blob: 489de3a74096ace9732bbdabc456988318dc40fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <charconv>
#include <concepts>
#include <format>
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include "format.functions.common.h"
#include "make_string.h"
#include "platform_support.h" // locale name macros
#include "test_macros.h"
// Char
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_char_default(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception, auto&& input) {
// Note when no range-underlying-spec is present the char is escaped,
check(SV("['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']"), SV("{}"), input);
// when one is present there is no escaping,
check(SV("[H, e, l, l, o]"), SV("{::}"), input);
// unless forced by the type specifier.
check(SV("['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']"), SV("{::?}"), input);
// ***** underlying has no format-spec
// *** align-fill & width ***
check(SV("['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'] "), SV("{:30}"), input);
check(SV("['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']*****"), SV("{:*<30}"), input);
check(SV("__['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']___"), SV("{:_^30}"), input);
check(SV("#####['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']"), SV("{:#>30}"), input);
check(SV("['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'] "), SV("{:{}}"), input, 30);
check(SV("['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']*****"), SV("{:*<{}}"), input, 30);
check(SV("__['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']___"), SV("{:_^{}}"), input, 30);
check(SV("#####['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']"), SV("{:#>{}}"), input, 30);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:}<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:{<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::<}"), input);
// *** sign ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:-}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:+}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{: }"), input);
// *** alternate form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:#}"), input);
// *** zero-padding ***
check_exception("A format-spec width field shouldn't have a leading zero", SV("{:0}"), input);
// *** precision ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:.}"), input);
// *** locale-specific form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:L}"), input);
// *** n
check(SV("__'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'___"), SV("{:_^28n}"), input);
// *** type ***
check_exception("The range-format-spec type m requires two elements for a pair or tuple", SV("{:m}"), input);
for (std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt : fmt_invalid_types<CharT>("s"))
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", fmt, input);
// ***** Only underlying has a format-spec
check(SV("[H , e , l , l , o ]"), SV("{::4}"), input);
check(SV("[H***, e***, l***, l***, o***]"), SV("{::*<4}"), input);
check(SV("[_H__, _e__, _l__, _l__, _o__]"), SV("{::_^4}"), input);
check(SV("[:::H, :::e, :::l, :::l, :::o]"), SV("{:::>4}"), input);
check(SV("[H , e , l , l , o ]"), SV("{::{}}"), input, 4);
check(SV("[H***, e***, l***, l***, o***]"), SV("{::*<{}}"), input, 4);
check(SV("[_H__, _e__, _l__, _l__, _o__]"), SV("{::_^{}}"), input, 4);
check(SV("[:::H, :::e, :::l, :::l, :::o]"), SV("{:::>{}}"), input, 4);
check_exception("The format-spec fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::}<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::{<}"), input);
// *** sign ***
check_exception("A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec", SV("{::-}"), input);
check_exception("A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec", SV("{::+}"), input);
check_exception("A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec", SV("{:: }"), input);
check(SV("[72, 101, 108, 108, 111]"), SV("{::-d}"), input);
check(SV("[+72, +101, +108, +108, +111]"), SV("{::+d}"), input);
check(SV("[ 72, 101, 108, 108, 111]"), SV("{:: d}"), input);
// *** alternate form ***
check_exception("An alternate form field isn't allowed in this format-spec", SV("{::#}"), input);
check(SV("[0x48, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f]"), SV("{::#x}"), input);
// *** zero-padding ***
check_exception("A zero-padding field isn't allowed in this format-spec", SV("{::05}"), input);
check(SV("[00110, 00145, 00154, 00154, 00157]"), SV("{::05o}"), input);
// *** precision ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{::.}"), input);
// *** locale-specific form ***
check(SV("[H, e, l, l, o]"), SV("{::L}"), input);
// *** type ***
for (std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt : fmt_invalid_nested_types<CharT>("bBcdoxX?"))
