blob: 4ae4fb40f05ae6db68fb0eef7218d29298550a4d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "cobalt/account/account_manager.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/h5vcc_url_handler.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/render_tree_combiner.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/screen_shot_writer.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/splash_screen.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/url_handler.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/web_module.h"
#include "cobalt/dom/array_buffer.h"
#include "cobalt/dom/keyboard_event.h"
#include "cobalt/input/input_device_manager.h"
#include "cobalt/layout/layout_manager.h"
#include "cobalt/network/network_module.h"
#include "cobalt/renderer/renderer_module.h"
#include "cobalt/storage/storage_manager.h"
#include "cobalt/webdriver/session_driver.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
#include "cobalt/base/console_commands.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/debug_console.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/trace_manager.h"
#include "cobalt/debug/debug_server.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace browser {
// BrowserModule hosts all major components of the Cobalt browser application.
// It also contains all of the glue components required to connect the
// different subsystems together.
class BrowserModule {
// All browser subcomponent options should have default constructors that
// setup reasonable default options.
struct Options {
network::NetworkModule::Options network_module_options;
renderer::RendererModule::Options renderer_module_options;
storage::StorageManager::Options storage_manager_options;
WebModule::Options web_module_options;
media::MediaModule::Options media_module_options;
std::string language;
base::Closure web_module_recreated_callback;
// Type for a collection of URL handler callbacks that can potentially handle
// a URL before using it to initialize a new WebModule.
typedef std::list<URLHandler::URLHandlerCallback> URLHandlerCollection;
BrowserModule(const GURL& url, system_window::SystemWindow* system_window,
account::AccountManager* account_manager,
const Options& options);
const std::string& GetUserAgent() { return network_module_.GetUserAgent(); }
// Recreates web module with the given URL.
void Navigate(const GURL& url);
// Reloads web module.
void Reload();
// Adds/removes a URL handler.
void AddURLHandler(const URLHandler::URLHandlerCallback& callback);
void RemoveURLHandler(const URLHandler::URLHandlerCallback& callback);
// Request a screenshot to be written to the specified path. Callback will
// be fired after the screenshot has been written to disk.
void RequestScreenshotToFile(const FilePath& path,
const base::Closure& done_cb);
// Request a screenshot to an in-memory buffer.
void RequestScreenshotToBuffer(
const ScreenShotWriter::PNGEncodeCompleteCallback& screenshot_ready);
scoped_ptr<webdriver::SessionDriver> CreateSessionDriver(
const webdriver::protocol::SessionId& session_id);
debug::DebugServer* GetDebugServer();
void GetDebugServerInternal(debug::DebugServer** out_debug_server);
// Change the network proxy settings while the application is running.
void SetProxy(const std::string& proxy_rules);
// Recreates web module with the given URL.
void NavigateInternal(const GURL& url);
// Called when the WebModule's Window.onload event is fired.
void OnLoad();
// Wait for the onload event to be fired with the specified timeout. If the
// webmodule is not currently loading the document, this will return
// immediately.
bool WaitForLoad(const base::TimeDelta& timeout);
// Glue function to deal with the production of the main render tree,
// and will manage handing it off to the renderer.
void OnRenderTreeProduced(
const browser::WebModule::LayoutResults& layout_results);
// Saves/loads the debug console mode to/from local storage so we can
// persist the user's preference.
void SaveDebugConsoleMode();
// Glue function to deal with the production of an input event from the
// input device, and manage handing it off to the web module for
// interpretation.
void OnKeyEventProduced(const dom::KeyboardEvent::Data& event);
// Injects a key event directly into the main web module, useful for setting
// up an input fuzzer whose input should be sent directly to the main
// web module and not filtered into the debug console.
void InjectKeyEventToMainWebModule(const dom::KeyboardEvent::Data& event);
// Error callback for any error that stops the program.
void OnError(const GURL& url, const std::string& error);
// Filters a key event.
// Returns true if the event should be passed on to other handlers,
// false if it was consumed within this function.
bool FilterKeyEvent(const dom::KeyboardEvent::Data& event);
// Filters a key event for hotkeys.
