blob: 8497dc91c8e0957c411e224cfb724d619f68da3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <pthread.h>
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 16
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "starboard/time.h"
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 16
#include "starboard/common/time.h"
#include "starboard/nplb/posix_compliance/posix_thread_helpers.h"
#include "starboard/thread.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace starboard {
namespace nplb {
namespace {
void InitCondition(pthread_cond_t* condition, bool use_monotonic) {
#if (SB_API_VERSION >= 16 || !SB_IS(EVERGREEN)) && \
pthread_condattr_t attribute;
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_condattr_init(&attribute), 0);
if (use_monotonic) {
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_condattr_setclock(&attribute, CLOCK_MONOTONIC), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_cond_init(condition, &attribute), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_condattr_destroy(&attribute), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_cond_init(condition, NULL), 0);
int64_t CurrentTime(bool use_monotonic) {
if (use_monotonic) {
return starboard::CurrentMonotonicTime();
} else {
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 16
struct timeval tv;
EXPECT_EQ(gettimeofday(&tv, NULL), 0);
return tv.tv_sec;
#else // SB_API_VERSION >= 16
return SbTimeGetNow() / 1'000'000;
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 16
struct timespec CalculateDelayTimestampUsec(int64_t delay) {
int64_t timeout_time_usec = CurrentTime(true /* use_monotonic */);
timeout_time_usec += delay;
EXPECT_GT(timeout_time_usec, 0);
struct timespec delay_timestamp;
delay_timestamp.tv_sec = timeout_time_usec / 1'000'000;
delay_timestamp.tv_nsec = (timeout_time_usec % 1'000'000) * 1000;
return delay_timestamp;
struct timespec CalculateDelayTimestampSec(int64_t delay) {
int64_t timeout_sec = CurrentTime(false /* use_monotonic */) + delay;
EXPECT_GT(timeout_sec, 0);
struct timespec delay_timestamp;
delay_timestamp.tv_sec = timeout_sec;
delay_timestamp.tv_nsec = 0;
return delay_timestamp;
struct timespec CalculateDelayTimestamp(int64_t delay, bool use_monotonic) {
if (use_monotonic) {
return CalculateDelayTimestampUsec(delay);
} else {
return CalculateDelayTimestampSec(delay);
// The SunnyDay, SunnyDayAutoInit, and SunnyDayNearMaxTime test cases directly
// (performs checks in the test case) or indirectly (invokes DoSunnyDay() which
// performs the checks) rely on timing constraints that are prone to failure,
// such as ensuring an action happens within 10 milliseconds. This requirement
// makes the tests flaky since none of these actions can be guaranteed to always
// run within the specified time.
void DoSunnyDay(posix::TakeThenSignalContext* context,
bool check_timeout,
bool use_monotonic) {
SbThread thread =
SbThreadCreate(0, kSbThreadNoPriority, kSbThreadNoAffinity, true, NULL,
posix::TakeThenSignalEntryPoint, context);
const int64_t kDelayUs = 10'000; // 10ms
// Allow two-millisecond-level precision.
const int64_t kPrecisionUs = 2'000; // 2ms
const int64_t kDelayS = 3; // 3s
const int64_t kPrecisionS = 1; // 1s
const int64_t kDelay = (use_monotonic) ? kDelayUs : kDelayS;
const int64_t kPrecision = (use_monotonic) ? kPrecisionUs : kPrecisionS;
// We know the thread hasn't signaled the condition variable yet, and won't
// unless we tell it, so it should wait at least the whole delay time.
if (check_timeout) {
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_mutex_lock(&context->mutex), 0);
int64_t start = CurrentTime(use_monotonic);
struct timespec delay_timestamp =
CalculateDelayTimestamp(kDelay, use_monotonic);
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_cond_timedwait(&context->condition, &context->mutex,
int64_t elapsed = CurrentTime(use_monotonic) - start;
EXPECT_LE(kDelay, elapsed + kPrecision);
EXPECT_GT(kDelay * 2, elapsed - kPrecision);
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_mutex_unlock(&context->mutex), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_mutex_lock(&context->mutex), 0);
// Tell the thread to signal the condvar, which will cause it to attempt to
// acquire the mutex we are holding.
int64_t start = CurrentTime(use_monotonic);
// We release the mutex when we wait, allowing the thread to actually do the
// signaling, and ensuring we are waiting before it signals.
struct timespec delay_timestamp =
CalculateDelayTimestamp(kDelay, use_monotonic);
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_cond_timedwait(&context->condition, &context->mutex,
// We should have waited only a very small amount of time.
