blob: 888c55deec03bdcdfc97099ef6538d759c99ae20 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Push all callee-saved registers to get them on the stack for conservative
// stack scanning.
// We cannot rely on clang generating the function and right symbol mangling
// as `__attribite__((naked))` does not prevent clang from generating TSAN
// function entry stubs (`__tsan_func_entry`). Even with
// `__attribute__((no_sanitize_thread)` annotation clang generates the entry
// stub.
// See
// Do not depend on V8_TARGET_OS_* defines as some embedders may override the
// GN toolchain (e.g. ChromeOS) and not provide them.
// _WIN64 Defined as 1 when the compilation target is 64-bit ARM or x64.
// Otherwise, undefined.
#ifdef _WIN64
// We maintain 16-byte alignment at calls. There is an 8-byte return address
// on the stack and we push 72 bytes which maintains 16-byte stack alignment
// at the call.
// Source:
asm(".globl PushAllRegistersAndIterateStack \n"
"PushAllRegistersAndIterateStack: \n"
// rbp is callee-saved. Maintain proper frame pointer for debugging.
" push %rbp \n"
" mov %rsp, %rbp \n"
// Dummy for alignment.
" push $0xCDCDCD \n"
" push %rsi \n"
" push %rdi \n"
" push %rbx \n"
" push %r12 \n"
" push %r13 \n"
" push %r14 \n"
" push %r15 \n"
// Pass 1st parameter (rcx) unchanged (Stack*).
// Pass 2nd parameter (rdx) unchanged (StackVisitor*).
// Save 3rd parameter (r8; IterateStackCallback)
" mov %r8, %r9 \n"
// Pass 3rd parameter as rsp (stack pointer).
" mov %rsp, %r8 \n"
// Call the callback.
" call *%r9 \n"
// Pop the callee-saved registers.
" add $64, %rsp \n"
// Restore rbp as it was used as frame pointer.
" pop %rbp \n"
" ret \n");
#else // !_WIN64
// We maintain 16-byte alignment at calls. There is an 8-byte return address
// on the stack and we push 56 bytes which maintains 16-byte stack alignment
// at the call.
// Source:
#ifdef __APPLE__
".globl _PushAllRegistersAndIterateStack \n"
".private_extern _PushAllRegistersAndIterateStack \n"
"_PushAllRegistersAndIterateStack: \n"
#else // !__APPLE__
".globl PushAllRegistersAndIterateStack \n"
".type PushAllRegistersAndIterateStack, %function \n"
".hidden PushAllRegistersAndIterateStack \n"
"PushAllRegistersAndIterateStack: \n"
#endif // !__APPLE__
// rbp is callee-saved. Maintain proper frame pointer for debugging.
" push %rbp \n"
" mov %rsp, %rbp \n"
// Dummy for alignment.
" push $0xCDCDCD \n"
" push %rbx \n"
" push %r12 \n"
" push %r13 \n"
" push %r14 \n"
" push %r15 \n"
// Pass 1st parameter (rdi) unchanged (Stack*).
// Pass 2nd parameter (rsi) unchanged (StackVisitor*).
// Save 3rd parameter (rdx; IterateStackCallback)
" mov %rdx, %r8 \n"
// Pass 3rd parameter as rsp (stack pointer).
" mov %rsp, %rdx \n"
// Call the callback.
" call *%r8 \n"
// Pop the callee-saved registers.
" add $48, %rsp \n"
// Restore rbp as it was used as frame pointer.
" pop %rbp \n"
" ret \n");
#endif // !_WIN64