blob: 43808526a8205ebafd0a098b442a98ec793d6466 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/backend/mid-tier-register-allocator.h"
#include "src/base/bits.h"
#include "src/base/logging.h"
#include "src/base/macros.h"
#include "src/base/optional.h"
#include "src/codegen/machine-type.h"
#include "src/codegen/register-configuration.h"
#include "src/codegen/tick-counter.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/compiler/backend/instruction.h"
#include "src/compiler/linkage.h"
#include "src/logging/counters.h"
#include "src/utils/bit-vector.h"
#include "src/zone/zone-containers.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
class RegisterState;
class DeferredBlocksRegion;
// BlockState stores details associated with a particular basic block.
class BlockState final {
BlockState(int block_count, Zone* zone)
: general_registers_in_state_(nullptr),
dominated_blocks_(block_count, zone),
is_deferred_block_boundary_(false) {}
// Returns the RegisterState that applies to the input of this block. Can be
// |nullptr| if the no registers of |kind| have been allocated up to this
// point.
RegisterState* register_in_state(RegisterKind kind);
void set_register_in_state(RegisterState* register_state, RegisterKind kind);
// Returns a bitvector representing all the basic blocks that are dominated
// by this basic block.
BitVector* dominated_blocks() { return &dominated_blocks_; }
// Set / get this block's index for successor's phi operations. Will return
// -1 if this block has no successor's with phi operations.
int successors_phi_index() const { return successors_phi_index_; }
void set_successors_phi_index(int index) {
DCHECK_EQ(successors_phi_index_, -1);
successors_phi_index_ = index;
// If this block is deferred, this represents region of deferred blocks
// that are directly reachable from this block.
DeferredBlocksRegion* deferred_blocks_region() const {
return deferred_blocks_region_;
void set_deferred_blocks_region(DeferredBlocksRegion* region) {
deferred_blocks_region_ = region;
// Returns true if this block represents either a transition from
// non-deferred to deferred or vice versa.
bool is_deferred_block_boundary() const {
return is_deferred_block_boundary_;
void MarkAsDeferredBlockBoundary() { is_deferred_block_boundary_ = true; }
RegisterState* general_registers_in_state_;
RegisterState* double_registers_in_state_;
DeferredBlocksRegion* deferred_blocks_region_;
BitVector dominated_blocks_;
int successors_phi_index_;
bool is_deferred_block_boundary_;
RegisterState* BlockState::register_in_state(RegisterKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case RegisterKind::kGeneral:
return general_registers_in_state_;
case RegisterKind::kDouble:
return double_registers_in_state_;
void BlockState::set_register_in_state(RegisterState* register_state,
RegisterKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case RegisterKind::kGeneral:
general_registers_in_state_ = register_state;
case RegisterKind::kDouble:
double_registers_in_state_ = register_state;
const RegisterConfiguration* config, Zone* zone, Frame* frame,
InstructionSequence* code, TickCounter* tick_counter,
const char* debug_name)
: RegisterAllocationData(Type::kMidTier),
virtual_register_data_(code->VirtualRegisterCount(), allocation_zone()),
tick_counter_(tick_counter) {
int basic_block_count = code->InstructionBlockCount();
for (int i = 0; i < basic_block_count; i++) {
block_states_.emplace_back(basic_block_count, allocation_zone());
MoveOperands* MidTierRegisterAllocationData::AddGapMove(
int instr_index, Instruction::GapPosition position,
const InstructionOperand& from, const InstructionOperand& to) {
Instruction* instr = code()->InstructionAt(instr_index);
ParallelMove* moves = instr->GetOrCreateParallelMove(position, code_zone());
return moves->AddMove(from, to);
MoveOperands* MidTierRegisterAllocationData::AddPendingOperandGapMove(
int instr_index, Instruction::GapPosition position) {
return AddGapMove(instr_index, position, PendingOperand(), PendingOperand());
MachineRepresentation MidTierRegisterAllocationData::RepresentationFor(
int virtual_register) {
if (virtual_register == InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister) {
return InstructionSequence::DefaultRepresentation();
} else {
DCHECK_LT(virtual_register, code()->VirtualRegisterCount());
return code()->GetRepresentation(virtual_register);
BlockState& MidTierRegisterAllocationData::block_state(RpoNumber rpo_number) {
return block_states_[rpo_number.ToInt()];
const InstructionBlock* MidTierRegisterAllocationData::GetBlock(
RpoNumber rpo_number) {
return code()->InstructionBlockAt(rpo_number);
const InstructionBlock* MidTierRegisterAllocationData::GetBlock(
int instr_index) {
return code()->InstructionAt(instr_index)->block();
const BitVector* MidTierRegisterAllocationData::GetBlocksDominatedBy(
const InstructionBlock* block) {
return block_state(block->rpo_number()).dominated_blocks();
// RegisterIndex represents a particular register of a given kind (depending
// on the RegisterKind of the allocator).
class RegisterIndex final {
RegisterIndex() : index_(kInvalidIndex) {}
explicit RegisterIndex(int index) : index_(index) {}
static RegisterIndex Invalid() { return RegisterIndex(); }
bool is_valid() const { return index_ != kInvalidIndex; }
int ToInt() const {
return index_;
uintptr_t ToBit(MachineRepresentation rep) const {
if (kSimpleFPAliasing || rep != MachineRepresentation::kSimd128) {
return 1ull << ToInt();
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(rep, MachineRepresentation::kSimd128);
return 3ull << ToInt();
bool operator==(const RegisterIndex& rhs) const {
return index_ == rhs.index_;
bool operator!=(const RegisterIndex& rhs) const {
return index_ != rhs.index_;
class Iterator {
explicit Iterator(int index) : index_(index) {}
bool operator!=(const Iterator& rhs) const { return index_ != rhs.index_; }
void operator++() { index_++; }
RegisterIndex operator*() const { return RegisterIndex(index_); }
int index_;
static const int kInvalidIndex = -1;
int8_t index_;
// A Range from [start, end] of instructions, inclusive of start and end.
class Range {
Range() : start_(kMaxInt), end_(0) {}
Range(int start, int end) : start_(start), end_(end) {}
void AddInstr(int index) {
start_ = std::min(start_, index);
end_ = std::max(end_, index);
void AddRange(const Range& other) {
start_ = std::min(start_, other.start_);
end_ = std::max(end_, other.end_);
// Returns true if index is greater than start and less than or equal to end.
bool Contains(int index) { return index >= start_ && index <= end_; }
int start() const { return start_; }
int end() const { return end_; }
int start_;
int end_;
// Represents a connected region of deferred basic blocks.
class DeferredBlocksRegion final {
explicit DeferredBlocksRegion(Zone* zone, int number_of_blocks)
: spilled_vregs_(zone), blocks_covered_(number_of_blocks, zone) {}
void AddBlock(RpoNumber block, MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
// Adds |vreg| to the list of variables to potentially defer their output to
// a spill slot until we enter this deferred block region.
void DeferSpillOutputUntilEntry(int vreg) { spilled_vregs_.insert(vreg); }
ZoneSet<int>::iterator begin() const { return spilled_vregs_.begin(); }
ZoneSet<int>::iterator end() const { return spilled_vregs_.end(); }
const BitVector* blocks_covered() const { return &blocks_covered_; }
ZoneSet<int> spilled_vregs_;
BitVector blocks_covered_;
// VirtualRegisterData stores data specific to a particular virtual register,
// and tracks spilled operands for that virtual register.
class VirtualRegisterData final {
VirtualRegisterData() = default;
// Define VirtualRegisterData with the type of output that produces this
// virtual register.
void DefineAsUnallocatedOperand(int virtual_register, int instr_index,
bool is_deferred_block,
bool is_exceptional_call_output);
void DefineAsFixedSpillOperand(AllocatedOperand* operand,
int virtual_register, int instr_index,
bool is_deferred_block,
bool is_exceptional_call_output);
void DefineAsConstantOperand(ConstantOperand* operand, int instr_index,
bool is_deferred_block);
void DefineAsPhi(int virtual_register, int instr_index,
bool is_deferred_block);
// Spill an operand that is assigned to this virtual register.
void SpillOperand(InstructionOperand* operand, int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
// Emit gap moves to / from the spill slot.
void EmitGapMoveToInputFromSpillSlot(AllocatedOperand to_operand,
int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
void EmitGapMoveFromOutputToSpillSlot(AllocatedOperand from_operand,
const InstructionBlock* current_block,
int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
void EmitGapMoveToSpillSlot(AllocatedOperand from_operand, int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
// Adds pending spills for deferred-blocks.
void AddDeferredSpillUse(int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
void AddDeferredSpillOutput(AllocatedOperand allocated_op, int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
// Accessors for spill operand, which may still be pending allocation.
bool HasSpillOperand() const { return spill_operand_ != nullptr; }
InstructionOperand* spill_operand() const {
return spill_operand_;
bool HasPendingSpillOperand() const {
return HasSpillOperand() && spill_operand_->IsPending();
bool HasAllocatedSpillOperand() const {
return HasSpillOperand() && spill_operand_->IsAllocated();
bool HasConstantSpillOperand() const {
DCHECK_EQ(is_constant(), HasSpillOperand() && spill_operand_->IsConstant());
return is_constant();
// Returns true if the virtual register should be spilled when it is output.
bool NeedsSpillAtOutput() const { return needs_spill_at_output_; }
void MarkAsNeedsSpillAtOutput() {
if (is_constant()) return;
needs_spill_at_output_ = true;
if (HasSpillRange()) spill_range()->ClearDeferredBlockSpills();
// Returns true if the virtual register should be spilled at entry to deferred
// blocks in which it is spilled (to avoid spilling on output on
// non-deferred blocks).
bool NeedsSpillAtDeferredBlocks() const;
void EmitDeferredSpillOutputs(MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
bool IsSpilledAt(int instr_index, MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
DCHECK_GE(instr_index, output_instr_index());
if (NeedsSpillAtOutput() || HasConstantSpillOperand()) return true;
if (HasSpillOperand() && data->GetBlock(instr_index)->IsDeferred()) {
return true;
return false;
// Allocates pending spill operands to the |allocated| spill slot.
void AllocatePendingSpillOperand(const AllocatedOperand& allocated);
int vreg() const { return vreg_; }
int output_instr_index() const { return output_instr_index_; }
bool is_constant() const { return is_constant_; }
bool is_phi() const { return is_phi_; }
bool is_defined_in_deferred_block() const {
return is_defined_in_deferred_block_;
bool is_exceptional_call_output() const {
return is_exceptional_call_output_;
struct DeferredSpillSlotOutput {
explicit DeferredSpillSlotOutput(int instr, AllocatedOperand op,
const BitVector* blocks)
: instr_index(instr), operand(op), live_blocks(blocks) {}
int instr_index;
AllocatedOperand operand;
const BitVector* live_blocks;
// Represents the range of instructions for which this virtual register needs
// to be spilled on the stack.
class SpillRange : public ZoneObject {
// Defines a spill range for an output operand.
SpillRange(int definition_instr_index,
const InstructionBlock* definition_block,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data)
: live_range_(definition_instr_index, definition_instr_index),
deferred_spill_outputs_(nullptr) {}
// Defines a spill range for a Phi variable.
