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// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Module Overview: Starboard Decode Target module
// A target for decoding image and video data into. This corresponds roughly to
// an EGLImage, but that extension may not be fully supported on all GL
// platforms. SbDecodeTarget supports multi-plane targets. We need a mechanism
// for SbBlitter as well, and this is able to more-or-less unify the two.
// An SbDecodeTarget can be passed into any function which decodes video or
// image data. This allows the application to allocate fast graphics memory, and
// have decoding done directly into this memory, avoiding unnecessary memory
// copies, and also avoiding pushing data between CPU and GPU memory
// unnecessarily.
// #### SbDecodeTargetFormat
// SbDecodeTargets support several different formats that can be used to decode
// into and render from. Some formats may be easier to decode into, and others
// may be easier to render. Some may take less memory. Each decoder needs to
// support the SbDecodeTargetFormat passed into it, or the decode will produce
// an error. Each decoder provides a way to check if a given
// SbDecodeTargetFormat is supported by that decoder.
// #### SbDecodeTargetProvider
// Some components may need to acquire SbDecodeTargets compatible with a certain
// rendering context, which may need to be created on a particular thread. The
// SbDecodeTargetProvider is a way for the primary rendering context to provide
// an interface that can create SbDecodeTargets on demand by other system.
// The primary usage is likely to be the the SbPlayer implementation on some
// platforms.
// #### SbDecodeTarget Example
// Let's say there's an image decoder for .foo files:
// bool SbImageDecodeFooSupportsFormat(SbDecodeTargetFormat format);
// SbDecodeTarget SbImageDecodeFoo(void* data, int data_size,
// SbDecodeTargetFormat format);
// First, the client should enumerate which SbDecodeTargetFormats are supported
// by that decoder.
// SbDecodeTargetFormat kPreferredFormats[] = {
// kSbDecodeTargetFormat3PlaneYUVI420,
// kSbDecodeTargetFormat1PlaneRGBA,
// kSbDecodeTargetFormat1PlaneBGRA,
// };
// SbDecodeTargetFormat format = kSbDecodeTargetFormatInvalid;
// for (int i = 0; i < SB_ARRAY_SIZE_INT(kPreferredFormats); ++i) {
// if (SbImageDecodeFooSupportsFormat(kPreferredFormats[i])) {
// format = kPreferredFormats[i];
// break;
// }
// }
// Now that the client has a format, it can create a decode target that it
// will use to decode the .foo file into. Let's assume format is
// kSbDecodeTargetFormat1PlaneRGBA, that we are on an EGL/GLES2 platform.
// Also, we won't do any error checking, to keep things even simpler.
// SbDecodeTarget target = SbImageDecodeFoo(encoded_foo_data,
// encoded_foo_data_size, format);
// // If the decode works, you can get the texture out and render it.
// GLuint texture =
// SbDecodeTargetGetPlane(target, kSbDecodeTargetPlaneRGBA);
#include "starboard/configuration.h"
#include "starboard/export.h"
#include "starboard/types.h"
#include "starboard/blitter.h"
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
#endif // SB_HAS(BLITTER)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// --- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Private structure representing a target for image data decoding.
typedef struct SbDecodeTargetPrivate SbDecodeTargetPrivate;
// A handle to a target for image data decoding.
typedef SbDecodeTargetPrivate* SbDecodeTarget;
// The list of all possible decoder target formats. An SbDecodeTarget consists
// of one or more planes of data, each plane corresponding with a surface. For
// some formats, different planes will be different sizes for the same
// dimensions.
// NOTE: For enumeration entries with an alpha component, the alpha will always
// be premultiplied unless otherwise explicitly specified.
typedef enum SbDecodeTargetFormat {
// A decoder target format consisting of a single RGBA plane, in that channel
// order.
// A decoder target format consisting of a single BGRA plane, in that channel
// order.
// A decoder target format consisting of Y and interleaved UV planes, in that
// plane and channel order.
// A decoder target format consisting of Y, U, and V planes, in that order.
// An invalid decode target format.
} SbDecodeTargetFormat;
// All the planes supported by SbDecodeTarget.
typedef enum SbDecodeTargetPlane {
// The RGBA plane for the RGBA format.
kSbDecodeTargetPlaneRGBA = 0,
// The BGRA plane for the BGRA format.
kSbDecodeTargetPlaneBGRA = 0,
// The Y plane for multi-plane YUV formats.
kSbDecodeTargetPlaneY = 0,
// The UV plane for 2-plane YUV formats.
kSbDecodeTargetPlaneUV = 1,
// The U plane for 3-plane YUV formats.
kSbDecodeTargetPlaneU = 1,
// The V plane for 3-plane YUV formats.
kSbDecodeTargetPlaneV = 2,
} SbDecodeTargetPlane;
// A function that can produce an SbDecodeTarget of the given |format|, |width|,
// and |height|.
typedef SbDecodeTarget (*SbDecodeTargetAcquireFunction)(
void* context,
SbDecodeTargetFormat format,
int width,
int height);
// A function that can reclaim an SbDecodeTarget allocated with an
// SbDecodeTargetAcquireFunction.
typedef void (*SbDecodeTargetReleaseFunction)(void* context,
SbDecodeTarget decode_target);
// An object that can acquire and release SbDecodeTarget instances.
typedef struct SbDecodeTargetProvider {
// The function to acquire a new SbDecodeTarget from the provider.
