blob: 6faf5de5abc9b9d119acd74d9debdf263447b8ab [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Contains helper class for processing javac output."""
import dataclasses
import os
import pathlib
import re
import sys
import traceback
from typing import List
from util import build_utils
os.path.join(build_utils.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'third_party', 'colorama', 'src'))
import colorama
os.path.join(build_utils.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'tools', 'android',
'modularization', 'convenience'))
import lookup_dep
def ReplaceGmsPackageIfNeeded(target_name: str) -> str:
if target_name.startswith(
return f'$google_play_services_package:{target_name.split(":")[1]}'
return target_name
def _DisambiguateDeps(class_entries: List[lookup_dep.ClassEntry]):
def filter_if_not_empty(entries, filter_func):
filtered_entries = [e for e in entries if filter_func(e)]
return filtered_entries or entries
# When some deps are preferred, ignore all other potential deps.
class_entries = filter_if_not_empty(class_entries, lambda e: e.preferred_dep)
# E.g. javax_annotation_jsr250_api_java.
class_entries = filter_if_not_empty(class_entries,
lambda e: 'jsr' in
# Avoid suggesting subtargets when regular targets exist.
class_entries = filter_if_not_empty(class_entries,
lambda e: '__' not in
# Swap out GMS package names if needed.
class_entries = [
dataclasses.replace(e, target=ReplaceGmsPackageIfNeeded(
for e in class_entries
# Convert to dict and then use list to get the keys back to remove dups and
# keep order the same as before.
class_entries = list({e: True for e in class_entries})
return class_entries
class JavacOutputProcessor:
def __init__(self, target_name):
self._target_name = self._RemoveSuffixesIfPresent(
["__compile_java", "__errorprone", "__header"], target_name)
self._suggested_deps = set()
# Example: ../../ui/android/java/src/org/chromium/ui/base/
fileline_prefix = (
self._warning_re = re.compile(
fileline_prefix + r'(?P<full_message> warning: (?P<message>.*))$')
self._error_re = re.compile(fileline_prefix +
r'(?P<full_message> (?P<message>.*))$')
self._marker_re = re.compile(r'\s*(?P<marker>\^)\s*$')
self._symbol_not_found_re_list = [
# Example:
# error: package org.chromium.components.url_formatter does not exist
re.compile(fileline_prefix +
r'( error: package [\w.]+ does not exist)$'),
# Example: error: cannot find symbol
re.compile(fileline_prefix + r'( error: cannot find symbol)$'),
# Example: error: symbol not found org.chromium.url.GURL
re.compile(fileline_prefix + r'( error: symbol not found [\w.]+)$'),
# Example: import org.chromium.url.GURL;
self._import_re = re.compile(r'\s*import (?P<imported_class>[\w\.]+);$')
self._warning_color = [
'full_message', colorama.Fore.YELLOW + colorama.Style.DIM
self._error_color = [
'full_message', colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + colorama.Style.BRIGHT
self._marker_color = ['marker', colorama.Fore.BLUE + colorama.Style.BRIGHT]
self._class_lookup_index = None
def Process(self, lines):
""" Processes javac output.
- Applies colors to output.
- Suggests GN dep to add for 'unresolved symbol in Java import' errors.
lines = self._ElaborateLinesForUnknownSymbol(iter(lines))
for line in lines:
yield self._ApplyColors(line)
if self._suggested_deps:
def yellow(text):
return colorama.Fore.YELLOW + text + colorama.Fore.RESET
# Show them in quotes so they can be copy/pasted into files.
yield yellow('Hint:') + ' One or more errors due to missing GN deps.'
yield (yellow('Hint:') + ' Try adding the following to ' +
for dep in sorted(self._suggested_deps):
yield ' "{}",'.format(dep)
def _ElaborateLinesForUnknownSymbol(self, lines):
""" Elaborates passed-in javac output for unresolved symbols.
Looks for unresolved symbols in imports.
- Line with GN target which cannot compile.
- Mention of unresolved class if not present in error message.
- Line with suggestion of GN dep to add.
lines: Generator with javac input.
Generator with processed output.
previous_line = next(lines, None)
line = next(lines, None)
while previous_line != None:
self._LookForUnknownSymbol(previous_line, line)
except Exception:
elaborated_lines = ['Error in _LookForUnknownSymbol ---']
elaborated_lines += traceback.format_exc().splitlines()
elaborated_lines += ['--- end _LookForUnknownSymbol error']
for elaborated_line in elaborated_lines:
yield elaborated_line
yield previous_line
previous_line = line
line = next(lines, None)
def _ApplyColors(self, line):
"""Adds colors to passed-in line and returns processed line."""
if self._warning_re.match(line):
line = self._Colorize(line, self._warning_re, self._warning_color)
elif self._error_re.match(line):
line = self._Colorize(line, self._error_re, self._error_color)
elif self._marker_re.match(line):
line = self._Colorize(line, self._marker_re, self._marker_color)
return line
def _LookForUnknownSymbol(self, line, next_line):
if not next_line:
import_re_match = self._import_re.match(next_line)
if not import_re_match:
for regex in self._symbol_not_found_re_list:
if regex.match(line):
if self._class_lookup_index is None:
self._class_lookup_index = lookup_dep.ClassLookupIndex(
class_to_lookup ='imported_class')
suggested_deps = self._class_lookup_index.match(class_to_lookup)
if not suggested_deps:
suggested_deps = _DisambiguateDeps(suggested_deps)
suggested_deps_str = ', '.join( for s in suggested_deps)
if len(suggested_deps) > 1:
suggested_deps_str = 'one of: ' + suggested_deps_str
def _RemoveSuffixesIfPresent(suffixes, text):
for suffix in suffixes:
if text.endswith(suffix):
return text[:-len(suffix)]
return text
def _Colorize(line, regex, color):
match = regex.match(line)
start = match.start(color[0])
end = match.end(color[0])
return (line[:start] + color[1] + line[start:end] + colorama.Fore.RESET +
colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + line[end:])