SpillRange(const InstructionBlock* phi_block,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data)
: live_range_(phi_block->first_instruction_index(),
deferred_spill_outputs_(nullptr) {
// For phis, add the gap move instructions in the predecssor blocks to
// the live range.
for (RpoNumber pred_rpo : phi_block->predecessors()) {
const InstructionBlock* block = data->GetBlock(pred_rpo);
SpillRange(const SpillRange&) = delete;
SpillRange& operator=(const SpillRange&) = delete;
bool IsLiveAt(int instr_index, InstructionBlock* block) {
if (!live_range_.Contains(instr_index)) return false;
int block_rpo = block->rpo_number().ToInt();
if (!live_blocks_->Contains(block_rpo)) return false;
if (!HasDeferredBlockSpills()) {
return true;
} else {
// If this spill range is only output for deferred block, then the spill
// slot will only be live for the deferred blocks, not all blocks that
// the virtual register is live.
for (auto deferred_spill_output : *deferred_spill_outputs()) {
if (deferred_spill_output.live_blocks->Contains(block_rpo)) {
return true;
return false;
void ExtendRangeTo(int instr_index) { live_range_.AddInstr(instr_index); }
void AddDeferredSpillOutput(AllocatedOperand allocated_op, int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
if (deferred_spill_outputs_ == nullptr) {
Zone* zone = data->allocation_zone();
deferred_spill_outputs_ =
const InstructionBlock* block = data->GetBlock(instr_index);
DCHECK_EQ(block->first_instruction_index(), instr_index);
BlockState& block_state = data->block_state(block->rpo_number());
const BitVector* deferred_blocks =
deferred_spill_outputs_->emplace_back(instr_index, allocated_op,
void ClearDeferredBlockSpills() { deferred_spill_outputs_ = nullptr; }
bool HasDeferredBlockSpills() const {
return deferred_spill_outputs_ != nullptr;
const ZoneVector<DeferredSpillSlotOutput>* deferred_spill_outputs() const {
return deferred_spill_outputs_;
Range& live_range() { return live_range_; }
Range live_range_;
const BitVector* live_blocks_;
ZoneVector<DeferredSpillSlotOutput>* deferred_spill_outputs_;
bool HasSpillRange() const { return spill_range_ != nullptr; }
SpillRange* spill_range() const {
return spill_range_;
void Initialize(int virtual_register, InstructionOperand* spill_operand,
int instr_index, bool is_phi, bool is_constant,
bool is_defined_in_deferred_block,
bool is_exceptional_call_output);
void AddSpillUse(int instr_index, MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
void AddPendingSpillOperand(PendingOperand* pending_operand);
void EnsureSpillRange(MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
bool CouldSpillOnEntryToDeferred(const InstructionBlock* block);
InstructionOperand* spill_operand_;
SpillRange* spill_range_;
int output_instr_index_;
int vreg_;
bool is_phi_ : 1;
bool is_constant_ : 1;
bool is_defined_in_deferred_block_ : 1;
bool needs_spill_at_output_ : 1;
bool is_exceptional_call_output_ : 1;
VirtualRegisterData& MidTierRegisterAllocationData::VirtualRegisterDataFor(
int virtual_register) {
DCHECK_GE(virtual_register, 0);
DCHECK_LT(virtual_register, virtual_register_data_.size());
return virtual_register_data_[virtual_register];
void VirtualRegisterData::Initialize(int virtual_register,
InstructionOperand* spill_operand,
int instr_index, bool is_phi,
bool is_constant,
bool is_defined_in_deferred_block,
bool is_exceptional_call_output) {
vreg_ = virtual_register;
spill_operand_ = spill_operand;
spill_range_ = nullptr;
output_instr_index_ = instr_index;
is_phi_ = is_phi;
is_constant_ = is_constant;
is_defined_in_deferred_block_ = is_defined_in_deferred_block;
needs_spill_at_output_ = !is_constant_ && spill_operand_ != nullptr;
is_exceptional_call_output_ = is_exceptional_call_output;
void VirtualRegisterData::DefineAsConstantOperand(ConstantOperand* operand,
int instr_index,
bool is_deferred_block) {
Initialize(operand->virtual_register(), operand, instr_index, false, true,
is_deferred_block, false);
void VirtualRegisterData::DefineAsFixedSpillOperand(
AllocatedOperand* operand, int virtual_register, int instr_index,
bool is_deferred_block, bool is_exceptional_call_output) {
Initialize(virtual_register, operand, instr_index, false, false,
is_deferred_block, is_exceptional_call_output);
void VirtualRegisterData::DefineAsUnallocatedOperand(
int virtual_register, int instr_index, bool is_deferred_block,
bool is_exceptional_call_output) {
Initialize(virtual_register, nullptr, instr_index, false, false,
is_deferred_block, is_exceptional_call_output);
void VirtualRegisterData::DefineAsPhi(int virtual_register, int instr_index,
bool is_deferred_block) {
Initialize(virtual_register, nullptr, instr_index, true, false,
is_deferred_block, false);
void VirtualRegisterData::EnsureSpillRange(
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
if (HasSpillRange()) return;
const InstructionBlock* definition_block =
if (is_phi()) {
// Define a spill slot that is defined for the phi's range.
spill_range_ =
data->allocation_zone()->New<SpillRange>(definition_block, data);
} else {
if (is_exceptional_call_output()) {
// If this virtual register is output by a call which has an exception
// catch handler, then the output will only be live in the IfSuccess
// successor block, not the IfException side, so make the definition block
// the IfSuccess successor block explicitly.
definition_block->last_instruction_index() - 1);
DCHECK_EQ(definition_block->SuccessorCount(), 2);
definition_block = data->GetBlock(definition_block->successors()[0]);
// The spill slot will be defined after the instruction that outputs it.
spill_range_ = data->allocation_zone()->New<SpillRange>(
output_instr_index_ + 1, definition_block, data);
void VirtualRegisterData::AddSpillUse(int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
if (is_constant()) return;
const InstructionBlock* block = data->GetBlock(instr_index);
if (CouldSpillOnEntryToDeferred(block)) {
} else {
void VirtualRegisterData::AddDeferredSpillUse(
int instr_index, MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
AddSpillUse(instr_index, data);
bool VirtualRegisterData::CouldSpillOnEntryToDeferred(
const InstructionBlock* block) {
return !NeedsSpillAtOutput() && block->IsDeferred() &&
!is_defined_in_deferred_block() && !is_constant();
void VirtualRegisterData::AddDeferredSpillOutput(
AllocatedOperand allocated_op, int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
spill_range_->AddDeferredSpillOutput(allocated_op, instr_index, data);
void VirtualRegisterData::SpillOperand(InstructionOperand* operand,
int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
AddSpillUse(instr_index, data);
if (HasAllocatedSpillOperand() || HasConstantSpillOperand()) {
InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(operand, spill_operand());
} else {
PendingOperand pending_op;
InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(operand, &pending_op);
bool VirtualRegisterData::NeedsSpillAtDeferredBlocks() const {
return HasSpillRange() && spill_range()->HasDeferredBlockSpills();
void VirtualRegisterData::EmitDeferredSpillOutputs(
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
for (auto deferred_spill : *spill_range()->deferred_spill_outputs()) {
EmitGapMoveToSpillSlot(deferred_spill.operand, deferred_spill.instr_index,
void VirtualRegisterData::EmitGapMoveToInputFromSpillSlot(
AllocatedOperand to_operand, int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
AddSpillUse(instr_index, data);
if (HasAllocatedSpillOperand() || HasConstantSpillOperand()) {
data->AddGapMove(instr_index, Instruction::END, *spill_operand(),
} else {
MoveOperands* move_ops =
data->AddPendingOperandGapMove(instr_index, Instruction::END);
InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(&move_ops->destination(), &to_operand);
void VirtualRegisterData::EmitGapMoveToSpillSlot(
AllocatedOperand from_operand, int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
AddSpillUse(instr_index, data);
if (HasAllocatedSpillOperand() || HasConstantSpillOperand()) {
data->AddGapMove(instr_index, Instruction::START, from_operand,
} else {
MoveOperands* move_ops =
data->AddPendingOperandGapMove(instr_index, Instruction::START);
InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(&move_ops->source(), &from_operand);
void VirtualRegisterData::EmitGapMoveFromOutputToSpillSlot(
AllocatedOperand from_operand, const InstructionBlock* current_block,
int instr_index, MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
DCHECK_EQ(data->GetBlock(instr_index), current_block);
if (instr_index == current_block->last_instruction_index()) {
// Add gap move to the first instruction of every successor block.
for (const RpoNumber& succ : current_block->successors()) {
const InstructionBlock* successor = data->GetBlock(succ);
DCHECK_EQ(1, successor->PredecessorCount());
EmitGapMoveToSpillSlot(from_operand, successor->first_instruction_index(),
} else {
// Add gap move to the next instruction.
EmitGapMoveToSpillSlot(from_operand, instr_index + 1, data);
void VirtualRegisterData::AddPendingSpillOperand(PendingOperand* pending_op) {
if (HasSpillOperand()) {
spill_operand_ = pending_op;
void VirtualRegisterData::AllocatePendingSpillOperand(
const AllocatedOperand& allocated) {
DCHECK(!HasAllocatedSpillOperand() && !HasConstantSpillOperand());
PendingOperand* current = PendingOperand::cast(spill_operand_);
while (current) {
PendingOperand* next = current->next();
InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(current, &allocated);
current = next;
// RegisterState represents the state of the |kind| registers at a particular
// point in program execution. The RegisterState can be cloned or merged with
// other RegisterStates to model branches and merges in program control flow.
class RegisterState final : public ZoneObject {
static RegisterState* New(RegisterKind kind, int num_allocatable_registers,
Zone* zone) {
return zone->New<RegisterState>(kind, num_allocatable_registers, zone);
RegisterState(RegisterKind kind, int num_allocatable_registers, Zone* zone);
RegisterState(const RegisterState& other) V8_NOEXCEPT;
bool IsAllocated(RegisterIndex reg);
bool IsShared(RegisterIndex reg);
int VirtualRegisterForRegister(RegisterIndex reg);
// Commit the |reg| with the |allocated| operand.
void Commit(RegisterIndex reg, AllocatedOperand allocated,
InstructionOperand* operand, MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
// Spill the contents of |reg| for an instruction in |current_block| using
// the |allocated| operand to commit the spill gap move.
void Spill(RegisterIndex reg, AllocatedOperand allocated,
const InstructionBlock* current_block,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
// Add a pending spill of the contents of |reg| at the exit point of a
// deferred block at |instr_index| using |allocated| operand to commit the
// spill gap move, if the register never gets spilled in a non-deferred block.
void SpillForDeferred(RegisterIndex reg, AllocatedOperand allocated,
int instr_index, MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
// Add a pending gap move from |reg| to |virtual_register|'s spill at the
// entry point of a deferred block at |instr_index|, if the |virtual_register|
// never spilled in a non-deferred block.
void MoveToSpillSlotOnDeferred(RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register,
int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
// Allocate |reg| to |virtual_register| for the instruction at |instr_index|.
// If the register is later spilled, a gap move will be added immediately
// before |instr_index| to move |virtual_register| into this register.
void AllocateUse(RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register,
InstructionOperand* operand, int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
// Allocate |reg| as a pending use of |virtual_register| for |operand| in the
// instruction at |instr_index|. If |virtual_register| later gets committed to
// this register, then |operand| will be too, otherwise |operand| will be
// replaced with |virtual_register|'s spill operand.
void AllocatePendingUse(RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register,
InstructionOperand* operand, int instr_index);
// Mark that the register is holding a phi operand that is yet to be allocated
// by the source block in the gap just before the last instruction in the
// source block.
void UseForPhiGapMove(RegisterIndex reg);
bool IsPhiGapMove(RegisterIndex reg);
// Returns true if |reg| only has pending uses allocated to it.
bool HasPendingUsesOnly(RegisterIndex reg);
// Clone this RegisterState for a successor block.
RegisterState* Clone();
// Copy register details for |reg| from |source| to |this| RegisterState.
void CopyFrom(RegisterIndex reg, RegisterState* source);
// Returns true if the register details for |reg| are equal in |source| and
// |this| RegisterStates.
bool Equals(RegisterIndex reg, RegisterState* source);
// Signals that the registers in this state are going to be shared across
// |shared_use_count| blocks.
void AddSharedUses(int shared_use_count);
// When merging multiple block's RegisterState into the successor block with
// |this| RegisterState, commit |reg| as being merged from a given predecessor
// block.
void CommitAtMerge(RegisterIndex reg);
// Resets |reg| if it has register data that was shared with other basic
// blocks and was spilled in those blocks.
void ResetIfSpilledWhileShared(RegisterIndex reg);
// Enable range-based for on allocatable register indices.
