blob: 3bd3af8fc50eed9b8318c4f30495b95ec057e59b [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- OptionArgParser.cpp -------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionArgParser.h"
#include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormatManager.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Status.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h"
using namespace lldb_private;
using namespace lldb;
bool OptionArgParser::ToBoolean(llvm::StringRef ref, bool fail_value,
bool *success_ptr) {
if (success_ptr)
*success_ptr = true;
ref = ref.trim();
if (ref.equals_lower("false") || ref.equals_lower("off") ||
ref.equals_lower("no") || ref.equals_lower("0")) {
return false;
} else if (ref.equals_lower("true") || ref.equals_lower("on") ||
ref.equals_lower("yes") || ref.equals_lower("1")) {
return true;
if (success_ptr)
*success_ptr = false;
return fail_value;
char OptionArgParser::ToChar(llvm::StringRef s, char fail_value,
bool *success_ptr) {
if (success_ptr)
*success_ptr = false;
if (s.size() != 1)
return fail_value;
if (success_ptr)
*success_ptr = true;
return s[0];
int64_t OptionArgParser::ToOptionEnum(llvm::StringRef s,
OptionEnumValueElement *enum_values,
int32_t fail_value, Status &error) {
if (!enum_values) {
error.SetErrorString("invalid enumeration argument");
return fail_value;
if (s.empty()) {
error.SetErrorString("empty enumeration string");
return fail_value;
for (int i = 0; enum_values[i].string_value != nullptr; i++) {
llvm::StringRef this_enum(enum_values[i].string_value);
if (this_enum.startswith(s))
return enum_values[i].value;
StreamString strm;
strm.PutCString("invalid enumeration value, valid values are: ");
for (int i = 0; enum_values[i].string_value != nullptr; i++) {
strm.Printf("%s\"%s\"", i > 0 ? ", " : "", enum_values[i].string_value);
return fail_value;
Status OptionArgParser::ToFormat(const char *s, lldb::Format &format,
size_t *byte_size_ptr) {
format = eFormatInvalid;
Status error;
if (s && s[0]) {
if (byte_size_ptr) {
if (isdigit(s[0])) {
char *format_char = nullptr;
unsigned long byte_size = ::strtoul(s, &format_char, 0);
if (byte_size != ULONG_MAX)
*byte_size_ptr = byte_size;
s = format_char;
} else
*byte_size_ptr = 0;
const bool partial_match_ok = true;
if (!FormatManager::GetFormatFromCString(s, partial_match_ok, format)) {
StreamString error_strm;
"Invalid format character or name '%s'. Valid values are:\n", s);
for (Format f = eFormatDefault; f < kNumFormats; f = Format(f + 1)) {
char format_char = FormatManager::GetFormatAsFormatChar(f);
if (format_char)
error_strm.Printf("'%c' or ", format_char);
error_strm.Printf("\"%s\"", FormatManager::GetFormatAsCString(f));
if (byte_size_ptr)
"An optional byte size can precede the format character.\n");
if (error.Fail())
return error;
} else {
error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("%s option string", s ? "empty" : "invalid");
return error;
lldb::ScriptLanguage OptionArgParser::ToScriptLanguage(
llvm::StringRef s, lldb::ScriptLanguage fail_value, bool *success_ptr) {
if (success_ptr)
*success_ptr = true;
if (s.equals_lower("python"))
return eScriptLanguagePython;
if (s.equals_lower("default"))
return eScriptLanguageDefault;
if (s.equals_lower("none"))
return eScriptLanguageNone;
if (success_ptr)
*success_ptr = false;
return fail_value;
lldb::addr_t OptionArgParser::ToAddress(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
llvm::StringRef s,
lldb::addr_t fail_value,
Status *error_ptr) {
bool error_set = false;
if (s.empty()) {
if (error_ptr)
error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid address expression \"%s\"",
return fail_value;
llvm::StringRef sref = s;
lldb::addr_t addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
if (!s.getAsInteger(0, addr)) {
if (error_ptr)
return addr;
// Try base 16 with no prefix...
if (!s.getAsInteger(16, addr)) {
if (error_ptr)
return addr;
Target *target = nullptr;
if (!exe_ctx || !(target = exe_ctx->GetTargetPtr())) {
if (error_ptr)
error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid address expression \"%s\"",
return fail_value;
lldb::ValueObjectSP valobj_sp;
EvaluateExpressionOptions options;
ExpressionResults expr_result =
target->EvaluateExpression(s, exe_ctx->GetFramePtr(), valobj_sp, options);
bool success = false;
if (expr_result == eExpressionCompleted) {
if (valobj_sp)
valobj_sp = valobj_sp->GetQualifiedRepresentationIfAvailable(
valobj_sp->GetDynamicValueType(), true);
// Get the address to watch.
if (valobj_sp)
addr = valobj_sp->GetValueAsUnsigned(fail_value, &success);
if (success) {
if (error_ptr)
return addr;
} else {
if (error_ptr) {
error_set = true;
"address expression \"%s\" resulted in a value whose type "
"can't be converted to an address: %s",
s.str().c_str(), valobj_sp->GetTypeName().GetCString());
} else {
// Since the compiler can't handle things like "main + 12" we should try to
// do this for now. The compiler doesn't like adding offsets to function
// pointer types.
static RegularExpression g_symbol_plus_offset_regex(
RegularExpression::Match regex_match(3);
if (g_symbol_plus_offset_regex.Execute(sref, &regex_match)) {
uint64_t offset = 0;
bool add = true;
std::string name;
std::string str;
if (regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex(s, 1, name)) {
if (regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex(s, 2, str)) {
add = str[0] == '+';
if (regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex(s, 3, str)) {
if (!llvm::StringRef(str).getAsInteger(0, offset)) {
Status error;
addr = ToAddress(exe_ctx, name.c_str(), LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS,
if (add)
return addr + offset;
return addr - offset;
if (error_ptr) {
error_set = true;
"address expression \"%s\" evaluation failed", s.str().c_str());
if (error_ptr) {
if (!error_set)
error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid address expression \"%s\"",
return fail_value;