blob: 613055f2152de95858a99f6873074298943b6d26 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cbor.h"
#include <array>
#include <clocale>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "json.h"
#include "parser_handler.h"
#include "span.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "status_test_support.h"
#include "test_platform.h"
using testing::ElementsAreArray;
namespace v8_crdtp {
namespace cbor {
// =============================================================================
// Detecting CBOR content
// =============================================================================
TEST(IsCBORMessage, SomeSmokeTests) {
std::vector<uint8_t> empty;
std::vector<uint8_t> hello = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'o', ' ', 't',
'h', 'e', 'r', 'e', '!'};
std::vector<uint8_t> example = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 0};
std::vector<uint8_t> one = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1};
TEST(CheckCBORMessage, SmallestValidExample) {
// The smallest example that we consider valid for this lightweight check is
// an empty dictionary inside of an envelope.
std::vector<uint8_t> empty_dict = {
0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 2, EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart(), EncodeStop()};
Status status = CheckCBORMessage(SpanFrom(empty_dict));
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIsOk());
TEST(CheckCBORMessage, ValidCBORButNotValidMessage) {
// The CBOR parser supports parsing values that aren't messages. E.g., this is
// the encoded unsigned int 7 (CBOR really encodes it as a single byte with
// value 7).
std::vector<uint8_t> not_a_message = {7};
// Show that the parser (happily) decodes it into JSON
std::string json;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&json, &status);
ParseCBOR(SpanFrom(not_a_message), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIsOk());
EXPECT_EQ("7", json);
// ... but it's not a message.
TEST(CheckCBORMessage, EmptyMessage) {
std::vector<uint8_t> empty;
Status status = CheckCBORMessage(SpanFrom(empty));
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(Error::CBOR_NO_INPUT, 0));
TEST(CheckCBORMessage, InvalidStartByte) {
// Here we test that some actual json, which usually starts with {, is not
// considered CBOR. CBOR messages must start with 0xd8, 0x5a, the envelope
// start bytes.
Status status = CheckCBORMessage(SpanFrom("{\"msg\": \"Hello, world.\"}"));
TEST(CheckCBORMessage, InvalidEnvelopes) {
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a};
bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0};
bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0};
bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0};
bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 0};
TEST(CheckCBORMessage, MapStartExpected) {
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 1};
// =============================================================================
// Encoding individual CBOR items
// cbor::CBORTokenizer - for parsing individual CBOR items
// =============================================================================
// EncodeInt32 / CBORTokenTag::INT32
TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, Roundtrips23) {
// This roundtrips the int32_t value 23 through the pair of EncodeInt32 /
// CBORTokenizer; this is interesting since 23 is encoded as a single byte.
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeInt32(23, &encoded);
// first three bits: major type = 0; remaining five bits: additional info =
// value 23.
EXPECT_THAT(encoded, ElementsAreArray(std::array<uint8_t, 1>{{23}}));
// Reverse direction: decode with CBORTokenizer.
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::INT32, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_EQ(23, tokenizer.GetInt32());
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, RoundtripsUint8) {
// This roundtrips the int32_t value 42 through the pair of EncodeInt32 /
// CBORTokenizer. This is different from Roundtrip23 because 42 is encoded
// in an extra byte after the initial one.
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeInt32(42, &encoded);
// first three bits: major type = 0;
// remaining five bits: additional info = 24, indicating payload is uint8.
EXPECT_THAT(encoded, ElementsAreArray(std::array<uint8_t, 2>{{24, 42}}));
// Reverse direction: decode with CBORTokenizer.
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::INT32, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_EQ(42, tokenizer.GetInt32());
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, RoundtripsUint16) {
// 500 is encoded as a uint16 after the initial byte.
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeInt32(500, &encoded);
// 1 for initial byte, 2 for uint16.
EXPECT_EQ(3u, encoded.size());
// first three bits: major type = 0;
// remaining five bits: additional info = 25, indicating payload is uint16.
EXPECT_EQ(25, encoded[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(0x01, encoded[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(0xf4, encoded[2]);
// Reverse direction: decode with CBORTokenizer.
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::INT32, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_EQ(500, tokenizer.GetInt32());
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, RoundtripsInt32Max) {
// std::numeric_limits<int32_t> is encoded as a uint32 after the initial byte.
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeInt32(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(), &encoded);
// 1 for initial byte, 4 for the uint32.
// first three bits: major type = 0;
// remaining five bits: additional info = 26, indicating payload is uint32.
ElementsAreArray(std::array<uint8_t, 5>{{26, 0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}}));
// Reverse direction: decode with CBORTokenizer.
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::INT32, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(), tokenizer.GetInt32());
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, RoundtripsInt32Min) {
// std::numeric_limits<int32_t> is encoded as a uint32 (4 unsigned bytes)
// after the initial byte, which effectively carries the sign by
// designating the token as NEGATIVE.