check_exception("The format-spec type has a type not supported for a char argument", fmt, input);
// ***** Both have a format-spec
check(SV("^^[:H, :e, :l, :l, :o]^^^"), SV("{:^^25::>2}"), input);
check(SV("^^[:H, :e, :l, :l, :o]^^^"), SV("{:^^{}::>2}"), input, 25);
check(SV("^^[:H, :e, :l, :l, :o]^^^"), SV("{:^^{}::>{}}"), input, 25, 2);
check_exception("Argument index out of bounds", SV("{:^^{}::>2}"), input);
check_exception("Argument index out of bounds", SV("{:^^{}::>{}}"), input, 25);
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_char_string(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception, auto&& input) {
check(SV("Hello"), SV("{:s}"), input);
// ***** underlying has no format-spec
// *** align-fill & width ***
check(SV("Hello "), SV("{:8s}"), input);
check(SV("Hello***"), SV("{:*<8s}"), input);
check(SV("_Hello__"), SV("{:_^8s}"), input);
check(SV("###Hello"), SV("{:#>8s}"), input);
check(SV("Hello "), SV("{:{}s}"), input, 8);
check(SV("Hello***"), SV("{:*<{}s}"), input, 8);
check(SV("_Hello__"), SV("{:_^{}s}"), input, 8);
check(SV("###Hello"), SV("{:#>{}s}"), input, 8);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:}<s}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:{<s}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::<s}"), input);
// *** sign ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:-s}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:+s}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{: s}"), input);
// *** alternate form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:#s}"), input);
// *** zero-padding ***
check_exception("A format-spec width field shouldn't have a leading zero", SV("{:0s}"), input);
// *** precision ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:.s}"), input);
// *** locale-specific form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:Ls}"), input);
// *** n
check_exception("The n option and type s can't be used together", SV("{:ns}"), input);
// *** type ***
check_exception("The range-format-spec type m requires two elements for a pair or tuple", SV("{:m}"), input);
// ***** Only underlying has a format-spec
check_exception("Type s and an underlying format specification can't be used together", SV("{:s:}"), input);
for (std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt : fmt_invalid_nested_types<CharT>("bBcdoxX?"))
check_exception("The format-spec type has a type not supported for a char argument", fmt, input);
// ***** Both have a format-spec
check_exception("Type s and an underlying format specification can't be used together", SV("{:5s:5}"), input);
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_char_escaped_string(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception, auto&& input) {
check(SV(R"("Hello")"), SV("{:?s}"), input);
// ***** underlying has no format-spec
// *** align-fill & width ***
check(SV(R"("Hello" )"), SV("{:10?s}"), input);
check(SV(R"("Hello"***)"), SV("{:*<10?s}"), input);
check(SV(R"(_"Hello"__)"), SV("{:_^10?s}"), input);
check(SV(R"(###"Hello")"), SV("{:#>10?s}"), input);
check(SV(R"("Hello" )"), SV("{:{}?s}"), input, 10);
check(SV(R"("Hello"***)"), SV("{:*<{}?s}"), input, 10);
check(SV(R"(_"Hello"__)"), SV("{:_^{}?s}"), input, 10);
check(SV(R"(###"Hello")"), SV("{:#>{}?s}"), input, 10);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:}<?s}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:{<?s}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::<?s}"), input);
// *** sign ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:-?s}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:+?s}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{: ?s}"), input);
// *** alternate form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:#?s}"), input);
// *** zero-padding ***
check_exception("A format-spec width field shouldn't have a leading zero", SV("{:0?s}"), input);
// *** precision ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:.?s}"), input);
// *** locale-specific form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:L?s}"), input);
// *** n
check_exception("The n option and type ?s can't be used together", SV("{:n?s}"), input);
// *** type ***
check_exception("The range-format-spec type m requires two elements for a pair or tuple", SV("{:m}"), input);
// ***** Only underlying has a format-spec
check_exception("Type ?s and an underlying format specification can't be used together", SV("{:?s:}"), input);
// ***** Both have a format-spec
check_exception("Type ?s and an underlying format specification can't be used together", SV("{:5?s:5}"), input);
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_char(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception) {
// These values are in numeric order when using ASCII, which is used by the priority_queue.
std::array input{CharT('H'), CharT('e'), CharT('l'), CharT('l'), CharT('o')};
test_char_default<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::queue{input.begin(), input.end()});
test_char_default<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::priority_queue{input.begin(), input.end(), std::greater{}});
test_char_default<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::stack{input.begin(), input.end()});
test_char_string<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::queue{input.begin(), input.end()});
test_char_string<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::priority_queue{input.begin(), input.end(), std::greater{}});
test_char_string<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::stack{input.begin(), input.end()});
test_char_escaped_string<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::queue{input.begin(), input.end()});
check, check_exception, std::priority_queue{input.begin(), input.end(), std::greater{}});
test_char_escaped_string<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::stack{input.begin(), input.end()});
// char -> wchar_t
template <class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_char_to_wchar(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception) {
std::array input{'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'};
test_char_default<wchar_t>(check, check_exception, std::queue{input.begin(), input.end()});
test_char_default<wchar_t>(check, check_exception, std::priority_queue{input.begin(), input.end(), std::greater{}});
test_char_default<wchar_t>(check, check_exception, std::stack{input.begin(), input.end()});
// The types s and ?s may only be used when using range_formatter<T, charT>
// where the types T and charT are the same. This means this can't be used for
// range_formatter<wchar_t, char> even when formatter<wchar_t, char> has a
// debug-enabled specialization.
using CharT = wchar_t;
check_exception("The range-format-spec type s requires formatting a character type",
std::queue{input.begin(), input.end()});
check_exception("The range-format-spec type s requires formatting a character type",
std::priority_queue{input.begin(), input.end()});
check_exception("The range-format-spec type s requires formatting a character type",
std::stack{input.begin(), input.end()});
check_exception("The range-format-spec type ?s requires formatting a character type",
std::queue{input.begin(), input.end()});
check_exception("The range-format-spec type ?s requires formatting a character type",
std::priority_queue{input.begin(), input.end()});
check_exception("The range-format-spec type ?s requires formatting a character type",
std::stack{input.begin(), input.end()});
// Bool
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_bool(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception, auto&& input) {
check(SV("[true, true, false]"), SV("{}"), input);
// ***** underlying has no format-spec
// *** align-fill & width ***
check(SV("[true, true, false] "), SV("{:24}"), input);
check(SV("[true, true, false]*****"), SV("{:*<24}"), input);
check(SV("__[true, true, false]___"), SV("{:_^24}"), input);
check(SV("#####[true, true, false]"), SV("{:#>24}"), input);
check(SV("[true, true, false] "), SV("{:{}}"), input, 24);
check(SV("[true, true, false]*****"), SV("{:*<{}}"), input, 24);
check(SV("__[true, true, false]___"), SV("{:_^{}}"), input, 24);
check(SV("#####[true, true, false]"), SV("{:#>{}}"), input, 24);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:}<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:{<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::<}"), input);
// *** sign ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:-}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:+}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{: }"), input);
// *** alternate form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:#}"), input);
// *** zero-padding ***
check_exception("A format-spec width field shouldn't have a leading zero", SV("{:0}"), input);
// *** precision ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:.}"), input);
// *** locale-specific form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:L}"), input);
// *** n
check(SV("__true, true, false___"), SV("{:_^22n}"), input);
// *** type ***
check_exception("The range-format-spec type m requires two elements for a pair or tuple", SV("{:m}"), input);
check_exception("The range-format-spec type s requires formatting a character type", SV("{:s}"), input);
check_exception("The range-format-spec type ?s requires formatting a character type", SV("{:?s}"), input);
for (std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt : fmt_invalid_types<CharT>("s"))
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", fmt, input);
// ***** Only underlying has a format-spec
check(SV("[true , true , false ]"), SV("{::7}"), input);
check(SV("[true***, true***, false**]"), SV("{::*<7}"), input);
check(SV("[_true__, _true__, _false_]"), SV("{::_^7}"), input);
check(SV("[:::true, :::true, ::false]"), SV("{:::>7}"), input);
check(SV("[true , true , false ]"), SV("{::{}}"), input, 7);
check(SV("[true***, true***, false**]"), SV("{::*<{}}"), input, 7);
check(SV("[_true__, _true__, _false_]"), SV("{::_^{}}"), input, 7);
check(SV("[:::true, :::true, ::false]"), SV("{:::>{}}"), input, 7);
check_exception("The format-spec fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::}<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::{<}"), input);
// *** sign ***
check_exception("A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec", SV("{::-}"), input);
check_exception("A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec", SV("{::+}"), input);
check_exception("A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec", SV("{:: }"), input);
check(SV("[1, 1, 0]"), SV("{::-d}"), input);
check(SV("[+1, +1, +0]"), SV("{::+d}"), input);
check(SV("[ 1, 1, 0]"), SV("{:: d}"), input);
// *** alternate form ***
check_exception("An alternate form field isn't allowed in this format-spec", SV("{::#}"), input);
check(SV("[0x1, 0x1, 0x0]"), SV("{::#x}"), input);
// *** zero-padding ***
check_exception("A zero-padding field isn't allowed in this format-spec", SV("{::05}"), input);
check(SV("[00001, 00001, 00000]"), SV("{::05o}"), input);
// *** precision ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{::.}"), input);
// *** locale-specific form ***
check(SV("[true, true, false]"), SV("{::L}"), input);
// *** type ***
for (std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt : fmt_invalid_nested_types<CharT>("bBdosxX"))
check_exception("The format-spec type has a type not supported for a bool argument", fmt, input);
// ***** Both have a format-spec
check(SV("^^[:::true, :::true, ::false]^^^"), SV("{:^^32::>7}"), input);
check(SV("^^[:::true, :::true, ::false]^^^"), SV("{:^^{}::>7}"), input, 32);
check(SV("^^[:::true, :::true, ::false]^^^"), SV("{:^^{}::>{}}"), input, 32, 7);
check_exception("Argument index out of bounds", SV("{:^^{}::>5}"), input);
check_exception("Argument index out of bounds", SV("{:^^{}::>{}}"), input, 32);
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_bool(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception) {
std::array input{true, true, false};
test_bool<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::queue{input.begin(), input.end()});
// TODO FMT Use std::vector<bool> after it has been implemented.
test_bool<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::priority_queue<bool, std::deque<bool>>{input.begin(), input.end()});
test_bool<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::stack{input.begin(), input.end()});
// Integral
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_int(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception, auto&& input) {
check(SV("[-42, 1, 2, 42]"), SV("{}"), input);
// ***** underlying has no format-spec
// *** align-fill & width ***
check(SV("[-42, 1, 2, 42] "), SV("{:20}"), input);
check(SV("[-42, 1, 2, 42]*****"), SV("{:*<20}"), input);
check(SV("__[-42, 1, 2, 42]___"), SV("{:_^20}"), input);
check(SV("#####[-42, 1, 2, 42]"), SV("{:#>20}"), input);
check(SV("[-42, 1, 2, 42] "), SV("{:{}}"), input, 20);
check(SV("[-42, 1, 2, 42]*****"), SV("{:*<{}}"), input, 20);
check(SV("__[-42, 1, 2, 42]___"), SV("{:_^{}}"), input, 20);
check(SV("#####[-42, 1, 2, 42]"), SV("{:#>{}}"), input, 20);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:}<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:{<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::<}"), input);
// *** sign ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:-}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:+}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{: }"), input);
// *** alternate form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:#}"), input);
// *** zero-padding ***
check_exception("A format-spec width field shouldn't have a leading zero", SV("{:0}"), input);
// *** precision ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:.}"), input);
// *** locale-specific form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:L}"), input);
// *** n
check(SV("__-42, 1, 2, 42___"), SV("{:_^18n}"), input);
// *** type ***
check_exception("The range-format-spec type m requires two elements for a pair or tuple", SV("{:m}"), input);
check_exception("The range-format-spec type s requires formatting a character type", SV("{:s}"), input);
check_exception("The range-format-spec type ?s requires formatting a character type", SV("{:?s}"), input);
for (std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt : fmt_invalid_types<CharT>("s"))
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", fmt, input);
// ***** Only underlying has a format-spec
check(SV("[ -42, 1, 2, 42]"), SV("{::5}"), input);
check(SV("[-42**, 1****, 2****, 42***]"), SV("{::*<5}"), input);
check(SV("[_-42_, __1__, __2__, _42__]"), SV("{::_^5}"), input);
check(SV("[::-42, ::::1, ::::2, :::42]"), SV("{:::>5}"), input);
check(SV("[ -42, 1, 2, 42]"), SV("{::{}}"), input, 5);
check(SV("[-42**, 1****, 2****, 42***]"), SV("{::*<{}}"), input, 5);
check(SV("[_-42_, __1__, __2__, _42__]"), SV("{::_^{}}"), input, 5);
check(SV("[::-42, ::::1, ::::2, :::42]"), SV("{:::>{}}"), input, 5);
check_exception("The format-spec fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::}<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::{<}"), input);
// *** sign ***
check(SV("[-42, 1, 2, 42]"), SV("{::-}"), input);
check(SV("[-42, +1, +2, +42]"), SV("{::+}"), input);
check(SV("[-42, 1, 2, 42]"), SV("{:: }"), input);
// *** alternate form ***
check(SV("[-0x2a, 0x1, 0x2, 0x2a]"), SV("{::#x}"), input);
// *** zero-padding ***
check(SV("[-0042, 00001, 00002, 00042]"), SV("{::05}"), input);
check(SV("[-002a, 00001, 00002, 0002a]"), SV("{::05x}"), input);
check(SV("[-0x2a, 0x001, 0x002, 0x02a]"), SV("{::#05x}"), input);
// *** precision ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{::.}"), input);
// *** locale-specific form ***
check(SV("[-42, 1, 2, 42]"), SV("{::L}"), input); // does nothing in this test, but is accepted.
// *** type ***
for (std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt : fmt_invalid_nested_types<CharT>("bBcdoxX"))
check_exception("The format-spec type has a type not supported for an integer argument", fmt, input);
// ***** Both have a format-spec
check(SV("^^[::-42, ::::1, ::::2, :::42]^^^"), SV("{:^^33::>5}"), input);
check(SV("^^[::-42, ::::1, ::::2, :::42]^^^"), SV("{:^^{}::>5}"), input, 33);
check(SV("^^[::-42, ::::1, ::::2, :::42]^^^"), SV("{:^^{}::>{}}"), input, 33, 5);
check_exception("Argument index out of bounds", SV("{:^^{}::>5}"), input);
check_exception("Argument index out of bounds", SV("{:^^{}::>{}}"), input, 33);
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_int(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception) {
std::array input{-42, 1, 2, 42};
test_int<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::queue{input.begin(), input.end()});
test_int<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::priority_queue{input.begin(), input.end(), std::greater{}});
test_int<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::stack{input.begin(), input.end()});
// Floating point
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_floating_point(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception, auto&& input) {
check(SV("[-42.5, 0, 1.25, 42.5]"), SV("{}"), input);
// ***** underlying has no format-spec
// *** align-fill & width ***
check(SV("[-42.5, 0, 1.25, 42.5] "), SV("{:27}"), input);
check(SV("[-42.5, 0, 1.25, 42.5]*****"), SV("{:*<27}"), input);
check(SV("__[-42.5, 0, 1.25, 42.5]___"), SV("{:_^27}"), input);
check(SV("#####[-42.5, 0, 1.25, 42.5]"), SV("{:#>27}"), input);
check(SV("[-42.5, 0, 1.25, 42.5] "), SV("{:{}}"), input, 27);
check(SV("[-42.5, 0, 1.25, 42.5]*****"), SV("{:*<{}}"), input, 27);
check(SV("__[-42.5, 0, 1.25, 42.5]___"), SV("{:_^{}}"), input, 27);
check(SV("#####[-42.5, 0, 1.25, 42.5]"), SV("{:#>{}}"), input, 27);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:}<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:{<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::<}"), input);
// *** sign ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:-}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:+}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{: }"), input);
// *** alternate form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:#}"), input);
// *** zero-padding ***
check_exception("A format-spec width field shouldn't have a leading zero", SV("{:0}"), input);
// *** precision ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:.}"), input);
// *** locale-specific form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:L}"), input);
// *** n
check(SV("__-42.5, 0, 1.25, 42.5___"), SV("{:_^25n}"), input);
// *** type ***
check_exception("The range-format-spec type m requires two elements for a pair or tuple", SV("{:m}"), input);
check_exception("The range-format-spec type s requires formatting a character type", SV("{:s}"), input);
check_exception("The range-format-spec type ?s requires formatting a character type", SV("{:?s}"), input);
for (std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt : fmt_invalid_types<CharT>("s"))
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", fmt, input);
// ***** Only underlying has a format-spec
check(SV("[-42.5, 0, 1.25, 42.5]"), SV("{::5}"), input);
check(SV("[-42.5, 0****, 1.25*, 42.5*]"), SV("{::*<5}"), input);
check(SV("[-42.5, __0__, 1.25_, 42.5_]"), SV("{::_^5}"), input);
check(SV("[-42.5, ::::0, :1.25, :42.5]"), SV("{:::>5}"), input);
check(SV("[-42.5, 0, 1.25, 42.5]"), SV("{::{}}"), input, 5);
check(SV("[-42.5, 0****, 1.25*, 42.5*]"), SV("{::*<{}}"), input, 5);
check(SV("[-42.5, __0__, 1.25_, 42.5_]"), SV("{::_^{}}"), input, 5);
check(SV("[-42.5, ::::0, :1.25, :42.5]"), SV("{:::>{}}"), input, 5);
check_exception("The format-spec fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::}<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::{<}"), input);
// *** sign ***
check(SV("[-42.5, 0, 1.25, 42.5]"), SV("{::-}"), input);
check(SV("[-42.5, +0, +1.25, +42.5]"), SV("{::+}"), input);
check(SV("[-42.5, 0, 1.25, 42.5]"), SV("{:: }"), input);
// *** alternate form ***
check(SV("[-42.5, 0., 1.25, 42.5]"), SV("{::#}"), input);
// *** zero-padding ***
check(SV("[-42.5, 00000, 01.25, 042.5]"), SV("{::05}"), input);
check(SV("[-42.5, 0000., 01.25, 042.5]"), SV("{::#05}"), input);
// *** precision ***
check(SV("[-42, 0, 1.2, 42]"), SV("{::.2}"), input);
check(SV("[-42.500, 0.000, 1.250, 42.500]"), SV("{::.3f}"), input);
check(SV("[-42, 0, 1.2, 42]"), SV("{::.{}}"), input, 2);
check(SV("[-42.500, 0.000, 1.250, 42.500]"), SV("{::.{}f}"), input, 3);
check_exception("The format-spec precision field doesn't contain a value or arg-id", SV("{::.}"), input);
// *** locale-specific form ***
check(SV("[-42.5, 0, 1.25, 42.5]"), SV("{::L}"), input); // does not require locales present
// TODO FMT Enable with locale testing active
# if 0
check(SV("[-42,5, 0, 1,25, 42,5]"), SV("{::L}"), input);
check(SV("[-42.5, 0, 1.25, 42.5]"), SV("{::L}"), input);
# endif
// *** type ***
for (std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt : fmt_invalid_nested_types<CharT>("aAeEfFgG"))
check_exception("The format-spec type has a type not supported for a floating-point argument", fmt, input);
// ***** Both have a format-spec
check(SV("^^[-42.5, ::::0, :1.25, :42.5]^^^"), SV("{:^^33::>5}"), input);
check(SV("^^[-42.5, ::::0, :1.25, :42.5]^^^"), SV("{:^^{}::>5}"), input, 33);
check(SV("^^[-42.5, ::::0, :1.25, :42.5]^^^"), SV("{:^^{}::>{}}"), input, 33, 5);
check(SV("^^[::-42, ::::0, ::1.2, :::42]^^^"), SV("{:^^33::>5.2}"), input);
check(SV("^^[::-42, ::::0, ::1.2, :::42]^^^"), SV("{:^^{}::>5.2}"), input, 33);
check(SV("^^[::-42, ::::0, ::1.2, :::42]^^^"), SV("{:^^{}::>{}.2}"), input, 33, 5);
check(SV("^^[::-42, ::::0, ::1.2, :::42]^^^"), SV("{:^^{}::>{}.{}}"), input, 33, 5, 2);
check_exception("Argument index out of bounds", SV("{:^^{}::>5.2}"), input);
check_exception("Argument index out of bounds", SV("{:^^{}::>{}.2}"), input, 33);
check_exception("Argument index out of bounds", SV("{:^^{}::>{}.{}}"), input, 33, 5);
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_floating_point(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception) {
std::array input{-42.5l, 0.0l, 1.25l, 42.5l};
test_floating_point<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::queue{input.begin(), input.end()});
test_floating_point<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::priority_queue{input.begin(), input.end(), std::greater{}});
test_floating_point<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::stack{input.begin(), input.end()});
// Pointer
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_pointer(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception, auto&& input) {
check(SV("[0x0]"), SV("{}"), input);
// ***** underlying has no format-spec
// *** align-fill & width ***
check(SV("[0x0] "), SV("{:10}"), input);
check(SV("[0x0]*****"), SV("{:*<10}"), input);
check(SV("__[0x0]___"), SV("{:_^10}"), input);
check(SV("#####[0x0]"), SV("{:#>10}"), input);
check(SV("[0x0] "), SV("{:{}}"), input, 10);
check(SV("[0x0]*****"), SV("{:*<{}}"), input, 10);
check(SV("__[0x0]___"), SV("{:_^{}}"), input, 10);
check(SV("#####[0x0]"), SV("{:#>{}}"), input, 10);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:}<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:{<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::<}"), input);
// *** sign ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:#}"), input);
// *** alternate form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:#}"), input);
// *** zero-padding ***
check_exception("A format-spec width field shouldn't have a leading zero", SV("{:0}"), input);
// *** precision ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:.}"), input);
// *** locale-specific form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:L}"), input);
// *** n
check(SV("_0x0_"), SV("{:_^5n}"), input);
// *** type ***
check_exception("The range-format-spec type m requires two elements for a pair or tuple", SV("{:m}"), input);
check_exception("The range-format-spec type s requires formatting a character type", SV("{:s}"), input);
check_exception("The range-format-spec type ?s requires formatting a character type", SV("{:?s}"), input);
for (std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt : fmt_invalid_types<CharT>("s"))
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", fmt, input);
// ***** Only underlying has a format-spec
check(SV("[ 0x0]"), SV("{::5}"), input);
check(SV("[0x0**]"), SV("{::*<5}"), input);
check(SV("[_0x0_]"), SV("{::_^5}"), input);
check(SV("[::0x0]"), SV("{:::>5}"), input);
check(SV("[ 0x0]"), SV("{::{}}"), input, 5);
check(SV("[0x0**]"), SV("{::*<{}}"), input, 5);
check(SV("[_0x0_]"), SV("{::_^{}}"), input, 5);
check(SV("[::0x0]"), SV("{:::>{}}"), input, 5);
check_exception("The format-spec fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::}<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::{<}"), input);
// *** sign ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{::-}"), input);
// *** alternate form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{::#}"), input);
// *** zero-padding ***
check_exception("A format-spec width field shouldn't have a leading zero", SV("{::05}"), input);
// *** precision ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{::.}"), input);
