blob: b206dfa792f85dbf028b6f767a14555a055e8bff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/v8windbg/src/object-inspection.h"
#include "src/flags/flags.h"
#include "tools/v8windbg/base/utilities.h"
#include "tools/v8windbg/src/v8-debug-helper-interop.h"
#include "tools/v8windbg/src/v8windbg-extension.h"
V8CachedObject::V8CachedObject(Location location,
std::string uncompressed_type_name,
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostContext> context,
bool is_compressed)
: location_(std::move(location)),
is_compressed_(is_compressed) {}
HRESULT V8CachedObject::Create(IModelObject* p_v8_object_instance,
IV8CachedObject** result) {
Location location;
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostContext> context;
// If the object is of type v8::internal::TaggedValue, and this build uses
// compressed pointers, then the value is compressed. Other types such as
// v8::internal::Object represent uncompressed tagged values.
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostType> sp_type;
_bstr_t type_name;
bool is_compressed =
SUCCEEDED(p_v8_object_instance->GetTypeInfo(&sp_type)) &&
SUCCEEDED(sp_type->GetName(type_name.GetAddress())) &&
static_cast<const char*>(type_name) == std::string(kTaggedValue);
const char* uncompressed_type_name =
is_compressed ? kObject : static_cast<const char*>(type_name);
*result = WRL::Make<V8CachedObject>(location, uncompressed_type_name, context,
return S_OK;
V8CachedObject::V8CachedObject(V8HeapObject heap_object)
: heap_object_(std::move(heap_object)), heap_object_initialized_(true) {}
V8CachedObject::~V8CachedObject() = default;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8CachedObject::GetCachedV8HeapObject(
V8HeapObject** pp_heap_object) noexcept {
if (!heap_object_initialized_) {
heap_object_initialized_ = true;
uint64_t tagged_ptr = 0;
uint64_t bytes_read;
HRESULT hr = sp_debug_host_memory->ReadBytes(
context_.Get(), location_, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&tagged_ptr),
is_compressed_ ? i::kTaggedSize : sizeof(void*), &bytes_read);
// S_FALSE can be returned if fewer bytes were read than were requested. We
// need all of the bytes, so check for S_OK.
if (hr != S_OK) {
std::stringstream message;
message << "Unable to read memory";
if (location_.IsVirtualAddress()) {
message << " at 0x" << std::hex << location_.GetOffset();
heap_object_.friendly_name = ConvertToU16String(message.str());
} else {
if (is_compressed_)
tagged_ptr = ExpandCompressedPointer(static_cast<uint32_t>(tagged_ptr));
heap_object_ =
::GetHeapObject(context_, tagged_ptr, location_.GetOffset(),
uncompressed_type_name_.c_str(), is_compressed_);
*pp_heap_object = &this->heap_object_;
return S_OK;
IndexedFieldData::IndexedFieldData(Property property)
: property_(std::move(property)) {}
IndexedFieldData::~IndexedFieldData() = default;
IFACEMETHODIMP IndexedFieldData::GetProperty(Property** property) noexcept {
if (!property) return E_POINTER;
*property = &this->property_;
return S_OK;
WRL::ComPtr<IV8CachedObject>& v8_cached_object)
: sp_v8_cached_object_{v8_cached_object} {}
V8ObjectKeyEnumerator::~V8ObjectKeyEnumerator() = default;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8ObjectKeyEnumerator::Reset() noexcept {
index_ = 0;
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8ObjectKeyEnumerator::GetNext(BSTR* key, IModelObject** value,
IKeyStore** metadata) noexcept {
V8HeapObject* p_v8_heap_object;
if (static_cast<size_t>(index_) >= p_v8_heap_object->properties.size())
return E_BOUNDS;
auto* name_ptr = p_v8_heap_object->properties[index_].name.c_str();
*key = ::SysAllocString(U16ToWChar(name_ptr));
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8LocalDataModel::InitializeObject(
IModelObject* model_object,
IDebugHostTypeSignature* matching_type_signature,
IDebugHostSymbolEnumerator* wildcard_matches) noexcept {
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8LocalDataModel::GetName(BSTR* model_name) noexcept {