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeInt32(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min(), &encoded);
// 1 for initial byte, 4 for the uint32.
// first three bits: major type = 1;
// remaining five bits: additional info = 26, indicating payload is uint32.
EXPECT_THAT(encoded, ElementsAreArray(std::array<uint8_t, 5>{
{1 << 5 | 26, 0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}}));
// Reverse direction: decode with CBORTokenizer.
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::INT32, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min(), tokenizer.GetInt32());
// It's nice to see how the min int32 value reads in hex:
// That is, -1 minus the unsigned payload (0x7fffffff, see above).
int32_t expected = -1 - 0x7fffffff;
EXPECT_EQ(expected, tokenizer.GetInt32());
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, CantRoundtripUint32) {
// 0xdeadbeef is a value which does not fit below
// std::numerical_limits<int32_t>::max(), so we can't encode
// it with EncodeInt32. However, CBOR does support this, so we
// encode it here manually with the internal routine, just to observe
// that it's considered an invalid int32 by CBORTokenizer.
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
internals::WriteTokenStart(MajorType::UNSIGNED, 0xdeadbeef, &encoded);
// 1 for initial byte, 4 for the uint32.
// first three bits: major type = 0;
// remaining five bits: additional info = 26, indicating payload is uint32.
ElementsAreArray(std::array<uint8_t, 5>{{26, 0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef}}));
// Now try to decode; we treat this as an invalid INT32.
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
// 0xdeadbeef is > std::numerical_limits<int32_t>::max().
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::ERROR_VALUE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_THAT(tokenizer.Status(), StatusIs(Error::CBOR_INVALID_INT32, 0u));
TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, DecodeErrorCases) {
struct TestCase {
std::vector<uint8_t> data;
std::string msg;
std::vector<TestCase> tests{{
"additional info = 24 would require 1 byte of payload (but it's 0)"},
TestCase{{27, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc},
"additional info = 27 would require 8 bytes of payload (but "
"it's 3)"},
TestCase{{29}, "additional info = 29 isn't recognized"},
TestCase{{1 << 5 | 27, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff},
"Max UINT64 payload is outside the allowed range"},
TestCase{{1 << 5 | 26, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff},
"Max UINT32 payload is outside the allowed range"},
TestCase{{1 << 5 | 26, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
"UINT32 payload w/ high bit set is outside the allowed range"},
for (const TestCase& test : tests) {
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(;
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::ERROR_VALUE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_THAT(tokenizer.Status(), StatusIs(Error::CBOR_INVALID_INT32, 0u));
TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, RoundtripsMinus24) {
// This roundtrips the int32_t value -24 through the pair of EncodeInt32 /
// CBORTokenizer; this is interesting since -24 is encoded as
// a single byte as NEGATIVE, and it tests the specific encoding
// (note how for unsigned the single byte covers values up to 23).
// Additional examples are covered in RoundtripsAdditionalExamples.
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeInt32(-24, &encoded);
// first three bits: major type = 1; remaining five bits: additional info =
// value 23.
EXPECT_THAT(encoded, ElementsAreArray(std::array<uint8_t, 1>{{1 << 5 | 23}}));
// Reverse direction: decode with CBORTokenizer.
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::INT32, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_EQ(-24, tokenizer.GetInt32());
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, RoundtripsAdditionalNegativeExamples) {
std::vector<int32_t> examples = {-1,
-300 * 1000,
-1000 * 1000,
-1000 * 1000 * 1000,
for (int32_t example : examples) {
SCOPED_TRACE(std::string("example ") + std::to_string(example));
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeInt32(example, &encoded);
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::INT32, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_EQ(example, tokenizer.GetInt32());
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
// EncodeString16 / CBORTokenTag::STRING16
TEST(EncodeDecodeString16Test, RoundtripsEmpty) {
// This roundtrips the empty utf16 string through the pair of EncodeString16 /
// CBORTokenizer.
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeString16(span<uint16_t>(), &encoded);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, encoded.size());
// first three bits: major type = 2; remaining five bits: additional info =
// size 0.
EXPECT_EQ(2 << 5, encoded[0]);
// Reverse direction: decode with CBORTokenizer.
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING16, tokenizer.TokenTag());
span<uint8_t> decoded_string16_wirerep = tokenizer.GetString16WireRep();
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
// On the wire, we STRING16 is encoded as little endian (least
// significant byte first). The host may or may not be little endian,
// so this routine follows the advice in
std::vector<uint16_t> String16WireRepToHost(span<uint8_t> in) {
// must be even number of bytes.
