blob: 4b9bfaecf4c1a02b00c8c094ecf28d75fa9397db [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/small_map.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/animations/animation_list.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/movable.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/node.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/node_visitor.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace render_tree {
namespace animations {
// An AnimateNode describes a set of animations that affect the subtree attached
// to the AnimateNode. In order to create an AnimateNode, one must first
// populate an AnimateNode::Builder with a mapping of render tree node
// references to corresponding animations that should be applied to them.
// Construction of an AnimateNode object requires a populated
// AnimateNode::Builder instance as well as the sub-tree that the animations
// apply to. Upon construction, AnimateNode will compile the set of animated
// nodes into a format specialized to the associated subtree such that it is
// much faster to apply the animations. Once an AnimateNode is constructed,
// it can generate static render trees representing frames of animation via
// calls to AnimateNode::Apply(), which returns a static render tree.
// When AnimateNodes are constructed they maintain an invariant that
// AnimateNodes never have other AnimateNodes as descendants. It does this
// by traversing the subtree on construction and if another AnimateNode is
// encountered, its information is merged into this root AnimateNode, and the
// sub-AnimateNode is removed from the tree.
class AnimateNode : public Node {
// Manages a mapping of render tree nodes to corresponding animations. Users
// of AnimateNode should populate the Builder with animations and then use
// that to construct the AnimateNode.
class Builder {
Builder() {}
explicit Builder(Moved moved) {
node_animation_map_ = moved->node_animation_map_;
// This method is a template so that we can ensure that animations are not
// mismatched with render tree nodes of the wrong type.
template <typename T>
void Add(const scoped_refptr<T>& target_node,
const scoped_refptr<AnimationList<T> >& animation_list) {
AddInternal(target_node, animation_list);
// Convenience method to attach a single animation to a target node.
template <typename T>
void Add(const scoped_refptr<T>& target_node,
const typename Animation<T>::Function& single_animation) {
AddInternal(target_node, scoped_refptr<AnimationListBase>(
new AnimationList<T>(single_animation)));
// Merge all mappings from another AnimateNode::Builder into this one.
// There cannot be any keys that are in both the merge target and source.
void Merge(const Builder& other);
// Returns true if there are no animations added to this
// AnimateNode::Builder.
bool empty() const { return node_animation_map_.empty(); }
// A non-template function that contains the logic for storing a target
// node and animation list pair.
void AddInternal(const scoped_refptr<Node>& target_node,
const scoped_refptr<AnimationListBase>& animation_list);
// The primary internal data structure used to organize and store the
// mapping between target render tree node and animation list.
// In many cases there are not many active animations, and so we use a
// base::SmallMap for this. std::map was found to be more performant than
// base::hash_map, so it is used as the fallback map.
typedef base::SmallMap<std::map<Node*, scoped_refptr<AnimationListBase> >,
4> InternalMap;
InternalMap node_animation_map_;
std::vector<scoped_refptr<Node> > node_refs_;
friend class AnimateNode;
AnimateNode(const Builder& builder, const scoped_refptr<Node>& source);
// This will create an AnimateNode with no animations. It is useful because
// construction of AnimateNodes maintain an invariant that there are no
// sub-AnimateNodes underneath them. Thus, adding a AnimateNode, even if it
// has no animations, to an existing tree will result in existing AnimateNodes
// being merged into the new root AnimateNode, which can simplify the
// underlying tree.
explicit AnimateNode(const scoped_refptr<Node>& source);
// Cannot visit this node.
void Accept(NodeVisitor* visitor) OVERRIDE { visitor->Visit(this); }
// Since we don't have any bounds on the animations contained in this tree,
// we cannot know the bounds of the tree over all time. Indeed animations
// may not have any bounds as time goes to infinity. Despite this, we return
// the bounds of the initial render tree to enable AnimateNodes to be setup
// as children of CompositionNodes.
math::RectF GetBounds() const OVERRIDE { return source_->GetBounds(); }
base::TypeId GetTypeId() const OVERRIDE {
return base::GetTypeId<AnimateNode>();
// Apply the animations to the sub render tree with the given |time_offset|.
// An animated sub-tree is returned, which is guaranteed to not contain any
// AnimateNodes.
scoped_refptr<Node> Apply(base::TimeDelta time_offset);
// Returns the sub-tree for which the animations apply to.
const scoped_refptr<Node> source() const { return source_; }
// A helper render tree visitor class used to compile sub render-tree
// animations.
class TraverseListBuilder;
// A helper render tree visitor class used to apply compiled sub render-tree
// animations. This class follows the traversal generated by
// TraverseListBuilder.
class ApplyVisitor;
void CommonInit(const Builder::InternalMap& node_animation_map,
const scoped_refptr<Node>& source);
// The compiled node animation list is a sequence of nodes that are either
// animated themselves, or on the path to an animated node. Only nodes in
// this sequence need to be traversed. TraverseListEntry is an entry in this
// list, complete with animations to be applied to the given node, if any.
struct TraverseListEntry {
TraverseListEntry(Node* node,
const scoped_refptr<AnimationListBase>& animations)
: node(node), animations(animations) {}
explicit TraverseListEntry(Node* node) : node(node) {}
Node* node;
scoped_refptr<AnimationListBase> animations;
typedef std::vector<TraverseListEntry> TraverseList;
// The compiled traversal list through the sub-tree represented by |source_|
// that guides us towards all nodes that need to be animated.
TraverseList traverse_list_;
scoped_refptr<Node> source_;
} // namespace animations
} // namespace render_tree
} // namespace cobalt