// *** locale-specific form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{::L}"), input);
// *** type ***
for (std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt : fmt_invalid_nested_types<CharT>("p"))
check_exception("The format-spec type has a type not supported for a pointer argument", fmt, input);
// ***** Both have a format-spec
check(SV("^^[::0x0]^^^"), SV("{:^^12::>5}"), input);
check(SV("^^[::0x0]^^^"), SV("{:^^{}::>5}"), input, 12);
check(SV("^^[::0x0]^^^"), SV("{:^^{}::>{}}"), input, 12, 5);
check(SV("^^[::0x0]^^^"), SV("{:^^12::>5}"), input);
check(SV("^^[::0x0]^^^"), SV("{:^^{}::>5}"), input, 12);
check(SV("^^[::0x0]^^^"), SV("{:^^{}::>{}}"), input, 12, 5);
check_exception("Argument index out of bounds", SV("{:^^{}::>5}"), input);
check_exception("Argument index out of bounds", SV("{:^^{}::>{}}"), input, 12);
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_pointer(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception) {
std::array input{static_cast<void*>(0)};
test_pointer<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::queue{input.begin(), input.end()});
test_pointer<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::priority_queue{input.begin(), input.end()});
test_pointer<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::stack{input.begin(), input.end()});
// String
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_string(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception, auto&& input) {
check(SV(R"(["Hello", "world"])"), SV("{}"), input);
// ***** underlying has no format-spec
// *** align-fill & width ***
check(SV(R"(["Hello", "world"] )"), SV("{:23}"), input);
check(SV(R"(["Hello", "world"]*****)"), SV("{:*<23}"), input);
check(SV(R"(__["Hello", "world"]___)"), SV("{:_^23}"), input);
check(SV(R"(#####["Hello", "world"])"), SV("{:#>23}"), input);
check(SV(R"(["Hello", "world"] )"), SV("{:{}}"), input, 23);
check(SV(R"(["Hello", "world"]*****)"), SV("{:*<{}}"), input, 23);
check(SV(R"(__["Hello", "world"]___)"), SV("{:_^{}}"), input, 23);
check(SV(R"(#####["Hello", "world"])"), SV("{:#>{}}"), input, 23);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:}<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:{<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::<}"), input);
// *** sign ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:#}"), input);
// *** alternate form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:#}"), input);
// *** zero-padding ***
check_exception("A format-spec width field shouldn't have a leading zero", SV("{:0}"), input);
// *** precision ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:.}"), input);
// *** locale-specific form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:L}"), input);
// *** n
check(SV(R"(_"Hello", "world"_)"), SV("{:_^18n}"), input);
// *** type ***
check_exception("The range-format-spec type m requires two elements for a pair or tuple", SV("{:m}"), input);
check_exception("The range-format-spec type s requires formatting a character type", SV("{:s}"), input);
check_exception("The range-format-spec type ?s requires formatting a character type", SV("{:?s}"), input);
for (std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt : fmt_invalid_types<CharT>("s"))
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", fmt, input);
// ***** Only underlying has a format-spec
check(SV(R"([Hello , world ])"), SV("{::8}"), input);
check(SV(R"([Hello***, world***])"), SV("{::*<8}"), input);
check(SV(R"([_Hello__, _world__])"), SV("{::_^8}"), input);
check(SV(R"([:::Hello, :::world])"), SV("{:::>8}"), input);
check(SV(R"([Hello , world ])"), SV("{::{}}"), input, 8);
check(SV(R"([Hello***, world***])"), SV("{::*<{}}"), input, 8);
check(SV(R"([_Hello__, _world__])"), SV("{::_^{}}"), input, 8);
check(SV(R"([:::Hello, :::world])"), SV("{:::>{}}"), input, 8);
check_exception("The format-spec fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::}<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::{<}"), input);
// *** sign ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{::-}"), input);
// *** alternate form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{::#}"), input);
// *** zero-padding ***
check_exception("A format-spec width field shouldn't have a leading zero", SV("{::05}"), input);
// *** precision ***
check(SV(R"([Hel, wor])"), SV("{::.3}"), input);
check(SV(R"([Hel, wor])"), SV("{::.{}}"), input, 3);
check_exception("The format-spec precision field doesn't contain a value or arg-id", SV("{::.}"), input);
// *** locale-specific form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{::L}"), input);
// *** type ***
for (std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt : fmt_invalid_nested_types<CharT>("s?"))
