blob: 8acfd0d176785a78cf828fe98fd381179c8f0fc7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/snapshot/embedded/platform-embedded-file-writer-generic.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cinttypes>
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/objects/code.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
#define SYMBOL_PREFIX ""
namespace {
const char* DirectiveAsString(DataDirective directive) {
switch (directive) {
case kByte:
return ".byte";
case kLong:
return ".long";
case kQuad:
return ".quad";
case kOcta:
return ".octa";
} // namespace
void PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::SectionText() {
if (target_os_ == EmbeddedTargetOs::kChromeOS) {
fprintf(fp_, ".section\n");
} else {
fprintf(fp_, ".section .text\n");
void PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::SectionData() {
fprintf(fp_, ".section .data\n");
void PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::SectionRoData() {
fprintf(fp_, ".section .rodata\n");
void PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::DeclareUint32(const char* name,
uint32_t value) {
fprintf(fp_, "%d", value);
void PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::DeclarePointerToSymbol(
const char* name, const char* target) {
fprintf(fp_, " %s %s%s\n", DirectiveAsString(PointerSizeDirective()),
void PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::DeclareSymbolGlobal(const char* name) {
fprintf(fp_, ".global %s%s\n", SYMBOL_PREFIX, name);
// These symbols are not visible outside of the final binary, this allows for
// reduced binary size, and less work for the dynamic linker.
fprintf(fp_, ".hidden %s\n", name);
void PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::AlignToCodeAlignment() {
STATIC_ASSERT(32 >= kCodeAlignment);
fprintf(fp_, ".balign 32\n");
void PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::AlignToDataAlignment() {
// On Windows ARM64, s390, PPC and possibly more platforms, aligned load
// instructions are used to retrieve v8_Default_embedded_blob_ and/or
// v8_Default_embedded_blob_size_. The generated instructions require the
// load target to be aligned at 8 bytes (2^3).
STATIC_ASSERT(8 >= Code::kMetadataAlignment);
fprintf(fp_, ".balign 8\n");
void PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::Comment(const char* string) {
fprintf(fp_, "// %s\n", string);
void PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::DeclareLabel(const char* name) {
fprintf(fp_, "%s%s:\n", SYMBOL_PREFIX, name);
void PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::SourceInfo(int fileid,
const char* filename,
int line) {
fprintf(fp_, ".loc %d %d\n", fileid, line);
void PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::DeclareFunctionBegin(const char* name,
uint32_t size) {
if (target_arch_ == EmbeddedTargetArch::kArm ||
target_arch_ == EmbeddedTargetArch::kArm64) {
// ELF format binaries on ARM use ".type <function name>, %function"
// to create a DWARF subprogram entry.
fprintf(fp_, ".type %s, %%function\n", name);
} else {
// Other ELF Format binaries use ".type <function name>, @function"
// to create a DWARF subprogram entry.
fprintf(fp_, ".type %s, @function\n", name);
fprintf(fp_, ".size %s, %u\n", name, size);
void PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::DeclareFunctionEnd(const char* name) {}
void PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::FilePrologue() {
// TODO(v8:10026): Add ELF note required for BTI.
void PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::DeclareExternalFilename(
int fileid, const char* filename) {
// Replace any Windows style paths (backslashes) with forward
// slashes.
std::string fixed_filename(filename);
std::replace(fixed_filename.begin(), fixed_filename.end(), '\\', '/');
fprintf(fp_, ".file %d \"%s\"\n", fileid, fixed_filename.c_str());
void PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::FileEpilogue() {
// Omitting this section can imply an executable stack, which is usually
// a linker warning/error. C++ compilers add these automatically, but
// compiling assembly requires the .note.GNU-stack section to be inserted
// manually.
// Additional documentation:
fprintf(fp_, ".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%%progbits\n");
int PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::IndentedDataDirective(
DataDirective directive) {
return fprintf(fp_, " %s ", DirectiveAsString(directive));
DataDirective PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterGeneric::ByteChunkDataDirective()
const {
#if defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS) || defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS64)
// MIPS uses a fixed 4 byte instruction set, using .long
// to prevent any unnecessary padding.
return kLong;
// Other ISAs just listen to the base
return PlatformEmbeddedFileWriterBase::ByteChunkDataDirective();
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8