blob: eb1ae63807f60a79b390a7dca502c362b00c38ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
extern "C" {
struct _xmlTextReader;
// XmlReader is a wrapper class around libxml's xmlReader,
// providing a simplified C++ API.
class XmlReader {
// Load a document into the reader from memory. |input| must be UTF-8 and
// exist for the lifetime of this object. Returns false on error.
// TODO(evanm): handle encodings other than UTF-8?
bool Load(const std::string& input);
// Load a document into the reader from a file. Returns false on error.
bool LoadFile(const std::string& file_path);
// Wrappers around libxml functions -----------------------------------------
// Read() advances to the next node. Returns false on EOF or error.
bool Read();
// Next(), when pointing at an opening tag, advances to the node after
// the matching closing tag. Returns false on EOF or error.
bool Next();
// Return the depth in the tree of the current node.
int Depth();
// Returns the "local" name of the current node.
// For a tag like <foo:bar>, this is the string "bar".
std::string NodeName();
// Returns the name of the current node.
// For a tag like <foo:bar>, this is the string "foo:bar".
std::string NodeFullName();
// When pointing at a tag, retrieves the value of an attribute.
// Returns false on failure.
// E.g. for <foo bar:baz="a">, NodeAttribute("bar:baz", &value)
// returns true and |value| is set to "a".
bool NodeAttribute(const char* name, std::string* value);
// Populates |attributes| with all the attributes of the current tag and
// returns true. Note that namespace declarations are not reported.
// Returns false if there are no attributes in the current tag.
bool GetAllNodeAttributes(std::map<std::string, std::string>* attributes);
// Populates |namespaces| with all the namespaces (prefix/URI pairs) declared
// in the current tag and returns true. Note that the default namespace, if
// declared in the tag, is populated with an empty prefix.
// Returns false if there are no namespaces declared in the current tag.
bool GetAllDeclaredNamespaces(std::map<std::string, std::string>* namespaces);
// Sets |content| to the content of the current node if it is a #text/#cdata
// node.
// Returns true if the current node is a #text/#cdata node, false otherwise.
bool GetTextIfTextElement(std::string* content);
bool GetTextIfCDataElement(std::string* content);
// Returns true if the node is an element (e.g. <foo>). Note this returns
// false for self-closing elements (e.g. <foo/>). Use IsEmptyElement() to
// check for those.
bool IsElement();
// Returns true if the node is a closing element (e.g. </foo>).
bool IsClosingElement();
// Returns true if the current node is an empty (self-closing) element (e.g.
// <foo/>).
bool IsEmptyElement();
// Helper functions not provided by libxml ----------------------------------
// Return the string content within an element.
// "<foo>bar</foo>" is a sequence of three nodes:
// (1) open tag, (2) text, (3) close tag.
// With the reader currently at (1), this returns the text of (2),
// and advances past (3).
// Returns false on error.
bool ReadElementContent(std::string* content);
// Skip to the next opening tag, returning false if we reach a closing
// tag or EOF first.
// If currently on an opening tag, doesn't advance at all.
bool SkipToElement();
// Returns the libxml node type of the current node.
int NodeType();
// The underlying libxml xmlTextReader.
_xmlTextReader* reader_;