blob: ea22aa3b5bd0dea2b3c55054d906ed3a35beac26 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines a Rust executable.
# This is identical to the built-in gn intrinsic 'executable' but
# supports some additional parameters, as below:
# edition (optional)
# Edition of the Rust language to be used.
# Options are "2015", "2018" and "2021". Defaults to "2021".
# test_deps (optional)
# List of GN targets on which this crate's tests depend, in addition
# to deps.
# build_native_rust_unit_tests (optional)
# Builds native unit tests (under #[cfg(test)]) written inside the Rust
# crate. This will create a `<name>_unittests` executable in the output
# directory when set to true.
# Chromium code should not set this, and instead prefer to split the code
# into a library and write gtests against it. See how to do that in
# //testing/rust_gtest_interop/
# unit_test_target (optional)
# Overrides the default name for the unit tests target
# features (optional)
# A list of conditional compilation flags to enable. This can be used
# to set features for crates built in-tree which are also published to
# Each feature in the list will be passed to rustc as
# '--cfg feature=XXX'
# inputs (optional)
# Additional input files needed for compilation (such as `include!`ed files)
# test_inputs (optional)
# Same as above but for the unit tests target
# Example of usage:
# rust_executable("foo_bar") {
# deps = [
# "//boo/public/rust/bar",
# ]
# sources = [ "src/" ]
# }
# This template is intended to serve the same purpose as 'rustc_library'
# in Fuchsia.
template("rust_executable") {
exclude_forwards = TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "configs" ]
rust_target(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", exclude_forwards)
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
if (defined(invoker.configs)) {
library_configs = []
library_configs = invoker.configs
target_type = "executable"
set_defaults("rust_executable") {
configs = default_executable_configs