EXPECT_GT(kDelay, CurrentTime(use_monotonic) - start);
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_mutex_unlock(&context->mutex), 0);
// Now we wait for the thread to exit.
EXPECT_TRUE(SbThreadJoin(thread, NULL));
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_cond_destroy(&context->condition), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_mutex_destroy(&context->mutex), 0);
// Test marked as flaky because it calls DoSunnyDay().
TEST(PosixConditionVariableWaitTimedTest, FLAKY_SunnyDay) {
posix::TakeThenSignalContext context;
context.delay_after_signal = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_mutex_init(&context.mutex, NULL), 0);
InitCondition(&context.condition, true);
DoSunnyDay(&context, true, true /* use_monotonic */);
InitCondition(&context.condition, false);
DoSunnyDay(&context, true, false /* use_monotinic */);
// For Starboard < 16 only monotonic time is used for
// conditional waits.
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 16 && !defined(_WIN32)
// Test marked as flaky because it calls DoSunnyDay().
TEST(PosixConditionVariableWaitTimedTest, FLAKY_SunnyDayAutoInit) {
posix::TakeThenSignalContext context = {posix::TestSemaphore(0),
DoSunnyDay(&context, true, false);
// Without the initial timeout test, the two threads will be racing to
// auto-init the mutex and condition variable. So we run several trials in
// this mode, hoping to have the auto-initting contend in various ways.
const int kTrials = 64;
for (int i = 0; i < kTrials; ++i) {
posix::TakeThenSignalContext context = {posix::TestSemaphore(0),
DoSunnyDay(&context, false, false);
// Test marked as flaky because it relies on timing sensitive execution similar
// to DoSunnyDay().
TEST(PosixConditionVariableWaitTimedTest, FLAKY_SunnyDayNearMaxTime) {
const int64_t kOtherDelaySec = 3'000'000; // 3s
posix::TakeThenSignalContext context = {
posix::TestSemaphore(0), PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER,
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_mutex_init(&context.mutex, NULL), 0);
InitCondition(&context.condition, false /* use_monotonic */);
SbThread thread =
SbThreadCreate(0, kSbThreadNoPriority, kSbThreadNoAffinity, true, NULL,
posix::TakeThenSignalEntryPoint, &context);
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_mutex_lock(&context.mutex), 0);
// Tell the thread to signal the condvar, which will cause it to attempt to
// acquire the mutex we are holding, after it waits for delay_after_signal.
int64_t start = CurrentTime(false /* use_monotonic */);
// Try to wait until the end of time.
struct timespec delay_timestamp = {0};
delay_timestamp.tv_sec = INT_MAX;
// We release the mutex when we wait, allowing the thread to actually do the
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_cond_timedwait(&context.condition, &context.mutex,
// We should have waited at least the delay_after_signal amount, but not the
// full delay.
int64_t delay_after_singal_sec = context.delay_after_signal / 1'000'000;
CurrentTime(false /* use_monotonic */) - start);
EXPECT_GT(INT_MAX, CurrentTime(false /* use_monotonic */) - start);
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_mutex_unlock(&context.mutex), 0);
// Now we wait for the thread to exit.
EXPECT_TRUE(SbThreadJoin(thread, NULL));
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_cond_destroy(&context.condition), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(pthread_mutex_destroy(&context.mutex), 0);
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 16
} // namespace
} // namespace nplb
} // namespace starboard