blob: dcfd695858c921e187822b18b843751fd7e190ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file was automatically generated with:
// ../../ui/gfx/x/ \
// ../../third_party/xcbproto/src \
// gen/ui/gfx/x \
// bigreq \
// composite \
// damage \
// dpms \
// dri2 \
// dri3 \
// ge \
// glx \
// present \
// randr \
// record \
// render \
// res \
// screensaver \
// shape \
// shm \
// sync \
// xc_misc \
// xevie \
// xf86dri \
// xf86vidmode \
// xfixes \
// xinerama \
// xinput \
// xkb \
// xprint \
// xproto \
// xselinux \
// xtest \
// xv \
// xvmc
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "randr.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/error.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/ref_counted_fd.h"
#include "xfixes.h"
#include "xproto.h"
namespace x11 {
class Connection;
template <typename Reply>
struct Response;
template <typename Reply>
class Future;
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(X11) Present {
static constexpr unsigned major_version = 1;
static constexpr unsigned minor_version = 2;
Present(Connection* connection, const x11::QueryExtensionReply& info);
uint8_t present() const { return info_.present; }
uint8_t major_opcode() const { return info_.major_opcode; }
uint8_t first_event() const { return info_.first_event; }
uint8_t first_error() const { return info_.first_error; }
Connection* connection() const { return connection_; }
enum class Event : uint32_t {
ConfigureNotify = 0,
CompleteNotify = 1,
IdleNotify = 2,
RedirectNotify = 3,
enum class EventMask : int {
NoEvent = 0,
ConfigureNotify = 1 << 0,
CompleteNotify = 1 << 1,
IdleNotify = 1 << 2,
RedirectNotify = 1 << 3,
enum class Option : int {
None = 0,
Async = 1 << 0,
Copy = 1 << 1,
UST = 1 << 2,
Suboptimal = 1 << 3,
enum class Capability : int {
None = 0,
Async = 1 << 0,
Fence = 1 << 1,
UST = 1 << 2,
enum class CompleteKind : int {
Pixmap = 0,
NotifyMSC = 1,
enum class CompleteMode : int {
Copy = 0,
Flip = 1,
Skip = 2,
SuboptimalCopy = 3,
struct Notify {
Window window{};
uint32_t serial{};
struct GenericEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 6;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 0;
bool send_event{};
uint8_t extension{};
uint16_t sequence{};
uint32_t length{};
uint16_t evtype{};
Event event{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return nullptr; }
struct ConfigureNotifyEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 7;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 0;
bool send_event{};
uint16_t sequence{};
Event event{};
Window window{};
int16_t x{};
int16_t y{};
uint16_t width{};
uint16_t height{};
int16_t off_x{};
int16_t off_y{};
uint16_t pixmap_width{};
uint16_t pixmap_height{};
uint32_t pixmap_flags{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return reinterpret_cast<x11::Window*>(&window); }
struct CompleteNotifyEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 8;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 1;
bool send_event{};
uint16_t sequence{};
CompleteKind kind{};
CompleteMode mode{};
Event event{};
Window window{};
uint32_t serial{};
uint64_t ust{};
uint64_t msc{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return reinterpret_cast<x11::Window*>(&window); }
struct IdleNotifyEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 9;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 2;
bool send_event{};
uint16_t sequence{};
Event event{};
Window window{};
uint32_t serial{};
Pixmap pixmap{};
Sync::Fence idle_fence{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return reinterpret_cast<x11::Window*>(&window); }
struct RedirectNotifyEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 10;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 3;
bool send_event{};
uint16_t sequence{};
uint8_t update_window{};
Event event{};
Window event_window{};
Window window{};
Pixmap pixmap{};
uint32_t serial{};
XFixes::Region valid_region{};
XFixes::Region update_region{};
Rectangle valid_rect{};
Rectangle update_rect{};
int16_t x_off{};
int16_t y_off{};
RandR::Crtc target_crtc{};
Sync::Fence wait_fence{};
Sync::Fence idle_fence{};
uint32_t options{};
uint64_t target_msc{};
uint64_t divisor{};
uint64_t remainder{};
std::vector<Notify> notifies{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return reinterpret_cast<x11::Window*>(&window); }
struct QueryVersionRequest {
uint32_t major_version{};
uint32_t minor_version{};
struct QueryVersionReply {
uint16_t sequence{};
uint32_t major_version{};
uint32_t minor_version{};
using QueryVersionResponse = Response<QueryVersionReply>;
Future<QueryVersionReply> QueryVersion(const QueryVersionRequest& request);
Future<QueryVersionReply> QueryVersion(const uint32_t& major_version = {},
const uint32_t& minor_version = {});
struct PresentPixmapRequest {
Window window{};
Pixmap pixmap{};
uint32_t serial{};
XFixes::Region valid{};
XFixes::Region update{};
int16_t x_off{};
int16_t y_off{};
RandR::Crtc target_crtc{};
Sync::Fence wait_fence{};