CHECK_EQ(in.size() & 1, 0u);
std::vector<uint16_t> host_out;
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < in.size(); ii += 2)
host_out.push_back(in[ii + 1] << 8 | in[ii]);
return host_out;
TEST(EncodeDecodeString16Test, RoundtripsHelloWorld) {
// This roundtrips the hello world message which is given here in utf16
// characters. 0xd83c, 0xdf0e: UTF16 encoding for the "Earth Globe Americas"
// character, 🌎.
std::array<uint16_t, 10> msg{
{'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 0xd83c, 0xdf0e, '.'}};
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeString16(span<uint16_t>(, msg.size()), &encoded);
// This will be encoded as BYTE_STRING of length 20, so the 20 is encoded in
// the additional info part of the initial byte. Payload is two bytes for each
// UTF16 character.
uint8_t initial_byte = /*major type=*/2 << 5 | /*additional info=*/20;
std::array<uint8_t, 21> encoded_expected = {
{initial_byte, 'H', 0, 'e', 0, 'l', 0, 'l', 0, 'o', 0,
',', 0, ' ', 0, 0x3c, 0xd8, 0x0e, 0xdf, '.', 0}};
EXPECT_THAT(encoded, ElementsAreArray(encoded_expected));
// Now decode to complete the roundtrip.
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING16, tokenizer.TokenTag());
std::vector<uint16_t> decoded =
EXPECT_THAT(decoded, ElementsAreArray(msg));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
// For bonus points, we look at the decoded message in UTF8 as well so we can
// easily see it on the terminal screen.
std::string utf8_decoded = UTF16ToUTF8(SpanFrom(decoded));
EXPECT_EQ("Hello, 🌎.", utf8_decoded);
TEST(EncodeDecodeString16Test, Roundtrips500) {
// We roundtrip a message that has 250 16 bit values. Each of these are just
// set to their index. 250 is interesting because the cbor spec uses a
// BYTE_STRING of length 500 for one of their examples of how to encode the
// start of it (section 2.1) so it's easy for us to look at the first three
// bytes closely.
std::vector<uint16_t> two_fifty;
for (uint16_t ii = 0; ii < 250; ++ii)
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeString16(span<uint16_t>(, two_fifty.size()), &encoded);
EXPECT_EQ(3u + 250u * 2, encoded.size());
// Now check the first three bytes:
// Major type: 2 (BYTE_STRING)
// Additional information: 25, indicating size is represented by 2 bytes.
// Bytes 1 and 2 encode 500 (0x01f4).
EXPECT_EQ(2 << 5 | 25, encoded[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(0x01, encoded[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(0xf4, encoded[2]);
// Now decode to complete the roundtrip.
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING16, tokenizer.TokenTag());
std::vector<uint16_t> decoded =
EXPECT_THAT(decoded, ElementsAreArray(two_fifty));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
TEST(EncodeDecodeString16Test, ErrorCases) {
struct TestCase {
std::vector<uint8_t> data;
std::string msg;
std::vector<TestCase> tests{
{TestCase{{2 << 5 | 1, 'a'},
"length must be divisible by 2 (but it's 1)"},
TestCase{{2 << 5 | 29}, "additional info = 29 isn't recognized"},
TestCase{{2 << 5 | 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8},
"length (9) points just past the end of the test case"},
TestCase{{2 << 5 | 27, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
'a', 'b', 'c'},
"large length pointing past the end of the test case"}}};
for (const TestCase& test : tests) {
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(;
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::ERROR_VALUE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_THAT(tokenizer.Status(), StatusIs(Error::CBOR_INVALID_STRING16, 0u));
// EncodeString8 / CBORTokenTag::STRING8
TEST(EncodeDecodeString8Test, RoundtripsHelloWorld) {
// This roundtrips the hello world message which is given here in utf8
// characters. 🌎 is a four byte utf8 character.
std::string utf8_msg = "Hello, 🌎.";
std::vector<uint8_t> msg(utf8_msg.begin(), utf8_msg.end());
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeString8(SpanFrom(utf8_msg), &encoded);
// This will be encoded as STRING of length 12, so the 12 is encoded in
// the additional info part of the initial byte. Payload is one byte per
// utf8 byte.
uint8_t initial_byte = /*major type=*/3 << 5 | /*additional info=*/12;
std::array<uint8_t, 13> encoded_expected = {{initial_byte, 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l',
'o', ',', ' ', 0xF0, 0x9f, 0x8c,
0x8e, '.'}};
EXPECT_THAT(encoded, ElementsAreArray(encoded_expected));
// Now decode to complete the roundtrip.