// Returns true if the event should be passed on to other handlers,
// false if it was consumed within this function.
bool FilterKeyEventForHotkeys(const dom::KeyboardEvent::Data& event);
// Tries all registered URL handlers for a URL. Returns true if one of the
// handlers handled the URL, false if otherwise.
bool TryURLHandlers(const GURL& url);
// Destroys the splash screen, if currently displayed.
void DestroySplashScreen();
// Toggles the input fuzzer on/off. Ignores the parameter.
void OnFuzzerToggle(const std::string&);
// Glue function to deal with the production of the debug console render tree,
// and will manage handing it off to the renderer.
void OnDebugConsoleRenderTreeProduced(
const browser::WebModule::LayoutResults& layout_results);
#endif // defined(ENABLE_DEBUG_CONSOLE)
scoped_ptr<webdriver::WindowDriver> CreateWindowDriver(
const webdriver::protocol::WindowId& window_id);
void CreateWindowDriverInternal(
const webdriver::protocol::WindowId& window_id,
scoped_ptr<webdriver::WindowDriver>* out_window_driver);
#if defined(OS_STARBOARD)
// Called when a renderer submission has been rasterized. Used to hide the
// system splash screen after the first render has completed.
void OnRendererSubmissionRasterized();
#endif // OS_STARBOARD
// TODO:
// WeakPtr usage here can be avoided if BrowserModule has a thread to
// own where it can ensure that its tasks are all resolved when it is
// destructed.
// BrowserModule provides weak pointers to itself to prevent tasks generated
// by its components when attempting to communicate to other components (e.g.
// input events being generated and passed into WebModule). By passing
// references to BrowserModule as WeakPtrs, we do not access invalid memory
// if they are processed after the BrowserModule is destroyed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<BrowserModule> weak_ptr_factory_;
// After constructing |weak_ptr_factory_| we immediately construct a WeakPtr
// in order to bind the BrowserModule WeakPtr object to its thread. When we
// need a WeakPtr, we copy construct this, which is safe to do from any
// thread according to weak_ptr.h (versus calling
// |weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr() which is not).
base::WeakPtr<BrowserModule> weak_this_;
// The browser module runs on this message loop.
MessageLoop* const self_message_loop_;
// Collection of URL handlers that can potentially handle a URL before
// using it to initialize a new WebModule.
URLHandlerCollection url_handlers_;
storage::StorageManager storage_manager_;
#if defined(OS_STARBOARD)
// Whether the browser module has yet rendered anything. On the very first
// render, we hide the system splash screen.
bool is_rendered_;
#endif // OS_STARBOARD
// Sets up everything to do with graphics, from backend objects like the
// display and graphics context to the rasterizer and rendering pipeline.
renderer::RendererModule renderer_module_;
// Optional memory allocator used by ArrayBuffer.
scoped_ptr<dom::ArrayBuffer::Allocator> array_buffer_allocator_;
// Optional cache used by ArrayBuffer.
scoped_ptr<dom::ArrayBuffer::Cache> array_buffer_cache_;
// Controls all media playback related objects/resources.
scoped_ptr<media::MediaModule> media_module_;
// Sets up the network component for requesting internet resources.
network::NetworkModule network_module_;
// Manages the two render trees, combines and renders them.
RenderTreeCombiner render_tree_combiner_;
// Sets up everything to do with web page management, from loading and
// parsing the web page and all referenced files to laying it out. The
// web module will ultimately produce a render tree that can be passed
// into the renderer module.
scoped_ptr<WebModule> web_module_;
// Will be signalled when the WebModule's Window.onload event is fired.
base::WaitableEvent web_module_loaded_;
// Wraps input device and produces input events that can be passed into
// the web module.
scoped_ptr<input::InputDeviceManager> input_device_manager_;
// This will be called after the WebModule has been destroyed and recreated,
// which could occur on navigation.
base::Closure web_module_recreated_callback_;
// Possibly null, but if not, will contain a reference to an instance of
// a debug fuzzer input device manager.
scoped_ptr<input::InputDeviceManager> input_device_manager_fuzzer_;
// Manages a second web module to implement the debug console.
scoped_ptr<DebugConsole> debug_console_;
TraceManager trace_manager;
// Command handler object for toggline the input fuzzer on/off.
base::ConsoleCommandManager::CommandHandler fuzzer_toggle_command_handler_;
// Command handler object for screenshot command from the debug console.
base::ConsoleCommandManager::CommandHandler screenshot_command_handler_;
#endif // defined(ENABLE_SCREENSHOT)
#endif // defined(ENABLE_DEBUG_CONSOLE)
// Helper object to create screen shots of the last layout tree.
scoped_ptr<ScreenShotWriter> screen_shot_writer_;
#endif // defined(ENABLE_SCREENSHOT)
// Handler object for h5vcc URLs.
H5vccURLHandler h5vcc_url_handler_;
// WebModule options.
WebModule::Options web_module_options_;
// The splash screen. The pointer wrapped here should be non-NULL iff
// the splash screen is currently displayed.
scoped_ptr<SplashScreen> splash_screen_;
// Reset when the browser is paused, signalled to resume.
base::WaitableEvent has_resumed_;
// Set when the application is about to quit. May be set from a thread other
// than the one hosting this object, and read from another.
bool will_quit_;
// The |will_quit_| flag may be set from one thread (e.g. not the one hosting
// this object) and read from another. This lock is used to
// ensure synchronous access.
base::Lock quit_lock_;
} // namespace browser
} // namespace cobalt