Sync::Fence idle_fence{};
uint32_t options{};
uint64_t target_msc{};
uint64_t divisor{};
uint64_t remainder{};
std::vector<Notify> notifies{};
using PresentPixmapResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> PresentPixmap(const PresentPixmapRequest& request);
Future<void> PresentPixmap(const Window& window = {},
const Pixmap& pixmap = {},
const uint32_t& serial = {},
const XFixes::Region& valid = {},
const XFixes::Region& update = {},
const int16_t& x_off = {},
const int16_t& y_off = {},
const RandR::Crtc& target_crtc = {},
const Sync::Fence& wait_fence = {},
const Sync::Fence& idle_fence = {},
const uint32_t& options = {},
const uint64_t& target_msc = {},
const uint64_t& divisor = {},
const uint64_t& remainder = {},
const std::vector<Notify>& notifies = {});
struct NotifyMSCRequest {
Window window{};
uint32_t serial{};
uint64_t target_msc{};
uint64_t divisor{};
uint64_t remainder{};
using NotifyMSCResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> NotifyMSC(const NotifyMSCRequest& request);
Future<void> NotifyMSC(const Window& window = {},
const uint32_t& serial = {},
const uint64_t& target_msc = {},
const uint64_t& divisor = {},
const uint64_t& remainder = {});
struct SelectInputRequest {
Event eid{};
Window window{};
EventMask event_mask{};
using SelectInputResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> SelectInput(const SelectInputRequest& request);
Future<void> SelectInput(const Event& eid = {},
const Window& window = {},
const EventMask& event_mask = {});
struct QueryCapabilitiesRequest {
uint32_t target{};
struct QueryCapabilitiesReply {
uint16_t sequence{};
uint32_t capabilities{};
using QueryCapabilitiesResponse = Response<QueryCapabilitiesReply>;
Future<QueryCapabilitiesReply> QueryCapabilities(
const QueryCapabilitiesRequest& request);
Future<QueryCapabilitiesReply> QueryCapabilities(const uint32_t& target = {});
Connection* const connection_;
x11::QueryExtensionReply info_{};
} // namespace x11
inline constexpr x11::Present::Event operator|(x11::Present::Event l,
x11::Present::Event r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Present::Event>;
return static_cast<x11::Present::Event>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Present::Event operator&(x11::Present::Event l,
x11::Present::Event r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Present::Event>;
return static_cast<x11::Present::Event>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Present::EventMask operator|(x11::Present::EventMask l,
x11::Present::EventMask r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Present::EventMask>;
return static_cast<x11::Present::EventMask>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Present::EventMask operator&(x11::Present::EventMask l,
x11::Present::EventMask r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Present::EventMask>;
return static_cast<x11::Present::EventMask>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Present::Option operator|(x11::Present::Option l,
x11::Present::Option r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Present::Option>;
return static_cast<x11::Present::Option>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Present::Option operator&(x11::Present::Option l,
x11::Present::Option r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Present::Option>;
return static_cast<x11::Present::Option>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Present::Capability operator|(
x11::Present::Capability l,
x11::Present::Capability r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Present::Capability>;
return static_cast<x11::Present::Capability>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Present::Capability operator&(
x11::Present::Capability l,
x11::Present::Capability r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Present::Capability>;
return static_cast<x11::Present::Capability>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Present::CompleteKind operator|(
x11::Present::CompleteKind l,
x11::Present::CompleteKind r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Present::CompleteKind>;
return static_cast<x11::Present::CompleteKind>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Present::CompleteKind operator&(
x11::Present::CompleteKind l,
x11::Present::CompleteKind r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Present::CompleteKind>;
return static_cast<x11::Present::CompleteKind>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Present::CompleteMode operator|(
x11::Present::CompleteMode l,
x11::Present::CompleteMode r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Present::CompleteMode>;
return static_cast<x11::Present::CompleteMode>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Present::CompleteMode operator&(
x11::Present::CompleteMode l,
x11::Present::CompleteMode r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Present::CompleteMode>;
return static_cast<x11::Present::CompleteMode>(static_cast<T>(l) &