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING8, tokenizer.TokenTag());
std::vector<uint8_t> decoded(tokenizer.GetString8().begin(),
EXPECT_THAT(decoded, ElementsAreArray(msg));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
TEST(EncodeDecodeString8Test, ErrorCases) {
struct TestCase {
std::vector<uint8_t> data;
std::string msg;
std::vector<TestCase> tests{
{TestCase{{3 << 5 | 29}, "additional info = 29 isn't recognized"},
TestCase{{3 << 5 | 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8},
"length (9) points just past the end of the test case"},
TestCase{{3 << 5 | 27, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
'a', 'b', 'c'},
"large length pointing past the end of the test case"}}};
for (const TestCase& test : tests) {
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(;
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::ERROR_VALUE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_THAT(tokenizer.Status(), StatusIs(Error::CBOR_INVALID_STRING8, 0u));
TEST(EncodeFromLatin1Test, ConvertsToUTF8IfNeeded) {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> examples = {
{"Hello, world.", "Hello, world."},
{"Above: \xDC"
"Above: Ãœber"},
{"\xA5 500 are about \xA3 3.50; a y with umlaut is \xFF",
"¥ 500 are about £ 3.50; a y with umlaut is ÿ"}};
for (const auto& example : examples) {
const std::string& latin1 = example.first;
const std::string& expected_utf8 = example.second;
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeFromLatin1(SpanFrom(latin1), &encoded);
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING8, tokenizer.TokenTag());
std::vector<uint8_t> decoded(tokenizer.GetString8().begin(),
std::string decoded_str(decoded.begin(), decoded.end());
EXPECT_THAT(decoded_str, testing::Eq(expected_utf8));
TEST(EncodeFromUTF16Test, ConvertsToUTF8IfEasy) {
std::vector<uint16_t> ascii = {'e', 'a', 's', 'y'};
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeFromUTF16(span<uint16_t>(, ascii.size()), &encoded);
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING8, tokenizer.TokenTag());
std::vector<uint8_t> decoded(tokenizer.GetString8().begin(),
std::string decoded_str(decoded.begin(), decoded.end());
EXPECT_THAT(decoded_str, testing::Eq("easy"));
TEST(EncodeFromUTF16Test, EncodesAsString16IfNeeded) {
// Since this message contains non-ASCII characters, the routine is
// forced to encode as UTF16. We see this below by checking that the
// token tag is STRING16.
std::vector<uint16_t> msg = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o',
',', ' ', 0xd83c, 0xdf0e, '.'};
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeFromUTF16(span<uint16_t>(, msg.size()), &encoded);
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING16, tokenizer.TokenTag());
std::vector<uint16_t> decoded =
std::string utf8_decoded = UTF16ToUTF8(SpanFrom(decoded));
EXPECT_EQ("Hello, 🌎.", utf8_decoded);
// EncodeBinary / CBORTokenTag::BINARY
TEST(EncodeDecodeBinaryTest, RoundtripsHelloWorld) {
std::vector<uint8_t> binary = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ',
'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '.'};
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeBinary(span<uint8_t>(, binary.size()), &encoded);
// So, on the wire we see that the binary blob travels unmodified.
ElementsAreArray(std::array<uint8_t, 15>{
{(6 << 5 | 22), // tag 22 indicating base64 interpretation in JSON
(2 << 5 | 13), // BYTE_STRING (type 2) of length 13
'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '.'}}));
std::vector<uint8_t> decoded;
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::BINARY, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_THAT(tokenizer.Status(), StatusIsOk());
decoded = std::vector<uint8_t>(tokenizer.GetBinary().begin(),
EXPECT_THAT(decoded, ElementsAreArray(binary));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
TEST(EncodeDecodeBinaryTest, ErrorCases) {
struct TestCase {
std::vector<uint8_t> data;
std::string msg;
std::vector<TestCase> tests{{TestCase{
{6 << 5 | 22, // tag 22 indicating base64 interpretation in JSON
2 << 5 | 27, // BYTE_STRING (type 2), followed by 8 bytes length
0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
"large length pointing past the end of the test case"}}};
for (const TestCase& test : tests) {
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(;
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::ERROR_VALUE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_THAT(tokenizer.Status(), StatusIs(Error::CBOR_INVALID_BINARY, 0u));
// EncodeDouble / CBORTokenTag::DOUBLE
TEST(EncodeDecodeDoubleTest, RoundtripsWikipediaExample) {
// provides the example of a hex representation 3FD5 5555 5555 5555, which
// approximates 1/3.
const double kOriginalValue = 1.0 / 3;
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeDouble(kOriginalValue, &encoded);
// first three bits: major type = 7; remaining five bits: additional info =
// value 27. This is followed by 8 bytes of payload (which match Wikipedia).
ElementsAreArray(std::array<uint8_t, 9>{
{7 << 5 | 27, 0x3f, 0xd5, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55}}));
// Reverse direction: decode and compare with original value.
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DOUBLE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_THAT(tokenizer.GetDouble(), testing::DoubleEq(kOriginalValue));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
TEST(EncodeDecodeDoubleTest, RoundtripsAdditionalExamples) {
std::vector<double> examples = {0.0,
for (double example : examples) {
SCOPED_TRACE(std::string("example ") + std::to_string(example));
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
EncodeDouble(example, &encoded);
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DOUBLE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
if (std::isnan(example))
EXPECT_THAT(tokenizer.GetDouble(), testing::DoubleEq(example));
EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
TEST(EncodeDecodeEnvelopesTest, MessageWithNestingAndEnvelopeContentsAccess) {
// This encodes and decodes the following message, which has some nesting
// and therefore envelopes.