return E_NOTIMPL;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8ObjectDataModel::InitializeObject(
IModelObject* model_object,
IDebugHostTypeSignature* matching_type_signature,
IDebugHostSymbolEnumerator* wildcard_matches) noexcept {
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8ObjectDataModel::GetName(BSTR* model_name) noexcept {
return E_NOTIMPL;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8ObjectDataModel::ToDisplayString(
IModelObject* context_object, IKeyStore* metadata,
BSTR* display_string) noexcept {
WRL::ComPtr<IV8CachedObject> sp_v8_cached_object;
RETURN_IF_FAIL(GetCachedObject(context_object, &sp_v8_cached_object));
V8HeapObject* p_v8_heap_object;
*display_string = ::SysAllocString(
reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(p_v8_heap_object->;
return S_OK;
namespace {
// Creates a synthetic object, attaches a parent model, and sets the context
// object for that parent data model. Caller is responsible for ensuring that
// the parent model's Concepts have been initialized correctly and that the
// data model context is of an appropriate type for the parent model.
HRESULT CreateSyntheticObjectWithParentAndDataContext(
IDebugHostContext* ctx, IModelObject* parent_model, IUnknown* data_context,
IModelObject** result) {
WRL::ComPtr<IModelObject> value;
RETURN_IF_FAIL(sp_data_model_manager->CreateSyntheticObject(ctx, &value));
value->AddParentModel(parent_model, nullptr, true /*override*/));
RETURN_IF_FAIL(value->SetContextForDataModel(parent_model, data_context));
*result = value.Detach();
return S_OK;
// Creates an IModelObject for a V8 object whose value is represented by the
// data in cached_object. This is an alternative to CreateTypedObject for
// particularly complex cases (compressed values and those that don't exist
// anywhere in memory).
HRESULT CreateSyntheticObjectForV8Object(IDebugHostContext* ctx,
V8CachedObject* cached_object,
IModelObject** result) {
// Explicitly add the parent model and data context. On a plain typed object,
// the parent model would be attached automatically because we registered for
// a matching type signature, and the data context would be set during
// V8ObjectDataModel::GetCachedObject.
return CreateSyntheticObjectWithParentAndDataContext(
ctx, Extension::Current()->GetObjectDataModel(), cached_object, result);
// Creates an IModelObject to represent a field that is not a struct or array.
HRESULT GetModelForBasicField(const uint64_t address,
const std::u16string& type_name,
const std::string& uncompressed_type_name,
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostContext>& sp_ctx,
IModelObject** result) {
if (type_name == ConvertToU16String(uncompressed_type_name)) {
// For untagged and uncompressed tagged fields, create an IModelObject
// representing a normal native data type.
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostType> type =
Extension::Current()->GetTypeFromV8Module(sp_ctx, type_name.c_str());
if (type == nullptr) return E_FAIL;
return sp_data_model_manager->CreateTypedObject(
sp_ctx.Get(), Location{address}, type.Get(), result);
// For compressed tagged fields, we need to do something a little more
// complicated. We could just use CreateTypedObject with the type
// v8::internal::TaggedValue, but then we'd sacrifice any other data
// that we've learned about the field's specific type. So instead we
// create a synthetic object.
WRL::ComPtr<V8CachedObject> cached_object = WRL::Make<V8CachedObject>(
Location(address), uncompressed_type_name, sp_ctx,
return CreateSyntheticObjectForV8Object(sp_ctx.Get(), cached_object.Get(),
// Creates an IModelObject representing the value of a bitfield.
HRESULT GetModelForBitField(uint64_t address, const uint8_t num_bits,
uint8_t shift_bits, const std::u16string& type_name,
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostContext>& sp_ctx,
IModelObject** result) {
// Look up the type by name.
