blob: 875b0bdfc2b14f89ec941a2082afcb03cbf367cc [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates the OpenGL bindings and entry point layers for ANGLE.
import sys, os, pprint
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from datetime import date
def script_relative(path):
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), path)
tree = etree.parse(script_relative('gl.xml'))
root = tree.getroot()
gles2_xpath = ".//feature[@name='GL_ES_VERSION_2_0']//command"
gles2_commands = [cmd.attrib['name'] for cmd in root.findall(gles2_xpath)]
template_entry_point_header = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {data_source_name}.
// Copyright {year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// entry_points_gles_{major_version}_{minor_version}_autogen.h:
// Defines the GLES {major_version}.{minor_version} entry points.
#ifndef LIBGLESV2_ENTRYPOINTSGLES{major_version}{minor_version}_AUTOGEN_H_
#define LIBGLESV2_ENTRYPOINTSGLES{major_version}{minor_version}_AUTOGEN_H_
#include <GLES2/gl{major_version}.h>
#include <export.h>
namespace gl
}} // namespace gl
#endif // LIBGLESV2_ENTRYPOINTSGLES{major_version}{minor_version}_AUTOGEN_H_
template_entry_point_source = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {data_source_name}.
// Copyright {year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// entry_points_gles_{major_version}_{minor_version}_autogen.cpp:
// Defines the GLES {major_version}.{minor_version} entry points.
#include "libGLESv2/entry_points_gles_{major_version}_{minor_version}_autogen.h"
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "libANGLE/Context.h"
#include "libANGLE/validationES2.h"
#include "libGLESv2/global_state.h"
namespace gl
{entry_points}}} // namespace gl
template_entry_points_enum_header = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {data_source_name}.
// Copyright {year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// entry_points_enum_autogen.h:
// Defines the GLES entry points enumeration.
namespace gl
enum class EntryPoint
}} // namespace gl
template_entry_point_decl = """ANGLE_EXPORT {return_type}GL_APIENTRY {name}({params});"""
template_entry_point_def = """{return_type}GL_APIENTRY {name}({params})
Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext();
if (context)
if (context->skipValidation() || Validate{name}({validate_params}))
commands = root.find(".//commands[@namespace='GL']")
entry_point_decls_gles_2_0 = []
entry_point_defs_gles_2_0 = []
cmd_names = []
def format_entry_point_decl(cmd_name, proto, params):
return template_entry_point_decl.format(
name = cmd_name[2:],
return_type = proto[:-len(cmd_name)],
params = ", ".join(params))
def type_name_sep_index(param):
space = param.rfind(" ")
pointer = param.rfind("*")
return max(space, pointer)
def just_the_type(param):
return param[:type_name_sep_index(param)]
def just_the_name(param):
return param[type_name_sep_index(param)+1:]
format_dict = {
"GLbitfield": "0x%X",
"GLboolean": "%u",
"GLenum": "0x%X",
"GLfloat": "%f",
"GLint": "%d",
"GLintptr": "%d",
"GLsizei": "%d",
"GLsizeiptr": "%d",
"GLuint": "%d"
def param_format_string(param):
if "*" in param:
return param + " = 0x%0.8p"
return param + " = " + format_dict[just_the_type(param)]
def default_return_value(return_type):
if return_type == "void":
return ""
elif return_type == "GLenum" or return_type == "GLint" or return_type == "GLuint":
return "0"
elif return_type == "GLboolean":
return "GL_FALSE"
elif "*" in return_type:
return "nullptr"
def format_entry_point_def(cmd_name, proto, params):
pass_params = [just_the_name(param) for param in params]
format_params = [param_format_string(param) for param in params]
return_type = proto[:-len(cmd_name)]
default_return = default_return_value(return_type.strip())
return template_entry_point_def.format(
name = cmd_name[2:],
name_lower = cmd_name[2:3].lower() + cmd_name[3:],
return_type = return_type,
params = ", ".join(params),
pass_params = ", ".join(pass_params),
comma_if_needed = ", " if len(params) > 0 else "",
validate_params = ", ".join(["context"] + pass_params),
format_params = ", ".join(format_params),
return_if_needed = "" if default_return == "" else "return ",
default_return_if_needed = "" if default_return == "" else "\n return " + default_return + ";\n")
for cmd_name in gles2_commands:
command_xpath = "command/proto[name='" + cmd_name + "']/.."
command = commands.find(command_xpath)
params = ["".join(param.itertext()) for param in command.findall("./param")]
proto = "".join(command.find("./proto").itertext())
cmd_names += [cmd_name]
entry_point_decls_gles_2_0 += [format_entry_point_decl(cmd_name, proto, params)]
entry_point_defs_gles_2_0 += [format_entry_point_def(cmd_name, proto, params)]
gles_2_0_header = template_entry_point_header.format(
script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
data_source_name = "gl.xml",
year =,
major_version = 2,
minor_version = 0,
entry_points = "\n".join(entry_point_decls_gles_2_0))
gles_2_0_source = template_entry_point_source.format(
script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
data_source_name = "gl.xml",
year =,
major_version = 2,
minor_version = 0,
entry_points = "\n".join(entry_point_defs_gles_2_0))
# TODO(jmadill): Remove manually added entry points.
manual_cmd_names = ["Invalid"] + [cmd[2:] for cmd in cmd_names] + ["DrawElementsInstanced", "DrawRangeElements", "DrawElementsInstancedANGLE"]
entry_points_enum = template_entry_points_enum_header.format(
script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
data_source_name = "gl.xml",
year =,
entry_points_list = ",\n".join([" " + cmd for cmd in manual_cmd_names]))
def path_to(folder, file):
return os.path.join(script_relative(".."), "src", folder, file)
gles_2_0_header_path = path_to("libGLESv2", "entry_points_gles_2_0_autogen.h")
gles_2_0_source_path = path_to("libGLESv2", "entry_points_gles_2_0_autogen.cpp")
entry_points_enum_header_path = path_to("libANGLE", "entry_points_enum_autogen.h")
with open(gles_2_0_header_path, "w") as out:
with open(gles_2_0_source_path, "w") as out:
with open(entry_points_enum_header_path, "w") as out: