blob: 808c2cdd05d822beb57630e75acf68cda9b8a8f7 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_00463255013f500126fb5cc8c824e384" desc="Title of a setting under the Appearance category in Settings">
Panel layout:
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_08e71f00acd63d0a546ba42f9e780ddc" desc="Title of item in main">
Customize and control DevTools
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_0a0afb342478f201b92cbc89d19bf14d" desc="Title of a setting under the Appearance category that can be invoked through the Command Menu">
Switch to dark theme
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_15fa1acc2a998159c4ed2a950c5c231d" desc="Text in the Shortcuts page in settings to explain a keyboard shortcut">
Toggle drawer
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_1b1ac1c7a54457ce73ddd25a5b51c47d" desc="A title of the 'Drawer sidebar' @UI.ViewLocationResolver category">
Drawer sidebar
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_1cf59b16fd253d6ff4bbee7c237cea0d" desc="Text in Main">
Show console
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_2ac43aa43bf473f9a9c09b4b608619d3" desc="A tag of theme preference settings that can be searched in the command menu">
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_2ad9d63b69c4a10a5cc9cad923133bc4" desc="A drop-down menu option to dock to bottom">
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_36634aa462472ceb907f3aa4401d3a61" desc="A drop-down menu option to undock into separate window">
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_3b40834e60f26865c1b9582f1745476e" desc="Title of a setting under the Appearance category that can be invoked through the Command Menu">
Use horizontal panel layout
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_3b7e62b6a175b75f4ecf012d17ba7fef" desc="Text in Main">
Focus debuggee
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_4505cad087312551a6fbbe6ebe163e0f" desc="A drop-down menu option to use horizontal panel layout">
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_4f1133a5722c0189f59e0490b2ae1c31" desc="Text in the Shortcuts page in settings to explain a keyboard shortcut">
Go to source
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_51f30f4743bd8f0e7141781bd2d93abb" desc="Title of a setting under the Appearance category that can be invoked through the Command Menu">
Set color format as authored
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_55e1bbb4e00add64284ed28f15d40b25" desc="Title of a setting under the Appearance category in Settings">
Color format:
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_581138047ce1459b079a8c4abba128a1" desc="Text in the Shortcuts page in settings to explain a keyboard shortcut in the Section">
Go to the panel to the left/right
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_586740a88e6502850bc64f9f2d04d380" desc="Title element title in Main">
Placement of <ph name="LOCKED_1">DevTools</ph> relative to the page. (<ph name="TOGGLEDOCKSIDESHORCUTS____NAME">$1s<ex>Ctrl+Shift+D</ex></ph> to restore last position)
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_5bf4a92da989a6943e3fed84f18c3f0f" desc="Text in the Shortcuts page in settings to explain a keyboard shortcut">
Search across all sources
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_5e2f5f3c24ae8c6ab3eca618826b0e23" desc="A title of the 'Extensions' @UI.SettingUI category">
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_62fcd77216b456123c822a40ded03347" desc="Text in the Shortcuts page in settings to explain a keyboard shortcut">
Select node to inspect
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_71f0df44b05415f2d20b59bb6188a118" desc="Text in the Shortcuts page in settings to explain a keyboard shortcut">
Toggle dock side
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_75def4784fa71c4ccde7762316ed0e3e" desc="Text in the Shortcuts page in settings to explain a keyboard shortcut in the Section">
Find next/previous
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_8645bf45e76c3f958ae99c114c419743" desc="Text in Main">
Hide console drawer
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_875edcc9e39b54457d954c9775dea04d" desc="A drop-down menu option to switch to system preferred color theme">
System preference
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_92b09c7c48c520c3c55e497875da437c" desc="A drop-down menu option to dock to right">
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_93445501d5239cedddc0bd6a0a453a95" desc="Title element text content in Main">
Dock side
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_956853d02d2c6947b6c15515e669dfad" desc="Title of a setting under the Appearance category that can be invoked through the Command Menu">
Set color format to RGB
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_9835cebf3cf1d09803b6e2c02bc71401" desc="A drop-down menu option to set color format to hsl">
HSL: hsl(300, 80%, 90%)
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_9914a0ce04a7b7b6a8e39bec55064b82" desc="A drop-down menu option to switch to light theme">
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_9b1ed2cbe56f7a315f0a365d2b97cb59" desc="A title of the 'Drawer' @UI.ViewLocationResolver category">
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_a18366b217ebf811ad1886e4f4f865b2" desc="A drop-down menu option to switch to dark theme">
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_a82fd95db10ff25dfad39f07372ebe37" desc="A tag of theme preference settings that can be searched in the command menu">
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_a9e4402481bd9b8e36752bf731f67eb6" desc="Title of a setting under the Appearance category in Settings">
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_b0659ae6872366589300ed6c2033ba26" desc="Text in the Shortcuts page in settings to explain a keyboard shortcut">
Toggle device mode
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_b3bf148a3dc8b3367191419e52380982" desc="Title of a setting under the Appearance category that can be invoked through the Command Menu">
Use vertical panel layout
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_b8da6df14bf06283cbf588df6998722e" desc="A title of the 'Panel' @UI.ViewLocationResolver category">
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_b9cd538a753713464d2ea17d7e975041" desc="A context menu item in the Main">
More tools
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_c0fef4f5cd015e4b1e5477f511dc3939" desc="Title of a setting under the Appearance category that can be invoked through the Command Menu">
Use automatic panel layout
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_c2376cec424de4cead5272c492d3d269" desc="Title of an action in the main tool to toggle dock">
Restore last dock position
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_c63621d0ad5163e8c643bb65c65b5aee" desc="Title of a setting under the Appearance category that can be invoked through the Command Menu">
Set color format to HEX
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_c8466ef18413aebb4d6ebfce4e1f739d" desc="A drop-down menu option to set color format to rgb">
RGB: rgb(128, 255, 255)
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_d33bf99e0756e1d5008cb78902e38ca9" desc="Text in Main">
All Panels
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_d838bef326860912aa08d977cf3a5f8b" desc="A drop-down menu option to set color format to hex">
HEX: #dac0de
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_d981fcf0c74837202331700aca88c801" desc="A drop-down menu option to set color format as authored">
As authored
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_db5d5dd2ff01f52ffee4b57ca2b1fcfd" desc="Title of a setting under the Appearance category in Settings">
Enable Ctrl + 1-9 shortcut to switch panels
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_debb0ba164edd1f9254b644de3c6d716" desc="(Mac only) Title of a setting under the Appearance category in Settings">
Enable ⌘ + 1-9 shortcut to switch panels
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_e472458a8014f14176e3c3c3d4dd0ad9" desc="Title of a setting under the Appearance category that can be invoked through the Command Menu">
Switch to light theme
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_e6dec152d6a941fccb0a5e8cc2579cc3" desc="A drop-down menu option to use vertical panel layout">
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_eafbab965ec3970b0e97705882ebf8d0" desc="Text in Main">
Show console drawer
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_fa480abba67730dd6bd15aa40308d78a" desc="Title of a setting under the Appearance category that can be invoked through the Command Menu">
Set color format to HSL
<message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_fa4ab936aaa8ad819e491af0ec0b674b" desc="Title of a setting under the Appearance category that can be invoked through the Command Menu">
Switch to system preferred color theme