RegisterIndex::Iterator begin() const { return RegisterIndex::Iterator(0); }
RegisterIndex::Iterator end() const {
return RegisterIndex::Iterator(num_allocatable_registers());
// Represents a particular register and details of what virtual_register it is
// currently holding, and how it should be updated if committed or spilled.
class Register final : public ZoneObject {
void Reset();
// Operations for committing, spilling and allocating uses of the register.
void Commit(AllocatedOperand allocated_operand,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
void Spill(AllocatedOperand allocated_op,
const InstructionBlock* current_block,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
void Use(int virtual_register, int instr_index);
void PendingUse(InstructionOperand* operand, int virtual_register,
int instr_index);
void SpillForDeferred(AllocatedOperand allocated, int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
void MoveToSpillSlotOnDeferred(int virtual_register, int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
// Mark register as holding a phi.
void MarkAsPhiMove();
bool is_phi_gap_move() const { return is_phi_gap_move_; }
// The register has deferred block spills, that will be emitted if the
// register is committed without having been spilled in a non-deferred block
void AddDeferredBlockSpill(int instr_index, bool on_exit, Zone* zone);
bool has_deferred_block_spills() const {
return deferred_block_spills_.has_value();
// Operations related to dealing with a Register that is shared across
// multiple basic blocks.
void CommitAtMerge();
void AddSharedUses(int shared_use_count);
bool is_shared() const { return is_shared_; }
bool was_spilled_while_shared() const {
return is_shared() && !is_allocated();
bool is_allocated() const {
return virtual_register_ != InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister;
// The current virtual register held by this register.
int virtual_register() const { return virtual_register_; }
// The instruction index for the last use of the current in-progress
// allocation of this register in the instruction stream. Used both
// as the instruction too add a gap move if |needs_gap_move_on_spill| and
// the intruction which the virtual register's spill range should be
// extended too if the register is spilled.
int last_use_instr_index() const { return last_use_instr_index_; }
// Returns true if a gap move should be added if the register is spilled.
bool needs_gap_move_on_spill() const { return needs_gap_move_on_spill_; }
// Returns a threaded list of the operands that have pending uses of this
// register and will be resolved either to the register, or a spill slot
// depending on whether this register is spilled or committed.
PendingOperand* pending_uses() const { return pending_uses_; }
struct DeferredBlockSpill {
DeferredBlockSpill(int instr, bool on_exit)
: instr_index(instr), on_deferred_exit(on_exit) {}
int instr_index;
bool on_deferred_exit;
void SpillPendingUses(MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
void SpillPhiGapMove(AllocatedOperand allocated_op,
const InstructionBlock* block,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
bool needs_gap_move_on_spill_;
bool is_shared_;
bool is_phi_gap_move_;
int last_use_instr_index_;
int num_commits_required_;
int virtual_register_;
PendingOperand* pending_uses_;
base::Optional<ZoneVector<DeferredBlockSpill>> deferred_block_spills_;
void ResetDataFor(RegisterIndex reg);
bool HasRegisterData(RegisterIndex reg);
void EnsureRegisterData(RegisterIndex reg);
int num_allocatable_registers() const {
return static_cast<int>(register_data_.size());
Register& reg_data(RegisterIndex reg);
Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
ZoneVector<Register*> register_data_;
Zone* zone_;
RegisterState::Register::Register() { Reset(); }
void RegisterState::Register::Reset() {
is_shared_ = false;
is_phi_gap_move_ = false;
needs_gap_move_on_spill_ = false;
last_use_instr_index_ = -1;
num_commits_required_ = 0;
virtual_register_ = InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister;
pending_uses_ = nullptr;
void RegisterState::Register::Use(int virtual_register, int instr_index) {
// A register can have many pending uses, but should only ever have a single
// non-pending use, since any subsiquent use will commit the preceeding use
// first.
needs_gap_move_on_spill_ = true;
virtual_register_ = virtual_register;
last_use_instr_index_ = instr_index;
num_commits_required_ = 1;
void RegisterState::Register::PendingUse(InstructionOperand* operand,
int virtual_register,
int instr_index) {
if (!is_allocated()) {
virtual_register_ = virtual_register;
last_use_instr_index_ = instr_index;
num_commits_required_ = 1;
DCHECK_EQ(virtual_register_, virtual_register);
PendingOperand pending_op(pending_uses());
InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(operand, &pending_op);
pending_uses_ = PendingOperand::cast(operand);
void RegisterState::Register::MarkAsPhiMove() {
is_phi_gap_move_ = true;
void RegisterState::Register::AddDeferredBlockSpill(int instr_index,
bool on_exit, Zone* zone) {
if (!deferred_block_spills_) {
deferred_block_spills_->emplace_back(instr_index, on_exit);
void RegisterState::Register::AddSharedUses(int shared_use_count) {
is_shared_ = true;
num_commits_required_ += shared_use_count;
void RegisterState::Register::CommitAtMerge() {
// We should still have commits required that will be resolved in the merge
// block.
DCHECK_GT(num_commits_required_, 0);
void RegisterState::Register::Commit(AllocatedOperand allocated_op,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
DCHECK_GT(num_commits_required_, 0);
if (--num_commits_required_ == 0) {
// Allocate all pending uses to |allocated_op| if this commit is non-shared,
// or if it is the final commit required on a register data shared across
// blocks.
PendingOperand* pending_use = pending_uses();
while (pending_use) {
PendingOperand* next = pending_use->next();
InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(pending_use, &allocated_op);
pending_use = next;
pending_uses_ = nullptr;
VirtualRegisterData& vreg_data =
// If there are deferred block gap moves pending, emit them now that the
// register has been committed.
if (has_deferred_block_spills()) {
for (DeferredBlockSpill& spill : *deferred_block_spills_) {
if (spill.on_deferred_exit) {
spill.instr_index, data);
} else if (!vreg_data.NeedsSpillAtOutput()) {
vreg_data.AddDeferredSpillOutput(allocated_op, spill.instr_index,
// If this register was used as a phi gap move, then it being commited
// is the point at which we have output the Phi.
if (is_phi_gap_move() && vreg_data.NeedsSpillAtDeferredBlocks()) {
DCHECK_IMPLIES(num_commits_required_ > 0, is_shared());
void RegisterState::Register::Spill(AllocatedOperand allocated_op,
const InstructionBlock* current_block,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
VirtualRegisterData& vreg_data =
if (is_phi_gap_move()) {
SpillPhiGapMove(allocated_op, current_block, data);
if (needs_gap_move_on_spill()) {
last_use_instr_index(), data);
if (has_deferred_block_spills() || !current_block->IsDeferred()) {
virtual_register_ = InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister;
void RegisterState::Register::SpillPhiGapMove(
AllocatedOperand allocated_op, const InstructionBlock* current_block,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
DCHECK_EQ(current_block->SuccessorCount(), 1);
const InstructionBlock* phi_block =
// Add gap moves to the spilled phi for all blocks we previously allocated
// assuming the the phi was in a register.
VirtualRegisterData& vreg_data =
for (RpoNumber predecessor : phi_block->predecessors()) {
// If the predecessor has a lower rpo number than the current block, then
// we have already processed it, so add the required gap move.
if (predecessor > current_block->rpo_number()) {
const InstructionBlock* predecessor_block = data->GetBlock(predecessor);
allocated_op, predecessor_block->last_instruction_index(), data);
void RegisterState::Register::SpillPendingUses(
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
VirtualRegisterData& vreg_data =
PendingOperand* pending_use = pending_uses();
while (pending_use) {
// Spill all the pending operands associated with this register.
PendingOperand* next = pending_use->next();
vreg_data.SpillOperand(pending_use, last_use_instr_index(), data);
pending_use = next;
pending_uses_ = nullptr;
void RegisterState::Register::SpillForDeferred(
AllocatedOperand allocated, int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
// Add a pending deferred spill, then commit the register (with the commit
// being fullfilled by the deferred spill if the register is fully commited).
.AddDeferredSpillUse(instr_index, data);
AddDeferredBlockSpill(instr_index, true, data->allocation_zone());
Commit(allocated, data);
void RegisterState::Register::MoveToSpillSlotOnDeferred(
int virtual_register, int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
if (!is_allocated()) {
virtual_register_ = virtual_register;
last_use_instr_index_ = instr_index;
num_commits_required_ = 1;
AddDeferredBlockSpill(instr_index, false, data->allocation_zone());
RegisterState::RegisterState(RegisterKind kind, int num_allocatable_registers,
Zone* zone)
: register_data_(num_allocatable_registers, zone), zone_(zone) {}
RegisterState::RegisterState(const RegisterState& other) V8_NOEXCEPT
: register_data_(other.register_data_.begin(), other.register_data_.end(),
zone_(other.zone_) {}
int RegisterState::VirtualRegisterForRegister(RegisterIndex reg) {
if (IsAllocated(reg)) {
return reg_data(reg).virtual_register();
} else {
return InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister;
bool RegisterState::IsPhiGapMove(RegisterIndex reg) {
return reg_data(reg).is_phi_gap_move();
void RegisterState::Commit(RegisterIndex reg, AllocatedOperand allocated,
InstructionOperand* operand,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(operand, &allocated);
if (IsAllocated(reg)) {
reg_data(reg).Commit(allocated, data);
void RegisterState::Spill(RegisterIndex reg, AllocatedOperand allocated,
const InstructionBlock* current_block,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
reg_data(reg).Spill(allocated, current_block, data);
void RegisterState::SpillForDeferred(RegisterIndex reg,
AllocatedOperand allocated,
int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
reg_data(reg).SpillForDeferred(allocated, instr_index, data);
void RegisterState::MoveToSpillSlotOnDeferred(
RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register, int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
reg_data(reg).MoveToSpillSlotOnDeferred(virtual_register, instr_index, data);
void RegisterState::AllocateUse(RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register,
InstructionOperand* operand, int instr_index,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
reg_data(reg).Use(virtual_register, instr_index);
void RegisterState::AllocatePendingUse(RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register,
InstructionOperand* operand,
int instr_index) {
reg_data(reg).PendingUse(operand, virtual_register, instr_index);
void RegisterState::UseForPhiGapMove(RegisterIndex reg) {
RegisterState::Register& RegisterState::reg_data(RegisterIndex reg) {
return *register_data_[reg.ToInt()];
bool RegisterState::IsShared(RegisterIndex reg) {
return HasRegisterData(reg) && reg_data(reg).is_shared();
bool RegisterState::IsAllocated(RegisterIndex reg) {
return HasRegisterData(reg) && reg_data(reg).is_allocated();
bool RegisterState::HasPendingUsesOnly(RegisterIndex reg) {
return !reg_data(reg).needs_gap_move_on_spill();
void RegisterState::ResetDataFor(RegisterIndex reg) {
if (reg_data(reg).is_shared()) {
register_data_[reg.ToInt()] = nullptr;
} else {
bool RegisterState::HasRegisterData(RegisterIndex reg) {
DCHECK_LT(reg.ToInt(), register_data_.size());
return register_data_[reg.ToInt()] != nullptr;
void RegisterState::EnsureRegisterData(RegisterIndex reg) {
if (!HasRegisterData(reg)) {
register_data_[reg.ToInt()] = zone()->New<RegisterState::Register>();
void RegisterState::ResetIfSpilledWhileShared(RegisterIndex reg) {
if (HasRegisterData(reg) && reg_data(reg).was_spilled_while_shared()) {
void RegisterState::CommitAtMerge(RegisterIndex reg) {
void RegisterState::CopyFrom(RegisterIndex reg, RegisterState* source) {
register_data_[reg.ToInt()] = source->register_data_[reg.ToInt()];
bool RegisterState::Equals(RegisterIndex reg, RegisterState* other) {
return register_data_[reg.ToInt()] == other->register_data_[reg.ToInt()];
void RegisterState::AddSharedUses(int shared_use_count) {
for (RegisterIndex reg : *this) {
if (HasRegisterData(reg)) {
RegisterState* RegisterState::Clone() {
return zone_->New<RegisterState>(*this);
class RegisterBitVector {
RegisterBitVector() : bits_(0) {}
bool Contains(RegisterIndex reg, MachineRepresentation rep) const {
return bits_ & reg.ToBit(rep);
RegisterIndex GetFirstSet() const {
return RegisterIndex(base::bits::CountTrailingZeros(bits_));
RegisterIndex GetFirstCleared(int max_reg) const {
int reg_index = base::bits::CountTrailingZeros(~bits_);
if (reg_index < max_reg) {
return RegisterIndex(reg_index);
} else {
return RegisterIndex::Invalid();
void Add(RegisterIndex reg, MachineRepresentation rep) {
bits_ |= reg.ToBit(rep);
void Clear(RegisterIndex reg, MachineRepresentation rep) {
bits_ &= ~reg.ToBit(rep);
RegisterBitVector Union(const RegisterBitVector& other) {
return RegisterBitVector(bits_ | other.bits_);
void Reset() { bits_ = 0; }
bool IsEmpty() const { return bits_ == 0; }
explicit RegisterBitVector(uintptr_t bits) : bits_(bits) {}
static_assert(RegisterConfiguration::kMaxRegisters <= sizeof(uintptr_t) * 8,
"Maximum registers must fit in uintptr_t bitmap");
uintptr_t bits_;
// A SinglePassRegisterAllocator is a fast register allocator that does a single
// pass through the instruction stream without performing any live-range
// analysis beforehand. It deals with a single RegisterKind, either general or
// double registers, with the MidTierRegisterAllocator choosing the correct
// SinglePassRegisterAllocator based on a values representation.
class SinglePassRegisterAllocator final {
SinglePassRegisterAllocator(RegisterKind kind,
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
// Convert to / from a register code and a register index.
