blob: f0455a9b71060e1a9c63261d3aae7d8acb362b73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TextureStorage9.h: Defines the abstract rx::TextureStorage9 class and its concrete derived
// classes TextureStorage9_2D and TextureStorage9_Cube, which act as the interface to the
// D3D9 texture.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/TextureStorage.h"
#include "common/debug.h"
namespace rx
class EGLImageD3D;
class Renderer9;
class SwapChain9;
class RenderTargetD3D;
class RenderTarget9;
class TextureStorage9 : public TextureStorage
virtual ~TextureStorage9();
static DWORD GetTextureUsage(GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget);
D3DPOOL getPool() const;
DWORD getUsage() const;
virtual gl::Error getSurfaceLevel(GLenum target,
int level,
bool dirty,
IDirect3DSurface9 **outSurface) = 0;
virtual gl::Error getBaseTexture(IDirect3DBaseTexture9 **outTexture) = 0;
virtual gl::Error getRenderTarget(const gl::ImageIndex &index, RenderTargetD3D **outRT) = 0;
virtual int getTopLevel() const;
virtual bool isRenderTarget() const;
virtual bool isManaged() const;
bool supportsNativeMipmapFunction() const override;
virtual int getLevelCount() const;
virtual gl::Error setData(const gl::ImageIndex &index, ImageD3D *image, const gl::Box *destBox, GLenum type,
const gl::PixelUnpackState &unpack, const uint8_t *pixelData);
int mTopLevel;
size_t mMipLevels;
size_t mTextureWidth;
size_t mTextureHeight;
GLenum mInternalFormat;
D3DFORMAT mTextureFormat;
Renderer9 *mRenderer;
TextureStorage9(Renderer9 *renderer, DWORD usage);
const DWORD mD3DUsage;
const D3DPOOL mD3DPool;
class TextureStorage9_2D : public TextureStorage9
TextureStorage9_2D(Renderer9 *renderer, SwapChain9 *swapchain);
TextureStorage9_2D(Renderer9 *renderer, GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, int levels);
virtual ~TextureStorage9_2D();
gl::Error getSurfaceLevel(GLenum target,
int level,
bool dirty,
IDirect3DSurface9 **outSurface) override;
virtual gl::Error getRenderTarget(const gl::ImageIndex &index, RenderTargetD3D **outRT);
virtual gl::Error getBaseTexture(IDirect3DBaseTexture9 **outTexture);
virtual gl::Error generateMipmap(const gl::ImageIndex &sourceIndex, const gl::ImageIndex &destIndex);
virtual gl::Error copyToStorage(TextureStorage *destStorage);
IDirect3DTexture9 *mTexture;
std::vector<RenderTarget9 *> mRenderTargets;
class TextureStorage9_EGLImage final : public TextureStorage9
TextureStorage9_EGLImage(Renderer9 *renderer, EGLImageD3D *image, RenderTarget9 *renderTarget9);
~TextureStorage9_EGLImage() override;
gl::Error getSurfaceLevel(GLenum target,
int level,
bool dirty,
IDirect3DSurface9 **outSurface) override;
gl::Error getRenderTarget(const gl::ImageIndex &index, RenderTargetD3D **outRT) override;
gl::Error getBaseTexture(IDirect3DBaseTexture9 **outTexture) override;
gl::Error generateMipmap(const gl::ImageIndex &sourceIndex,
const gl::ImageIndex &destIndex) override;
gl::Error copyToStorage(TextureStorage *destStorage) override;
EGLImageD3D *mImage;
class TextureStorage9_Cube : public TextureStorage9
TextureStorage9_Cube(Renderer9 *renderer, GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, int size, int levels, bool hintLevelZeroOnly);
virtual ~TextureStorage9_Cube();
gl::Error getSurfaceLevel(GLenum target,
int level,
bool dirty,
IDirect3DSurface9 **outSurface) override;
virtual gl::Error getRenderTarget(const gl::ImageIndex &index, RenderTargetD3D **outRT);
virtual gl::Error getBaseTexture(IDirect3DBaseTexture9 **outTexture);
virtual gl::Error generateMipmap(const gl::ImageIndex &sourceIndex, const gl::ImageIndex &destIndex);
virtual gl::Error copyToStorage(TextureStorage *destStorage);
static const size_t CUBE_FACE_COUNT = 6;
IDirect3DCubeTexture9 *mTexture;
RenderTarget9 *mRenderTarget[CUBE_FACE_COUNT];