// { "inner": { "foo" : "bar" } }
// The decoding is done with the Tokenizer,
// and we test both ::GetEnvelopeContents and GetEnvelope here.
std::vector<uint8_t> message;
EnvelopeEncoder envelope;
size_t pos_after_header = message.size();
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("inner"), &message);
size_t pos_inside_inner = message.size();
EnvelopeEncoder inner_envelope;
size_t pos_inside_inner_contents = message.size();
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("foo"), &message);
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("bar"), &message);
size_t pos_after_inner = message.size();
CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(message));
ASSERT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::ENVELOPE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_EQ(message.size(), tokenizer.GetEnvelope().size());
EXPECT_EQ(, tokenizer.GetEnvelope().data());
EXPECT_EQ( + pos_after_header,
EXPECT_EQ(message.size() - pos_after_header,
ASSERT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::MAP_START, tokenizer.TokenTag());
ASSERT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING8, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_EQ("inner", std::string(tokenizer.GetString8().begin(),
ASSERT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::ENVELOPE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_EQ( + pos_inside_inner, tokenizer.GetEnvelope().data());
EXPECT_EQ(pos_after_inner - pos_inside_inner, tokenizer.GetEnvelope().size());
EXPECT_EQ( + pos_inside_inner_contents,
EXPECT_EQ(pos_after_inner - pos_inside_inner_contents,
ASSERT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::MAP_START, tokenizer.TokenTag());
ASSERT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING8, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_EQ("foo", std::string(tokenizer.GetString8().begin(),
ASSERT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING8, tokenizer.TokenTag());
EXPECT_EQ("bar", std::string(tokenizer.GetString8().begin(),
ASSERT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STOP, tokenizer.TokenTag());
ASSERT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STOP, tokenizer.TokenTag());
ASSERT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag());
// =============================================================================
// cbor::NewCBOREncoder - for encoding from a streaming parser
// =============================================================================
TEST(JSONToCBOREncoderTest, SevenBitStrings) {
// When a string can be represented as 7 bit ASCII, the encoder will use the
// STRING (major Type 3) type, so the actual characters end up as bytes on the
// wire.
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> encoder = NewCBOREncoder(&encoded, &status);
std::vector<uint16_t> utf16 = {'f', 'o', 'o'};
encoder->HandleString16(span<uint16_t>(, utf16.size()));
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIsOk());
// Here we assert that indeed, seven bit strings are represented as
// bytes on the wire, "foo" is just "foo".
ElementsAreArray(std::array<uint8_t, 4>{
{/*major type 3*/ 3 << 5 | /*length*/ 3, 'f', 'o', 'o'}}));
TEST(JsonCborRoundtrip, EncodingDecoding) {
// Hits all the cases except binary and error in ParserHandler, first
// parsing a JSON message into CBOR, then parsing it back from CBOR into JSON.
std::string json =
"\"string\":\"Hello, \\ud83c\\udf0e.\","
"\"negative int\":-1,"
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> encoder = NewCBOREncoder(&encoded, &status);
span<uint8_t> ascii_in = SpanFrom(json);
json::ParseJSON(ascii_in, encoder.get());
std::vector<uint8_t> expected = {
0xd8, // envelope
0x5a, // byte string with 32 bit length
0, 0, 0, 94, // length is 94 bytes
expected.push_back(0xbf); // indef length map start
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("string"), &expected);
// This is followed by the encoded string for "Hello, 🌎."
// So, it's the same bytes that we tested above in
// EncodeDecodeString16Test.RoundtripsHelloWorld.
expected.push_back(/*major type=*/2 << 5 | /*additional info=*/20);
for (uint8_t ch : std::array<uint8_t, 20>{
{'H', 0, 'e', 0, 'l', 0, 'l', 0, 'o', 0,
',', 0, ' ', 0, 0x3c, 0xd8, 0x0e, 0xdf, '.', 0}})
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("double"), &expected);
EncodeDouble(3.1415, &expected);
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("int"), &expected);
EncodeInt32(1, &expected);
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("negative int"), &expected);
EncodeInt32(-1, &expected);
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("bool"), &expected);
expected.push_back(7 << 5 | 21); // RFC 7049 Section 2.3, Table 2: true
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("null"), &expected);
expected.push_back(7 << 5 | 22); // RFC 7049 Section 2.3, Table 2: null
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("array"), &expected);
expected.push_back(0xd8); // envelope
expected.push_back(0x5a); // byte string with 32 bit length
// the length is 5 bytes (that's up to end indef length array below).
for (uint8_t ch : std::array<uint8_t, 4>{{0, 0, 0, 5}})
expected.push_back(0x9f); // RFC 7049 Section 2.2.1, indef length array start
expected.push_back(1); // Three UNSIGNED values (easy since Major Type 0)
expected.push_back(0xff); // End indef length array
expected.push_back(0xff); // End indef length map
EXPECT_THAT(encoded, ElementsAreArray(expected));
// And now we roundtrip, decoding the message we just encoded.
std::string decoded;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_encoder =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&decoded, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, encoded.size()), json_encoder.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIsOk());
EXPECT_EQ(json, decoded);
TEST(JsonCborRoundtrip, MoreRoundtripExamples) {
std::vector<std::string> examples = {
// Tests that after closing a nested objects, additional key/value pairs
// are considered.