RegisterIndex FromRegCode(int reg_code, MachineRepresentation rep) const;
int ToRegCode(RegisterIndex index, MachineRepresentation rep) const;
// Allocation routines used to allocate a particular operand to either a
// register or a spill slot.
void AllocateConstantOutput(ConstantOperand* operand);
void AllocateOutput(UnallocatedOperand* operand, int instr_index);
void AllocateInput(UnallocatedOperand* operand, int instr_index);
void AllocateSameInputOutput(UnallocatedOperand* output,
UnallocatedOperand* input, int instr_index);
void AllocateGapMoveInput(UnallocatedOperand* operand, int instr_index);
void AllocateTemp(UnallocatedOperand* operand, int instr_index);
void AllocatePhi(int virtual_register, const InstructionBlock* block);
void AllocatePhiGapMove(int to_vreg, int from_vreg, int instr_index);
// Reserve any fixed registers for the operands on an instruction before doing
// allocation on the operands.
void ReserveFixedInputRegister(const UnallocatedOperand* operand,
int instr_index);
void ReserveFixedTempRegister(const UnallocatedOperand* operand,
int instr_index);
void ReserveFixedOutputRegister(const UnallocatedOperand* operand,
int instr_index);
// Spills all registers that are currently holding data, for example, due to
// an instruction that clobbers all registers.
void SpillAllRegisters();
// Inform the allocator that we are starting / ending a block or ending
// allocation for the current instruction.
void StartBlock(const InstructionBlock* block);
void EndBlock(const InstructionBlock* block);
void EndInstruction();
void UpdateForDeferredBlock(int instr_index);
void AllocateDeferredBlockSpillOutput(int instr_index,
RpoNumber deferred_block,
int virtual_register);
RegisterKind kind() const { return kind_; }
BitVector* assigned_registers() const { return assigned_registers_; }
enum class UsePosition {
// Operand used at start of instruction.
// Operand used at end of instruction.
// Operand is used at both the start and end of instruction.
// Operand is not used in the instruction (used when initializing register
// state on block entry).
// The allocator is initialized without any RegisterState by default to avoid
// having to allocate per-block allocator state for functions that don't
// allocate registers of a particular type. All allocation functions should
// call EnsureRegisterState to allocate a RegisterState if necessary.
void EnsureRegisterState();
// Clone the register state from |successor| into the current register state.
void CloneStateFrom(RpoNumber successor);
// Merge the register state of |successors| into the current register state.
void MergeStateFrom(const InstructionBlock::Successors& successors);
// Spill a register in a previously processed successor block when merging
// state into the current block.
void SpillRegisterAtMerge(RegisterState* reg_state, RegisterIndex reg);
// Introduce a gap move to move |virtual_register| from reg |from| to reg |to|
// on entry to a |successor| block.
void MoveRegisterOnMerge(RegisterIndex from, RegisterIndex to,
int virtual_register, RpoNumber successor,
RegisterState* succ_state);
// Update the virtual register data with the data in register_state()
void UpdateVirtualRegisterState();
// Returns true if |virtual_register| is defined after use position |pos| at
// |instr_index|.
bool DefinedAfter(int virtual_register, int instr_index, UsePosition pos);
// Allocate |reg| to |virtual_register| for |operand| of the instruction at
// |instr_index|. The register will be reserved for this use for the specified
// |pos| use position.
void AllocateUse(RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register,
InstructionOperand* operand, int instr_index,
UsePosition pos);
// Allocate |reg| to |virtual_register| as a pending use (i.e., only if the
// register is not subsequently spilled) for |operand| of the instruction at
// |instr_index|.
void AllocatePendingUse(RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register,
InstructionOperand* operand, int instr_index);
// Allocate |operand| to |reg| and add a gap move to move |virtual_register|
// to this register for the instruction at |instr_index|. |reg| will be
// reserved for this use for the specified |pos| use position.
void AllocateUseWithMove(RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register,
UnallocatedOperand* operand, int instr_index,
UsePosition pos);
void CommitRegister(RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register,
InstructionOperand* operand, UsePosition pos);
void SpillRegister(RegisterIndex reg);
void SpillRegisterForVirtualRegister(int virtual_register);
// Pre-emptively spill the register at the exit of deferred blocks such that
// uses of this register in non-deferred blocks don't need to be spilled.
void SpillRegisterForDeferred(RegisterIndex reg, int instr_index);
// Returns an AllocatedOperand corresponding to the use of |reg| for
// |virtual_register|.
AllocatedOperand AllocatedOperandForReg(RegisterIndex reg,
int virtual_register);
void ReserveFixedRegister(const UnallocatedOperand* operand, int instr_index,
UsePosition pos);
RegisterIndex AllocateOutput(UnallocatedOperand* operand, int instr_index,
UsePosition pos);
void EmitGapMoveFromOutput(InstructionOperand from, InstructionOperand to,
int instr_index);
// Helper functions to choose the best register for a given operand.
V8_INLINE RegisterIndex
ChooseRegisterFor(VirtualRegisterData& virtual_register, int instr_index,
UsePosition pos, bool must_use_register);
V8_INLINE RegisterIndex ChooseRegisterFor(MachineRepresentation rep,
UsePosition pos,
bool must_use_register);
V8_INLINE RegisterIndex ChooseFreeRegister(MachineRepresentation rep,
UsePosition pos);
V8_INLINE RegisterIndex ChooseFreeRegister(
const RegisterBitVector& allocated_regs, MachineRepresentation rep);
V8_INLINE RegisterIndex ChooseRegisterToSpill(MachineRepresentation rep,
UsePosition pos);
// Assign, free and mark use's of |reg| for a |virtual_register| at use
// position |pos|.
V8_INLINE void AssignRegister(RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register,
UsePosition pos);
V8_INLINE void FreeRegister(RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register);
V8_INLINE void MarkRegisterUse(RegisterIndex reg, MachineRepresentation rep,
UsePosition pos);
V8_INLINE RegisterBitVector InUseBitmap(UsePosition pos);
V8_INLINE bool IsValidForRep(RegisterIndex reg, MachineRepresentation rep);
// Return the register allocated to |virtual_register|, if any.
RegisterIndex RegisterForVirtualRegister(int virtual_register);
// Return the virtual register being held by |reg|, or kInvalidVirtualRegister
// if |reg| is unallocated.
int VirtualRegisterForRegister(RegisterIndex reg);
// Returns true if |reg| is unallocated or holds |virtual_register|.
bool IsFreeOrSameVirtualRegister(RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register);
// Returns true if |virtual_register| is unallocated or is allocated to |reg|.
bool VirtualRegisterIsUnallocatedOrInReg(int virtual_register,
RegisterIndex reg);
// Returns a RegisterBitVector representing the allocated registers in
// reg_state.
RegisterBitVector GetAllocatedRegBitVector(RegisterState* reg_state);
// Check the consistency of reg->vreg and vreg->reg mappings if a debug build.
void CheckConsistency();
bool HasRegisterState() const { return register_state_; }
RegisterState* register_state() const {
return register_state_;
VirtualRegisterData& VirtualRegisterDataFor(int virtual_register) const {
return data()->VirtualRegisterDataFor(virtual_register);
MachineRepresentation RepresentationFor(int virtual_register) const {
return data()->RepresentationFor(virtual_register);
int num_allocatable_registers() const { return num_allocatable_registers_; }
const InstructionBlock* current_block() const { return current_block_; }
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data() const { return data_; }
// Virtual register to register mapping.
ZoneVector<RegisterIndex> virtual_register_to_reg_;
// Current register state during allocation.
RegisterState* register_state_;
// The current block being processed.
const InstructionBlock* current_block_;
const RegisterKind kind_;
const int num_allocatable_registers_;
ZoneVector<RegisterIndex> reg_code_to_index_;
const int* index_to_reg_code_;
BitVector* assigned_registers_;
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data_;
RegisterBitVector in_use_at_instr_start_bits_;
RegisterBitVector in_use_at_instr_end_bits_;
RegisterBitVector allocated_registers_bits_;
// These fields are only used when kSimpleFPAliasing == false.
base::Optional<ZoneVector<RegisterIndex>> float32_reg_code_to_index_;
base::Optional<ZoneVector<int>> index_to_float32_reg_code_;
base::Optional<ZoneVector<RegisterIndex>> simd128_reg_code_to_index_;
base::Optional<ZoneVector<int>> index_to_simd128_reg_code_;
RegisterKind kind, MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data)
: virtual_register_to_reg_(data->code()->VirtualRegisterCount(),
GetAllocatableRegisterCount(data->config(), kind)),
reg_code_to_index_(GetRegisterCount(data->config(), kind),
index_to_reg_code_(GetAllocatableRegisterCodes(data->config(), kind)),
GetRegisterCount(data->config(), kind), data->code_zone())),
allocated_registers_bits_() {
for (int i = 0; i < num_allocatable_registers_; i++) {
int reg_code = index_to_reg_code_[i];
reg_code_to_index_[reg_code] = RegisterIndex(i);
// If the architecture has non-simple FP aliasing, initialize float and
// simd128 specific register details.
if (!kSimpleFPAliasing && kind == RegisterKind::kDouble) {
const RegisterConfiguration* config = data->config();
// Float registers.
index_to_float32_reg_code_.emplace(num_allocatable_registers_, -1,
for (int i = 0; i < config->num_allocatable_float_registers(); i++) {
int reg_code = config->allocatable_float_codes()[i];
// Only add even float register codes to avoid overlapping multiple float
// registers on each RegisterIndex.
if (reg_code % 2 != 0) continue;
int double_reg_base_code;
CHECK_EQ(1, config->GetAliases(MachineRepresentation::kFloat32, reg_code,
RegisterIndex double_reg(reg_code_to_index_[double_reg_base_code]);
float32_reg_code_to_index_->at(reg_code) = double_reg;
index_to_float32_reg_code_->at(double_reg.ToInt()) = reg_code;
// Simd128 registers.
index_to_simd128_reg_code_.emplace(num_allocatable_registers_, -1,
for (int i = 0; i < config->num_allocatable_simd128_registers(); i++) {
int reg_code = config->allocatable_simd128_codes()[i];
int double_reg_base_code;
CHECK_EQ(2, config->GetAliases(MachineRepresentation::kSimd128, reg_code,
RegisterIndex double_reg(reg_code_to_index_[double_reg_base_code]);
simd128_reg_code_to_index_->at(reg_code) = double_reg;
index_to_simd128_reg_code_->at(double_reg.ToInt()) = reg_code;
int SinglePassRegisterAllocator::VirtualRegisterForRegister(RegisterIndex reg) {
return register_state()->VirtualRegisterForRegister(reg);
RegisterIndex SinglePassRegisterAllocator::RegisterForVirtualRegister(
int virtual_register) {
DCHECK_NE(virtual_register, InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister);
return virtual_register_to_reg_[virtual_register];
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::UpdateForDeferredBlock(int instr_index) {
if (!HasRegisterState()) return;
for (RegisterIndex reg : *register_state()) {
SpillRegisterForDeferred(reg, instr_index);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::EndInstruction() {
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::StartBlock(const InstructionBlock* block) {
// Update the current block we are processing.
current_block_ = block;
if (block->SuccessorCount() == 1) {
// If we have only a single successor, we can directly clone our state
// from that successor.
} else if (block->SuccessorCount() > 1) {
// If we have multiple successors, merge the state from all the successors
// into our block.
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::EndBlock(const InstructionBlock* block) {
// If we didn't allocate any registers of this kind, or we have reached the
// start, nothing to do here.
if (!HasRegisterState() || block->PredecessorCount() == 0) {
current_block_ = nullptr;
if (block->PredecessorCount() > 1) {
static_cast<int>(block->PredecessorCount()) - 1);
BlockState& block_state = data()->block_state(block->rpo_number());
block_state.set_register_in_state(register_state(), kind());
// Remove virtual register to register mappings and clear register state.
// We will update the register state when starting the next block.
while (!allocated_registers_bits_.IsEmpty()) {
RegisterIndex reg = allocated_registers_bits_.GetFirstSet();
FreeRegister(reg, VirtualRegisterForRegister(reg));
current_block_ = nullptr;
register_state_ = nullptr;
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::CloneStateFrom(RpoNumber successor) {
BlockState& block_state = data()->block_state(successor);
RegisterState* successor_registers = block_state.register_in_state(kind());
if (successor_registers != nullptr) {
if (data()->GetBlock(successor)->PredecessorCount() == 1) {
// Avoids cloning for successors where we are the only predecessor.
register_state_ = successor_registers;
} else {
register_state_ = successor_registers->Clone();
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::MergeStateFrom(
const InstructionBlock::Successors& successors) {
for (RpoNumber successor : successors) {
BlockState& block_state = data()->block_state(successor);
RegisterState* successor_registers = block_state.register_in_state(kind());
if (successor_registers == nullptr) {
if (register_state_ == nullptr) {
// If we haven't merged any register state yet, just use successor's
// register directly.
register_state_ = successor_registers;
} else {
// Otherwise try to merge our state with the existing state.
RegisterBitVector processed_regs;
RegisterBitVector succ_allocated_regs =
for (RegisterIndex reg : *successor_registers) {
// If |reg| isn't allocated in successor registers, nothing to do.
if (!successor_registers->IsAllocated(reg)) continue;
int virtual_register =
MachineRepresentation rep = RepresentationFor(virtual_register);
// If we have already processed |reg|, e.g., adding gap move to that
// register, then we can continue.
if (processed_regs.Contains(reg, rep)) continue;
processed_regs.Add(reg, rep);
if (register_state()->IsAllocated(reg)) {
if (successor_registers->Equals(reg, register_state())) {
// Both match, keep the merged register data.
} else {
// Try to find a new register for this successor register in the
// merge block, and add a gap move on entry of the successor block.
RegisterIndex new_reg =
if (!new_reg.is_valid()) {
new_reg = ChooseFreeRegister(
allocated_registers_bits_.Union(succ_allocated_regs), rep);
} else if (new_reg != reg) {
// Spill the |new_reg| in the successor block to be able to use it
// for this gap move. It would be spilled anyway since it contains
// a different virtual register than the merge block.
SpillRegisterAtMerge(successor_registers, new_reg);
if (new_reg.is_valid()) {
MoveRegisterOnMerge(new_reg, reg, virtual_register, successor,
processed_regs.Add(new_reg, rep);
} else {
SpillRegisterAtMerge(successor_registers, reg);
} else {
if (RegisterForVirtualRegister(virtual_register).is_valid()) {
// If we already hold the virtual register in a different register
// then spill this register in the sucessor block to avoid
// invalidating the 1:1 vreg<->reg mapping.
// TODO(rmcilroy): Add a gap move to avoid spilling.
SpillRegisterAtMerge(successor_registers, reg);
} else {
// Register is free in our current register state, so merge the
// successor block's register details into it.
register_state()->CopyFrom(reg, successor_registers);
AssignRegister(reg, virtual_register, UsePosition::kNone);
RegisterBitVector SinglePassRegisterAllocator::GetAllocatedRegBitVector(
RegisterState* reg_state) {
RegisterBitVector allocated_regs;
for (RegisterIndex reg : *reg_state) {
if (reg_state->IsAllocated(reg)) {
int virtual_register = reg_state->VirtualRegisterForRegister(reg);
allocated_regs.Add(reg, RepresentationFor(virtual_register));
return allocated_regs;
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::SpillRegisterAtMerge(RegisterState* reg_state,
RegisterIndex reg) {
DCHECK_NE(reg_state, register_state());
if (reg_state->IsAllocated(reg)) {
int virtual_register = reg_state->VirtualRegisterForRegister(reg);
AllocatedOperand allocated = AllocatedOperandForReg(reg, virtual_register);
reg_state->Spill(reg, allocated, current_block(), data());
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::MoveRegisterOnMerge(
RegisterIndex from, RegisterIndex to, int virtual_register,
RpoNumber successor, RegisterState* succ_state) {
int instr_index = data()->GetBlock(successor)->first_instruction_index();
MoveOperands* move =
data()->AddPendingOperandGapMove(instr_index, Instruction::START);
succ_state->Commit(to, AllocatedOperandForReg(to, virtual_register),
&move->destination(), data());
AllocatePendingUse(from, virtual_register, &move->source(), instr_index);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::UpdateVirtualRegisterState() {
// Update to the new register state and update vreg_to_register map and
// resetting any shared registers that were spilled by another block.
for (RegisterIndex reg : *register_state()) {
int virtual_register = VirtualRegisterForRegister(reg);
if (virtual_register != InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister) {
AssignRegister(reg, virtual_register, UsePosition::kNone);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::CheckConsistency() {
#ifdef DEBUG
for (int virtual_register = 0;
virtual_register < data()->code()->VirtualRegisterCount();
virtual_register++) {
RegisterIndex reg = RegisterForVirtualRegister(virtual_register);
if (reg.is_valid()) {
CHECK_EQ(virtual_register, VirtualRegisterForRegister(reg));
reg, RepresentationFor(virtual_register)));
for (RegisterIndex reg : *register_state()) {
int virtual_register = VirtualRegisterForRegister(reg);
if (virtual_register != InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister) {
CHECK_EQ(reg, RegisterForVirtualRegister(virtual_register));
reg, RepresentationFor(virtual_register)));
RegisterIndex SinglePassRegisterAllocator::FromRegCode(
int reg_code, MachineRepresentation rep) const {
if (!kSimpleFPAliasing && kind() == RegisterKind::kDouble) {
if (rep == MachineRepresentation::kFloat32) {
return RegisterIndex(float32_reg_code_to_index_->at(reg_code));
} else if (rep == MachineRepresentation::kSimd128) {
return RegisterIndex(simd128_reg_code_to_index_->at(reg_code));
DCHECK_EQ(rep, MachineRepresentation::kFloat64);
return RegisterIndex(reg_code_to_index_[reg_code]);
int SinglePassRegisterAllocator::ToRegCode(RegisterIndex reg,
MachineRepresentation rep) const {
if (!kSimpleFPAliasing && kind() == RegisterKind::kDouble) {
if (rep == MachineRepresentation::kFloat32) {
DCHECK_NE(-1, index_to_float32_reg_code_->at(reg.ToInt()));
return index_to_float32_reg_code_->at(reg.ToInt());
} else if (rep == MachineRepresentation::kSimd128) {
DCHECK_NE(-1, index_to_simd128_reg_code_->at(reg.ToInt()));
return index_to_simd128_reg_code_->at(reg.ToInt());
DCHECK_EQ(rep, MachineRepresentation::kFloat64);
return index_to_reg_code_[reg.ToInt()];
bool SinglePassRegisterAllocator::VirtualRegisterIsUnallocatedOrInReg(
int virtual_register, RegisterIndex reg) {
RegisterIndex existing_reg = RegisterForVirtualRegister(virtual_register);
return !existing_reg.is_valid() || existing_reg == reg;
bool SinglePassRegisterAllocator::IsFreeOrSameVirtualRegister(
RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register) {
int allocated_vreg = VirtualRegisterForRegister(reg);
return allocated_vreg == InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister ||
allocated_vreg == virtual_register;
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::EmitGapMoveFromOutput(InstructionOperand from,
InstructionOperand to,
int instr_index) {
const InstructionBlock* block = current_block();
DCHECK_EQ(data()->GetBlock(instr_index), block);
if (instr_index == block->last_instruction_index()) {
// Add gap move to the first instruction of every successor block.
for (const RpoNumber succ : block->successors()) {
const InstructionBlock* successor = data()->GetBlock(succ);
DCHECK_EQ(1, successor->PredecessorCount());
Instruction::START, from, to);
} else {
data()->AddGapMove(instr_index + 1, Instruction::START, from, to);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::AssignRegister(RegisterIndex reg,
int virtual_register,
UsePosition pos) {
MachineRepresentation rep = RepresentationFor(virtual_register);
assigned_registers()->Add(ToRegCode(reg, rep));
allocated_registers_bits_.Add(reg, rep);
MarkRegisterUse(reg, rep, pos);
if (virtual_register != InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister) {
virtual_register_to_reg_[virtual_register] = reg;
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::MarkRegisterUse(RegisterIndex reg,
MachineRepresentation rep,
UsePosition pos) {
if (pos == UsePosition::kStart || pos == UsePosition::kAll) {
in_use_at_instr_start_bits_.Add(reg, rep);
if (pos == UsePosition::kEnd || pos == UsePosition::kAll) {
in_use_at_instr_end_bits_.Add(reg, rep);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::FreeRegister(RegisterIndex reg,
int virtual_register) {
allocated_registers_bits_.Clear(reg, RepresentationFor(virtual_register));
if (virtual_register != InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister) {
virtual_register_to_reg_[virtual_register] = RegisterIndex::Invalid();
RegisterIndex SinglePassRegisterAllocator::ChooseRegisterFor(
VirtualRegisterData& virtual_register, int instr_index, UsePosition pos,
bool must_use_register) {
// If register is already allocated to the virtual register, use that.
RegisterIndex reg = RegisterForVirtualRegister(virtual_register.vreg());
// If we don't need a register, only try to allocate one if the virtual
// register hasn't yet been spilled, to try to avoid spilling it.
if (!reg.is_valid() && (must_use_register ||
!virtual_register.IsSpilledAt(instr_index, data()))) {
reg = ChooseRegisterFor(RepresentationFor(virtual_register.vreg()), pos,
return reg;
RegisterIndex SinglePassRegisterAllocator::ChooseRegisterFor(
MachineRepresentation rep, UsePosition pos, bool must_use_register) {
RegisterIndex reg = ChooseFreeRegister(rep, pos);
if (!reg.is_valid() && must_use_register) {
reg = ChooseRegisterToSpill(rep, pos);
return reg;
RegisterBitVector SinglePassRegisterAllocator::InUseBitmap(UsePosition pos) {
switch (pos) {
case UsePosition::kStart:
return in_use_at_instr_start_bits_;
case UsePosition::kEnd:
return in_use_at_instr_end_bits_;
case UsePosition::kAll:
return in_use_at_instr_start_bits_.Union(in_use_at_instr_end_bits_);
case UsePosition::kNone:
bool SinglePassRegisterAllocator::IsValidForRep(RegisterIndex reg,
MachineRepresentation rep) {
if (kSimpleFPAliasing || kind() == RegisterKind::kGeneral) {
return true;
} else {
switch (rep) {
case MachineRepresentation::kFloat32:
return index_to_float32_reg_code_->at(reg.ToInt()) != -1;
case MachineRepresentation::kFloat64:
return true;
case MachineRepresentation::kSimd128:
return index_to_simd128_reg_code_->at(reg.ToInt()) != -1;
RegisterIndex SinglePassRegisterAllocator::ChooseFreeRegister(
MachineRepresentation rep, UsePosition pos) {
// Take the first free, non-blocked register, if available.
// TODO(rmcilroy): Consider a better heuristic.
RegisterBitVector allocated_or_in_use =
return ChooseFreeRegister(allocated_or_in_use, rep);
RegisterIndex SinglePassRegisterAllocator::ChooseFreeRegister(
const RegisterBitVector& allocated_regs, MachineRepresentation rep) {
RegisterIndex chosen_reg = RegisterIndex::Invalid();
if (kSimpleFPAliasing || kind() == RegisterKind::kGeneral) {
chosen_reg = allocated_regs.GetFirstCleared(num_allocatable_registers());
} else {
// If we don't have simple fp aliasing, we need to check each register
// individually to get one with the required representation.
for (RegisterIndex reg : *register_state()) {
if (IsValidForRep(reg, rep) && !allocated_regs.Contains(reg, rep)) {
chosen_reg = reg;
DCHECK_IMPLIES(chosen_reg.is_valid(), IsValidForRep(chosen_reg, rep));
return chosen_reg;
RegisterIndex SinglePassRegisterAllocator::ChooseRegisterToSpill(
MachineRepresentation rep, UsePosition pos) {
RegisterBitVector in_use = InUseBitmap(pos);
// Choose a register that will need to be spilled. Preferentially choose:
// - A register with only pending uses, to avoid having to add a gap move for
// a non-pending use.