SbDecodeTargetAcquireFunction acquire;
// The function to release an acquired SbDecodeTarget back to the provider.
SbDecodeTargetReleaseFunction release;
// |context| will be passed into every call to |acquire| and |release|.
void* context;
} SbDecodeTargetProvider;
// --- Constants -------------------------------------------------------------
// Well-defined value for an invalid decode target handle.
#define kSbDecodeTargetInvalid ((SbDecodeTarget)NULL)
// --- Functions -------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns whether the given file handle is valid.
static SB_C_INLINE bool SbDecodeTargetIsValid(SbDecodeTarget handle) {
return handle != kSbDecodeTargetInvalid;
// Returns whether a given format is valid.
static SB_C_INLINE bool SbDecodeTargetIsFormatValid(
SbDecodeTargetFormat format) {
return format != kSbDecodeTargetFormatInvalid;
// Creates a new SbBlitter-compatible SbDecodeTarget from one or more |planes|
// created from |display|.
// |format|: The format of the decode target being created.
// |planes|: An array of SbBlitterSurface handles to be bundled into an
// SbDecodeTarget. Must not be NULL. Is expected to have the same number of
// entries as the number of planes for |format|, in the order and size expected
// by that format.
SB_EXPORT SbDecodeTarget SbDecodeTargetCreate(SbDecodeTargetFormat format,
SbBlitterSurface* planes);
// Gets the surface that represents the given plane.
SB_EXPORT SbBlitterSurface SbDecodeTargetGetPlane(SbDecodeTarget decode_target,
SbDecodeTargetPlane plane);
// Creates a new EGL/GLES2-compatible SbDecodeTarget from one or more |planes|
// owned by |context|, created from |display|. Must be called from a thread
// where |context| is current.
// |display|: The EGLDisplay being targeted.
// |context|: The EGLContext used for this operation, or EGL_NO_CONTEXT if a
// context is not required.
// |format|: The format of the decode target being created.
// |planes|: An array of GLES Texture handles to be bundled into an
// SbDecodeTarget. Must not be NULL. Is expected to have the same number of
// entries as the number of planes for |format|, in the order and size expected
// by that format.
SB_EXPORT SbDecodeTarget SbDecodeTargetCreate(EGLDisplay display,
EGLContext context,
SbDecodeTargetFormat format,
GLuint* planes);
// Gets the texture that represents the given plane.
SB_EXPORT GLuint SbDecodeTargetGetPlane(SbDecodeTarget decode_target,
SbDecodeTargetPlane plane);
#else // SB_HAS(BLITTER)
// Stub function for when graphics aren't enabled. Always creates
// kSbDecodeTargetInvalid.
static SB_C_INLINE SbDecodeTarget
SbDecodeTargetCreate(SbDecodeTargetFormat format) {
return kSbDecodeTargetInvalid;
// Stub function for when graphics aren't enabled. There is no concept of a
// plane, and |NULL| is always returned.
static SB_C_INLINE void* SbDecodeTargetGetPlane(SbDecodeTarget decode_target,
SbDecodeTargetPlane plane) {
return NULL;
#endif // SB_HAS(BLITTER)
// Destroys the given SbDecodeTarget. Note that calling this function does NOT
// destroy the associated surfaces with it, in order to accommodate the case
// in which it is desirable for the lifetime of the surface to outlive the
// SbDecodeTarget that contains it. If the surfaces should be destroyed along
// with the SbDecodeTarget, then they should be extracted with
// |SbDecodeTargetGetPlane| and destroyed manually by the client.
SB_EXPORT void SbDecodeTargetDestroy(SbDecodeTarget decode_target);
// Gets the format that |decode_target| was created with.
SB_EXPORT SbDecodeTargetFormat
SbDecodeTargetGetFormat(SbDecodeTarget decode_target);
// Gets whether |decode_target| is opaque or not. The underlying source of
// this value is expected to be properly maintained by the Starboard
// implementation. So, for example, if an opaque only image type were decoded
// into an SbDecodeTarget, then the implementation would configure things in
// such a way that this function would return true. By opaque, it is meant
// that all alpha values are guaranteed to be 255, if |decode_target| is of a
// format that has alpha values. If |decode_target| is of a format that does
// not have alpha values, then this function should return |true|.
SB_EXPORT bool SbDecodeTargetIsOpaque(SbDecodeTarget decode_target);
// Inline convenience function to acquire an SbDecodeTarget of type |format|,
// |width|, and |height| from |provider|.
static SB_C_INLINE SbDecodeTarget
SbDecodeTargetAcquireFromProvider(SbDecodeTargetProvider* provider,
SbDecodeTargetFormat format,
int width,
int height) {
return provider->acquire(provider->context, format, width, height);
// Inline convenience function to release |decode_target| back to |provider|.
static SB_C_INLINE void SbDecodeTargetReleaseToProvider(
SbDecodeTargetProvider* provider,
SbDecodeTarget decode_target) {
provider->release(provider->context, decode_target);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // SB_VERSION(3)