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostType> type =
Extension::Current()->GetTypeFromV8Module(sp_ctx, type_name.c_str());
if (type == nullptr) return E_FAIL;
// Figure out exactly which bytes contain the bitfield's data. This depends on
// platform byte order (little-endian for Windows).
constexpr int kBitsPerByte = 8;
uint8_t shift_bytes = shift_bits / kBitsPerByte;
address += shift_bytes;
shift_bits -= shift_bytes * kBitsPerByte;
size_t bits_to_read = shift_bits + num_bits;
size_t bytes_to_read = (bits_to_read + kBitsPerByte - 1) / kBitsPerByte;
uintptr_t value = 0;
// V8 guarantees that bitfield structs are no bigger than a single pointer.
if (bytes_to_read > sizeof(value)) {
std::stringstream message;
message << "Fatal v8windbg error: found bitfield struct of "
<< bytes_to_read << "bytes, which exceeds the supported size of "
<< sizeof(value);
return CreateString(ConvertToU16String(message.str()), result);
uint64_t bytes_read;
HRESULT hr = sp_debug_host_memory->ReadBytes(sp_ctx.Get(), address,
bytes_to_read, &bytes_read);
// S_FALSE can be returned if fewer bytes were read than were requested. We
// need all of the bytes, so check for S_OK.
if (hr != S_OK) {
std::stringstream message;
message << "Unable to read memory at 0x" << std::hex << address;
return CreateString(ConvertToU16String(message.str()), result);
// Decode the bitfield.
value = (value >> shift_bits) & ((1 << num_bits) - 1);
return CreateTypedIntrinsic(value, type.Get(), result);
// Creates an IModelObject to represent the packed fields in a Torque struct.
// Note that Torque structs are not C++ structs and do not have any type
// definitions in the V8 symbols.
HRESULT GetModelForStruct(const uint64_t address,
const std::vector<StructField>& fields,
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostContext>& sp_ctx,
IModelObject** result) {
WRL::ComPtr<IModelObject> sp_value;
sp_data_model_manager->CreateSyntheticObject(sp_ctx.Get(), &sp_value));
// There's no need for any fancy Concepts here; just add key-value pairs for
// each field.
for (const StructField& field : fields) {
WRL::ComPtr<IModelObject> field_model;
if (field.num_bits == 0) {
address + field.offset, field.type_name, field.uncompressed_type_name,
sp_ctx, &field_model));
} else {
RETURN_IF_FAIL(GetModelForBitField(address + field.offset, field.num_bits,
field.shift_bits, field.type_name,
sp_ctx, &field_model));
sp_value->SetKey(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(,
field_model.Get(), nullptr));
*result = sp_value.Detach();
return S_OK;
// Creates an IModelObject representing an array of some type that we expect to
// be defined in the V8 symbols.
HRESULT GetModelForNativeArray(const uint64_t address,
const std::u16string& type_name, size_t count,
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostContext>& sp_ctx,
IModelObject** result) {
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostType> type =
Extension::Current()->GetTypeFromV8Module(sp_ctx, type_name.c_str());
if (type == nullptr) return E_FAIL;
ULONG64 object_size{};
ArrayDimension dimensions[] = {
{/*start=*/0, /*length=*/count, /*stride=*/object_size}};
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostType> array_type;
type->CreateArrayOf(/*dimensions=*/1, dimensions, &array_type));
return sp_data_model_manager->CreateTypedObject(
sp_ctx.Get(), Location{address}, array_type.Get(), result);
// Creates an IModelObject that represents an array of structs or compressed
// tagged values.
HRESULT GetModelForCustomArray(const Property& prop,
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostContext>& sp_ctx,
IModelObject** result) {
// Create the context which should be provided to the indexing and iterating
// functionality provided by the parent model. This is instance-specific data,
// whereas the parent model object could be shared among many custom arrays.
WRL::ComPtr<IndexedFieldData> context_data =
return CreateSyntheticObjectWithParentAndDataContext(
sp_ctx.Get(), Extension::Current()->GetIndexedFieldDataModel(),
context_data.Get(), result);
// Creates an IModelObject representing the data in an array at the given index.
// context_object is expected to be an object of the form created by
// GetModelForCustomArray, meaning its context for the IndexedFieldParent data
// model is an IIndexedFieldData containing the description of the array.
HRESULT GetModelForCustomArrayElement(IModelObject* context_object,
size_t index, IModelObject** object) {
// Open a few layers of wrapper objects to get to the Property object that
// describes the array.
WRL::ComPtr<IUnknown> data_model_context;
Extension::Current()->GetIndexedFieldDataModel(), &data_model_context));
WRL::ComPtr<IIndexedFieldData> indexed_field_data;
Property* prop;
if (index >= prop->length) {
return E_BOUNDS;
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostContext> sp_ctx;
ULONG64 address = prop->addr_value + index * prop->item_size;
switch (prop->type) {
case PropertyType::kArray:
return GetModelForBasicField(address, prop->type_name,
prop->uncompressed_type_name, sp_ctx,
case PropertyType::kStructArray:
return GetModelForStruct(address, prop->fields, sp_ctx, object);
return E_FAIL; // Only array properties should be possible here.
} // namespace
IFACEMETHODIMP IndexedFieldParent::InitializeObject(
IModelObject* model_object,
IDebugHostTypeSignature* matching_type_signature,
IDebugHostSymbolEnumerator* wildcard_matches) noexcept {
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP IndexedFieldParent::GetName(BSTR* model_name) noexcept {
return E_NOTIMPL;
IFACEMETHODIMP IndexedFieldParent::GetDimensionality(
IModelObject* context_object, ULONG64* dimensionality) noexcept {
*dimensionality = 1;
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP IndexedFieldParent::GetAt(IModelObject* context_object,
ULONG64 indexer_count,
IModelObject** indexers,
IModelObject** object,
IKeyStore** metadata) noexcept {
if (indexer_count != 1) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (metadata != nullptr) *metadata = nullptr;
ULONG64 index;
RETURN_IF_FAIL(UnboxULong64(indexers[0], &index, /*convert=*/true));
return GetModelForCustomArrayElement(context_object, index, object);
IFACEMETHODIMP IndexedFieldParent::SetAt(IModelObject* context_object,
ULONG64 indexer_count,
IModelObject** indexers,
IModelObject* value) noexcept {
return E_NOTIMPL;
IFACEMETHODIMP IndexedFieldParent::GetDefaultIndexDimensionality(
IModelObject* context_object, ULONG64* dimensionality) noexcept {
*dimensionality = 1;
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP IndexedFieldParent::GetIterator(
IModelObject* context_object, IModelIterator** iterator) noexcept {
auto indexed_field_iterator{WRL::Make<IndexedFieldIterator>(context_object)};
*iterator = indexed_field_iterator.Detach();
return S_OK;
IndexedFieldIterator::IndexedFieldIterator(IModelObject* context_object)
: context_object_(context_object) {}
IndexedFieldIterator::~IndexedFieldIterator() = default;
IFACEMETHODIMP IndexedFieldIterator::Reset() noexcept {
next_ = 0;
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP IndexedFieldIterator::GetNext(IModelObject** object,
ULONG64 dimensions,
IModelObject** indexers,
IKeyStore** metadata) noexcept {
if (dimensions > 1) return E_INVALIDARG;
WRL::ComPtr<IModelObject> sp_index, sp_value;
GetModelForCustomArrayElement(context_object_.Get(), next_, &sp_value));
RETURN_IF_FAIL(CreateULong64(next_, &sp_index));
// Everything that could fail (including the bounds check) has succeeded, so
// increment the index.
