blob: 71a73c7debb31847153b2acf70fb3e27bab442d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/allocator/allocator_shim.h"
#include "base/allocator/winheap_stubs_win.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "starboard/memory.h"
namespace {
using base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch;
void* DefaultWinHeapMallocImpl(const AllocatorDispatch*,
size_t size,
void* context) {
return base::allocator::WinHeapMalloc(size);
void* DefaultWinHeapCallocImpl(const AllocatorDispatch* self,
size_t n,
size_t elem_size,
void* context) {
// Overflow check.
const size_t size = n * elem_size;
if (elem_size != 0 && size / elem_size != n)
return nullptr;
void* result = DefaultWinHeapMallocImpl(self, size, context);
if (result) {
SbMemorySet(result, 0, size);
return result;
void* DefaultWinHeapMemalignImpl(const AllocatorDispatch* self,
size_t alignment,
size_t size,
void* context) {
CHECK(false) << "The windows heap does not support memalign.";
return nullptr;
void* DefaultWinHeapReallocImpl(const AllocatorDispatch* self,
void* address,
size_t size,
void* context) {
return base::allocator::WinHeapRealloc(address, size);
void DefaultWinHeapFreeImpl(const AllocatorDispatch*,
void* address,
void* context) {
size_t DefaultWinHeapGetSizeEstimateImpl(const AllocatorDispatch*,
void* address,
void* context) {
return base::allocator::WinHeapGetSizeEstimate(address);
} // namespace
// Guarantee that default_dispatch is compile-time initialized to avoid using
// it before initialization (allocations before main in release builds with
// optimizations disabled).
constexpr AllocatorDispatch AllocatorDispatch::default_dispatch = {
nullptr, /* batch_malloc_function */
nullptr, /* batch_free_function */
nullptr, /* free_definite_size_function */
nullptr, /* next */