| // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #include <map> |
| |
| #include "base/basictypes.h" |
| #include "base/callback.h" |
| #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" |
| #include "cobalt/media/base/stream_parser_buffer.h" |
| #include "starboard/types.h" |
| |
| namespace cobalt { |
| namespace media { |
| |
| // Helper class representing a range of buffered data. All buffers in a |
| // SourceBufferRange are ordered sequentially in decode timestamp order with no |
| // gaps. |
| class SourceBufferRange { |
| public: |
| // Returns the maximum distance in time between any buffer seen in this |
| // stream. Used to estimate the duration of a buffer if its duration is not |
| // known. |
| typedef base::Callback<base::TimeDelta()> InterbufferDistanceCB; |
| |
| typedef StreamParser::BufferQueue BufferQueue; |
| |
| // Policy for handling large gaps between buffers. Continuous media like |
| // audio & video should use NO_GAPS_ALLOWED. Discontinuous media like |
| // timed text should use ALLOW_GAPS because large differences in timestamps |
| // are common and acceptable. |
| enum GapPolicy { NO_GAPS_ALLOWED, ALLOW_GAPS }; |
| |
| // Sequential buffers with the same decode timestamp make sense under certain |
| // conditions, typically when the first buffer is a keyframe. Due to some |
| // atypical media append behaviors where a new keyframe might have the same |
| // timestamp as a previous non-keyframe, the playback of the sequence might |
| // involve some throwaway decode work. This method supports detecting this |
| // situation so that callers can log warnings (it returns true in this case |
| // only). |
| // For all other cases, including more typical same-DTS sequences, this method |
| // returns false. Examples of typical situations where DTS of two consecutive |
| // frames can be equal: |
| // - Video: VP8 Alt-Ref frames. |
| // - Video: IPBPBP...: DTS for I frame and for P frame can be equal. |
| // - Text track cues that start at same time. |
| // Returns true if |prev_is_keyframe| and |current_is_keyframe| indicate a |
| // same timestamp situation that is atypical. False is returned otherwise. |
| static bool IsUncommonSameTimestampSequence(bool prev_is_keyframe, |
| bool current_is_keyframe); |
| |
| // Creates a source buffer range with |new_buffers|. |new_buffers| cannot be |
| // empty and the front of |new_buffers| must be a keyframe. |
| // |range_start_time| refers to the starting timestamp for the coded frame |
| // group to which these buffers belong. |
| SourceBufferRange(GapPolicy gap_policy, const BufferQueue& new_buffers, |
| DecodeTimestamp range_start_time, |
| const InterbufferDistanceCB& interbuffer_distance_cb); |
| |
| ~SourceBufferRange(); |
| |
| // Appends |buffers| to the end of the range and updates |keyframe_map_| as |
| // it encounters new keyframes. |
| // If |new_buffers_group_start_timestamp| is kNoDecodeTimestamp(), then the |
| // first buffer in |buffers| must come directly after the last buffer in this |
| // range (within the fudge room). |
| // If |new_buffers_group_start_timestamp| is set otherwise, then that time |
| // must come directly after the last buffer in this range (within the fudge |
| // room). The latter scenario is required when a muxed coded frame group has |
| // such a large jagged start across tracks that its first buffer is not within |
| // the fudge room, yet its group start was. |
| void AppendBuffersToEnd(const BufferQueue& buffers, |
| DecodeTimestamp new_buffers_group_start_timestamp); |
| bool CanAppendBuffersToEnd( |
| const BufferQueue& buffers, |
| DecodeTimestamp new_buffers_group_start_timestamp) const; |
| |
| // Appends the buffers from |range| into this range. |
| // The first buffer in |range| must come directly after the last buffer |
| // in this range. |
