.
void Wait() {
if (impl_)
// Installs |callback| to be run when the response is received.
void OnResponse(Callback callback) {
if (!impl_)
// This intermediate callback handles the conversion from |raw_reply| to a
// real Reply object before feeding the result to |callback|. This means
// |callback| must be bound as the first argument of the intermediate
// function.
auto wrapper = [](Callback callback, Connection::RawReply raw_reply,
std::unique_ptr<Error> error) {
std::unique_ptr<Reply> reply;
if (raw_reply) {
ReadBuffer buf(raw_reply);
reply = detail::ReadReply<Reply>(&buf);
std::move(callback).Run({std::move(reply), std::move(error)});
impl_->OnResponse(base::BindOnce(wrapper, std::move(callback)));
void IgnoreError() {
OnResponse(base::BindOnce([](Response<Reply>) {}));
std::unique_ptr<Connection::FutureImpl> impl_;
// Sync() specialization for requests that don't generate replies. The returned
// response will only contain an error if there was one.
template <>
inline Response<void> Future<void>::Sync() {
if (!impl_)
return Response<void>{nullptr};
Connection::RawReply raw_reply;
std::unique_ptr<Error> error;
impl_->Sync(&raw_reply, &error);
return Response<void>(std::move(error));
// OnResponse() specialization for requests that don't generate replies. The
// response argument to |callback| will only contain an error if there was one.
template <>
inline void Future<void>::OnResponse(Callback callback) {
if (!impl_)
// See Future<Reply>::OnResponse() for an explanation of why
// this wrapper is necessary.
auto wrapper = [](Callback callback, Connection::RawReply reply,
std::unique_ptr<Error> error) {
impl_->OnResponse(base::BindOnce(wrapper, std::move(callback)));
} // namespace x11
#endif // UI_GFX_X_FUTURE_H_