blob: d95e317ce851cb37f7f8fb89caa9ef9276c73441 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/text/GrGlyphVector.h"
#include "src/core/SkReadBuffer.h"
#include "src/core/SkStrikeCache.h"
#include "src/core/SkStrikeSpec.h"
#include "src/core/SkWriteBuffer.h"
#include "src/gpu/text/GrAtlasManager.h"
GrGlyphVector::GrGlyphVector(sk_sp<SkStrike>&& strike, SkSpan<Variant> glyphs)
: fStrike{std::move(strike)}
, fGlyphs{glyphs} {
SkASSERT(fStrike != nullptr);
SkASSERT(fGlyphs.size() > 0);
GrGlyphVector GrGlyphVector::Make(
sk_sp<SkStrike>&& strike, SkSpan<SkGlyphVariant> glyphs, GrSubRunAllocator* alloc) {
SkASSERT(strike != nullptr);
SkASSERT(glyphs.size() > 0);
Variant* variants = alloc->makePODArray<Variant>(glyphs.size());
for (auto [i, gv] : SkMakeEnumerate(glyphs)) {
variants[i] = gv.glyph()->getPackedID();
return GrGlyphVector{std::move(strike), SkMakeSpan(variants, glyphs.size())};
std::optional<GrGlyphVector> GrGlyphVector::MakeFromBuffer(SkReadBuffer& buffer,
GrSubRunAllocator* alloc) {
auto descriptor = SkAutoDescriptor::MakeFromBuffer(buffer);
if (!descriptor.has_value()) { return {}; }
sk_sp<SkStrike> strike = SkStrikeCache::GlobalStrikeCache()->findStrike(*descriptor->getDesc());
int32_t glyphCount = buffer.read32();
// Since the glyph count can never be zero. There was a buffer reading problem.
if (glyphCount == 0) { return {}; }
// Make sure we can do the multiply in the check below and not overflow an int.
if ((int)(INT_MAX / sizeof(uint32_t)) < glyphCount) { return {}; }
// Check for enough bytes to populate the packedGlyphID array. If not enought something has
// gone wrong.
if (glyphCount * sizeof(uint32_t) > buffer.available()) { return {}; }
Variant* variants = alloc->makePODArray<Variant>(glyphCount);
for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; i++) {
variants[i].packedGlyphID = SkPackedGlyphID(buffer.readUInt());
return {GrGlyphVector{std::move(strike), SkMakeSpan(variants, glyphCount)}};
void GrGlyphVector::flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) {
// There should never be a glyph vector with zero glyphs.
SkASSERT(fGlyphs.size() != 0);
if (!fStrike) { SK_ABORT("Can't flatten with already drawn."); }
// Write out the span of packedGlyphIDs.
for (auto variant : fGlyphs) {
SkSpan<const GrGlyph*> GrGlyphVector::glyphs() const {
return SkMakeSpan(reinterpret_cast<const GrGlyph**>(, fGlyphs.size());
// packedGlyphIDToGrGlyph must be run in single-threaded mode.
// If fStrike != nullptr then the conversion to GrGlyph* has not happened.
void GrGlyphVector::packedGlyphIDToGrGlyph(GrStrikeCache* cache) {
if (fStrike != nullptr) {
fGrStrike = cache->findOrCreateStrike(fStrike->strikeSpec());
for (auto& variant : fGlyphs) {
variant.grGlyph = fGrStrike->getGlyph(variant.packedGlyphID);
// Drop the ref on the strike that was taken in the SkGlyphRunPainter process* methods.
fStrike = nullptr;
std::tuple<bool, int> GrGlyphVector::regenerateAtlas(int begin, int end,
GrMaskFormat maskFormat,
int srcPadding,
GrMeshDrawTarget* target,
bool bilerpPadding) {
GrAtlasManager* atlasManager = target->atlasManager();
GrDeferredUploadTarget* uploadTarget = target->deferredUploadTarget();
uint64_t currentAtlasGen = atlasManager->atlasGeneration(maskFormat);
if (fAtlasGeneration != currentAtlasGen) {
// Calculate the texture coordinates for the vertexes during first use (fAtlasGeneration
// is set to kInvalidAtlasGeneration) or the atlas has changed in subsequent calls..
SkBulkGlyphMetricsAndImages metricsAndImages{fGrStrike->strikeSpec()};
// Update the atlas information in the GrStrike.
auto tokenTracker = uploadTarget->tokenTracker();
auto glyphs = fGlyphs.subspan(begin, end - begin);
int glyphsPlacedInAtlas = 0;
bool success = true;
for (const Variant& variant : glyphs) {
GrGlyph* grGlyph = variant.grGlyph;
SkASSERT(grGlyph != nullptr);
if (!atlasManager->hasGlyph(maskFormat, grGlyph)) {
const SkGlyph& skGlyph = *metricsAndImages.glyph(grGlyph->fPackedID);
auto code = atlasManager->addGlyphToAtlas(
skGlyph, grGlyph, srcPadding, target->resourceProvider(),
uploadTarget, bilerpPadding);
if (code != GrDrawOpAtlas::ErrorCode::kSucceeded) {
success = code != GrDrawOpAtlas::ErrorCode::kError;
&fBulkUseToken, maskFormat, grGlyph,
// Update atlas generation if there are no more glyphs to put in the atlas.
if (success && begin + glyphsPlacedInAtlas == SkCount(fGlyphs)) {
// Need to get the freshest value of the atlas' generation because
// updateTextureCoordinates may have changed it.
fAtlasGeneration = atlasManager->atlasGeneration(maskFormat);
return {success, glyphsPlacedInAtlas};
} else {
// The atlas hasn't changed, so our texture coordinates are still valid.
if (end == SkCount(fGlyphs)) {
// The atlas hasn't changed and the texture coordinates are all still valid. Update
// all the plots used to the new use token.
return {true, end - begin};