| // If |transfer_current_position| is true, |range|'s |next_buffer_index_| |
| // is transfered to this SourceBufferRange. |
| // Note: Use these only to merge existing ranges. |range|'s first buffer |
| // timestamp must be adjacent to this range. No group start timestamp |
| // adjacency is involved in these methods. |
| void AppendRangeToEnd(const SourceBufferRange& range, |
| bool transfer_current_position); |
| bool CanAppendRangeToEnd(const SourceBufferRange& range) const; |
| |
| // Updates |next_buffer_index_| to point to the Buffer containing |timestamp|. |
| // Assumes |timestamp| is valid and in this range. |
| void Seek(DecodeTimestamp timestamp); |
| |
| // Updates |next_buffer_index_| to point to next keyframe after or equal to |
| // |timestamp|. |
| void SeekAheadTo(DecodeTimestamp timestamp); |
| |
| // Updates |next_buffer_index_| to point to next keyframe strictly after |
| // |timestamp|. |
| void SeekAheadPast(DecodeTimestamp timestamp); |
| |
| // Seeks to the beginning of the range. |
| void SeekToStart(); |
| |
| // Finds the next keyframe from |buffers_| starting at or after |timestamp| |
| // and creates and returns a new SourceBufferRange with the buffers from that |
| // keyframe onward. The buffers in the new SourceBufferRange are moved out of |
| // this range. If there is no keyframe at or after |timestamp|, SplitRange() |
| // returns null and this range is unmodified. This range can become empty if |
| // |timestamp| <= the DTS of the first buffer in this range. |
| SourceBufferRange* SplitRange(DecodeTimestamp timestamp); |
| |
| // Deletes the buffers from this range starting at |timestamp|, exclusive if |
| // |is_exclusive| is true, inclusive otherwise. |
| // Resets |next_buffer_index_| if the buffer at |next_buffer_index_| was |
| // deleted, and deletes the |keyframe_map_| entries for the buffers that |
| // were removed. |
| // |deleted_buffers| contains the buffers that were deleted from this range, |
| // starting at the buffer that had been at |next_buffer_index_|. |
| // Returns true if everything in the range was deleted. Otherwise |
| // returns false. |
| bool TruncateAt(DecodeTimestamp timestamp, BufferQueue* deleted_buffers, |
| bool is_exclusive); |
| // Deletes all buffers in range. |
| void DeleteAll(BufferQueue* deleted_buffers); |
| |
| // Deletes a GOP from the front or back of the range and moves these |
| // buffers into |deleted_buffers|. Returns the number of bytes deleted from |
| // the range (i.e. the size in bytes of |deleted_buffers|). |
| // This range must NOT be empty when these methods are called. |
| // The GOP being deleted must NOT contain the next buffer position. |
| size_t DeleteGOPFromFront(BufferQueue* deleted_buffers); |
| size_t DeleteGOPFromBack(BufferQueue* deleted_buffers); |
| |
| // Gets the range of GOP to secure at least |bytes_to_free| from |
| // [|start_timestamp|, |end_timestamp|). |
| // Returns the size of the buffers to secure if the buffers of |
| // [|start_timestamp|, |end_removal_timestamp|) is removed. |
| // Will not update |end_removal_timestamp| if the returned size is 0. |
| size_t GetRemovalGOP(DecodeTimestamp start_timestamp, |
| DecodeTimestamp end_timestamp, size_t bytes_to_free, |
| DecodeTimestamp* end_removal_timestamp); |
| |
| // Returns true iff the buffered end time of the first GOP in this range is |
| // at or before |media_time|. |
| bool FirstGOPEarlierThanMediaTime(DecodeTimestamp media_time) const; |
| |
| // Indicates whether the GOP at the beginning or end of the range contains the |
| // next buffer position. |
| bool FirstGOPContainsNextBufferPosition() const; |
| bool LastGOPContainsNextBufferPosition() const; |
| |
| // Updates |out_buffer| with the next buffer in presentation order. Seek() |
| // must be called before calls to GetNextBuffer(), and buffers are returned |
