blob: 9baf916a2d8cf271e5023ed5013d56d4a4235428 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This class works with command lines: building and parsing.
// Arguments with prefixes ('--', '-') are switches.
// Switches will precede all other arguments without switch prefixes.
// Switches can optionally have values, delimited by '=', e.g., "-switch=value".
// An argument of "--" will terminate switch parsing during initialization,
// interpreting subsequent tokens as non-switch arguments, regardless of prefix.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "starboard/types.h"
namespace starboard {
namespace shared {
namespace starboard {
class CommandLine {
typedef std::string StringType;
typedef StringType::value_type CharType;
typedef std::vector<StringType> StringVector;
typedef std::map<std::string, StringType> SwitchMap;
// Construct a new command line from an argument list.
CommandLine(int argc, const CharType* const* argv);
// Initialize from an argv vector.
void InitFromArgv(int argc, const CharType* const* argv);
// Returns the original command line string as a vector of strings.
const StringVector& argv() const { return argv_; }
int GetOriginalArgc() const { return original_argument_count_; }
const CharType* const* GetOriginalArgv() const {
return original_argument_vector_;
// Returns true if this command line contains the given switch.
// (Switch names are case-insensitive).
bool HasSwitch(const std::string& switch_string) const;
// Append a switch [with optional value] to the command line.
// Note: Switches will precede arguments regardless of appending order.
void AppendSwitch(const std::string& switch_string,
const StringType& value);
// Returns the value associated with the given switch. If the switch has no
// value or isn't present, this method returns the empty string.
StringType GetSwitchValue(const std::string& switch_string) const;
// Get a copy of all switches, along with their values.
const SwitchMap& GetSwitches() const { return switches_; }
// Get the remaining arguments to the command.
StringVector GetArgs() const;
// Append an argument to the command line. Note that the argument is quoted
// properly such that it is interpreted as one argument to the target command.
// AppendArg is primarily for ASCII; non-ASCII input is interpreted as UTF-8.
// Note: Switches will precede arguments regardless of appending order.
void AppendArg(const std::string& value);
// Append the switches and arguments from another command line to this one.
// If |include_program| is true, include |other|'s program as well.
void AppendArguments(const CommandLine& other, bool include_program);
void InitFromArgv(const StringVector& argv);
// Disallow default constructor; a program name must be explicitly specified.
// Allow the copy constructor. A common pattern is to copy of the current
// process's command line and then add some flags to it.
// The argv array: { program, [(--|-|/)switch[=value]]*, [--], [argument]* }
StringVector argv_;
// Parsed-out switch keys and values.
SwitchMap switches_;
// The index after the program and switches, any arguments start here.
size_t begin_args_;
int original_argument_count_;
const CharType* const* original_argument_vector_;
} // namespace starboard
} // namespace shared
} // namespace starboard