blob: 8dd89e28e367a13a807ce0ec27ac0373f8a7e50c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/debug/stack_trace.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/crash/core/common/crash_buildflags.h"
#include "components/crash/core/common/crash_export.h"
// The crash key interface exposed by this file is the same as the Crashpad
// Annotation interface. Because not all platforms use Crashpad yet, a
// source-compatible interface is provided on top of the older Breakpad
// storage mechanism.
// TODO(b/286881972): Investigate enabling crashpad support in Cobalt/Telemetry.
#include "third_party/crashpad/crashpad/client/annotation.h" // nogncheck
namespace crash_reporter {
class CrashKeyBreakpadTest;
// A CrashKeyString stores a name-value pair that will be recorded within a
// crash report.
// The crash key name must be a constant string expression, and the value
// should be unique and identifying. The maximum size for the value is
// specified as the template argument, and values greater than this are
// truncated. When specifying a value size, space should be left for the
// `NUL` byte. Crash keys should be declared with static storage duration.
// Examples:
// \code
// // This crash key is only set in one function:
// void DidNavigate(const GURL& gurl) {
// static crash_reporter::CrashKeyString<256> url_key("url");
// url_key.Set(gurl.ToString());
// }
// // This crash key can be set/cleared across different functions:
// namespace {
// crash_reporter::CrashKeyString<32> g_operation_id("operation-req-id");
// }
// void OnStartingOperation(const std::string& request_id) {
// g_operation_id.Set(request_id);
// }
// void OnEndingOperation() {
// g_operation_id.Clear()
// }
// \endcode
template <crashpad::Annotation::ValueSizeType MaxLength>
using CrashKeyString = crashpad::StringAnnotation<MaxLength>;
#else // Crashpad-compatible crash key interface:
namespace internal {
constexpr size_t kCrashKeyStorageNumEntries = 200;
constexpr size_t kCrashKeyStorageValueSize = 128;
// Base implementation of a CrashKeyString for non-Crashpad clients. A separate
// base class is used to avoid inlining complex logic into the public template
// API.
class CRASH_KEY_EXPORT CrashKeyStringImpl {
constexpr explicit CrashKeyStringImpl(const char name[],
size_t* index_array,
size_t index_array_count)
: name_(name),
index_array_count_(index_array_count) {}
void Set(base::StringPiece value);
void Clear();
bool is_set() const;
friend class crash_reporter::CrashKeyBreakpadTest;
// The name of the crash key.
const char* const name_;
// If the crash key is set, this is the index into the storage that can be
// used to set/clear the key without requiring a linear scan of the storage
// table. This will be |num_entries| if unset.
size_t* index_array_;
size_t index_array_count_;
// This type creates a C array that is initialized with a specific default
// value, rather than the standard zero-initialized default.
template <typename T,
size_t TotalSize,
T DefaultValue,
size_t Count,
T... Values>
struct InitializedArrayImpl {
using Type = typename InitializedArrayImpl<T,
Count - 1,
template <typename T, size_t TotalSize, T DefaultValue, T... Values>
struct InitializedArrayImpl<T, TotalSize, DefaultValue, 0, Values...> {
using Type = InitializedArrayImpl<T, TotalSize, DefaultValue, 0, Values...>;
T data[TotalSize]{Values...};
template <typename T, size_t ArraySize, T DefaultValue>
using InitializedArray =
typename InitializedArrayImpl<T, ArraySize, DefaultValue, ArraySize>::Type;
} // namespace internal
template <uint32_t MaxLength>
class CrashKeyString : public internal::CrashKeyStringImpl {
constexpr static size_t chunk_count =
(MaxLength / internal::kCrashKeyStorageValueSize) + 1;
// A constructor tag that can be used to initialize a C array of crash keys.
enum class Tag { kArray };
constexpr explicit CrashKeyString(const char name[])
: internal::CrashKeyStringImpl(name,, chunk_count) {}
constexpr CrashKeyString(const char name[], Tag tag) : CrashKeyString(name) {}
// Indexes into the TransitionalCrashKeyStorage for when a value is set.
// See the comment in CrashKeyStringImpl for details.
// An unset index in the storage is represented by a sentinel value, which
// is the total number of entries. This will initialize the array with
// that sentinel value as a compile-time expression.
// This scoper clears the specified annotation's value when it goes out of
// scope.
// Example:
// void DoSomething(const std::string& data) {
// static crash_reporter::CrashKeyString<32> crash_key("DoSomething-data");
// crash_reporter::ScopedCrashKeyString auto_clear(&crash_key, data);
// DoSomethignImpl(data);
// }
class ScopedCrashKeyString {
using CrashKeyType = crashpad::Annotation;
using CrashKeyType = internal::CrashKeyStringImpl;
template <class T>
ScopedCrashKeyString(T* crash_key, base::StringPiece value)
: crash_key_(crash_key) {
~ScopedCrashKeyString() { crash_key_->Clear(); }
CrashKeyType* const crash_key_;
namespace internal {
// Formats a stack trace into a string whose length will not exceed
// |max_length|. This function ensures no addresses are truncated when
// being formatted.
CRASH_KEY_EXPORT std::string FormatStackTrace(
const base::debug::StackTrace& trace,
size_t max_length);
} // namespace internal
// Formats a base::debug::StackTrace as a string of space-separated hexadecimal
// numbers and stores it in a CrashKeyString.
// TODO(rsesek): When all clients use Crashpad, traces should become a first-
// class Annotation type rather than being forced through string conversion.
template <uint32_t Size>
void SetCrashKeyStringToStackTrace(CrashKeyString<Size>* key,
const base::debug::StackTrace& trace) {
std::string trace_string = internal::FormatStackTrace(trace, Size);
// Initializes the crash key subsystem if it is required.
CRASH_KEY_EXPORT void InitializeCrashKeys();
// Returns a value for the crash key named |key_name|. For Crashpad-based
// clients, this returns the first instance found of the name.
CRASH_KEY_EXPORT std::string GetCrashKeyValue(const std::string& key_name);
// Resets crash key state and, depending on the platform, de-initializes
// the system.
CRASH_KEY_EXPORT void ResetCrashKeysForTesting();
} // namespace crash_reporter