"{\"foo\":{\"bar\":1},\"baz\":2}", "{\"foo\":[1,2,3],\"baz\":2}"};
for (const std::string& json : examples) {
SCOPED_TRACE(std::string("example: ") + json);
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> encoder = NewCBOREncoder(&encoded, &status);
span<uint8_t> ascii_in = SpanFrom(json);
json::ParseJSON(ascii_in, encoder.get());
std::string decoded;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&decoded, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, encoded.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIsOk());
EXPECT_EQ(json, decoded);
TEST(JSONToCBOREncoderTest, HelloWorldBinary_WithTripToJson) {
// The ParserHandler::HandleBinary is a special case: The JSON parser
// will never call this method, because JSON does not natively support the
// binary type. So, we can't fully roundtrip. However, the other direction
// works: binary will be rendered in JSON, as a base64 string. So, we make
// calls to the encoder directly here, to construct a message, and one of
// these calls is ::HandleBinary, to which we pass a "binary" string
// containing "Hello, world.".
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> encoder = NewCBOREncoder(&encoded, &status);
// Emit a key.
std::vector<uint16_t> key = {'f', 'o', 'o'};
// Emit the binary payload, an arbitrary array of bytes that happens to
// be the ascii message "Hello, world.".
'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '.'}));
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIsOk());
// Now drive the json writer via the CBOR decoder.
std::string decoded;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&decoded, &status);
ParseCBOR(SpanFrom(encoded), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIsOk());
// "Hello, world." in base64 is "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkLg==".
EXPECT_EQ("{\"foo\":\"SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkLg==\"}", decoded);
// =============================================================================
// cbor::ParseCBOR - for receiving streaming parser events for CBOR messages
// =============================================================================
TEST(ParseCBORTest, ParseEmptyCBORMessage) {
// An envelope starting with 0xd8, 0x5a, with the byte length
// of 2, containing a map that's empty (0xbf for map
// start, and 0xff for map end).
std::vector<uint8_t> in = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0xbf, 0xff};
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, in.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIsOk());
EXPECT_EQ("{}", out);
TEST(ParseCBORTest, ParseCBORHelloWorld) {
const uint8_t kPayloadLen = 27;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen};
bytes.push_back(0xbf); // start indef length map.
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("msg"), &bytes); // key: msg
// Now write the value, the familiar "Hello, 🌎." where the globe is expressed
// as two utf16 chars.
bytes.push_back(/*major type=*/2 << 5 | /*additional info=*/20);
for (uint8_t ch : std::array<uint8_t, 20>{
{'H', 0, 'e', 0, 'l', 0, 'l', 0, 'o', 0,
',', 0, ' ', 0, 0x3c, 0xd8, 0x0e, 0xdf, '.', 0}})
bytes.push_back(0xff); // stop byte
EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIsOk());
EXPECT_EQ("{\"msg\":\"Hello, \\ud83c\\udf0e.\"}", out);
TEST(ParseCBORTest, UTF8IsSupportedInKeys) {
const uint8_t kPayloadLen = 11;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {cbor::InitialByteForEnvelope(),
// Two UTF16 chars.
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("🌎"), &bytes);
// Can be encoded as a single UTF16 char.
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("☾"), &bytes);
EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIsOk());
EXPECT_EQ("{\"\\ud83c\\udf0e\":\"\\u263e\"}", out);
TEST(ParseCBORTest, NoInputError) {
std::vector<uint8_t> in = {};
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, in.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(Error::CBOR_NO_INPUT, 0u));
EXPECT_EQ("", out);
TEST(ParseCBORTest, UnexpectedEofExpectedValueError) {
constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 5;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope
0xbf}; // map start
// A key; so value would be next.
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes);
EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_EQ("", out);
TEST(ParseCBORTest, UnexpectedEofInArrayError) {
constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 8;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope
0xbf}; // The byte for starting a map.
// A key; so value would be next.
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("array"), &bytes);
bytes.push_back(0x9f); // byte for indefinite length array start.
EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
StatusIs(Error::CBOR_UNEXPECTED_EOF_IN_ARRAY, bytes.size()));
EXPECT_EQ("", out);
TEST(ParseCBORTest, UnexpectedEofInMapError) {
constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 1;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope
0xbf}; // The byte for starting a map.
EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_EQ("", out);
TEST(ParseCBORTest, NoEmptyEnvelopesAllowed) {
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // envelope
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_EQ("", out);
TEST(ParseCBORTest, OnlyMapsAndArraysSupportedInsideEnvelopes) {
// The top level is a map with key "foo", and the value
// is an envelope that contains just a number (1). We don't
// allow numbers to be contained in an envelope though, only
// maps and arrays.
constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 1;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8,
kPayloadLen, // envelope
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("foo"), &bytes);
for (uint8_t byte : {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, /*payload_len*/ 1})
size_t error_pos = bytes.size();
bytes.push_back(1); // Envelope contents / payload = number 1.
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_EQ("", out);
TEST(ParseCBORTest, InvalidMapKeyError) {
constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 2;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0,
0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope
0xbf, // map start
7 << 5 | 22}; // null (not a valid map key)
EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(Error::CBOR_INVALID_MAP_KEY, 7u));
EXPECT_EQ("", out);
std::vector<uint8_t> MakeNestedCBOR(int depth) {
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes;
std::vector<EnvelopeEncoder> envelopes;
for (int ii = 0; ii < depth; ++ii) {
bytes.push_back(0xbf); // indef length map start
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes);
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("innermost_value"), &bytes);
for (int ii = 0; ii < depth; ++ii) {
bytes.push_back(0xff); // stop byte, finishes map.
return bytes;
TEST(ParseCBORTest, StackLimitExceededError) {
{ // Depth 3: no stack limit exceeded error and is easy to inspect.
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = MakeNestedCBOR(3);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIsOk());
EXPECT_EQ("{\"key\":{\"key\":{\"key\":\"innermost_value\"}}}", out);
{ // Depth 300: no stack limit exceeded.
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = MakeNestedCBOR(300);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIsOk());
// We just want to know the length of one opening map so we can compute
// where the error is encountered. So we look at a small example and find
// the second envelope start.
std::vector<uint8_t> small_example = MakeNestedCBOR(3);
size_t opening_segment_size = 1; // Start after the first envelope start.
while (opening_segment_size < small_example.size() &&
small_example[opening_segment_size] != 0xd8)
{ // Depth 301: limit exceeded.
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = MakeNestedCBOR(301);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
opening_segment_size * 301));
{ // Depth 320: still limit exceeded, and at the same pos as for 1001
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = MakeNestedCBOR(320);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
opening_segment_size * 301));
TEST(ParseCBORTest, UnsupportedValueError) {
constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 6;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope
0xbf}; // map start
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes);
size_t error_pos = bytes.size();
bytes.push_back(6 << 5 | 5); // tags aren't supported yet.
EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(Error::CBOR_UNSUPPORTED_VALUE, error_pos));
EXPECT_EQ("", out);
TEST(ParseCBORTest, InvalidString16Error) {
constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 11;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope
0xbf}; // map start
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes);
size_t error_pos = bytes.size();
// a BYTE_STRING of length 5 as value; since we interpret these as string16,
// it's going to be invalid as each character would need two bytes, but
// 5 isn't divisible by 2.
bytes.push_back(2 << 5 | 5);
for (int ii = 0; ii < 5; ++ii)
bytes.push_back(' ');
EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(Error::CBOR_INVALID_STRING16, error_pos));
EXPECT_EQ("", out);
TEST(ParseCBORTest, InvalidString8Error) {
constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 6;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope
0xbf}; // map start
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes);
size_t error_pos = bytes.size();
// a STRING of length 5 as value, but we're at the end of the bytes array
// so it can't be decoded successfully.
bytes.push_back(3 << 5 | 5);
EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(Error::CBOR_INVALID_STRING8, error_pos));
EXPECT_EQ("", out);
TEST(ParseCBORTest, InvalidBinaryError) {
constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 9;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope
0xbf}; // map start
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes);
size_t error_pos = bytes.size();
bytes.push_back(6 << 5 | 22); // base64 hint for JSON; indicates binary
bytes.push_back(2 << 5 | 10); // BYTE_STRING (major type 2) of length 10
// Just two garbage bytes, not enough for the binary.
EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(Error::CBOR_INVALID_BINARY, error_pos));
EXPECT_EQ("", out);
TEST(ParseCBORTest, InvalidDoubleError) {
constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 8;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope
0xbf}; // map start
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes);
size_t error_pos = bytes.size();
bytes.push_back(7 << 5 | 27); // initial byte for double
// Just two garbage bytes, not enough to represent an actual double.
EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(Error::CBOR_INVALID_DOUBLE, error_pos));
EXPECT_EQ("", out);
TEST(ParseCBORTest, InvalidSignedError) {
constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 14;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope
0xbf}; // map start
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes);
size_t error_pos = bytes.size();
// uint64_t max is a perfectly fine value to encode as CBOR unsigned,
// but we don't support this since we only cover the int32_t range.
std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(), &bytes);
EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(Error::CBOR_INVALID_INT32, error_pos));
EXPECT_EQ("", out);
TEST(ParseCBORTest, TrailingJunk) {
constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 12;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope
0xbf}; // map start
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes);
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("value"), &bytes);
bytes.push_back(0xff); // Up to here, it's a perfectly fine msg.
ASSERT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6);
size_t error_pos = bytes.size();
// Now write some trailing junk after the message.
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("trailing junk"), &bytes);
std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(), &bytes);
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(Error::CBOR_TRAILING_JUNK, error_pos));
EXPECT_EQ("", out);
TEST(ParseCBORTest, EnvelopeContentsLengthMismatch) {
constexpr uint8_t kPartialPayloadLen = 5;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0,
0, 0, kPartialPayloadLen, // envelope
0xbf}; // map start
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes);
// kPartialPayloadLen would need to indicate the length of the entire map,
// all the way past the 0xff map stop character. Instead, it only covers
// a portion of the map.
EXPECT_EQ(bytes.size() - 6, kPartialPayloadLen);
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("value"), &bytes);
bytes.push_back(0xff); // map stop
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t>(, bytes.size()), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_EQ("", out);
// =============================================================================
// cbor::AppendString8EntryToMap - for limited in-place editing of messages
// =============================================================================
template <typename T>
class AppendString8EntryToMapTest : public ::testing::Test {};
using ContainerTestTypes = ::testing::Types<std::vector<uint8_t>, std::string>;
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(AppendString8EntryToMapTest, ContainerTestTypes);
TEST(AppendString8EntryToMapTest, AppendsEntrySuccessfully) {
constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 12;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope
0xbf}; // map start
size_t pos_before_payload = bytes.size() - 1;
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes);
EncodeString8(SpanFrom("value"), &bytes);
bytes.push_back(0xff); // A perfectly fine cbor message.
EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - pos_before_payload);
std::vector<uint8_t> msg(bytes.begin(), bytes.end());
Status status =
AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("foo"), SpanFrom("bar"), &msg);
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIsOk());
std::string out;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(SpanFrom(msg), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_EQ("{\"key\":\"value\",\"foo\":\"bar\"}", out);
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIsOk());
TYPED_TEST(AppendString8EntryToMapTest, AppendThreeEntries) {
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded = {
0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 2, EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart(), EncodeStop()};
AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key"), SpanFrom("value"), &encoded),
EXPECT_THAT(AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key1"), SpanFrom("value1"),
EXPECT_THAT(AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key2"), SpanFrom("value2"),
TypeParam msg(encoded.begin(), encoded.end());
std::string out;
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> json_writer =
json::NewJSONEncoder(&out, &status);
ParseCBOR(SpanFrom(msg), json_writer.get());
EXPECT_EQ("{\"key\":\"value\",\"key1\":\"value1\",\"key2\":\"value2\"}", out);
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIsOk());
TEST(AppendString8EntryToMapTest, MapStartExpected_Error) {
std::vector<uint8_t> msg = {
0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 1, EncodeIndefiniteLengthArrayStart()};
Status status =
AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key"), SpanFrom("value"), &msg);
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(Error::CBOR_MAP_START_EXPECTED, 6u));
TEST(AppendString8EntryToMapTest, MapStopExpected_Error) {
std::vector<uint8_t> msg = {
0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 2, EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart(), 42};
Status status =
AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key"), SpanFrom("value"), &msg);
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(Error::CBOR_MAP_STOP_EXPECTED, 7u));
TEST(AppendString8EntryToMapTest, InvalidEnvelope_Error) {
{ // Second byte is wrong.
std::vector<uint8_t> msg = {
0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 2, EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart(), EncodeStop(), 0};
Status status =
AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key"), SpanFrom("value"), &msg);
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(Error::CBOR_INVALID_ENVELOPE, 0u));
{ // Second byte is wrong.
std::vector<uint8_t> msg = {
0xd8, 0x7a, 0, 0, 0, 2, EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart(), EncodeStop()};
Status status =
AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key"), SpanFrom("value"), &msg);
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(Error::CBOR_INVALID_ENVELOPE, 0u));
{ // Invalid envelope size example.
std::vector<uint8_t> msg = {
0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 3, EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart(), EncodeStop(),
Status status =
AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key"), SpanFrom("value"), &msg);
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(Error::CBOR_INVALID_ENVELOPE, 0u));
{ // Invalid envelope size example.
std::vector<uint8_t> msg = {
0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 1, EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart(), EncodeStop(),
Status status =
AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key"), SpanFrom("value"), &msg);
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(Error::CBOR_INVALID_ENVELOPE, 0u));
} // namespace cbor
} // namespace v8_crdtp