blob: 49e8ceb01adf0d142e0d43a7172cf4e7605af125 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ShaderImage_test.cpp:
// Tests for images
#include "angle_gl.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h"
#include "tests/test_utils/compiler_test.h"
#include "tests/test_utils/ShaderCompileTreeTest.h"
using namespace sh;
// Checks that the imageStore call with mangled name imageStoreMangledName exists in the AST.
// Further each argument is checked whether it matches the expected properties given the compiled
// shader.
void CheckImageStoreCall(TIntermNode *astRoot,
const TString &imageStoreMangledName,
TBasicType imageType,
int storeLocationNominalSize,
TBasicType storeValueType,
int storeValueNominalSize)
const TIntermAggregate *imageStoreFunctionCall =
FindFunctionCallNode(astRoot, imageStoreMangledName);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, imageStoreFunctionCall);
const TIntermSequence *storeArguments = imageStoreFunctionCall->getSequence();
ASSERT_EQ(3u, storeArguments->size());
const TIntermTyped *storeArgument1Typed = (*storeArguments)[0]->getAsTyped();
ASSERT_EQ(imageType, storeArgument1Typed->getBasicType());
const TIntermTyped *storeArgument2Typed = (*storeArguments)[1]->getAsTyped();
ASSERT_EQ(EbtInt, storeArgument2Typed->getBasicType());
ASSERT_EQ(storeLocationNominalSize, storeArgument2Typed->getNominalSize());
const TIntermTyped *storeArgument3Typed = (*storeArguments)[2]->getAsTyped();
ASSERT_EQ(storeValueType, storeArgument3Typed->getBasicType());
ASSERT_EQ(storeValueNominalSize, storeArgument3Typed->getNominalSize());
// Checks that the imageLoad call with mangled name imageLoadMangledName exists in the AST.
// Further each argument is checked whether it matches the expected properties given the compiled
// shader.
void CheckImageLoadCall(TIntermNode *astRoot,
const TString &imageLoadMangledName,
TBasicType imageType,
int loadLocationNominalSize)
const TIntermAggregate *imageLoadFunctionCall =
FindFunctionCallNode(astRoot, imageLoadMangledName);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, imageLoadFunctionCall);
const TIntermSequence *loadArguments = imageLoadFunctionCall->getSequence();
ASSERT_EQ(2u, loadArguments->size());
const TIntermTyped *loadArgument1Typed = (*loadArguments)[0]->getAsTyped();
ASSERT_EQ(imageType, loadArgument1Typed->getBasicType());
const TIntermTyped *loadArgument2Typed = (*loadArguments)[1]->getAsTyped();
ASSERT_EQ(EbtInt, loadArgument2Typed->getBasicType());
ASSERT_EQ(loadLocationNominalSize, loadArgument2Typed->getNominalSize());
// Checks whether the image is properly exported as a uniform by the compiler.
void CheckExportedImageUniform(const std::vector<sh::Uniform> &uniforms,
size_t uniformIndex,
::GLenum imageTypeGL,
const TString &imageName)
ASSERT_EQ(1u, uniforms.size());
const auto &imageUniform = uniforms[uniformIndex];
ASSERT_EQ(imageTypeGL, imageUniform.type);
ASSERT_STREQ(, imageName.c_str());
// Checks whether the image is saved in the AST as a node with the correct properties given the
// shader.
void CheckImageDeclaration(TIntermNode *astRoot,
const TString &imageName,
TBasicType imageType,
TLayoutImageInternalFormat internalFormat,
bool readonly,
bool writeonly,
bool coherent,
bool restrictQualifier,
bool volatileQualifier,
int binding)
const TIntermSymbol *myImageNode = FindSymbolNode(astRoot, imageName, imageType);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, myImageNode);
const TType &myImageType = myImageNode->getType();
TLayoutQualifier myImageLayoutQualifier = myImageType.getLayoutQualifier();
ASSERT_EQ(internalFormat, myImageLayoutQualifier.imageInternalFormat);
TMemoryQualifier myImageMemoryQualifier = myImageType.getMemoryQualifier();
ASSERT_EQ(readonly, myImageMemoryQualifier.readonly);
ASSERT_EQ(writeonly, myImageMemoryQualifier.writeonly);
ASSERT_EQ(coherent, myImageMemoryQualifier.coherent);
ASSERT_EQ(restrictQualifier, myImageMemoryQualifier.restrictQualifier);
ASSERT_EQ(volatileQualifier, myImageMemoryQualifier.volatileQualifier);
ASSERT_EQ(binding, myImageType.getLayoutQualifier().binding);
} // namespace
class ShaderImageTest : public ShaderCompileTreeTest
ShaderImageTest() {}
void SetUp() override
mExtraCompileOptions |= SH_VARIABLES;
::GLenum getShaderType() const override { return GL_COMPUTE_SHADER; }
ShShaderSpec getShaderSpec() const override { return SH_GLES3_1_SPEC; }
// Test that an image2D is properly parsed and exported as a uniform.