// - A register holding a virtual register that has already been spilled, to
// avoid adding a new gap move to spill the virtual register when it is
// output.
// - Prefer the register holding the virtual register with the earliest
// definition point, since it is more likely to be spilled anyway.
RegisterIndex chosen_reg;
int earliest_definition = kMaxInt;
bool pending_only_use = false;
bool already_spilled = false;
for (RegisterIndex reg : *register_state()) {
// Skip if register is in use, or not valid for representation.
if (!IsValidForRep(reg, rep) || in_use.Contains(reg, rep)) continue;
VirtualRegisterData& vreg_data =
if ((!pending_only_use && register_state()->HasPendingUsesOnly(reg)) ||
(!already_spilled && vreg_data.HasSpillOperand()) ||
vreg_data.output_instr_index() < earliest_definition) {
chosen_reg = reg;
earliest_definition = vreg_data.output_instr_index();
pending_only_use = register_state()->HasPendingUsesOnly(reg);
already_spilled = vreg_data.HasSpillOperand();
// There should always be an unblocked register available.
DCHECK(IsValidForRep(chosen_reg, rep));
return chosen_reg;
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::CommitRegister(RegisterIndex reg,
int virtual_register,
InstructionOperand* operand,
UsePosition pos) {
// Committing the output operation, and mark the register use in this
// instruction, then mark it as free going forward.
AllocatedOperand allocated = AllocatedOperandForReg(reg, virtual_register);
register_state()->Commit(reg, allocated, operand, data());
MarkRegisterUse(reg, RepresentationFor(virtual_register), pos);
FreeRegister(reg, virtual_register);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::SpillRegister(RegisterIndex reg) {
if (!register_state()->IsAllocated(reg)) return;
// Spill the register and free register.
int virtual_register = VirtualRegisterForRegister(reg);
AllocatedOperand allocated = AllocatedOperandForReg(reg, virtual_register);
register_state()->Spill(reg, allocated, current_block(), data());
FreeRegister(reg, virtual_register);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::SpillAllRegisters() {
if (!HasRegisterState()) return;
for (RegisterIndex reg : *register_state()) {
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::SpillRegisterForVirtualRegister(
int virtual_register) {
DCHECK_NE(virtual_register, InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister);
RegisterIndex reg = RegisterForVirtualRegister(virtual_register);
if (reg.is_valid()) {
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::SpillRegisterForDeferred(RegisterIndex reg,
int instr_index) {
// Committing the output operation, and mark the register use in this
// instruction, then mark it as free going forward.
if (register_state()->IsAllocated(reg) && register_state()->IsShared(reg)) {
int virtual_register = VirtualRegisterForRegister(reg);
AllocatedOperand allocated = AllocatedOperandForReg(reg, virtual_register);
register_state()->SpillForDeferred(reg, allocated, instr_index, data());
FreeRegister(reg, virtual_register);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::AllocateDeferredBlockSpillOutput(
int instr_index, RpoNumber deferred_block, int virtual_register) {
VirtualRegisterData& vreg_data =
if (!vreg_data.NeedsSpillAtOutput() &&
!DefinedAfter(virtual_register, instr_index, UsePosition::kEnd)) {
// If a register has been assigned to the virtual register, and the virtual
// register still doesn't need to be spilled at it's output, and add a
// pending move to output the virtual register to it's spill slot on entry
// of the deferred block (to avoid spilling on in non-deferred code).
// TODO(rmcilroy): Consider assigning a register even if the virtual
// register isn't yet assigned - currently doing this regresses performance.
RegisterIndex reg = RegisterForVirtualRegister(virtual_register);
if (reg.is_valid()) {
int deferred_block_start =
register_state()->MoveToSpillSlotOnDeferred(reg, virtual_register,
deferred_block_start, data());
} else {
AllocatedOperand SinglePassRegisterAllocator::AllocatedOperandForReg(
RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register) {
MachineRepresentation rep = RepresentationFor(virtual_register);
return AllocatedOperand(AllocatedOperand::REGISTER, rep, ToRegCode(reg, rep));
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::AllocateUse(RegisterIndex reg,
int virtual_register,
InstructionOperand* operand,
int instr_index,
UsePosition pos) {
DCHECK_NE(virtual_register, InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister);
DCHECK(IsFreeOrSameVirtualRegister(reg, virtual_register));
AllocatedOperand allocated = AllocatedOperandForReg(reg, virtual_register);
register_state()->Commit(reg, allocated, operand, data());
register_state()->AllocateUse(reg, virtual_register, operand, instr_index,
AssignRegister(reg, virtual_register, pos);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::AllocatePendingUse(
RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register, InstructionOperand* operand,
int instr_index) {
DCHECK_NE(virtual_register, InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister);
DCHECK(IsFreeOrSameVirtualRegister(reg, virtual_register));
register_state()->AllocatePendingUse(reg, virtual_register, operand,
// Since this is a pending use and the operand doesn't need to use a register,
// allocate with UsePosition::kNone to avoid blocking it's use by other
// operands in this instruction.
AssignRegister(reg, virtual_register, UsePosition::kNone);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::AllocateUseWithMove(
RegisterIndex reg, int virtual_register, UnallocatedOperand* operand,
int instr_index, UsePosition pos) {
AllocatedOperand to = AllocatedOperandForReg(reg, virtual_register);
UnallocatedOperand from = UnallocatedOperand(
UnallocatedOperand::REGISTER_OR_SLOT, virtual_register);
data()->AddGapMove(instr_index, Instruction::END, from, to);
InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(operand, &to);
MarkRegisterUse(reg, RepresentationFor(virtual_register), pos);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::AllocateInput(UnallocatedOperand* operand,
int instr_index) {
int virtual_register = operand->virtual_register();
MachineRepresentation rep = RepresentationFor(virtual_register);
VirtualRegisterData& vreg_data = VirtualRegisterDataFor(virtual_register);
// Spill slot policy operands.
if (operand->HasFixedSlotPolicy()) {
// If the operand is from a fixed slot, allocate it to that fixed slot,
// then add a gap move from an unconstrained copy of that input operand,
// and spill the gap move's input operand.
// TODO(rmcilroy): We could allocate a register for the gap move however
// we would need to wait until we've done all the allocations for the
// instruction since the allocation needs to reflect the state before
// the instruction (at the gap move). For now spilling is fine since
// fixed slot inputs are uncommon.
UnallocatedOperand input_copy(UnallocatedOperand::REGISTER_OR_SLOT,
AllocatedOperand allocated = AllocatedOperand(
AllocatedOperand::STACK_SLOT, rep, operand->fixed_slot_index());
InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(operand, &allocated);
MoveOperands* move_op =
data()->AddGapMove(instr_index, Instruction::END, input_copy, *operand);
vreg_data.SpillOperand(&move_op->source(), instr_index, data());
} else if (operand->HasSlotPolicy()) {
vreg_data.SpillOperand(operand, instr_index, data());
// Otherwise try to allocate a register for the operation.
UsePosition pos =
operand->IsUsedAtStart() ? UsePosition::kStart : UsePosition::kAll;
if (operand->HasFixedRegisterPolicy() ||
operand->HasFixedFPRegisterPolicy()) {
// With a fixed register operand, we must use that register.
RegisterIndex reg = FromRegCode(operand->fixed_register_index(), rep);
if (!VirtualRegisterIsUnallocatedOrInReg(virtual_register, reg)) {
// If the virtual register is already in a different register, then just
// add a gap move from that register to the fixed register.
AllocateUseWithMove(reg, virtual_register, operand, instr_index, pos);
} else {
// Otherwise allocate a use of the fixed register for |virtual_register|.
AllocateUse(reg, virtual_register, operand, instr_index, pos);
} else {
bool must_use_register = operand->HasRegisterPolicy() ||
(vreg_data.is_constant() &&
RegisterIndex reg =
ChooseRegisterFor(vreg_data, instr_index, pos, must_use_register);
if (reg.is_valid()) {
if (must_use_register) {
AllocateUse(reg, virtual_register, operand, instr_index, pos);
} else {
AllocatePendingUse(reg, virtual_register, operand, instr_index);
} else {
vreg_data.SpillOperand(operand, instr_index, data());
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::AllocateGapMoveInput(
UnallocatedOperand* operand, int instr_index) {
int virtual_register = operand->virtual_register();
VirtualRegisterData& vreg_data = VirtualRegisterDataFor(virtual_register);
// Gap move inputs should be unconstrained.
RegisterIndex reg =
ChooseRegisterFor(vreg_data, instr_index, UsePosition::kStart, false);
if (reg.is_valid()) {
AllocatePendingUse(reg, virtual_register, operand, instr_index);
} else {
vreg_data.SpillOperand(operand, instr_index, data());
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::AllocateConstantOutput(
ConstantOperand* operand) {
// If the constant is allocated to a register, spill it now to add the
// necessary gap moves from the constant operand to the register.
int virtual_register = operand->virtual_register();
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::AllocateOutput(UnallocatedOperand* operand,
int instr_index) {
AllocateOutput(operand, instr_index, UsePosition::kEnd);
RegisterIndex SinglePassRegisterAllocator::AllocateOutput(
UnallocatedOperand* operand, int instr_index, UsePosition pos) {
int virtual_register = operand->virtual_register();
VirtualRegisterData& vreg_data = VirtualRegisterDataFor(virtual_register);
RegisterIndex reg;
if (operand->HasSlotPolicy() || operand->HasFixedSlotPolicy()) {
// We can't allocate a register for output given the policy, so make sure
// to spill the register holding this virtual register if any.
reg = RegisterIndex::Invalid();
} else if (operand->HasFixedPolicy()) {
reg = FromRegCode(operand->fixed_register_index(),
} else {
reg = ChooseRegisterFor(vreg_data, instr_index, pos,
// TODO(rmcilroy): support secondary storage.
if (!reg.is_valid()) {
vreg_data.SpillOperand(operand, instr_index, data());
} else {
InstructionOperand move_output_to;
if (!VirtualRegisterIsUnallocatedOrInReg(virtual_register, reg)) {
// If the |virtual register| was in a different register (e.g., due to
// the output having a fixed register), then commit its use in that
// register here, and move it from the output operand below.
RegisterIndex existing_reg = RegisterForVirtualRegister(virtual_register);
// Don't mark |existing_reg| as used in this instruction, since it is used
// in the (already allocated) following instruction's gap-move.
CommitRegister(existing_reg, virtual_register, &move_output_to,
CommitRegister(reg, virtual_register, operand, pos);
if (move_output_to.IsAllocated()) {
// Emit a move from output to the register that the |virtual_register| was
// allocated to.
EmitGapMoveFromOutput(*operand, move_output_to, instr_index);
if (vreg_data.NeedsSpillAtOutput()) {
*AllocatedOperand::cast(operand), current_block(), instr_index,
} else if (vreg_data.NeedsSpillAtDeferredBlocks()) {
return reg;
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::AllocateSameInputOutput(
UnallocatedOperand* output, UnallocatedOperand* input, int instr_index) {
int input_vreg = input->virtual_register();
int output_vreg = output->virtual_register();
// The input operand has the details of the register constraints, so replace
// the output operand with a copy of the input, with the output's vreg.
UnallocatedOperand output_as_input(*input, output_vreg);
InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(output, &output_as_input);
RegisterIndex reg = AllocateOutput(output, instr_index, UsePosition::kAll);
if (reg.is_valid()) {
// Replace the input operand with an unallocated fixed register policy for
// the same register.
UnallocatedOperand::ExtendedPolicy policy =
kind() == RegisterKind::kGeneral
? UnallocatedOperand::FIXED_REGISTER
: UnallocatedOperand::FIXED_FP_REGISTER;
MachineRepresentation rep = RepresentationFor(input_vreg);
UnallocatedOperand fixed_input(policy, ToRegCode(reg, rep), input_vreg);
InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(input, &fixed_input);
} else {
// Output was spilled. Due to the SameAsInput allocation policy, we need to
// make the input operand the same as the output, i.e., the output virtual
// register's spill slot. As such, spill this input operand using the output
// virtual register's spill slot, then add a gap-move to move the input
// value into this spill slot.