| // in order from the last call to Seek(). Returns true if |out_buffer| is |
| // filled with a valid buffer, false if there is not enough data to fulfill |
| // the request. |
| bool GetNextBuffer(scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>* out_buffer); |
| bool HasNextBuffer() const; |
| |
| // Returns the config ID for the buffer that will be returned by |
| // GetNextBuffer(). |
| int GetNextConfigId() const; |
| |
| // Returns true if the range knows the position of the next buffer it should |
| // return, i.e. it has been Seek()ed. This does not necessarily mean that it |
| // has the next buffer yet. |
| bool HasNextBufferPosition() const; |
| |
| // Resets this range to an "unseeked" state. |
| void ResetNextBufferPosition(); |
| |
| // Returns the timestamp of the next buffer that will be returned from |
| // GetNextBuffer(), or kNoTimestamp if the timestamp is unknown. |
| DecodeTimestamp GetNextTimestamp() const; |
| |
| // Returns the start timestamp of the range. |
| DecodeTimestamp GetStartTimestamp() const; |
| |
| // Returns the timestamp of the last buffer in the range. |
| DecodeTimestamp GetEndTimestamp() const; |
| |
| // Returns the timestamp for the end of the buffered region in this range. |
| // This is an approximation if the duration for the last buffer in the range |
| // is unset. |
| DecodeTimestamp GetBufferedEndTimestamp() const; |
| |
| // Gets the timestamp for the keyframe that is after |timestamp|. If |
| // there isn't a keyframe in the range after |timestamp| then kNoTimestamp |
| // is returned. If |timestamp| is in the "gap" between the value returned by |
| // GetStartTimestamp() and the timestamp on the first buffer in |buffers_|, |
| // then |timestamp| is returned. |
| DecodeTimestamp NextKeyframeTimestamp(DecodeTimestamp timestamp); |
| |
| // Gets the timestamp for the closest keyframe that is <= |timestamp|. If |
| // there isn't a keyframe before |timestamp| or |timestamp| is outside |
| // this range, then kNoTimestamp is returned. |
| DecodeTimestamp KeyframeBeforeTimestamp(DecodeTimestamp timestamp); |
| |
| // Returns whether a buffer with a starting timestamp of |timestamp| would |
| // belong in this range. This includes a buffer that would be appended to |
| // the end of the range. |
| bool BelongsToRange(DecodeTimestamp timestamp) const; |
| |
| // Returns true if the range has enough data to seek to the specified |
| // |timestamp|, false otherwise. |
| bool CanSeekTo(DecodeTimestamp timestamp) const; |
| |
| // Returns true if this range's buffered timespan completely overlaps the |
| // buffered timespan of |range|. |
| bool CompletelyOverlaps(const SourceBufferRange& range) const; |
| |
| // Returns true if the end of this range contains buffers that overlaps with |
| // the beginning of |range|. |
| bool EndOverlaps(const SourceBufferRange& range) const; |
| |
| // Returns true if |timestamp| is the timestamp of the next buffer in |
| // sequence after |buffers_.back()|, false otherwise. |
| bool IsNextInSequence(DecodeTimestamp timestamp) const; |
| |
| // Adds all buffers which overlap [start, end) to the end of |buffers|. If |
| // no buffers exist in the range returns false, true otherwise. |
| bool GetBuffersInRange(DecodeTimestamp start, DecodeTimestamp end, |
| BufferQueue* buffers); |
| |
| size_t size_in_bytes() const { return size_in_bytes_; } |
| |
| private: |
| typedef std::map<DecodeTimestamp, int> KeyframeMap; |
| |
| // Called during AppendBuffersToEnd to adjust estimated duration at the |
| // end of the last append to match the delta in timestamps between |
| // the last append and the upcoming append. This is a workaround for |
| // WebM media where a duration is not always specified. |
| void AdjustEstimatedDurationForNewAppend(const BufferQueue& new_buffers); |
| |