TEST_F(ShaderImageTest, Image2DDeclaration)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 4) in;\n"
"layout(rgba32f, binding = 1) uniform highp readonly image2D myImage;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" ivec2 sz = imageSize(myImage);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed" << mInfoLog;
CheckExportedImageUniform(getUniforms(), 0, GL_IMAGE_2D, "myImage");
CheckImageDeclaration(mASTRoot, "myImage", EbtImage2D, EiifRGBA32F, true, false, false, false,
false, 1);
// Test that an image3D is properly parsed and exported as a uniform.
TEST_F(ShaderImageTest, Image3DDeclaration)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 4) in;\n"
"layout(rgba32ui, binding = 3) uniform highp writeonly readonly uimage3D myImage;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" ivec3 sz = imageSize(myImage);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed" << mInfoLog;
CheckExportedImageUniform(getUniforms(), 0, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_3D, "myImage");
CheckImageDeclaration(mASTRoot, "myImage", EbtUImage3D, EiifRGBA32UI, true, true, false, false,
false, 3);
// Check that imageLoad calls get correctly parsed.
TEST_F(ShaderImageTest, ImageLoad)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 4) in;\n"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform highp readonly image2D my2DImageInput;\n"
"layout(rgba32i) uniform highp readonly iimage3D my3DImageInput;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" vec4 result = imageLoad(my2DImageInput, ivec2(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy));\n"
" ivec4 result2 = imageLoad(my3DImageInput, ivec3(;\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed" << mInfoLog;
// imageLoad call with image2D passed
CheckImageLoadCall(mASTRoot, "imageLoad(im21;vi2;", EbtImage2D, 2);
// imageLoad call with image3D passed
CheckImageLoadCall(mASTRoot, "imageLoad(iim31;vi3;", EbtIImage3D, 3);
// Check that imageStore calls get correctly parsed.
TEST_F(ShaderImageTest, ImageStore)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 4) in;\n"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform highp writeonly image2D my2DImageOutput;\n"
"layout(rgba32ui) uniform highp writeonly uimage2DArray my2DImageArrayOutput;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" imageStore(my2DImageOutput, ivec2(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy), vec4(0.0));\n"
" imageStore(my2DImageArrayOutput, ivec3(, uvec4(0));\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed" << mInfoLog;
// imageStore call with image2D
CheckImageStoreCall(mASTRoot, "imageStore(im21;vi2;vf4;", EbtImage2D, 2, EbtFloat, 4);
// imageStore call with image2DArray
CheckImageStoreCall(mASTRoot, "imageStore(uim2a1;vi3;vu4;", EbtUImage2DArray, 3, EbtUInt, 4);
// Check that memory qualifiers are correctly parsed.
TEST_F(ShaderImageTest, ImageMemoryQualifiers)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 4) in;"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform highp coherent readonly image2D image1;\n"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform highp volatile writeonly image2D image2;\n"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform highp volatile restrict readonly writeonly image2D image3;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed" << mInfoLog;
CheckImageDeclaration(mASTRoot, "image1", EbtImage2D, EiifRGBA32F, true, false, true, false,
false, -1);
CheckImageDeclaration(mASTRoot, "image2", EbtImage2D, EiifRGBA32F, false, true, true, false,
true, -1);
CheckImageDeclaration(mASTRoot, "image3", EbtImage2D, EiifRGBA32F, true, true, true, true, true,