blob: 8221c2f2908d816e1cb52f19b53c5cfbbbc71750 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "starboard/log.h"
#include "starboard/time.h"
#include "starboard/types.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// --- Types ------------------------------------------------------------------
// A struct tm similar struct that can be used to get fields from an EzTimeT.
typedef struct EzTimeExploded {
// Seconds after the minute [0, 61]
int tm_sec;
// Minutes after the hour [0, 59]
int tm_min;
// Hours since midnight [0, 23]
int tm_hour;
// Day of the month [1, 31]
int tm_mday;
// Months since January [0, 11]
int tm_mon;
// Years since 1900
int tm_year;
// Days since Sunday [0, 6]
int tm_wday;
// Days since January 1 [0, 365]
int tm_yday;
// Whether the time is in Daylight Savings Time.
// > 0 - DST is in effect
// = 0 - DST is not in effect
// < 0 - DST status is unknown
int tm_isdst;
} EzTimeExploded;
// EzTimeT is a time_t-similar type that represents seconds since the POSIX
// epoch (midnight, Jan 1, 1970 UTC).
typedef int64_t EzTimeT;
// EzTimeValue is a struct timeval similar struct that represents a duration of
// seconds + microseconds.
typedef struct EzTimeValue {
EzTimeT tv_sec;
int32_t tv_usec;
} EzTimeValue;
// An enumeration of time zones that often need to be directly referenced.
typedef enum EzTimeZone {
// The Pacific timezone. e.g. Where Mountain View is.
kEzTimeZonePacific = 0,
// The Universal Time Code timezone, which has no Daylight Savings and is
// located at the Prime Meridian (in Greenwich).
// The local timezone, whatever that is based on SbTimeZone reporting.
// The number of EzTimeZones.
} EzTimeZone;
// --- Constants --------------------------------------------------------------
// One second in EzTimeT units.
#define kEzTimeTSecond 1
// One minute in EzTimeT units.
#define kEzTimeTMinute (kEzTimeTSecond * 60)
// One hour in EzTimeT units (microseconds).
#define kEzTimeTHour (kEzTimeTMinute * 60)
// One day in EzTimeT units (microseconds).
#define kEzTimeTDay (kEzTimeTHour * 24)
// The maximum value of an EzTimeT.
#define kEzTimeTMax (kSbInt64Max)
// A term that can be added to an EzTimeT to convert it into the number of
// microseconds since the Windows epoch.
#define kEzTimeTToWindowsDelta (SB_INT64_C(11644473600) * kEzTimeTSecond)
// --- Simple Conversion Functions --------------------------------------------
// Converts SbTime to EzTimeT. NOTE: This is LOSSY.
static SB_C_FORCE_INLINE EzTimeT EzTimeTFromSbTime(SbTime in_time) {
return SbTimeNarrow(SbTimeToPosix(in_time), kSbTimeSecond);
// Converts EzTimeT to SbTime.
static SB_C_FORCE_INLINE SbTime EzTimeTToSbTime(EzTimeT in_time) {
return SbTimeFromPosix(in_time * kSbTimeSecond);
// Converts SbTime to EzTimeValue.
static SB_C_FORCE_INLINE EzTimeValue EzTimeValueFromSbTime(SbTime in_time) {
EzTimeT sec = EzTimeTFromSbTime(in_time);
SbTime diff = in_time - EzTimeTToSbTime(sec);
EzTimeValue value = {sec, (int)diff}; // Some compilers do not support
// returning the initializer list
// directly.
return value;
// Converts EzTimeValue to SbTime.
static SB_C_FORCE_INLINE SbTime EzTimeValueToSbTime(const EzTimeValue* value) {
return EzTimeTToSbTime(value->tv_sec) + value->tv_usec;
// Converts EzTimeT to EzTimeValue.
static SB_C_FORCE_INLINE EzTimeValue EzTimeTToEzTimeValue(EzTimeT in_time) {
return EzTimeValueFromSbTime(EzTimeTToSbTime(in_time));
// Converts EzTimeValue to EzTimeT. NOTE: This is LOSSY.
EzTimeValueToEzTimeT(const EzTimeValue* value) {
return EzTimeTFromSbTime(EzTimeValueToSbTime(value));
// --- Generalized Functions --------------------------------------------------
// Explodes |time_in| to a time in the given |timezone|, placing the result in
// |out_exploded|. Returns whether the explosion was successful.
bool EzTimeTExplode(const EzTimeT* SB_RESTRICT in_time,
EzTimeZone timezone,
EzTimeExploded* SB_RESTRICT out_exploded);
// Explodes |value| to a time in the given |timezone|, placing the result in
// |out_exploded|, with the remainder milliseconds in |out_millsecond|, if not
// NULL. Returns whether the explosion was successful. NOTE: This is LOSSY.
bool EzTimeValueExplode(const EzTimeValue* SB_RESTRICT value,
EzTimeZone timezone,
EzTimeExploded* SB_RESTRICT out_exploded,
int* SB_RESTRICT out_millisecond);
// Implodes |exploded| as a time in |timezone|, returning the result as an
// EzTimeT.
EzTimeT EzTimeTImplode(EzTimeExploded* SB_RESTRICT exploded,
EzTimeZone timezone);
// Implodes |exploded| + |millisecond| as a time in |timezone|, returning the
// result as an EzTimeValue.
EzTimeValue EzTimeValueImplode(EzTimeExploded* SB_RESTRICT exploded,
int millisecond,
EzTimeZone timezone);
// --- Replacement Functions --------------------------------------------------
// Gets the current time and places it in |out_tp|. |tzp| must always be
// NULL. Always returns 0. Meant to be a drop-in replacement for gettimeofday().
int EzTimeValueGetNow(EzTimeValue* SB_RESTRICT out_tp, void* SB_RESTRICT tzp);
// Gets the current time and places it in |out_now|, if specified, and also
// returns it. Meant to be a drop-in replacement for time().
EzTimeT EzTimeTGetNow(EzTimeT* out_now);
// Explodes |time_in| to a local time, placing the result in |out_exploded|, and
// returning |out_exploded|, or NULL in case of error. Meant to be a drop-in
// replacement for localtime_r().
EzTimeExploded* EzTimeTExplodeLocal(const EzTimeT* SB_RESTRICT in_time,
EzTimeExploded* SB_RESTRICT out_exploded);
// Explodes |time_in| to a UTC time, placing the result in |out_exploded|, and
// returning |out_exploded|, or NULL in case of error. Meant to be a drop-in
// replacement for gmtime_r().
EzTimeExploded* EzTimeTExplodeUTC(const EzTimeT* SB_RESTRICT in_time,
EzTimeExploded* SB_RESTRICT out_exploded);
// Implodes |exploded| as a local time, returning the result as an
// EzTimeT. Meant to be a drop-in replacement for mktime()/timelocal().
EzTimeT EzTimeTImplodeLocal(EzTimeExploded* SB_RESTRICT exploded);
// Implodes |exploded| as a UTC time, returning the result as an EzTimeT. Meant
// to be a drop-in replacement for timegm().
EzTimeT EzTimeTImplodeUTC(EzTimeExploded* SB_RESTRICT exploded);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"