| // Seeks the range to the next keyframe after |timestamp|. If |
| // |skip_given_timestamp| is true, the seek will go to a keyframe with a |
| // timestamp strictly greater than |timestamp|. |
| void SeekAhead(DecodeTimestamp timestamp, bool skip_given_timestamp); |
| |
| // Returns an iterator in |buffers_| pointing to the buffer at |timestamp|. |
| // If |skip_given_timestamp| is true, this returns the first buffer with |
| // timestamp greater than |timestamp|. |
| BufferQueue::iterator GetBufferItrAt(DecodeTimestamp timestamp, |
| bool skip_given_timestamp); |
| |
| // Returns an iterator in |keyframe_map_| pointing to the next keyframe after |
| // |timestamp|. If |skip_given_timestamp| is true, this returns the first |
| // keyframe with a timestamp strictly greater than |timestamp|. |
| KeyframeMap::iterator GetFirstKeyframeAt(DecodeTimestamp timestamp, |
| bool skip_given_timestamp); |
| |
| // Returns an iterator in |keyframe_map_| pointing to the first keyframe |
| // before or at |timestamp|. |
| KeyframeMap::iterator GetFirstKeyframeAtOrBefore(DecodeTimestamp timestamp); |
| |
| // Helper method to delete buffers in |buffers_| starting at |
| // |starting_point|, an iterator in |buffers_|. |
| // Returns true if everything in the range was removed. Returns |
| // false if the range still contains buffers. |
| bool TruncateAt(const BufferQueue::iterator& starting_point, |
| BufferQueue* deleted_buffers); |
| |
| // Frees the buffers in |buffers_| from [|start_point|,|ending_point|) and |
| // updates the |size_in_bytes_| accordingly. Does not update |keyframe_map_|. |
| void FreeBufferRange(const BufferQueue::iterator& starting_point, |
| const BufferQueue::iterator& ending_point); |
| |
| // Returns the distance in time estimating how far from the beginning or end |
| // of this range a buffer can be to considered in the range. |
| base::TimeDelta GetFudgeRoom() const; |
| |
| // Returns the approximate duration of a buffer in this range. |
| base::TimeDelta GetApproximateDuration() const; |
| |
| // Keeps track of whether gaps are allowed. |
| const GapPolicy gap_policy_; |
| |
| // An ordered list of buffers in this range. |
| BufferQueue buffers_; |
| |
| // Maps keyframe timestamps to its index position in |buffers_|. |
| KeyframeMap keyframe_map_; |
| |
| // Index base of all positions in |keyframe_map_|. In other words, the |
| // real position of entry |k| of |keyframe_map_| in the range is: |
| // keyframe_map_[k] - keyframe_map_index_base_ |
| int keyframe_map_index_base_; |
| |
| // Index into |buffers_| for the next buffer to be returned by |
| // GetNextBuffer(), set to -1 before Seek(). |
| int next_buffer_index_; |
| |
| // If the first buffer in this range is the beginning of a coded frame group, |
| // |range_start_time_| is the time when the coded frame group begins. This is |
| // especially important in muxed media where the first coded frames for each |
| // track do not necessarily begin at the same time. |
| // |range_start_time_| may be <= the timestamp of the first buffer in |
| // |buffers_|. |range_start_time_| is kNoDecodeTimestamp() if this range does |
| // not start at the beginning of a coded frame group, which can happen by |
| // range removal or split when we don't have a way of knowing, across |
| // potentially multiple muxed streams, the coded frame group start timestamp |
| // for the new range. |
| DecodeTimestamp range_start_time_; |
| |
| // Called to get the largest interbuffer distance seen so far in the stream. |
| InterbufferDistanceCB interbuffer_distance_cb_; |
| |
| // Stores the amount of memory taken up by the data in |buffers_|. |
| size_t size_in_bytes_; |
| |
| DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SourceBufferRange); |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace media |
| } // namespace cobalt |
| |