blob: a23dc8e1b6e0fcd20d3974de955b3e490dc8d74a [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Selector: pseudo-classes (:read-write, :read-only)</title>
<link rel=help href="" id=link2>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="utils.js"></script>
<div id="log"></div>
<div id=set1>
<input id=input1>
<input id=input2 readonly>
<input id=input3 disabled>
<input id=input4 type=checkbox>
<input id=input5 type=checkbox readonly>
<div id=set2>
<textarea id=textarea1>textarea1</textarea>
<textarea readonly id=textarea2>textarea2</textarea>
<div id=set3>
<textarea id=textarea3>textarea3</textarea>
<textarea disabled id=textarea4>textarea4</textarea>
<div id=set4>
<p id=p1>paragraph1.</p>
<p id=p2 contenteditable>paragraph2.</p>
testSelector("#set1 :read-write", ["input1"], "The :read-write pseudo-class must match input elements to which the readonly attribute applies, and that are mutable");
testSelector("#set1 :read-only", ["input2"], "The :read-only pseudo-class must not match input elements to which the readonly attribute applies, and that are mutable");
document.getElementById("input1").setAttribute("readonly", "readonly");
testSelector("#set1 :read-write", [], "The :read-write pseudo-class must not match input elements after the readonly attribute has been added");
testSelector("#set1 :read-only", ["input1", "input2"], "The :read-only pseudo-class must match input elements after the readonly attribute has been added");
testSelector("#set1 :read-write", ["input1"], "The :read-write pseudo-class must not match input elements after the readonly attribute has been removed");
testSelector("#set1 :read-only", ["input2"], "The :read-only pseudo-class must match input elements after the readonly attribute has been removed");
testSelector("#set2 :read-write", ["textarea1"], "The :read-write pseudo-class must match textarea elements that do not have a readonly attribute, and that are not disabled");
testSelector("#set2 :read-only", ["textarea2"], "The :read-only pseudo-class must match textarea elements that have a readonly attribute, or that are disabled");
document.getElementById("textarea1").setAttribute("readonly", "readonly");
testSelector("#set2 :read-write", [], "The :read-write pseudo-class must match textarea elements after the readonly attribute has been added");
testSelector("#set2 :read-only", ["textarea1", "textarea2"], "The :read-only pseudo-class must match textarea elements after the readonly attribute has been added");
testSelector("#set3 :read-write", ["textarea3"], "The :read-write pseudo-class must not match textarea elements that are disabled");
testSelector("#set3 :read-only", ["textarea4"], "The :read-only pseudo-class must match textarea elements that are disabled");
testSelector("#set4 :read-write", ["p2"], "The :read-write pseudo-class must match elements that are editable");
testSelector("#set4 :read-only", ["p1"], "The :read-only pseudo-class must not match elements that are editable");
document.designMode = "on";
testSelector("#set4 :read-write", ["p1", "p2"], "The :read-write pseudo-class must match elements that are editing hosts");
testSelector("#set4 :read-only", [], "The :read-only pseudo-class must not match elements that are editing hosts");