VirtualRegisterData& output_vreg_data = VirtualRegisterDataFor(output_vreg);
output_vreg_data.SpillOperand(input, instr_index, data());
// Add an unconstrained gap move for the input virtual register.
UnallocatedOperand unconstrained_input(UnallocatedOperand::REGISTER_OR_SLOT,
MoveOperands* move_ops = data()->AddGapMove(
instr_index, Instruction::END, unconstrained_input, PendingOperand());
output_vreg_data.SpillOperand(&move_ops->destination(), instr_index,
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::AllocateTemp(UnallocatedOperand* operand,
int instr_index) {
int virtual_register = operand->virtual_register();
RegisterIndex reg;
if (operand->HasSlotPolicy()) {
reg = RegisterIndex::Invalid();
} else if (operand->HasFixedRegisterPolicy() ||
operand->HasFixedFPRegisterPolicy()) {
reg = FromRegCode(operand->fixed_register_index(),
} else {
reg = ChooseRegisterFor(RepresentationFor(virtual_register),
UsePosition::kAll, operand->HasRegisterPolicy());
if (reg.is_valid()) {
DCHECK(virtual_register == InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister ||
VirtualRegisterIsUnallocatedOrInReg(virtual_register, reg));
CommitRegister(reg, virtual_register, operand, UsePosition::kAll);
} else {
VirtualRegisterData& vreg_data = VirtualRegisterDataFor(virtual_register);
vreg_data.SpillOperand(operand, instr_index, data());
bool SinglePassRegisterAllocator::DefinedAfter(int virtual_register,
int instr_index,
UsePosition pos) {
if (virtual_register == InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister)
return false;
int defined_at =
return defined_at > instr_index ||
(defined_at == instr_index && pos == UsePosition::kStart);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::ReserveFixedInputRegister(
const UnallocatedOperand* operand, int instr_index) {
operand, instr_index,
operand->IsUsedAtStart() ? UsePosition::kStart : UsePosition::kAll);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::ReserveFixedTempRegister(
const UnallocatedOperand* operand, int instr_index) {
ReserveFixedRegister(operand, instr_index, UsePosition::kAll);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::ReserveFixedOutputRegister(
const UnallocatedOperand* operand, int instr_index) {
ReserveFixedRegister(operand, instr_index, UsePosition::kEnd);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::ReserveFixedRegister(
const UnallocatedOperand* operand, int instr_index, UsePosition pos) {
int virtual_register = operand->virtual_register();
MachineRepresentation rep = RepresentationFor(virtual_register);
RegisterIndex reg = FromRegCode(operand->fixed_register_index(), rep);
if (!IsFreeOrSameVirtualRegister(reg, virtual_register) &&
!DefinedAfter(virtual_register, instr_index, pos)) {
// If register is in-use by a different virtual register, spill it now.
// TODO(rmcilroy): Consider moving to a unconstrained register instead of
// spilling.
MarkRegisterUse(reg, rep, pos);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::AllocatePhiGapMove(int to_vreg, int from_vreg,
int instr_index) {
RegisterIndex from_register = RegisterForVirtualRegister(from_vreg);
RegisterIndex to_register = RegisterForVirtualRegister(to_vreg);
// If to_register isn't marked as a phi gap move, we can't use it as such.
if (to_register.is_valid() && !register_state()->IsPhiGapMove(to_register)) {
to_register = RegisterIndex::Invalid();
if (to_register.is_valid() && !from_register.is_valid()) {
// If |to| virtual register is allocated to a register, and the |from|
// virtual register isn't allocated, then commit this register and
// re-allocate it to the |from| virtual register.
InstructionOperand operand;
CommitRegister(to_register, to_vreg, &operand, UsePosition::kAll);
AllocateUse(to_register, from_vreg, &operand, instr_index,
} else {
// Otherwise add a gap move.
MoveOperands* move =
data()->AddPendingOperandGapMove(instr_index, Instruction::END);
PendingOperand* to_operand = PendingOperand::cast(&move->destination());
PendingOperand* from_operand = PendingOperand::cast(&move->source());
// Commit the |to| side to either a register or the pending spills.
if (to_register.is_valid()) {
CommitRegister(to_register, to_vreg, to_operand, UsePosition::kAll);
} else {
VirtualRegisterDataFor(to_vreg).SpillOperand(to_operand, instr_index,
// The from side is unconstrained.
UnallocatedOperand unconstrained_input(UnallocatedOperand::REGISTER_OR_SLOT,
InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(from_operand, &unconstrained_input);
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::AllocatePhi(int virtual_register,
const InstructionBlock* block) {
VirtualRegisterData& vreg_data = VirtualRegisterDataFor(virtual_register);
if (vreg_data.NeedsSpillAtOutput() || block->IsLoopHeader()) {
// If the Phi needs to be spilled, just spill here directly so that all
// gap moves into the Phi move into the spill slot.
} else {
RegisterIndex reg = RegisterForVirtualRegister(virtual_register);
if (reg.is_valid()) {
// If the register is valid, assign it as a phi gap move to be processed
// at the successor blocks. If no register or spill slot was used then
// the virtual register was never used.
void SinglePassRegisterAllocator::EnsureRegisterState() {
if (!HasRegisterState()) {
register_state_ = RegisterState::New(kind(), num_allocatable_registers_,
class MidTierOutputProcessor final {
explicit MidTierOutputProcessor(MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
void InitializeBlockState(const InstructionBlock* block);
void DefineOutputs(const InstructionBlock* block);
void PopulateDeferredBlockRegion(RpoNumber initial_block);
VirtualRegisterData& VirtualRegisterDataFor(int virtual_register) const {
return data()->VirtualRegisterDataFor(virtual_register);
MachineRepresentation RepresentationFor(int virtual_register) const {
return data()->RepresentationFor(virtual_register);
bool IsDeferredBlockBoundary(const ZoneVector<RpoNumber>& blocks) {
return blocks.size() == 1 && !data()->GetBlock(blocks[0])->IsDeferred();
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data() const { return data_; }
InstructionSequence* code() const { return data()->code(); }
Zone* zone() const { return data()->allocation_zone(); }
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* const data_;
ZoneQueue<RpoNumber> deferred_blocks_worklist_;
ZoneSet<RpoNumber> deferred_blocks_processed_;
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data)
: data_(data),
deferred_blocks_processed_(data->allocation_zone()) {}
void MidTierOutputProcessor::PopulateDeferredBlockRegion(
RpoNumber initial_block) {
DeferredBlocksRegion* deferred_blocks_region =
while (!deferred_blocks_worklist_.empty()) {
RpoNumber current = deferred_blocks_worklist_.front();
deferred_blocks_region->AddBlock(current, data());
const InstructionBlock* curr_block = data()->GetBlock(current);
// Check for whether the predecessor blocks are still deferred.
if (IsDeferredBlockBoundary(curr_block->predecessors())) {
// If not, mark the predecessor as having a deferred successor.
} else {
// Otherwise process predecessors.
for (RpoNumber pred : curr_block->predecessors()) {
if (deferred_blocks_processed_.count(pred) == 0) {
// Check for whether the successor blocks are still deferred.
// Process any unprocessed successors if we aren't at a boundary.
if (IsDeferredBlockBoundary(curr_block->successors())) {
// If not, mark the predecessor as having a deferred successor.
} else {
// Otherwise process successors.
for (RpoNumber succ : curr_block->successors()) {
if (deferred_blocks_processed_.count(succ) == 0) {
void MidTierOutputProcessor::InitializeBlockState(
const InstructionBlock* block) {
// Update our predecessor blocks with their successors_phi_index if we have
// phis.
if (block->phis().size()) {
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(block->PredecessorCount()); ++i) {
BlockState& block_state = data()->block_state(block->rpo_number());
if (block->IsDeferred() && !block_state.deferred_blocks_region()) {
// Mark this block as dominating itself.
if (block->dominator().IsValid()) {
// Add all the blocks this block dominates to its dominator.
BlockState& dominator_block_state = data()->block_state(block->dominator());
} else {
// Only the first block shouldn't have a dominator.
DCHECK_EQ(block, code()->instruction_blocks().front());
void MidTierOutputProcessor::DefineOutputs(const InstructionBlock* block) {
int block_start = block->first_instruction_index();
bool is_deferred = block->IsDeferred();
for (int index = block->last_instruction_index(); index >= block_start;
index--) {
Instruction* instr = code()->InstructionAt(index);
// For each instruction, define details of the output with the associated
// virtual register data.
for (size_t i = 0; i < instr->OutputCount(); i++) {
InstructionOperand* output = instr->OutputAt(i);
if (output->IsConstant()) {
ConstantOperand* constant_operand = ConstantOperand::cast(output);
int virtual_register = constant_operand->virtual_register();
.DefineAsConstantOperand(constant_operand, index, is_deferred);
} else {
UnallocatedOperand* unallocated_operand =
int virtual_register = unallocated_operand->virtual_register();
bool is_exceptional_call_output =
instr->IsCallWithDescriptorFlags() &&
if (unallocated_operand->HasFixedSlotPolicy()) {
// If output has a fixed slot policy, allocate its spill operand now
// so that the register allocator can use this knowledge.
MachineRepresentation rep = RepresentationFor(virtual_register);
AllocatedOperand* fixed_spill_operand =
AllocatedOperand::New(zone(), AllocatedOperand::STACK_SLOT, rep,
.DefineAsFixedSpillOperand(fixed_spill_operand, virtual_register,
index, is_deferred,
} else {
.DefineAsUnallocatedOperand(virtual_register, index, is_deferred,
// Mark any instructions that require reference maps for later reference map
// processing.
if (instr->HasReferenceMap()) {
// Define phi output operands.
for (PhiInstruction* phi : block->phis()) {
int virtual_register = phi->virtual_register();
.DefineAsPhi(virtual_register, block->first_instruction_index(),
void DefineOutputs(MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
MidTierOutputProcessor processor(data);
for (const InstructionBlock* block :
base::Reversed(data->code()->instruction_blocks())) {
class MidTierRegisterAllocator final {
explicit MidTierRegisterAllocator(MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
MidTierRegisterAllocator(const MidTierRegisterAllocator&) = delete;
MidTierRegisterAllocator& operator=(const MidTierRegisterAllocator&) = delete;
void AllocateRegisters(const InstructionBlock* block);
void UpdateSpillRangesForLoops();
SinglePassRegisterAllocator& general_reg_allocator() {
return general_reg_allocator_;
SinglePassRegisterAllocator& double_reg_allocator() {
return double_reg_allocator_;
void AllocatePhis(const InstructionBlock* block);
void AllocatePhiGapMoves(const InstructionBlock* block);
bool IsFixedRegisterPolicy(const UnallocatedOperand* operand);
void ReserveFixedRegisters(int instr_index);
SinglePassRegisterAllocator& AllocatorFor(MachineRepresentation rep);
SinglePassRegisterAllocator& AllocatorFor(const UnallocatedOperand* operand);
SinglePassRegisterAllocator& AllocatorFor(const ConstantOperand* operand);
VirtualRegisterData& VirtualRegisterDataFor(int virtual_register) const {
return data()->VirtualRegisterDataFor(virtual_register);
MachineRepresentation RepresentationFor(int virtual_register) const {
return data()->RepresentationFor(virtual_register);
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data() const { return data_; }
InstructionSequence* code() const { return data()->code(); }
Zone* allocation_zone() const { return data()->allocation_zone(); }
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* const data_;
SinglePassRegisterAllocator general_reg_allocator_;
SinglePassRegisterAllocator double_reg_allocator_;
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data)
: data_(data),
general_reg_allocator_(RegisterKind::kGeneral, data),
double_reg_allocator_(RegisterKind::kDouble, data) {}
void MidTierRegisterAllocator::AllocateRegisters(
const InstructionBlock* block) {
RpoNumber block_rpo = block->rpo_number();
bool is_deferred_block_boundary =
// If the block is not deferred but has deferred successors, then try to
// output spill slots for virtual_registers that are only spilled in the
// deferred blocks at the start of those deferred blocks to avoid spilling
// them at their output in non-deferred blocks.
if (is_deferred_block_boundary && !block->IsDeferred()) {
for (RpoNumber successor : block->successors()) {
if (!data()->GetBlock(successor)->IsDeferred()) continue;
DCHECK_GT(successor, block_rpo);
for (int virtual_register :
*data()->block_state(successor).deferred_blocks_region()) {
successor, virtual_register);
// Allocate registers for instructions in reverse, from the end of the block
// to the start.
int block_start = block->first_instruction_index();
for (int instr_index = block->last_instruction_index();
instr_index >= block_start; instr_index--) {
Instruction* instr = code()->InstructionAt(instr_index);
// Reserve any fixed register operands to prevent the register being
// allocated to another operand.