check_exception("The format-spec type has a type not supported for a string argument", fmt, input);
// ***** Both have a format-spec
check(SV(R"(^^[:::Hello, :::world]^^^)"), SV("{:^^25::>8}"), input);
check(SV(R"(^^[:::Hello, :::world]^^^)"), SV("{:^^{}::>8}"), input, 25);
check(SV(R"(^^[:::Hello, :::world]^^^)"), SV("{:^^{}::>{}}"), input, 25, 8);
check(SV(R"(^^[:::Hello, :::world]^^^)"), SV("{:^^25::>8}"), input);
check(SV(R"(^^[:::Hello, :::world]^^^)"), SV("{:^^{}::>8}"), input, 25);
check(SV(R"(^^[:::Hello, :::world]^^^)"), SV("{:^^{}::>{}}"), input, 25, 8);
check_exception("Argument index out of bounds", SV("{:^^{}::>8}"), input);
check_exception("Argument index out of bounds", SV("{:^^{}::>{}}"), input, 25);
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_string(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception) {
std::array input{STR("Hello"), STR("world")};
test_string<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::queue{input.begin(), input.end()});
test_string<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::priority_queue{input.begin(), input.end(), std::greater{}});
test_string<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::stack{input.begin(), input.end()});
// Handle
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_status(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception, auto&& input) {
check(SV("[0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaa55]"), SV("{}"), input);
// ***** underlying has no format-spec
// *** align-fill & width ***
check(SV("[0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaa55] "), SV("{:29}"), input);
check(SV("[0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaa55]*****"), SV("{:*<29}"), input);
check(SV("__[0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaa55]___"), SV("{:_^29}"), input);
check(SV("#####[0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaa55]"), SV("{:#>29}"), input);
check(SV("[0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaa55] "), SV("{:{}}"), input, 29);
check(SV("[0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaa55]*****"), SV("{:*<{}}"), input, 29);
check(SV("__[0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaa55]___"), SV("{:_^{}}"), input, 29);
check(SV("#####[0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaa55]"), SV("{:#>{}}"), input, 29);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:}<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{:{<}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec range-fill field contains an invalid character", SV("{::<}"), input);
// *** sign ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:-}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:+}"), input);
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{: }"), input);
// *** alternate form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:#}"), input);
// *** zero-padding ***
check_exception("A format-spec width field shouldn't have a leading zero", SV("{:0}"), input);
// *** precision ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:.}"), input);
// *** locale-specific form ***
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", SV("{:L}"), input);
// *** n
check(SV("__0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaa55___"), SV("{:_^27n}"), input);
// *** type ***
check_exception("The range-format-spec type m requires two elements for a pair or tuple", SV("{:m}"), input);
check_exception("The range-format-spec type s requires formatting a character type", SV("{:s}"), input);
check_exception("The range-format-spec type ?s requires formatting a character type", SV("{:?s}"), input);
for (std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt : fmt_invalid_types<CharT>("s"))
check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", fmt, input);
// ***** Only underlying has a format-spec
check_exception("The format-spec type has a type not supported for a status argument", SV("{::*<7}"), input);
for (std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt : fmt_invalid_nested_types<CharT>("sxX"))
check_exception("The format-spec type has a type not supported for a status argument", fmt, input);
check(SV("[0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaa55]"), SV("{::x}"), input);
check(SV("[0XAAAA, 0X5555, 0XAA55]"), SV("{::X}"), input);
check(SV("[foo, bar, foobar]"), SV("{::s}"), input);
// ***** Both have a format-spec
check(SV("^^[0XAAAA, 0X5555, 0XAA55]^^^"), SV("{:^^29:X}"), input);
check(SV("^^[0XAAAA, 0X5555, 0XAA55]^^^"), SV("{:^^{}:X}"), input, 29);
check_exception("Argument index out of bounds", SV("{:^^{}:X}"), input);
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void test_status(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception) {
std::array input{status::foo, status::bar, status::foobar};
test_status<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::queue{input.begin(), input.end()});
test_status<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::priority_queue{input.begin(), input.end(), std::less{}});
test_status<CharT>(check, check_exception, std::stack{input.begin(), input.end()});
// Driver
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void format_tests(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception) {
test_char<CharT>(check, check_exception);
if (std::same_as<CharT, wchar_t>) // avoid testing twice
test_char_to_wchar(check, check_exception);
test_bool<CharT>(check, check_exception);
test_int<CharT>(check, check_exception);
test_floating_point<CharT>(check, check_exception);
test_pointer<CharT>(check, check_exception);
test_string<CharT>(check, check_exception);
test_status<CharT>(check, check_exception); // Has its own handler with its own parser