blob: a6d9f83e4fb40b1341c6883e7c1f6460264d4e64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "PreprocessorTest.h"
#include "compiler/preprocessor/Token.h"
struct OperatorTestParam
const char* str;
int op;
class OperatorTest : public SimplePreprocessorTest,
public testing::WithParamInterface<OperatorTestParam>
TEST_P(OperatorTest, Identified)
OperatorTestParam param = GetParam();
pp::Token token;
lexSingleToken(param.str, &token);
EXPECT_EQ(param.op, token.type);
EXPECT_EQ(param.str, token.text);
static const OperatorTestParam kOperators[] = {
{"(", '('},
{")", ')'},
{"[", '['},
{"]", ']'},
{".", '.'},
{"+", '+'},
{"-", '-'},
{"~", '~'},
{"!", '!'},
{"*", '*'},
{"/", '/'},
{"%", '%'},
{"<", '<'},
{">", '>'},
{"&", '&'},
{"^", '^'},
{"|", '|'},
{"?", '?'},
{":", ':'},
{"=", '='},
{",", ','},
{"++", pp::Token::OP_INC},
{"--", pp::Token::OP_DEC},
{"<<", pp::Token::OP_LEFT},
{">>", pp::Token::OP_RIGHT},
{"<=", pp::Token::OP_LE},
{">=", pp::Token::OP_GE},
{"==", pp::Token::OP_EQ},
{"!=", pp::Token::OP_NE},
{"&&", pp::Token::OP_AND},
{"^^", pp::Token::OP_XOR},
{"||", pp::Token::OP_OR},
{"+=", pp::Token::OP_ADD_ASSIGN},
{"-=", pp::Token::OP_SUB_ASSIGN},
{"*=", pp::Token::OP_MUL_ASSIGN},
{"/=", pp::Token::OP_DIV_ASSIGN},
{"%=", pp::Token::OP_MOD_ASSIGN},
{"<<=", pp::Token::OP_LEFT_ASSIGN},
{">>=", pp::Token::OP_RIGHT_ASSIGN},
{"&=", pp::Token::OP_AND_ASSIGN},
{"^=", pp::Token::OP_XOR_ASSIGN},
{"|=", pp::Token::OP_OR_ASSIGN}