blob: ce8fa8b4da8c918c9c18f3087da462c273a87747 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Deprecated, use is_chromeos_lacros.
# This controls UI configuration for Chrome.
# If this flag is set, we assume Chrome runs on Chrome OS devices, using
# Wayland (instead of X11).
# Define chromeos_product instead, which takes either "browser" or "ash".
# Re-define the following variables as:
# is_chromeos_lacros = chromeos_product == "browser"
# is_chromeos_ash = chromeos_product == "ash"
chromeos_is_browser_only = false
# Setting this to true when building linux Lacros-chrome will cause it to
# *also* build linux ash-chrome in a subdirectory using an alternate
# toolchain.
# Don't set this unless you're sure you want it, because it'll double
# your build time.
also_build_ash_chrome = false
# Setting this to true when building linux ash-chrome will cause it to
# *also* build linux Lacros-chrome in a subdirectory using an alternate toolchain.
also_build_lacros_chrome = false
# Setting this when building ash-chrome will cause it to
# *also* build Lacros-chrome in a subdirectory using an alternate toolchain.
# You can set this to either "amd64" or "arm".
also_build_lacros_chrome_for_architecture = ""
# is_chromeos_{ash,lacros} is used to specify that it is specific to either
# ash or lacros chrome for chromeos. For platform specific logic that
# applies to both, use is_chromeos instead.
# .gn files are evaluated multiple times for each toolchain.
# is_chromeos_{ash,lacros} should be set true only for builds with target
# toolchains.
is_chromeos_ash = is_chromeos && !chromeos_is_browser_only
is_chromeos_lacros = is_chromeos && chromeos_is_browser_only
# also_build_ash_chrome and also_build_lacros_chrome cannot be both true.
assert(!(also_build_ash_chrome && also_build_lacros_chrome))
# Can't set both also_build_lacros_chrome and
# also_build_lacros_chrome_for_architecture.
assert(!(also_build_lacros_chrome == true &&
also_build_lacros_chrome_for_architecture != ""))
# also_build_lacros_chrome_for_architecture is for device only.
assert(is_chromeos_device || also_build_lacros_chrome_for_architecture == "")
# also_build_lacros_chrome_for_architecture is for ash build only.
assert(!chromeos_is_browser_only ||
also_build_lacros_chrome_for_architecture == "")