// Write results (none of these steps can fail, which is important because we
// transfer ownership of two separate objects).
if (dimensions == 1) {
indexers[0] = sp_index.Detach();
*object = sp_value.Detach();
if (metadata != nullptr) *metadata = nullptr;
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8ObjectDataModel::GetKey(IModelObject* context_object,
PCWSTR key, IModelObject** key_value,
IKeyStore** metadata,
bool* has_key) noexcept {
if (metadata != nullptr) *metadata = nullptr;
WRL::ComPtr<IV8CachedObject> sp_v8_cached_object;
RETURN_IF_FAIL(GetCachedObject(context_object, &sp_v8_cached_object));
V8HeapObject* p_v8_heap_object;
*has_key = false;
for (const auto& prop : p_v8_heap_object->properties) {
const char16_t* p_key = reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(key);
if ( == 0) {
*has_key = true;
if (key_value != nullptr) {
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostContext> sp_ctx;
RETURN_IF_FAIL(GetModelForProperty(prop, sp_ctx, key_value));
return S_OK;
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8ObjectDataModel::SetKey(IModelObject* context_object,
PCWSTR key, IModelObject* key_value,
IKeyStore* metadata) noexcept {
return E_NOTIMPL;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8ObjectDataModel::EnumerateKeys(
IModelObject* context_object, IKeyEnumerator** pp_enumerator) noexcept {
WRL::ComPtr<IV8CachedObject> sp_v8_cached_object;
RETURN_IF_FAIL(GetCachedObject(context_object, &sp_v8_cached_object));
auto enumerator{WRL::Make<V8ObjectKeyEnumerator>(sp_v8_cached_object)};
*pp_enumerator = enumerator.Detach();
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8LocalValueProperty::GetValue(
PCWSTR pwsz_key, IModelObject* p_v8_local_instance,
IModelObject** pp_value) noexcept {
// Get the parametric type within v8::Local<*>
// Set value to a pointer to an instance of this type.
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostType> sp_type;
bool is_generic;
if (!is_generic) return E_FAIL;
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostSymbol> sp_generic_arg;
RETURN_IF_FAIL(sp_type->GetGenericArgumentAt(0, &sp_generic_arg));
_bstr_t generic_name;
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostContext> sp_ctx;
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostType> sp_value_type =
sp_ctx, reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(
static_cast<const wchar_t*>(generic_name)));
if (sp_value_type == nullptr ||
!Extension::Current()->DoesTypeDeriveFromObject(sp_value_type)) {
// The value type doesn't derive from v8::internal::Object (probably a
// public API type), so just use plain v8::internal::Object. We could
// consider mapping some public API types to their corresponding internal
// types here, at the possible cost of increased maintenance.
sp_value_type = Extension::Current()->GetV8ObjectType(sp_ctx);
Location loc;
// Read the pointer at the Object location
ULONG64 obj_address;
sp_debug_host_memory->ReadPointers(sp_ctx.Get(), loc, 1, &obj_address));
// If the val_ is a nullptr, then there is no value in the Local.
if (obj_address == 0) {
RETURN_IF_FAIL(CreateString(std::u16string{u"<empty>"}, pp_value));
} else {
// Should be a v8::internal::Object at the address
sp_ctx.Get(), obj_address, sp_value_type.Get(), pp_value));
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8LocalValueProperty::SetValue(
PCWSTR /*pwsz_key*/, IModelObject* /*p_process_instance*/,
IModelObject* /*p_value*/) noexcept {
return E_NOTIMPL;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8InternalCompilerNodeIdProperty::GetValue(
PCWSTR pwsz_key, IModelObject* p_v8_compiler_node_instance,
IModelObject** pp_value) noexcept {
WRL::ComPtr<IModelObject> sp_bit_field;
SymbolKind::SymbolField, L"bit_field_", RawSearchNone, &sp_bit_field));
uint64_t bit_field_value;
UnboxULong64(sp_bit_field.Get(), &bit_field_value, true /*convert*/));
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostContext> sp_host_context;
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostType> sp_id_field_type;
// Get 2nd template parameter as 24 in class.