// Allocate outputs.
for (size_t i = 0; i < instr->OutputCount(); i++) {
InstructionOperand* output = instr->OutputAt(i);
if (output->IsConstant()) {
ConstantOperand* constant_operand = ConstantOperand::cast(output);
} else {
UnallocatedOperand* unallocated_output =
if (unallocated_output->HasSameAsInputPolicy()) {
DCHECK_EQ(i, 0);
UnallocatedOperand* unallocated_input =
.AllocateSameInputOutput(unallocated_output, unallocated_input,
} else {
.AllocateOutput(unallocated_output, instr_index);
if (instr->ClobbersRegisters()) {
if (instr->ClobbersDoubleRegisters()) {
// Allocate temporaries.
for (size_t i = 0; i < instr->TempCount(); i++) {
UnallocatedOperand* temp = UnallocatedOperand::cast(instr->TempAt(i));
AllocatorFor(temp).AllocateTemp(temp, instr_index);
// Allocate inputs that are used across the whole instruction.
for (size_t i = 0; i < instr->InputCount(); i++) {
if (!instr->InputAt(i)->IsUnallocated()) continue;
UnallocatedOperand* input = UnallocatedOperand::cast(instr->InputAt(i));
if (input->IsUsedAtStart()) continue;
AllocatorFor(input).AllocateInput(input, instr_index);
// Then allocate inputs that are only used at the start of the instruction.
for (size_t i = 0; i < instr->InputCount(); i++) {
if (!instr->InputAt(i)->IsUnallocated()) continue;
UnallocatedOperand* input = UnallocatedOperand::cast(instr->InputAt(i));
AllocatorFor(input).AllocateInput(input, instr_index);
// If we are allocating for the last instruction in the block, allocate any
// phi gap move operations that are needed to resolve phis in our successor.
if (instr_index == block->last_instruction_index()) {
// If this block is deferred but it's successor isn't, update the state to
// limit spills to the deferred blocks where possible.
if (is_deferred_block_boundary && block->IsDeferred()) {
// Allocate any unallocated gap move inputs.
ParallelMove* moves = instr->GetParallelMove(Instruction::END);
if (moves != nullptr) {
for (MoveOperands* move : *moves) {
if (move->source().IsUnallocated()) {
UnallocatedOperand* source =
AllocatorFor(source).AllocateGapMoveInput(source, instr_index);
// For now we spill all registers at a loop header.
// TODO(rmcilroy): Add support for register allocations across loops.
if (block->IsLoopHeader()) {
SinglePassRegisterAllocator& MidTierRegisterAllocator::AllocatorFor(
MachineRepresentation rep) {
if (IsFloatingPoint(rep)) {
return double_reg_allocator();
} else {
return general_reg_allocator();
SinglePassRegisterAllocator& MidTierRegisterAllocator::AllocatorFor(
const UnallocatedOperand* operand) {
return AllocatorFor(RepresentationFor(operand->virtual_register()));
SinglePassRegisterAllocator& MidTierRegisterAllocator::AllocatorFor(
const ConstantOperand* operand) {
return AllocatorFor(RepresentationFor(operand->virtual_register()));
bool MidTierRegisterAllocator::IsFixedRegisterPolicy(
const UnallocatedOperand* operand) {
return operand->HasFixedRegisterPolicy() ||
void MidTierRegisterAllocator::ReserveFixedRegisters(int instr_index) {
Instruction* instr = code()->InstructionAt(instr_index);
for (size_t i = 0; i < instr->OutputCount(); i++) {
if (!instr->OutputAt(i)->IsUnallocated()) continue;
const UnallocatedOperand* operand =
if (operand->HasSameAsInputPolicy()) {
// Input operand has the register constraints, use it here to reserve the
// register for the output (it will be reserved for input below).
operand = UnallocatedOperand::cast(instr->InputAt(i));
if (IsFixedRegisterPolicy(operand)) {
AllocatorFor(operand).ReserveFixedOutputRegister(operand, instr_index);
for (size_t i = 0; i < instr->TempCount(); i++) {
if (!instr->TempAt(i)->IsUnallocated()) continue;
const UnallocatedOperand* operand =
if (IsFixedRegisterPolicy(operand)) {
AllocatorFor(operand).ReserveFixedTempRegister(operand, instr_index);
for (size_t i = 0; i < instr->InputCount(); i++) {
if (!instr->InputAt(i)->IsUnallocated()) continue;
const UnallocatedOperand* operand =
if (IsFixedRegisterPolicy(operand)) {
AllocatorFor(operand).ReserveFixedInputRegister(operand, instr_index);
void MidTierRegisterAllocator::AllocatePhiGapMoves(
const InstructionBlock* block) {
int successors_phi_index =
// If successors_phi_index is -1 there are no phi's in the successor.
if (successors_phi_index == -1) return;
// The last instruction of a block with phis can't require reference maps
// since we won't record phi gap moves that get spilled when populating the
// reference maps
int instr_index = block->last_instruction_index();
// If there are phis, we only have a single successor due to edge-split form.
DCHECK_EQ(block->SuccessorCount(), 1);
const InstructionBlock* successor = data()->GetBlock(block->successors()[0]);
for (PhiInstruction* phi : successor->phis()) {
int to_vreg = phi->virtual_register();
int from_vreg = phi->operands()[successors_phi_index];
MachineRepresentation rep = RepresentationFor(to_vreg);
AllocatorFor(rep).AllocatePhiGapMove(to_vreg, from_vreg, instr_index);
void MidTierRegisterAllocator::AllocatePhis(const InstructionBlock* block) {
for (PhiInstruction* phi : block->phis()) {
int virtual_register = phi->virtual_register();
MachineRepresentation rep = RepresentationFor(virtual_register);
AllocatorFor(rep).AllocatePhi(virtual_register, block);
void MidTierRegisterAllocator::UpdateSpillRangesForLoops() {
// Extend the spill range of any spill that crosses a loop header to
// the full loop.
for (InstructionBlock* block : code()->instruction_blocks()) {
if (block->IsLoopHeader()) {
RpoNumber last_loop_block =
RpoNumber::FromInt(block->loop_end().ToInt() - 1);
int last_loop_instr =
// Extend spill range for all spilled values that are live on entry to the
// loop header.
BitVector::Iterator iterator(&data()->spilled_virtual_registers());
for (; !iterator.Done(); iterator.Advance()) {
const VirtualRegisterData& vreg_data =
if (vreg_data.HasSpillRange() &&
block)) {
void AllocateRegisters(MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
MidTierRegisterAllocator allocator(data);
for (InstructionBlock* block :
base::Reversed(data->code()->instruction_blocks())) {
// Spill slot allocator for mid-tier register allocation.
class MidTierSpillSlotAllocator final {
explicit MidTierSpillSlotAllocator(MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
MidTierSpillSlotAllocator(const MidTierSpillSlotAllocator&) = delete;
MidTierSpillSlotAllocator& operator=(const MidTierSpillSlotAllocator&) =
void Allocate(VirtualRegisterData* virtual_register);
class SpillSlot;
void AdvanceTo(int instr_index);
SpillSlot* GetFreeSpillSlot(int byte_width);
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data() const { return data_; }
InstructionSequence* code() const { return data()->code(); }
Frame* frame() const { return data()->frame(); }
Zone* zone() const { return data()->allocation_zone(); }
struct OrderByLastUse {
bool operator()(const SpillSlot* a, const SpillSlot* b) const;
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* const data_;
ZonePriorityQueue<SpillSlot*, OrderByLastUse> allocated_slots_;
ZoneLinkedList<SpillSlot*> free_slots_;
int position_;
class MidTierSpillSlotAllocator::SpillSlot : public ZoneObject {
SpillSlot(int stack_slot, int byte_width)
: stack_slot_(stack_slot), byte_width_(byte_width), range_() {}
SpillSlot(const SpillSlot&) = delete;
SpillSlot& operator=(const SpillSlot&) = delete;
void AddRange(const Range& range) { range_.AddRange(range); }
AllocatedOperand ToOperand(MachineRepresentation rep) const {
return AllocatedOperand(AllocatedOperand::STACK_SLOT, rep, stack_slot_);
int byte_width() const { return byte_width_; }
int last_use() const { return range_.end(); }
int stack_slot_;
int byte_width_;
Range range_;
bool MidTierSpillSlotAllocator::OrderByLastUse::operator()(
const SpillSlot* a, const SpillSlot* b) const {
return a->last_use() > b->last_use();
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data)
: data_(data),
position_(0) {}
void MidTierSpillSlotAllocator::AdvanceTo(int instr_index) {
// Move any slots that are no longer in use to the free slots list.
DCHECK_LE(position_, instr_index);
while (!allocated_slots_.empty() &&
instr_index >>last_use()) {
position_ = instr_index;
MidTierSpillSlotAllocator::GetFreeSpillSlot(int byte_width) {
for (auto it = free_slots_.begin(); it != free_slots_.end(); ++it) {
SpillSlot* slot = *it;
if (slot->byte_width() == byte_width) {
return slot;
return nullptr;
void MidTierSpillSlotAllocator::Allocate(
VirtualRegisterData* virtual_register) {
VirtualRegisterData::SpillRange* spill_range =
MachineRepresentation rep =
int byte_width = ByteWidthForStackSlot(rep);
Range live_range = spill_range->live_range();
// Try to re-use an existing free spill slot.
SpillSlot* slot = GetFreeSpillSlot(byte_width);
if (slot == nullptr) {
// Otherwise allocate a new slot.
int stack_slot_ = frame()->AllocateSpillSlot(byte_width);
slot = zone()->New<SpillSlot>(stack_slot_, byte_width);
// Extend the range of the slot to include this spill range, and allocate the
// pending spill operands with this slot.
void AllocateSpillSlots(MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
ZoneVector<VirtualRegisterData*> spilled(data->allocation_zone());
BitVector::Iterator iterator(&data->spilled_virtual_registers());
for (; !iterator.Done(); iterator.Advance()) {
VirtualRegisterData& vreg_data =
if (vreg_data.HasPendingSpillOperand()) {
// Sort the spill ranges by order of their first use to enable linear
// allocation of spill slots.
std::sort(spilled.begin(), spilled.end(),
[](const VirtualRegisterData* a, const VirtualRegisterData* b) {
return a->spill_range()->live_range().start() <
// Allocate a spill slot for each virtual register with a spill range.
MidTierSpillSlotAllocator allocator(data);
for (VirtualRegisterData* spill : spilled) {
// Populates reference maps for mid-tier register allocation.
class MidTierReferenceMapPopulator final {
explicit MidTierReferenceMapPopulator(MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data);
MidTierReferenceMapPopulator(const MidTierReferenceMapPopulator&) = delete;
MidTierReferenceMapPopulator& operator=(const MidTierReferenceMapPopulator&) =
void RecordReferences(const VirtualRegisterData& virtual_register);
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data() const { return data_; }
InstructionSequence* code() const { return data()->code(); }
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* const data_;
MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data)
: data_(data) {}
void MidTierReferenceMapPopulator::RecordReferences(
const VirtualRegisterData& virtual_register) {
if (!virtual_register.HasAllocatedSpillOperand()) return;
if (!code()->IsReference(virtual_register.vreg())) return;
VirtualRegisterData::SpillRange* spill_range = virtual_register.spill_range();
Range& live_range = spill_range->live_range();
AllocatedOperand allocated =
for (int instr_index : data()->reference_map_instructions()) {
if (instr_index > live_range.end() || instr_index < live_range.start())
Instruction* instr = data()->code()->InstructionAt(instr_index);
if (spill_range->IsLiveAt(instr_index, instr->block())) {
void PopulateReferenceMaps(MidTierRegisterAllocationData* data) {
MidTierReferenceMapPopulator populator(data);
BitVector::Iterator iterator(&data->spilled_virtual_registers());
for (; !iterator.Done(); iterator.Advance()) {
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8