// v8::base::BitField<v8::internal::compiler::NodeId, 0, 24>.
bool is_generic;
if (!is_generic) return E_FAIL;
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostSymbol> sp_k_size_arg;
RETURN_IF_FAIL(sp_id_field_type->GetGenericArgumentAt(2, &sp_k_size_arg));
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostConstant> sp_k_size_constant;
int k_size;
RETURN_IF_FAIL(GetInt32(sp_k_size_constant.Get(), &k_size));
// Compute node_id.
uint32_t node_id = bit_field_value & (0xFFFFFFFF >> k_size);
RETURN_IF_FAIL(CreateUInt32(node_id, pp_value));
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8InternalCompilerNodeIdProperty::SetValue(
PCWSTR /*pwsz_key*/, IModelObject* /*p_process_instance*/,
IModelObject* /*p_value*/) noexcept {
return E_NOTIMPL;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8InternalCompilerBitsetNameProperty::GetValue(
PCWSTR pwsz_key, IModelObject* p_v8_compiler_type_instance,
IModelObject** pp_value) noexcept {
WRL::ComPtr<IModelObject> sp_payload;
SymbolKind::SymbolField, L"payload_", RawSearchNone, &sp_payload));
uint64_t payload_value;
UnboxULong64(sp_payload.Get(), &payload_value, true /*convert*/));
const char* bitset_name = ::BitsetName(payload_value);
if (!bitset_name) return E_FAIL;
std::string name(bitset_name);
RETURN_IF_FAIL(CreateString(ConvertToU16String(name), pp_value));
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP V8InternalCompilerBitsetNameProperty::SetValue(
PCWSTR /*pwsz_key*/, IModelObject* /*p_process_instance*/,
IModelObject* /*p_value*/) noexcept {
return E_NOTIMPL;
constexpr wchar_t usage[] =
LR"(Invalid arguments.
First argument should be a uint64 representing the tagged value to investigate.
Second argument is optional, and may be a fully-qualified type name such as
IFACEMETHODIMP InspectV8ObjectMethod::Call(IModelObject* p_context_object,
ULONG64 arg_count,
IModelObject** pp_arguments,
IModelObject** pp_result,
IKeyStore** pp_metadata) noexcept {
// Read the arguments.
ULONG64 tagged_value;
_bstr_t type_name;
if (arg_count < 1 ||
FAILED(UnboxULong64(pp_arguments[0], &tagged_value, /*convert=*/true)) ||
(arg_count >= 2 &&
FAILED(UnboxString(pp_arguments[1], type_name.GetAddress())))) {
sp_data_model_manager->CreateErrorObject(E_INVALIDARG, usage, pp_result);
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostContext> sp_ctx;
// We can't use CreateTypedObject for a value which may not actually reside
// anywhere in memory, so create a synthetic object.
WRL::ComPtr<V8CachedObject> cached_object =
sp_ctx, tagged_value, 0, static_cast<const char*>(type_name),
return CreateSyntheticObjectForV8Object(sp_ctx.Get(), cached_object.Get(),
// Creates an IModelObject representing the data in the given property.
HRESULT GetModelForProperty(const Property& prop,
WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostContext>& sp_ctx,
IModelObject** result) {
switch (prop.type) {
case PropertyType::kPointer:
return GetModelForBasicField(prop.addr_value, prop.type_name,
prop.uncompressed_type_name, sp_ctx, result);
case PropertyType::kStruct:
return GetModelForStruct(prop.addr_value, prop.fields, sp_ctx, result);
case PropertyType::kArray:
case PropertyType::kStructArray:
if (prop.type == PropertyType::kArray &&
prop.type_name == ConvertToU16String(prop.uncompressed_type_name)) {
// An array of things that are not structs or compressed tagged values
// is most cleanly represented by a native array.
return GetModelForNativeArray(prop.addr_value, prop.type_name,
prop.length, sp_ctx, result);
// Otherwise, we must construct a custom iterable object.
return GetModelForCustomArray(prop, sp_ctx, result);
return E_FAIL;